Friday, December 28, 2007

Gag Orders to Protect Fellow Judges Not Allowed (at least when you do it sua sponte)

Apparently the Nevada Supreme Court put the legal smackdown on one of its own Justices yesterday. The Court held that Justice Nancy Saitta abused her authority when, as a District Court Judge, she sealed child support proceedings of a judicial colleague running for office.

In 2006, Justice Siatta stated she was sealing the records of the proceedings involving former Family Court Judge Robert Lueck who was running for judicial office because the record might be used for negative campaigning.

The Supreme Court's decision states that Justice Saitta's sua sponte decision was a "manifest abuse of discretion," given that Nevada law requires divorce proceedings remain public. However, the court did not delve into any potential motivations the then Judge had in sealing the records of the proceedings.

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