Don't worry, we're sure most some of you did fine. For the rest of you ... well, we know of a pretty sweet party tomorrow night where you can drown your sorrows.
Commenters, how about posting some happy thoughts for our soon-to-be-hyperventilating pals? Let them know that life goes on, regardless of the results ... tell them your tales of woe.
Results are usually posted around 1:00 PM ... press button below to check.
Good luck!! Don't forget about tipping us when you become big shot attorneys!
ReplyDeleteI may shit 20 times between now and 1pm...
ReplyDeleteDon't panic...don't panic...don't panic...PANIC!
ReplyDeleteCue people posting negative comments...
ReplyDeleteJust keep in mind, if you fail, you can just take it again. You'll get there eventually. Not all firms will fire someone who fails, either.
Don't worry--only half of you will fail!
ReplyDeleteThe first time taker passage rate isn't that bad, is it? So while half of the people who take it might fail, who knows how many repeaters are out there.
ReplyDeleteThe last four years, the July bar exam had about a 66% pass rate:
ReplyDelete2009 - pass rate was 63%
2008 - pass rate was 69%
2007 - pass rate was 66%
2006 - pass rate was 66%
If you do a little research on the pass-rate-statistics when you qualify for a number of variables such as: number of attempts, strength of GPA, school, race (not race baiting here, just talking stats folks), and classes taken in law school, you might find that your chances of passing are closer to 90%. Of course that means that some of you have a much, much lower chance of passing.
Good luck to all.
Relax. No use getting all worked up. What's done is done. You can't change the result now. You can, however, control how the news will affect you.
ReplyDeleteTop 1/2 students, you all passed, you always do.
Bottom quarter? Start studying for next time and be pleasantly surprised if you do pass the first time.
I was in the 3rd quarter of students and never really studied. The day of results I put a cooler of beer in my room and turned on the television. I passed and still finished the beer.
The trick to the bar (I've passed three and have never not passed one, and I'm certainly no academic genius) is to not out-think the room. If you blindly follow the bar review strategy and forget what you learned in law school, you'll pass. If you try to be creative and think outside the box, your chances go way down. Also, if you didn't take at least 1000 practice MBE questions under timed conditions, you're hosed. The questions are not your enemy, the clock is. Deep down, you know whether you passed or not.
ReplyDeleteI am amongst those waiting. Just remember, pass or fail we all put our heart and souls into this exam and gave it our all. It's so easy to snicker and sneer at us, but remember you were all there once too. It's ok to say nothing, you don't have to disparage or ridicule us. Unless you know the applicant waiting on the results, you have no idea what has happened in their lives. Think that maybe, just maybe, some of our lives required tending to obligations other than studying and Barbri. I'm just saying, everyone loves sarcastic humor but today a lot of us will get a crushing blow that doesn't need to be ridiculed or exposed. We're all people with a common dream, so use your backhand for tennis, don't use it for your comments because it wasn't so long ago that you were all in our shoes. I wish all my fellow test takers peace of mind and good results.
ReplyDelete9:14 speaks the truth - dumb yourself down for the bar exam and trust PMBR - they make it easy. The bar exam is not brain surgery. If you fail, it's because you did not do what the bar review people told you to do. They're not good lawyers, they're good bar exam preparers. Make use of their expertise.
ReplyDeletelast july ovr 80% of boyd first time takers passed the bar....so unless you're in the very bottom of your class, you'll probably do fine
ReplyDeleteI will fire my law clerk if he fails the bar. There is simply no excuse for failing. If you cant study hard enough to pass I can't trust you to work hard enough to handle my files.
ReplyDelete942 is a bit harsh. It's true that most bar takers who fail the first time are LOSERS, but I think it's also fair to say that losers can be winners in Vegas. I know of at least one managing partner at a large firm and a few partners at other firms who failed the first time.
ReplyDeleteNow, admittedly, becoming partner often has more to do with how well you can suck ass and smile while stabbing talented competitors in the back, but it is still technically "winning" at the game.
I humbly suggest we should wish all bar takers the very best and encourage them to look at the bar as just another challenge in life; no more, no less. You are not your bar result.
PS: if you failed miserably, please either go find another career or take the dignified route of people who never should have been lawyers in the first place: work for the AG's office or the City of North Las Vegas.
Maybe the old timers can answer this question, but what was it like back-in-the-day when the exam was only offered once a year? Would you terminate a clerk (loosely used to also refer to the attorneys licensed in other jurisdictions who moved to Vegas) if they failed since it would be another year until they could re-take the exam?
ReplyDeleteAlso, is there any chance that Nevada moves back to the once a year exam?
If you're at work today and you're waiting for your results, just go home. You are worthless. I decided to work the day of the results and I'm certain I didn't get anything done.
ReplyDeleteOnce I found out I passed, I went home to celebrate anyway. If I didn't pass, I would have been forced to make the walk of shame out of my office.
Boyd hold enough sway with the State Bar that once a year isn't coming back.
ReplyDeleteNext time you're in court, stop by and ask Judge Miley how she felt when she failed the 1995 bar. By the way, the firm she was clerking for at the time kept her for the year after she failed. Then, when she finally did pass, she ditched that firm and went to work for none other than Robert Eglet. Stefany Miley is proof that in Las Vegas an absolute moron can become a District Court judged.
ReplyDelete10:20am: I would like to apologize for what I'm about to write, however that would be totally insincere. You my friend, are the moron. Clearly we need not ask Judge Miley how she felt in 1995 because common sense would reveal that she was not likely hopping, skipping, and celebrating. Reiterating the resume of someone whom clearly has had enough moxy to ruffle your ruffles, then concluding that she is a moron really leaves your audience unsympathetic. When you judge others you don't define them, you define yourself. Now look at you, Judge Miley has a gavel and robe, and you, my friend, are stuck with your **** in the wind... Next time, I'm sure you'll try a little harder. Maybe even include your name vs posting anonymously? Stand behind your baseless comments or go back to being obselete...
ReplyDeleteDon't pick OJ me, I'm sensitive. whaaaaa.
you failed. Don't apply for ablaw clerks job at my firm
Why would Boyd care if the bar was only offered once a year? I thought the only figure that mattered was "first time" passage.
ReplyDeleteThere are many talented and great lawyers who had to take it more than once. I know a certain Yale grad who failed the NV bar twice before finally passing. Having to take it more than once does not mean you won't make a good lawyer or are stupid. It just means you didn't know how to take the test. You'll do better the next time. Good luck to you all and congrats to those who pass.
ReplyDelete@10:53am... Don't fret, I won't be applying for "ablaw clerks job" at your firm. In the event that you currently have a posting for "ablaw clerks job", I advise retracting the posting and investing the money in someone to spell check your documents and/or maybe even transcribe your infantile cynicism into more aesthetically pleasing cynicism? I'm sure mommy and daddy are proud that their little trust-funder grew up to be a big man behind his computer...
ReplyDeleteWaaaaahhhh back at you clown car...
The waiting is the worst. I "refreshed" the NV Bar page so many times I think I wore out the mouse button. Good luck ya'll and better luck next time to those who fail.
ReplyDeleteComments about mispelled words and/or grammer mistakes never get old.
ReplyDeleteI heard hutchinson failed the bar the first time.
ReplyDelete*shakes head in disbelief at the comment above*
ReplyDeleteNext time your in Federal Court ask Judge Navarro what it feels like to fail the bar. Not sure how many times she had to take it. I believe she failed it more than once.
ReplyDelete@11:30am- That DB felt obligated to grace those waiting with his "you failed" and "don't apply at my firm" lameness. You're right @11:23am should know his/her place, grammar and spelling have no place in the legal profession. Let us know how well that goes over when you tell your client "what, you want to make a big deal that I transposed a couple numbers in the settlement offer?" Thanks counselor :)
ReplyDeleteI was in a golf tournament and drinking heavily on the day of the results. My phone did not have internet access so I got when I looked and saw ten messages i assumed it was good cause i did not think that many people would message bad news. I did not actually check the web page til like a week after.
ReplyDeleteHey 9:51 AM, I work for the City of North Las Vegas. Watch your tongue! I will be watching you. You come to NLV, and I will sock your client with 180 suspended.
ReplyDeleteIf you fail the bar, you are a failure. Please go kill yourself.
ReplyDeleteHey, just trying to help lower the unemployment rate. ;)
Actually, I'm sure there are some good lawyers out there who have failed the bar. But I still question why they failed.
C'mon people, you don't sincerely believe that the bar exam is a measure of how successful an attorney will be, do you?? I think that's about as accurate as saying the LSAT is an accurate measure of how a person will do in law school (totally inaccurate).
ReplyDeleteYou definitely don't need to do 1000 MBE questions, but of course it'll help. PMBR is amazing. And unless you're a seasoned attorney in another state, anyone who doesn't take BARBRI is a complete idiot.
12:07 - 1. I know a few people who didn't pass after LS because they were already working and didn't complete their BarBri. Especially worse once you have kids. IMO it's terrible to take another loan once you're out of school but i couldn't have taken time off to study without a Citibank bar loan.
ReplyDelete2. Many/most of the lawyers who are already barred in another state are working when they take the NV bar. Which means little time to actually study.
Ummm, I think the LSAT is the strongest indicator of how one will perform in law school. So I wouldn't use that to make a point about the bar exam.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I don't disagree with you that the bar exam has nothing to do with practicing law, other than the fact that they both take some dedication.
I personally recommend that someone take barbri, but not because it is useful or helpful (I think your money could be better spent buying outlines from others) but because there is power in numbers. everyone takes barbri, which means everyone knows the same material walking into that room. if you don't know the answer, chances are no one else does either. This is where your analyzing skills kick in
ReplyDeleteTHEY'RE POSTED and I PASSED!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteJust kidding, they're not posted yet. I wonder how many bar takers just switched screens?
I think that the bar exam should be taken the summer between 2L and 3L year, or between the final semesters of your 3L year (say, in January), and should be a REQUIREMENT to graduate an ABA accredited school.
ReplyDeleteDone school and licensed immediately. If you fail the bar you do another semester of law school in an open status like a dissertation candidate.
Objective would be that you can work once you're done school, and so that you're not blowing $100k+ without getting licensed.
As they say with stock and mutual funds, past results are not indicative of future performance.
ReplyDeleteI know PLENTY of really talented lawyers who didn't pass on the first shot and now have wonderful, lucrative careers.
I also know PLENTY of lawyers with the "right pedigree" who passed on the first shot and are self-involved douchenozzles who couldn't litigate their way out of a paper bag.
Regardless of what the trolls say, where you start doesn't have to be where you finish.
They should eliminate the written bar exam, and make the test literally jumping through several hoops.
ReplyDelete@1:00, thanks for being positive! It helped subside my nausea momentarily. A lot of us have already been emotionally beat-up by the past few years and a little encouragement goes such a long long way. Thank you.
ReplyDelete@1:00, here-
ReplyDeleteTo @1:06 -- just paying it forward...
Good luck!
tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock....
ReplyDelete@1:06 here, no one seems to "pay it forward" anymore so it's really appreciated. I don't think any of us get to a "better" place by teasing or discouraging others. My success, or failures for that matter, have no affect on their lives but its so easy to just pick on the temporarily vulnerable, because to the eternally flawed, it's a sense of power. Ugghhh.... how much longer?
ReplyDeleteOr, a stress test like they do to Special Forces guys. Isolation, deprivation, harassment and sporadic physical torture for a week or two.
ReplyDeleteThere's also a phone in the room that rings, and then people berate and threaten you on speakerphone. You get served summonses because pro bono clients want your malpractice insurance money. A criminal defendant whose case you refused threatens to kill you. Your spouse complains you aren't making enough to support the household... then threatens to leave because you are at work too much and they feel ignored. People who you don't really know but are affiliated with your boss come in and put down your work product and question your dedication to "the firm" (even though you can't tell who he is). Someone enters to congratulate you on settling a 7 figure contingency case for the firm, shows you the Hatteris yacht he's buying with his cut, and congratulates your performance with a $40 Best Buy card and a pack of smoked salmon.
Just to get you primed for practice.
GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE WAITING FOR RESULTS! Regardless of the outcome, you should be proud of what you have accomplished. Besides, there is always February. What's done is done, and all that is left is to look forward.
ReplyDeleteI like the hoops idea, but it should have to be done in a thong (guys and gals) and the hoops should be on fire with onlookers mocking those attempting it.
ReplyDeleteEveryone, if you know a Supreme Court Clerk or JEA call them, results are out, should be posted soon! I'm sure you all passed.
ReplyDeleteI do know one and I PASSED!
ReplyDelete1:21 - and when you get through the hoops the public hates you
ReplyDeleteStay calm...and remember, this is not the end of the world.
ReplyDelete"The list is in the open! Did you hear me? The list is in the open!"
ReplyDeleteTHe LSAT doesn't measure the likely success you may have in law school, it merely demonstrates the economic background you came from.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to everyone! If you did not pass, do not give up.
ReplyDeleteJust beward that the NV bar website usually crashes a few minutes after the results are posted.
ReplyDeleteI passed!!!!
ReplyDeleteit is not showing on my webpage that the list is up :(
ReplyDeleteThose who are in the know have a connection with the SC.
ReplyDeleteAccording to my cousin's step-sister's friend of a friend who spelled my name backwards, I passed!
ReplyDeleteUnless there's more than one person named Senoj?
12:46 - 12:07 here. I was working full-time, had three kids and a wife, and did not take a BarBri class. I basically memorized a 200 page outline in about a week and passed easily on the first try. It's the same B.S. that works in law school. And it helps to be a good writer.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I know people like to have excuses. I just don't buy them.
@ 10:31: You had my attention until the last word. It is obsolete.
ReplyDeleteNever felt this for any exam ever... probably because the whole world can find out whether you passed or not. This is ridiculous... I need a Tylenol.
ReplyDeleteI agree that the public distribution of the exam results is a bit unnecessarily stressful.
ReplyDelete"public distribution of the exam results" aka confirmation of who is really licensed to practice law? haha.
ReplyDeleteThey are really taking their sweet time this year posting the results. Last year I thought they were up by like 1:30.
ReplyDeleteThey could at least wait to post to the public until the exam taker was notified personally. You can always confirm via e-mail.
ReplyDelete@2:03 HA HA HA the results do not actually give the license...the admission depends on more than passing. jokes on you, ass hat!
ReplyDelete@2:07 - Is that you, double kickstands guy?
ReplyDeleteOpening the pass list to the test-taker first is how we do it in CA...opens to takers on a Friday night...then public on Sunday morning. You use a password given to you at the bar exam to enter the site on that Friday to see the pass list.
ReplyDelete@ 2:03, passing the bar gives you a law license. duh. ass hat.
ReplyDeletepassing the bar is ONE part of being able to get your license...how about the MPRE and the Moral Character parts? :) no license until you pass those too even if you pass the bar.
ReplyDeleteIt wouldn't hurt anything to let the exam taker know first, that way if they did not pass they would at least have a moment to internalize the blow and pull themselves together before having to face everyone else immediately.
ReplyDeletewhat's the MPRE?
ReplyDelete@2:14 http://lmgtfy.com/?q=MPRE
ReplyDeleteDude or dudette...if you are not aware that MPRE stands for the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam and you are sitting here waiting for your bar exam results...my question to you is; and I am sorry if you are offended...but where have you been the last 3 years? assuming you did law school in the normal time frame.
ReplyDelete@ 2:17 if i pass the bar then i'm licensed.
ReplyDeleteGood luck!
ReplyDeleteif you pass the bar AND you have passed the MPRE AND your moral character application is approved AND you have been sworn...THEN you are licensed.
ReplyDelete@2:19. Not quite. Bar passage is necessary to practice law, but not sufficient. To have a law license, you must be admitted by the Supreme Court, but in order to do that you must first pass the bar exam. (This ignores those one-in-a-million exceptions in NV law and for federal practice.)
ReplyDelete@ 2:19
ReplyDeleteumm, no you're not, genius. You're not licensed until, uhh, you have your license, which i'm pretty sure requires being admitted to practice law in Nevada and being sworn in.
12:48, that is a very excellent point (I previously said that people who don't take BARBRI are idiots). Now that I'm remembering BARBRI, their classes in quite a few subjects sucked and a lot of their example "answers" to sample bar questions were flat out WRONG. The power in numbers is absolutely on point - that's why everyone needs to take it!
ReplyDelete@2:15- Best link ever.
ReplyDeleteHey, where are the results posted? The link above appears to be broken. I'm afraid to walk down the hall and check in on our law clerk...
ReplyDeletebar results will be posted to the following link:
JESUS CHRIST!! It's 2:30 pm and they're still not posted!!! WTH?? 30 more minutes...
ReplyDeletefigures...this time they are actually waiting to post at the time they said they would post in the Swearing in letter LOL
ReplyDeleteI fail to see what all the hub-bub is about regarding a silly exam. You guys act as though you've gone to college for 7 years, paid thousands of dollars on tuition, spent long hours studying and losing sleep, and missed spending time with family/friends, all just for the opportunity to take a meaningless exam. And, as if passing this exam will allow you to work in the profession of your choice.
Get a life people.
NV Bar: I am now one of you. Please welcome me with open arms.
ReplyDelete--New Esquire
The link isn't broken. It always follows the same format:
So, WWl makes up a link that won't be active until results are posted.
http://www.nvbar.org/admissions/barexamresults.htm takes forever to update, don't rely on it.
The thing that shocked me about my results day was how sad I was for friends that didn't pass. I couldn't help but wonder how close any of us were to the line. It is hard to know whether they want to be left alone and if so, for how long. Most needed a week or two if I recall correctly.
ReplyDeleteGood luck and hang in there!
Or, more accurately, mmyyresults.htm
ReplyDelete@2:37 That's exactly why we're antsy. All those years of school mean nothing if you want to be a lawyer and can't practice. Plus, failing means another 4 months of misery preparing all over again. Finally, the humiliation is scary -even though we all know "it's just a test."
ReplyDeleteSick and tired of clicking Refresh.
ReplyDelete@ 2:44
ReplyDeleteI only hope your ability to recognzie issues on the bar exam was better than your ability to recognize the sarcasm and irony in my post.
I understand exactly what you all are going through. Best of luck.
2:50 - best response ever
ReplyDeleteAnyone following the latest overuse of "reply-all" on the Boyd alum listserv? Especially the people who ask for the emails to stop by emailing everyone? Fun times.
ReplyDeleteOh come on...2:56!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm clicking refresh on the NV Bar website for the results...and I didn't even take the bar. Man I'm a loser!
ReplyDeleteI don't know whether I should cry, throw up, or scream!
ReplyDeleteIf you're a woman, you can give me a bj.
Maybe that will help you feel better. Just a suggestion.
My stomach is KILLING ME!!!!
ReplyDelete@2:59 I hear ya. :(
ReplyDeleteIt's up.
ReplyDeleteAnd there out! 66% passage rate, what a surprise...
ReplyDeleteAll this talk of bar exam brings back haunting memories. It was so long ago it seems like another lifetime. Amazing that we all went through all the same type of emotions and angst. Good luck to everyone out there and try to do some good in the world.
ReplyDeleteAgreed, 2:50 was hilarious, but still managed to be a good sport.
ReplyDeletethey're up
ReplyDeleteSo, is teh Christopher Blakesley that passed the law professor or his son........if it is the prof...way to wait a suitable number of years before getting around to it. From what I understand, many of them simply are not interested in passing the bar here.
ReplyDelete388 takers...wow that seems a low number....
ReplyDeleteIf your name was not on the list, try not to come down on yourself too hard. Remember, you can always try again, this is not the end of the world.
ReplyDeleteI'm saddned to see that Bob Loblaw has, once again, not passed the bar in this "great" state.
ReplyDeleteI feel sick for those whose names I do not see on the list.
ReplyDeleteWhat a horrible feeling.
I hate law school (and the process) even more now.
@ 3:35
ReplyDeleteWas one of those names not on the list, yours?
ReplyDeleteNo, but the legal community in LV is small, and I know a lot of recent graduates who took the exam.
If my name was not on the list, I would not be on this blog. I'd be at the closest bar getting sh*tfaced.
@ 3:34 -- either you are Bob or you are trying to put his name out there as a loser. Either way, youa re a loser.
ReplyDelete@3:47 You have to feel bad for Bob. Blathering on without really ever getting to a point.
ReplyDelete@ 3:47
ReplyDeleteBob Loblaw was a character on "Arrested Development." Douche.
To all the females who failed the bar, my lap and shoulder are here for you.
You can also read Mr. Loblaw's legal incites on Bob Loblaw's Law Blog.
ReplyDeleteThat was a great show.
Did anyone else just get pissed off my Marvin Longablob's 12-hour-late, idiotic reply to the listserve war that's been going on?
ReplyDeleteThe last actual post on the discussion was 10 hours ago, but I'm bombarded all day long by the follow-up retards, needing to get in YET ANOTHER message about how everyone should cool it becase they're too fucking stupid to stop feeding the trolls.
Mike Hyte issued the proper response and everyone else was just wasting my day.
Awesome, I passed. Now I need to find a job...
ReplyDeleteOh shit, it's a fake list. Look at the last name under "G"
ReplyDeleteAru Gullible
Not cool, State Bar.
4:30 PM - You don't need a job. You need a billboard and a snazzy slogan. Pick a field, and go for it. I suggest PI. Go seize the moment! You is legal now, and all that shit.
ReplyDelete@4:25: I was insulted by Martin's post. But he's fat and an ass and I hold him in low esteem, so I guess I shouldn't care too much about what he has to say.
ReplyDeletethanks for the support 4:50 -- i'm considering specializing in bird law and plan on marketing by offering free kitten mittens
Well 4:30, I like your idea about kitten mittens; but bird law? You see, bird law in this country is just no governed by reason. Tough, tough field to practice in.
ReplyDeletejust found out that I failed and actually I don't feel too bad. Being an atty wasn't a lifelong dream for me and now I can pursue other options. Congrats to all who passed and for those that didn't good luck if you choose to take it again and if not, good luck in whatever you choose to do
ReplyDeleteGuess what? You can sell real estate with a law license! I just learned that today. No additional training/licensing needed. It's in NRS 7.something
ReplyDeleteit's ok, i'm willing to indiscriminately use force
ReplyDeleteGuess what? A law license plus fishnet stocking and the ability to create suction with your mouth will get you $20 on Fremont street! I think it's NRS 7 something. Cool.
ReplyDeleteYou are a loser. Your assertion that you don't feel bad means you also are liar.
Go to Craigslist and look under legal jobs. Someone is claiming he or she will pay $100 to anyone who will show up at Family Court, commit perjury, and say the poster actually is a Nevada resident. At least there's one job out there.
ReplyDeleteYou can't technically sell real estate. You CAN however, collect commissions from a real estate transaction.
But, you can't join GLVAR without a being a licensed realtor. No MLS access. I just review commercial leases and write myself in 3%, all day long or refer a friend to a realtor and than shake down the realtor for a slice.
I spent the day in 2001 soused in anticipation of the big internet posting......fortunately I passed because the previous 2 months I wasn't soused....too often...and then after the big relief....pretty much still soused.
ReplyDeleteMarvyn Langablob is the biggest Boyd Loser of them all. What the hell is a "charter class" (by virtue of an early bar, not graduation) stil doing on the listserve? Guess his practice is just doing so well he has time to play. Trys to imply his HARVARD TRAINING is more than a seminar. He is a blowhard, bombastic idiot. With him and Lucien Cravens, you have the Laural and Hardy of Boyd.
ReplyDeleteI second that michael hazen's response was perfect and the debate should have ended there
ReplyDeletethose who failed--don't fret! helm & associates almost exclusively hires those who cannot pass the bar. and they are hiring right now btw.
ReplyDeletekevin helm still a bar examiner? who are the current bar examiners?