Monday, December 6, 2010

The State of the Blog: Elle's View

I realize that Joe handles the bulk of the posting and I just jump in now and then. Although, what you don't realize is that I am typically adding content to the comments anonymously. Real content. I'm not adding "first." I'm not speculating on the plastic surgeries of any judges. I'm not rehashing the same gossip that went on a year ago.

A lot of people are bitching that the site has lost its edge. But, here's what you need to remember - you have attorneys who are writing the content. As our workloads ebb and flow, so will our ability to post. You may notice that there aren't ads on the site. This is an unpaid position. I'm not here all of the time because I can't be. I have clients, just like you have clients. (Except the law students who read the blog.)

In recent months, readers have stated that the blog has jumped the shark, but I want to make a note about the comments. What in the hell is happening in the comments? (Anonymous said? Come on, now.)

This used to be a site where people could discuss legal gossip and the legal community. We discussed jobs, salaries, billing requirements, judges, etc. For a taste of the current comments, scroll through the Thanksgiving Open Thread. It isn't as simple as the post content changing. The readers and comments are also changing the dynamic.

Here you go. Here's your forum. Here's your open thread to discuss the state of the blog.

As always, you can email actual tips to


  1. I agree with 11:06 p.m.

  2. Thank you so much! I agree. Word Verification: herwar. Serious. Let's get back to the good stuff!

  3. Pow! Thats right! Elle Woods throwing up double kickstands in your face!

  4. Sorry, just had to say it one last time. I'm done. Enjoy your blog.

  5. Thanks Elle. Well said. Let's hope we can keep it real (at least for a while).

  6. I agree with 12:37 AM but not 11:06 PM

    Don't feed the trolls and they'll starve to death.

  7. A buddy of mine just got hired at a large local firm for 90k but with a good bonus structure

  8. Unmoderated comment sections typically degenerate to the point where it kills a blog. I'm not advocating censorship, but it would be nice if a couple of people could be persuaded to moderate the comments. It would be quite helpful to have someone remove the "first bitches" and other nonsense.

    I was the poster who asked for help chosing judges when the elections were being held. Some people were very helpful, but I felt that the trolls really ruined that thread.

    Although I am not a lawyer, I like this blog, especially when the comments are intelligent. It's hard to find a spot where presumably smart, educated, people can gather for conversation and gossip about their field. I wish my field (medicine) had a blog like this.

  9. My two cents: What's wrong with a little comment moderation? Why would it be so inappropriate to delete the people posting "filler" like the "anon says 100x" and people posting things about Twilight, which were obviously posted just to fill up space and get people to look elsewhere. Also, what about people who don't get that they have to click once and double or triple post the same comment. I am saying clean up a bit, not censorship, that's all. I know some may say that's a slippery slope or whatever, but really? Any forum requires someone to maintain some structure and decorum.

  10. You don't have to post groundbreaking commentary every day. The days you don't have anything prepared, just post an open thread.

  11. I join in praise of Elle's request for a return to sanity.

    One thought I had --

    It seems to me that all comments are added to the blog in chronological fashion, so, regardless of the topic, people add comments to whichever thread is most recent.

    Perhaps a way to fix this is to have a couple of open threads that people continually post to, when commenting on certain topics. For example, there could be a "Salary and Bonus" sub-blog, a "Plastic Surgery" sub-blog, and then others which are created when topics arise (i.e., Amber Candelaria getting appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court *heh*).

    I guess it would then fall to the moderators to simply delete comments that don't apply to the topic they've been posted under.

    With this system, everyone gets to blog as high-brow or low-brow as they choose, while not crossing paths with those who feel otherwise.

    Just my opinion.

  12. Patting ourselves on the baqck and complaining about others is just fine Now et's get back to the business of the blog. So what about Brent Bryson?

  13. Nevada Legal News posted story on Atty. Doug Crawford being charged by DA's for theft from clients. Speaking of problem attorneys, what is the current status for Phil Singer, Ken Long, Larry Davidson.

  14. Amen...Now in the spirit of returning to more sane posts: Question for 7:56 AM...What is the bonus structure based on? Details?

  15. On possibility is moderating and deleting comments which are not related to the subject at hand. I don't think this falls into the category of censorhip. Then, you can create a section of the blog for nothing but trash talk. This is what most sports related discussion sites do.

  16. As a publisher of almost 20 (mostly legal) blogs, let me just say that moderating a blog is one of those things that sounds much more simple than it is. Moderating any blog requires a time and effort commitment that far exceeds any expectation of "doing it for free"!

  17. Sports Ilustrated writer Joe Posnanski has a rather prolific blog that attracts scores of comments.
    The tone is civil for the most part, rare for any blog these days, intelligent and reasoned.
    When someone does get out of line through ad hominen attacks, crude language or just general trolling, they are generally ignored until they go away.
    This is the exception as most of you know.
    Comments on Above the Law, the ABA Journal and other blawgs are also lowbrow at best and shockingly profane at worst.
    Seems to be the nature of the beast.
    Some newspapers have begun to remove the comment capability from stories on their websites due to the content generated.
    I find it particularly disturbing how the anonymity allows some of us to be racist, homophobic, women-hating, foul-mouthed malignant narcissists with neither moral courage nor moral compass.
    Attorneys and others who work in the legal field should be able to agree to disagree better than anyone else.

  18. Free blog - expect to receive that for which you are paying.

    Putting this blog out of its misery would likely result in a marginal overall increase in the productivity of attorneys in Las Vegas and potentially Nevada as a whole. With the marginal increase in attorney productivity would come commensurate increases in the viability of the law firms for which those attorneys work, the take-home pay of those attorneys, the vitality of the legal job market, the satisfaction of clients, and the overall Nevada economy.

    Euthanize this blog and the world will become a better place.

  19. 10:31 AM - Doctors of Jurisprudence do not live by bread alone - they need the occasional bottle of amusing boutique wine. While I applaud your work ethic, I think that the overall contribution of WWL has been very positive. Above all, it serves to promote a stronger sense of identity with the legal community at large and give it's disparate parts a glimpse into the corners that others inhabit.

    Wild Wild Law - Excelsior.

  20. Sorry Shark Pimp:

    Wild Wild Law - Adios!


    Nancy Quon

  22. Anyone know anything about Kring and Chung? My friend interviews there today.

  23. on the censorship topic, can't someone set up a system similar to craigslist where if a posting receives enough flags, it is automatically taken down? I suppose this requires a hint of trust that those "flagging" are doing it for sensible reasons. just my two cents

  24. elle - you are the shiznit.

  25. Kring and Chung - Typical construction defect firm - usual hours (around 1800), usual bonus structure, usual pay (starts high $50's, low $60's). Nothing special. If you have the ability to push paper without shooting yourself in the head, then it's the perfect job.

  26. Let me add another voice for comment moderation. This is easily accomplished if you have a simple criteria for the kinds of comments that will get zapped. This is a private forum and there is no (or should not be) an expectation that anyone can post any nonsense at any time for any reason.

    Moderation protects the integrity of the forum and the discussions and encourages other intelligent comments.

    Oh, and for the love of God, it's time to retire double kickstands! Talk about jumping the shark!

  27. Lee,

    Moderation takes time. Who is going to donate their time to moderate the forum?

  28. This blog does not need moderators. It needs more tolerance. If a post annoys you or ruffles your feathers, scroll down and move on.

    To put it another way, it is a serious human weakness, or "sin" if you swing that way, to desire others conform to your tastes and preferences, and to condemn them for failing to do so.

    Sure, I really don't like reading a lot of the tripe that's posted here; but to bear these posts and just scroll down is the price of an open forum that will utlimately lead to the broadest and best exchange of ideas and facts.

    To sterilize this forum with moderators will kill the joy of this blog as fast as it did to Volokh Conspiracy. (that fascist fag Carpenter and hyper-semite Bernstein finally ended my interest in that blog)

  29. "I'm not speculating on the plastic surgeries of any judges."

    So some judges in addition to Miley have had their hooters fixed?

    This is great!

    Which ones?

    F*ck all you prudes who want smarter/more-ethical/more-experienced judges in Clark County. What we really need are more dumb judges with bodacious ta-tas.

    Stefany honey, leave that dog-torturing S.O.B. I'll motorboat you any time, baby!

  30. I concur, please provide an update about the allegations against Brent Bryson. Please share unflattering stories.

  31. Seems as though the primary blog contributors (JWL and Elle) have lost interest. The Friday "open" thread was the beginning of the end. That essentially invited the juveniles to commandeer the blog.

    Occasionally the comments are clever; but usually they're just dumb and very unfunny. "oooh, Miley has big fake boobs", "Amber Candelaria is hot, but she's a Bimbo", "double kickstands", "anonymous said", "BK hottie is hot", "who's the biggest douchebag?", "Alverson sucks", "Hutchison Steffan sucks", etc. That stuff is rarely, if ever, funny or interesting (okay, as a guy I'll admit that poking fun at dumb but attractive female lawyers can be funny, but come on, at least make it clever).

    If this blog is to be kickstarted, it will need more and better contributions. That would take time and effort and it appears that JWL and Elle are unwilling to provide either.

    By the way, months ago Eglet's half-billion dollar verdict was big news. Does anyone know whether the pharmaceutical company paid it? Did Eglet's client settle for a lesser amount to avoid an appeal? Is the case on appeal? That is the kind of subject this blog used to thrive on and now all we get are links to crappy articles in the Review Journal and even crappier open threads.

  32. Worthless blog. So long.

  33. Can someone start a REAL Blog?

  34. No blogging for you. Come back. One year.

  35. State Bar of Nevada WatchdogDecember 7, 2010 at 5:35 PM

    Is Phil Singer going to be charged for stealing his clients' money.

    I heard Phil Singer is working out at the law offices of Dan Winder, the formerly suspended and currently under investigation by the State Bar of Nevada Winder.

    Yeah, that one.

  36. Why is everybody such a fucking hater? This blog is entertaining and topical, just cause you douches are too cool doesn't mean the blog isn't. Thanks Elle and Joe for providing us with something all lawyer "cliques" in Vegas can connect to.

  37. Bad Judgment WhippleDecember 7, 2010 at 5:38 PM

    And thief scum Jeannie Winkler is working for Brett Whipple.

    Brett Whipple, please don't squeeze the Winkler. She is truly hideous, inside and out.

  38. Joe and Elle can go screw themselves.

  39. Get a life Joe and Elle. Leave.

  40. Truly this was a horrible worthless blog, set up and run by two nimrods with no life, no business, no nothing.

  41. Its pearl harbor day for this sitting duck empty of meaning blog.

  42. ME got the appeals consolidated. Going to the state supreme court very very soon if not already. That case is surprisingly contingent on the sex lives of the aggrieved parties.

  43. Whipple is such a lazy piece of shit

  44. it's ur blog. do whatever the fuck you want! any1 don't like it can suk winklers dick

  45. So have we reached the end for Troy whocares and BK wears a skirt and judgewithnockers? Pleeeeeease.

    I love the gossip, just not the repetitive nature of the Troywhocaresbkwearsaskirtandjudgewithnockers.

    Lets find something new.

  46. WWL is fine by me. Its run by unpaid bloggers and I don't expect them to spend hours per day moderating.

    On the other hand, it would be nice to find a way to stop the obvious trollers like the "anonymous said . . . (x700)" from running rampant.


    Can't stand the bluetooths.

  48. @1:27,

    You have a valid point. I do not propose rigorous moderation. But I think it would be ok to delete things like the "anonymous said" posts as well as some of the posts about people shatting themselves. Hell, I would favor banning those IP's.

    I don't think this would take much time. The mods would just delete them when they see them.

    As far as the other juvenile stuff goes, I agree that it's probably best to just ignore it.

    I am an out of state 3L, looking to land a job in Vegas. I have found this blog and the comments to be extremely helpful in learning the lay of the land in my job hunt. I have acquired substantive information from this blog that has helped in my search. So I believe this blog has real value.

    Anyway, just my thoughts. I have to get back to studying for my Indian Gaming Law final so that when I graduate I can help Mr. Henrickson with his business interests.

  49. Did anyone really think this was suppose be a high-brow blog? I thought the blog was for fun---I read it when I have some down time and need to get a laugh or two---really---what kind of topics should we discuss? There is nothing more pompous then attorneys who have to discuss with others their salaries, their cases or some brilliant argument they made before the judge---Really---this job can be boring so let some of us have our five minutes of schadenfreude---it does so make me feel wonderful to read something horrible about people I don't like.

  50. Lee - take that Esq. off your name immediately! Some of us studied for up to two months for a useless test so we could put those letters after our names - and you just throw them back there! Outrageous.

  51. Brett Whipple must have no judgment if he hired that fucking thieving lawyer Jeannie Winkler.

    Jeannie Winkler stole the personal injury settlement money from the wife and two children of a client in a wrongful death case.

    Fuck You Brett Whipple, you thief-hiring rat.

  52. Brett Whipple is a loser. He got his ass kicked out of his University Regent slot by a total unknown political neophyte.

  53. Seriously, it makes you wonder why Brett Whipple really hired Jeannie Winkler?

    For her legal acumen? Please.

    What could it be?

  54. Why does Drew Christensen keep appointing loser fucking lawyers like Dan Winder to cases.

  55. I was told that the Mainor Eglet Christmas party was "Twilight" themed. All the partners were dressed in vampire costumes and there was a mashed potato bar where all the potatoes had been dyed red.

    Tracy Eglet dressed up as a whore who had been bitten by Vampires. The party was at the Artisan where it is wall to wall odd pictures of nude women.

    Nothing says Christmas like vampires and nudity.

  56. Does anyone know of any criminal defense firms hiring? I just graduated (taking the bar in february) and it seems like only insurance defense is hiring

  57. Maybe the bloggers could just block the IP address of 5:29/5:31/5:32/5:33/5:38/5:39/5:40/5:41. He's probably double kickstands/anonymous said-guy as well. The blog doesn't have to be "highbrow" in order not to have the useless, trolling, completely devoid of any wit, cleverness or entertainment value content from that 1L who seems to be doing his posting while surfing the net during Torts I. I hate to see the blog die. Thank you Elle & Joe for your unpaid, thankless toil.

  58. I think Tracy Eglet is hot (in a somewhat strange way). Tracy dressed up "as a whore who ha[s] been bitten by Vampires" is even hotter (I know, I need therapy). All I have to say is: "Well played Bob . . . well played."

  59. Do Not Feed Troll.

    By stating the obvious all morning, patrons have publicly declared to the trolls that they were deeply affected by the recent onslaught of Troll Aesthetics, and furthermore that the actions have shaken their faith in WWL. Victrollry.

    5 twelve year-old kids are probably at home laughing their asses off right about now.

  60. Yea, and H&S sucks.

  61. Troy Fox
    Miley's Boobs
    Double kickstands in your face
    Amber Candelaria
    Noel Gage
    Douchebag with the Bluetooth
    Hutchison Steffan
    Bob Vannah
    Bob Eglet
    Dr. Kabins
    Alverson Taylor
    Blowjobs from the PD's office

    Merry Vegas Christmas

  62. The twelve lulz of Christmas.

  63. What's wrong w/ Hutchison & Steffen?

  64. Lol, oh, I how I love WWL!

  65. Does Vannah and Vannah still party with ME at Christmas? Hmm...heard "Little Mainor" was quietly being pushed out as his name does not appear with those who purchased the new building.

  66. Elle, it seems to me that if you actually attempted to make money off the blog, it would be worth it for you to moderate it. Throw up Google AdSense and some banner ads. Think about how many of these sucky law firms would advertise with you. Then you could afford to spend some time acquiring content and editing the tools who inevitably show up here.

  67. Elle,

    Do you guys need some additional team members to put up daily posts? I don't know about double kickstands guy, but I'm available...

    Word verification: pingedec


    Stacy Roundtree

  69. So what is the dirt on "tough guy in your face I'm a jerk" Bryson? Can anyone confirm the rumors regarding him and his daughter?

  70. From the Stacy Roundtree story posted above: "on Tuesday, the California Supreme Court disbarred an attorney who in 2004 was charged with engaging in sexual misconduct with two incarcerated female clients."

    What guy hasn't fantasized about banging two female inmates? I hope it was at the same time...

  71. The Nevada AG's office is interviewing next week for a temporary DAG position re: consumer affairs. Any helpful hints/tips from any of you tipsters re: the interview?

  72. @9:45 AM

    If you're in Las Vegas, be prepared for a video interview with somebody up in the main office. There will probably be some other Las Vegas DAGs in the interview too. My buddy interviewed there a while back and he said the interview was very awkward because of the dynamic of having the main interviewer conducting it by video, but also having the two other attorneys in the room. Other than that, I have not tips.

  73. This site needs a better graphic theme, something more like Gawker, ATL or really any of the nice WordPress based templates.

  74. A good friend of mine works at the AG's Office here in Las Vegas and said several attorneys were fired at the first of this week. Incudling Bucky's widow.

    He said it was like the Night of the Long Knives and the fired attorneys were frog marched out of the building.

  75. I feel badly that Stacy Roundtree ruined her career as I have always found her to be very nice. I wonder why a certain DA---RD is allowed to stay in the DA's office with all the affairs he has had with colleagues ---which is amazing as I think he is maybe is 5 feet tall at the most--I am sure he has broken some type of morality clause--oh and let's not forget about RN having his affair with a certain PD---Any DA out there want to answer me?

  76. 11:19-

    Bucky's widow, eh? I guess they got wise to the fact that she works about 25 minutes a day and is snarky with everyone, at that.

    I'm going to enjoy a little schadenfreude over that one...

  77. @12:01

    Several of his colleaques "the DA's office with all the affairs he has had with colleagues" are now divorced behind that activity.

    Also, ever wonder why he dropped out of his congressional race so fast? Held a fund rasier one night and dropped out of the race the next morning? Cameras are amazing little things.

  78. What time do you generally get to work and what time do you generally leave?

  79. 9:10 to 5:10 or so

  80. 8:30 to 6:00 or so...

  81. Kristina Wildeveld is looking for an associate-- all criminal

  82. The douche at Righthaven is taking on the Drudge Report:

    This should get interesting.

  83. I am so ready for it to be Friday afternoon already-----this has been a long week---none of my client's have been paying me-----this is when I wish I worked for the county.

  84. Working for Kristina Wildeveld is worse than being one of her clients. I'd rather be represented by Phil Singer than work for her evil ass.

  85. In Nevada, it is illegal for inmates to engage in any sexual behavior.

    Now that's cruel and unusual punishment. I read today that poor Snipes is going to be denied sex for almost three years! History will not judge us kindly.

  86. I think this blog should run a story about how Boyd is continuing to bleed good faculty. Tax expert Steve Johnson has now announced he's leaving, they've lost so many good people over the last few years.

  87. Heard Steve is headed to Florida State.

    Word Verification: Great guy leaving town.

  88. I heard Steve Johnson was hired by Mainor Eglet

  89. Who gets to Nancy first? The G-Men or the Goon Squad?

  90. Wow...there are a variety of topics in the RJ today which merit discussion:

    1. The finalists for Dept. 20
    2. The "Elite" US Attorney team which is pursuing the HOA Fraud claims
    3. The large number of probable disqualifications in the newest murder case due to the involvement of Franny Forsman
    4. LVLegalNews's decision to open a "Friday Open Thread" (sound familiar?)

  91. Who are the finalists for Department 20? I couldn't find it on the RJ site, and I don't dare ask you to link to the story, because I'd hate for you to find a Christmas lawsuit by Righthaven in your stocking.

  92. I found it on the Sun's website. Do a search for David Wall.

  93. The finalists:

  94. @ 11:04 - Franny is truly the ideal criminal defense lawyer. She is talented, but more importantly, she is passionate. Her convictions against the death penalty are so strong, that she is unwilling to help put a man to death who killed a 15yr old child that she knew.

    For those of us in criminal defense that commonly hear "well what if it was your friend or family member that this crime happened to?" can now at least have an example of a criminal defense lawyer who has had this happen to them, and still stood by their personal convictions against the death penalty

  95. we should give a shout out to the LACSN awardees!! CLAP CLAP Ca-lap

  96. @ 11:04 - Franny is truly the ideal sociopath. She is ass-bugged, but more importantly, she is bat-shit crazy. Her convictions against reality are so strong, that she is unwilling to help convict a child killer.

    For those of us in criminal promotion that commonly hear "well what if it was your friend or family member that this crime happened to?" can now at least have an example of the hypocrisy we all suppress every day.

  97. @4:12 Here are the LACSN winners:

  98. Would not be surprised at all to hear Franny not only does not want that guy put to death, but probably thinks he should get something less than life in prison. I for one am glad she isn't the one actually making those kinds of decisions.

    I am very sorry for her loss but once in a while, when someone really is guilty, it's OK that the person be punished. Really!

  99. @4:15 You either have horrible reading aptitude or are a total hater. Franny is not unwilling to help convict the killer. She is unwilling to assist in giving him the death penalty. Try harder next time. Thanks for playing.

  100. @4:24 Thanks for posting the LACSN award recipients. It really is a good cause every year.

  101. @ 12:01 on December 9:

    Extra marital affairs amongst attorneys is no where near comparable to what Stacey Roundtree allegedly did, which was have sex with her client in CCDC. The former is morally wrong but is a personal matter. The latter is a crime and is also a violation of the professional rules of conduct. There's no need for their to be a moral police in place either at the PDs or the DAs office. We are all adults and as long as two people are consenting and there is no crime being committed or any professional ethical rules being broken, people can do what they want--it's their business. However, when laws are broken and lawyers behave unethically, there needs to be some consequences. Also, Stacey Roundtree RESIGNED. Phil Kohn did not fire her nor did he ask her to leave, just like he didn't ask GG, CL or the chick who got a DUI leave after their brushes with the law. The only reason Roundtree resigned was because she is no longer allowed in CCDC and in order for her to do her job as a PD, she has to be able to visit her clients in jail.

    So as far as you comment about why RN and RD are allowed to stay t the DAs office, it's pretty simple: they didn't break the law and they didn't violate the rules of professional conduct. As far as why Stacey is no longer with the PDs, she resigned because she was no longer able to do her job.

    I'm not really sure why the DAs keep getting brought into this discussion. DAs are not perfect but this Roundtree issue has nothing to do with the DAs and I wish people would stop trying to compare her actions with the actions of certain DAs--not even close!!! She hasn't even been charged with anything! Maybe instead of blasting the DAs you should be grateful that the DAs office hasn't charged her!!

  102. @1:24

    Metro is pushing to have Stacy charged and the DA is still considering it.

    Also, Stacy is not the first female PD to have been caught doing that same conduct which is why Metro is pushing it.

    In the last year or so five PDs have been arrested for various misto's and felonies.

    But your thoughts are right on target.

  103. Go check your RJ archives and you will see that a female deputy Public Defender had an article written about her in which a Correction officer, and Dixie, who worked there, said she came out of a contact visit with one of her clients at CCDC looking all disheveled.

    You get what the implication as to her alleged but not proven conduct was, right?


  104. Brian Bloomfield has still not been charged even though his drugs were in plain view.

    If here were a minority, and not a zoot suit wearing criminal defense, is there any doubt he would be charged.

    David Roger is the best friend law breaking criminals ever had.

  105. Speaking of sex with a client:

    Attorney Kenneth Hall was convicted of a Gross Misdemeanor, (child neglect I believe) by William Kephardt, soon to be JP, for having sex with his client, in front of her young daughter.

    Ken Hall videotaped the sexual encounter without his client's consent.

    Of course, he is still practising law in Nevada.

  106. Brian Bloomfield was on Susan Pate's facebook, so, unlike a minority who had drugs in his crib, Bloomfield will get a pass.

    For those who do not know it, Susan Pate is a Chief Deputy DA married to DA David Roger.

    White man's justice. See what they do to Jonathan MacArthur, on the other hand?

    If Jonathan MacArthur had the drugs Bloomfield had in his house, he would have been overcharged with large trafficking in my opinion.

    Bloomy and Susan are too friendly for equal justice to have a chance.

    Just my opinion.

  107. Midnight or so Sunday Night. Sooooo.....

    .... I look at this thread and see some of the best debate and discussion in some time. Regardless of your positions pro or con on the various topics, this is an example of how good this blog can be.

    Everyone give themselves an attaboy.

  108. The Supreme Court is hearing argument tomorrow 12/14 at 9:30 at Pahrump High School. I think it's the case where the guy got 10-25 years for spitting. If you're in Pahrump (hey, it could happen), check it out and report back (I can't be there).

    Agree w J. Ross, some good discussion in here.

    Sadly, who does the defendant know seems to be just as important as what did the defendant allegedly do. Sex in the CCDC, if it happened, sounds about as appealing as sex in the bathroom of the old Sacramento bus depot.

  109. This blog should be like except just with lawyers. I say expose this crooked community photos and all.

  110. In response to Jonathan MacArthur getting overcharged for possible drugs--my response is that Jonathan should be charged with a felony for--BAD breath----Good God--somebody buy the man a toothbrush-

    By the way was Jonathan found with drugs or is he just giving an example?

    I assume the tidbit about Brian Bloomfied getting preferential treatment was written by Jonathan as only he would be so stupid to put his name on this e-mail---

    Jonathan I don't like you because you are arrogant and you play the race card---oh yeah--you are also obnoxious and not a very good attorney as I have been forced to sit in court--while waiting for my case to be called up--and have had to listen to your stupid arguments--the worst part is that not only are your arguments stupid but for some reason you like to repeat the same argument over and over----Just remember the phrase "short and sweet." I know why you got into law school---let's not pretend December 13, 2010 1:15 PM

  111. Bloomfield had less than an ounce of marijuana in his house which is a MISDEMEANOR. Who really cares if he gets charged. If that's the most they could get on him after all of the "investigation", he must be living pretty damn clean. I won't even justify the so called racial bias nonsense with a response.

  112. Then charge Bloomfield with a Misdemeanor, since you agree it was "only" a misdemeanor. He can get drug counseling (with a real certificate of completion of course) and do some community service.

    And, do not even try to compare Jonathan MacArthur to Mr. Mutton Chops Bloomfield. How many trials has Bloomfield won again?

    Brian Bloomfield is getting a pass on a clear violation of a crime that a minority would never get away with you idiot.

    And, speaking of foul smelling, Bloomfield's perfumed corpse could knock a buzzard off a dung heap.

    Face it, David Roger will be forced to charge Bloomfield. If he does not, he will be seen for the hypocrite he actually is...and one will always wonder if Brian Bloomfield's friendship with Susan Pate was the reason he was not charged. David will not take that chance, especially with Susan running for Muni court judge.

    I wonder how much money Bloomfield will give Susan when she runs for Municipal Court?

    Don't forget to bet back to me on whether that worthless zoot suit wearing pothead Brian Bloomfield has won as many trials as Jonathan MacArthur.

  113. First of all, I didn't say "just a misdemeanor", but pointed out that it was a misdemeanor and no matter how anybody could try, they couldn't figure out a way to charge anybody, including Johnathon MacArthur with trafficking for less than an ounce of marijuana.

    Actually, I like both of these people and think that you would be much more persuasive if you just stuck to your arguments rather than resorting to juvenile and defensive name calling.

  114. How can Drew Christensen keep Brian Bloomfield on the contract when his clients can claim Bloomfield was high as a kite when he advised them to take a deal?

    True or not, that is what some defendants are likely to claim, and Bloomin' idiot Bloomfield has given them the proverbial ammunition on a silver platter.

    It WILL be an issue on appeal.

  115. You started it with saying MacArthur had bad breath. Bewilderingly irrelevant to pothead Bloomfield's possession of a drug not to be introduced in interstate commerce.

    There is NO doubt among any sentient being that IF (this is a hypothetical) Jonathan MacArthur had the same amount of drugs that the "poppies are Bloomin'" Bloomfield had in his House of Mary Jane, MacArthur would be charged.

    Besides, my sources told me Brian Bloomfield is going to be criminally charged. It may be a while. Just ask Doug Crawford. But be patient. It will happen.

  116. I gotta agree. Lawyers do seem to get a pass for crimes. And their fellow lawyers defend it on the grounds that it's only a small crime.

    Tell it to all the indigents in drug court. There we have it. Send Bloomfield to Drug Court.

    Fair is fair.

  117. When did Brian Bloomfield become partners with Dean Kajiocka?

    Dean Kajiocka and Robert Draskovich were slammed in a published Fifth Circuit Opinion for keeping money that they should have known was from a crime I believe. Though, that is how many criminal defense attorneys are paid, right?

    Bloomfield does come across as real sleazy and oily, though in my opinion.

  118. Jonathan had the temerity to run against Chris Lee, another best buddy of Susan Pate. That is what started his problem with David Roger in my estimation.

    I swear I hope Susan Pate wins the judicial election so she won't be able to harangue people to donate to Chris Lee's campaign any more.

    I think it was inappropriate for her to bother criminal defense attorneys, who have to deal with her husband's deputies, to donate to her friend Chris Lee's campaign.

    I can see why she is friends with Brian Bloomfield. Something not kosher about the lot of em.

  119. Jesus, a lot DAs and defense attorneys are friends with each other and/or facebook "friends". We deal with each other all the time in and out of court...

    What's your deal with Bloomfield...its starting to get disturbing.

  120. I like Franny, Susan, Chris, Brian and Jonathan----I do not know why so many people have to say such negative things about each other.

    I only hope this blog can become higher brow and can instead focus on the real issues in the legal community.

    I think people who spend their time writing negative things about others most likely are not very busy or successful attorneys.
    December 14, 2010 9:01 AM

  121. The last post was almost two weeks ago. I don't think this blog is going to become high brow or anything else. I think the folks that run this thing are done.

  122. Will the last person out of this blog please turn out the lights?

  123. I love it when people who don't run a blog take it upon themselves to declare it dead.

  124. C'mon, it’s been almost TWO WEEKS since the last legitimate thread post (and I use the term "legitimate" loosely). Are you telling me that the posters can't find 5 minutes to post a new thread every now and then?

    I give it another two weeks or so until they quit paying the hosting fees and this web site goes dark.

  125. My guess is Joseph Law's real life boss found out s/he was running the blog and was none too happy about it. You're grounded Joseph!

    Any other theories?

  126. I think bloggers who pour blood into their work become shocked, then angry, then numb from reading all the negative, ugly, mean, profane comments from Trollville.
    I think bloggers eventually come to the conclusion they have cast pearls before swine, and it becomes a grind.
    But mostly, I think bloggers surrender to the trolls, who will ruin the Internet for lack of babysitters.

  127. Joseph became a judge and Elle is the new JEA.

  128. I think Elle became the Judge and Joseph is her JEA.

  129. I love this blog. At times, I feel that it's gotten out of hand (unnecessarily crude, racist, demeaning), but overall very entertaining. I admit, I can't help but laugh when I see Double Kickstands Guy pop up, no matter how inappropriate he may be at times. I'm not an attorney. I'm just somebody in the RJC.
    I truthfully hope that this blog doesn't disappear. Despite the discourse in some threads, it serves a valuable purpose.

  130. @9:23

    I am not either an attorney and I also work at the RJC. Your comments were spot on.

    I think you may be speaking for many on WWL.

    I truly hope that WWL does not go away.

  131. Karma can be a bitch: Yesterday Paul Wommer was indicted in federal court on structuring charges. I hope his counsel treats him with the same contempt and lack of respect that he has shown to his clients over the last two decades. I also hope his counsel over-charges in the same way Paul ran up his court appointed fees.

  132. Take it easy on Nevada bar #000015. It's hard looking like the JG Wentworth guy!

  133. oh snap..

    "The Securities and Exchange Commission sued four Henderson residents Tuesday, claiming they defrauded investors of $6.88 million by manipulating the stock of a company.

    The federal agency filed suit in U.S. District Court for Nevada against Marcus Luna, described as leader of the alleged scheme. The SEC said he is an attorney, manager of St. Paul Venture Fund LLC and Taurus Capital Corp. and owner of the law firm Luna & Vining APC . . . ."

    Courtesy of

  134. Righthaven considering possible suit against WWL for posting by 11:49 AM

  135. OK - by not allowing new posts - us readers are to learn the (nondenominational) spirit of christmas and realize the benefits of WWL and the futility of whining about whether WWL meets your standards. We should expect new posts on xmas eve following this short repast.

  136. I doubt it. I really think the blog is dead.

  137. Even if JWL and EW are done blogging, they should just past the torch, the way Legal Eagle did. I'm sure someone else will take the reigns for a year.

  138. I hear the sounds of hard shoes running to file form 8300.
    Wow wonder if Bar # 15 was set up by undercovers in the HOA scam.
    Beware of sacks of cash from clients.


    Paul Wommer


    Randolph Goldberg

  141. Did Joe W. Law die?

  142. I just took this sad blog off my bookmark list. RIP WWL. Eat shit Anonymous ad nauseam, double kickstands guy and their ilk.

  143. Do I have to deal with my boss watching porn in the office? It makes me uncomfortable.

  144. Maybe Elle and/or Jos. W. Law have seasonal mood disorder and just can't bring themselves to keep up with their daily tasks. We should be more sympathetic.

  145. maybe we can provide suggestoins for reshaping the blog:


    permanent links for compensation discussion, job/firing outlook, and firm blowups and mergers

  146. Anyone know who the new clerks for any the new judges are?

    Judge Isreal --
    Judge Scann --
    Judge Wiese --
    Judge Kishner --
    Judge Bare --

  147. When is the new Department 20 Judge going to be appointed? I prefer the senior judges so I hope it takes a while. Senior Judges Rule.

  148. Word Verification: Needho.

    So true.

  149. Anon 2:18, they have not been hired yet.

  150. Anon 2:18 and 9:58, they have been hired. You'll find out soon enough. They start on Jan 3.

  151. Yeah, they've been hired. A few of my friends got the positions.
