In last week's Open Thread, an anonymous commenter asked our WWL brain trust to help her out with judicial picks for this election season. We think this is a great idea, and wanted to give it the full post it deserved. Nobody knows these candidates better than our readers!
Commenters, here's your mission: Copy and paste the candidates listed below into your comment, and let us know who's got your vote (or who you will definitely not be voting for). If you're up to it, give us a Twitter-style (read: short) parenthetical explaining the reason for your decision.
District Court
Gale or SturmanAllf or Beckstead
Howard or Israel
Pollock or Scann
Davidson or Wiese
Dabney or Kishner
Bare or Stoebling
Family Court
Jones or Maskall
Eccles or Gonzalez
Ochoa or Wallace
Nathan or Piazza
Jones or Maskall
Eccles or Gonzalez
Ochoa or Wallace
Nathan or Piazza
Justice of the Peace
Abbatangelo or Marshall
Kephart or Kuzemka
Bennett or Kurth
Baucum or Gubler
Hafen or Zadrowski
Hill or "Batman"
District Attorney
Roger or Chairez
Gillespie or Bisch
Attorney General
Masto or Barrick or Hafter or Hansen
(Thanks, Voting Girl!)
Here's some hard hitting analysis:
Misfits, losers, failures, puppets.
ReplyDeleteAlready voted:
ReplyDeleteDistrict Court
Beckstead (anyone but Allf)
Scann (not a fan but Pollock trying to jump ship after two years in family court is annoying)
Family Court
Wallace (went to law school with Ochoa's son, 'nuff said)
Justice of the Peace
Hafen (he knows his criminal law)
District Attorney
Roger (Better than voting for Halverson's pal)
Attorney General
Masto (she's smart and professional, loved her letter to Gibbons)
The best candidate for AG by far and away is Joel Hansen. He's an excellent and successful lawyer, ethical, principled, and he cannot be bought. But he'll never get elected.
ReplyDeleteIn the AG race, the loon Hafter lost in the Primary to Barrick. He's not on the General ballot.
ReplyDeleteDistrict Court
Wiese (Davidson can pick you pedofiles out of a lineup...watch out squarebush!)
Kishner (appeared before Dabney and was not happy with him or his analysis)
Family Court
Justice of the Peace
Bennett (Bennett is a great Judge)
Zadrowski (love the bow ties, hate hafen)
"Batman" (because)
District Attorney
Chairez (Roger will win but I don't want Roger thinking he had a free pass)
Attorney General
Who NOT to choose:
ReplyDeleteSturman bleeding heart lib
Beckstead who?
Israel ambulance chaser
Scann old ambulance chaser
Wiese ambulance chasing tool
Dabney litle arrogant tool
Stoebling who?
Maskall mental midget
Eccles arrogant tool
Wallace who?
Nathan fat man hating cow
Marshall not-as-fat man hating cow
Kuzemka cwd tool
Bennett lib
Gubler tool w/ b/c glasses
Hafen tool w/ b/c personality
Chairez area51 conspiracy theorist
Bisch Palin wanna-be
Hansen leader of a family of tools
Don't vote for any of these losers
ReplyDeleteIs there anyone in the world you like or do they all fall under your axe of negative emotions?
District Court
Family Court
Justice of the Peace
(don't really care for any of the rest)
District Attorney
Roger or Chairez - times like this I still want the fill-in-the-blank option
Attorney General
Oh please. Will somebody please take the dog for a walk. It's pissing all over the carpet.
ReplyDeleteDistrict Court
Family Court
Nathan or Piazza (none, don't know either of them)
Justice of the Peace
Bennett (she's horrible, but at least you know what you're getting)
Hill or "Batman" (don't know either of them)
District Attorney
Attorney General
Additional comments: Hafter isn't on the general ballot. He failed to get past the primary.
ReplyDeleteWho wouldn't vote for Batman?
Word verification: scent
District Court
Family Court
Justice of the Peace
District Attorney
Attorney General
I'm only posting on candidates I have had personal experience with:
ReplyDeleteVOTE for -
District Court
Davidson or Wiese - Davidson (Jerry is a PI attorney with not enough experience; Davidson - whether you like him or not - has put in the time and has both civil and criminal experience. He can be a tad dickish but who can't? Jerry also was having financial troubles a few months ago (resolved I believe) but I think he is tired of running the law business - NOT a good reason to run for judge).
Family Court
Jones or Maskall - JONES (he is, in fact, a decent judge despite some personal issues)
Eccles or Gonzalez - GONZALEZ (he has been working diligently to improve some of the issues subject of the judicial evaluations)
Ochoa or Wallace - OCHOA (has also put in his time, is fair and patient - a must in family court)
Nathan or Piazza - PIAZZA (Nathan is Halverson II - she is notoriously rude and unpleasant to deal with which would be fine if she were some sort of legal wonk. She is not. She is ill-prepared, violates evidentiary rules routinely, will not extend common professional courtesies and is just a flat out shit. If she gets on the bench, she will be IMPOSSIBLE).
Justice of the Peace
Abbatangelo or Marshall - Abbatangelo (yes, even with the DV conviction)
Kephart or Kuzemka- KUZEMKA (a better choice between the two - Kephart has too many issues and is not that smart)
Bennett or Kurth - BENNETT
Baucum or Gubler - Baucum (even if a little chillY0
Hafen or Zadrowsk - ZADROWSKI (I have extensive experience with Hafen, unless you are just like him, forget it - very subject to politics)
District Attorney
Roger or Chairez - CHAIREZ (Roger needs to go not that Chairez will win but Roger needs to be counting his blessings if he stays)
Attorney General
Masto or Barrick or Hafter or Hansen - MASTO (although this means nothing will really ever change over there and, man, does that office need a management overhaul)
As to the DA race specifically, I have but a single comment.
ReplyDeleteUuuuhhh... Nut job.
Regarding the DA Race Remember:
ReplyDeleteNorth Las Vegas Justice of the Peace Stephen Dahl said 20 percent of people arrested for felonies and gross misdemeanors in his city go unpunished for want of a deputy district attorney. “We dismiss a lot of cases,” he said, and there is a price to pay. This fiscal year, 2,625 felony arrestees were charged in North Las Vegas. Dahl said 539 were dismissed. Most of them, he said, were dismissed “pursuant to statute,” meaning the state failed to meet deadlines, such as holding a plea hearing for a detained person within 72 hours, or a probable cause review within 48 hours. Dahl recounted the case of Nahshun Lomax, 35, who shot to death 31-year-old Tamequa Williams and then himself in late April after he was released from jail on a domestic violence charge. “He had already been in prison and had other violent cases pending, but the case was dismissed,” said Dahl, “because no charges were filed. That weekend he killed her and then himself.” http://lvlegalnews.com/courts/2905.html Why is the RJ trying so hard to cover for known corruption on the part of Sheriff Gillespie and District Attorney David Roger??? I suspect the public is figuring out that these two have concealed the truth about many cover-ups, i.e. Trevon Cole and Eric Scott. This editorial is desperate and transparent.
The following comment was posted in a site for attorneys in Nevada: www.watchdogwag.com
ReplyDeleteDistrict Attorney: Republican David Roger—sneaky, petty, little, vindictive, paranoid—is perhaps the worst District Attorney in America who I think is owned and operated by organized crime who hold his personal life as a Sword of Damocles over him.
The proof for me is that he’s never done a credible job fighting organized crime…ever!
But, he has no problem waddling his fat ass over to the courtroom when there’s a black defendant he can capitalize on and his racism is posited in his appalling record of not hiring black people.
He does have one Uncle Tom sellout on his team, 4th-rate, lousy DDA Terry Johnson whom everyone detests, to do his dirty work like firing people; everyone hates David Roger and hates working for him.
I did vote for Chairez because David Roger is too corrupted and owned to be an effective DA.
ReplyDeleteDavid is as corrupt as they come. Crime is not down as his commercial states, and the only reason he can state that he wins cases he prosecutes is because he is the king of plea deals. David rarely litigates, unless it is politically advantageous to him, i.e. O.J. Simpson. And then there is all the deals made to those who have contributed generously to his campaign(s), i.e. Paris Hilton, Strip clubs, convicted felons, i.e. Galardi and Rizzolo, and the attorneys who represent them. Follow the money. Ask yourself if David Roger felt O.J. Simpson was important enough for him to litigate personally, why not the recent Eric Scott inquest. David was HIDING, and allowing the Sheriff to dodge those bullets. Now we have a new cover-up in play with the traffic accident involving a metro cop. Metro deliberately misrepresents the truth to the press, stating the teen hit the police cruiser. Not true. Why lie? No sirens or lights? Speeding? The driver came to a complete stop. Was the cop texting? The big question now is why did David Roger not insist that the highway patrol investigate an accident involving Metro. No, our D.A. sends Metro to investigate Metro, and they lie, in hopes no one will notice. Like Mann? Both Gillespie and Roger need to GO.
ReplyDeleteof Justice For Sale: Recently, District Attorney Candidate Don Chairez ran a commercial illustrating how justice within our District Attorney's office is dependent on the amount of money contributed to DA Daivd Roger's campaign, in particular David Chesnoff and Associates (520 S. 4TH ST.). The amount $10,000 from David Chesnoff is conservative as it does not take into account the monies donated through Mrs. Chesnoff and Chesnoff Assocites. To the informed eye, the amount is closer to $50,000. The same situation is true for David Roger's partner in crime Bernie Zadrowski, Dept 14. While most attorney contribute approx. $250.00 the Chesnoff Associates contributions are almost $10,000. Is justice for sale? You betcha. With Bernie and David justice is also dependent on political favors. SNIPPET of Bernie's 2010 Campaign Report David Chesnoff $2000 1-22-10 520 So. 4th St Richard Schonfeld $2000 1-22-10 520 So. 4th St. David Brown $1000 1-22-10 9804 Highridge Dr. Residence Luis J Rojas $250 2-22-10 520 So. 4th St Joseph Momot $500 4-13-10 520 So. 4th St John Momot $2000 4-14-10 520 So. 4th St Michael Sfant $500 5-27-10 520 So. 4th St And what's up with the hundreds of thousands donated to David Roger from strip clubs? Does anyone remember what happened with the Galardi plea deal??? RUMOR HAS IT DAVID ROGER MADE A HOUSE CALL TO THE HOME OF DAVID CHESNOFF (ATTORNEY FOR PARIS HILTON) WHILE SHE WAS GETTING HER HAIR DONE, IN ORDER TO NEGOTIATE THE PLEA DEAL.
why do I get the feeling that the last four postings all came from the same person? hmmm my spidey sense is going off
ReplyDeletewhy do I get the feeling that the last four postings all came from the same person? hmmm my spidey sense is going off
ReplyDelete@ 1:55 etc. aka Don Chairez. The Galardi case was in federal court. Dave and the D.A."s office were not involved.
ReplyDeleteI am not Don Charez. You would be surprised to learn who I am though.
ReplyDeleteAs far as Galardi goes. The bottom line is that Roger testified that he returned the 20,000 he received from Galardi. Not according to his campaign reports.
When is it appropriate for our DA to accept donations from convicted felons i.e. Rizzolo?
Have you looked at the numbers on David's reports. Big money from 1. Strip Clubs; 2. Taxi Companies; 3. Developers???
Whether the last few posts were from the same source is not the issue. Perhaps one should focus on the factual information provided.
"You would be serprised to learn who I am..."
ReplyDeleteOprah, knock it the fuck off!
3:27 - Ran against David Roger the first time around? Just guessing . . .
ReplyDeleteNo. I have no political aspirations, but have seen much from both sides over many years.
ReplyDeleteOnly wish the political favors to end and an even playing field be afforded all.
Roger will never be an effective DA as he is "owned".
Zadrowski is an egomaniac nut job who would throw his mother under the bus to be a judge.
Your vote for District Attorney should not be about who you believe will win, but rather an opportunity to send a clear message. I believe that race is much closer than many predicted.
Almost all who know David Roger hate him with a passion. In particular, the people who work for him in the DA's Office. From DDA's down to clerks and such. Everyone hates him.
ReplyDeleteWith Terry Johnson as his hatchet man the entire office now hates the admin side.
Chris Lally would make a fine DA but he has no political ideas.
I'm not sure why Zadrowski keeps getting vilified. He and Roger do not get along. Zadrowski sits in a basement Siberia because of some bad blood between the two that goes back to a prior campaign.
ReplyDeleteThat said, look at the opposing candidate. Conrad Hafen is part of the "Hafen" family, long time LDS Nevada residents. His politics are far right. While that may not bother some, consider that he is also the sole member of the AG's Public Integrity Unit. The AG's office is better suited to being a regulatory agency, not a prosecutorial office. Why? For years, Hafen has carried water for various AGs. Deals are routinely brokered to drop cases (particularly under Chanos' regime). Did Hafen, the Public Intergrity Officer, step up and stop that? No.
If he can't stand up to corruption and back room deals in his own office, as the Public Integrity Officer, how will he manage as a judge subject to contributions?
Moreover, several years back, a DA investigator was charged with pressuring sex from victims while serving subpoenas. That DA investigator was brought up on charges (a white guy). The AG's office was given the prosecution of the matter as a conflict. Hafen met with all of the victims in the case, all of whom happened to be African American females. Strangely, after meeting with the victim witnesses, the case was dropped. Apparently, the victim witnesses were no longer cooperative. You don't have to dig far to find dirt on this one. KNOW YOUR CANDIDATES.
MASKALL! She is the best! Even if you like Jones didn't have his baggage, MASKALL still is the better choice.
ReplyDeleteDo not vote for that woman beating SOB Jones.
Gale or Sturman--Gale is an idiot and Sturman is good old girl old school liberal. Poor choice
ReplyDeleteAlf or Beckstead--Alf is a loser and so is Beckstead. Hobson's choice.
Howard or Israel--Howard is old school Vegas and Israel is an ambulance chaser. Catch 22
Pollock or Scann--Pollock never practiced family law and used family court as a stepping stone. Scann is old school and pushes the female agenda. Pollock by a hair.
Davidson or Wiese--Two losers. Wiese will be worse.
Dabney or Kishner--Dabney has experience but Kishner works for some out of town employment group. Dabney.
Bare or Stoebling--Bare has no real attorney experience and Stoebling does. Stoebling.
Jones or Maskall--Jones. Maskall is a total loser.
Eccles or Gonzalez--Bad choices here. Gonzalez by a hair.
Ochoa or Wallace--Probably Ochoa. Had cases with him. Will develop "robitis". Good lawyer though.
Nathan or Piazza--Piazza a PI flunky who is too old and having financial troubles. Nathan will not be Halverson. She has practiced law. Would you believe she had a bypass and is still a "cow." Nathan clear choice.
Abbatangelo or Marshall--Abbatangelo. Handled himself well during the inquest. Marshall was a scorched earth litigator and not suited for the bench.
Kephart or Kuzemka--PD Kuzemka hates men. Kephart is full of himself. Kephart by a hair.
Bennett or Kurth--Kurth, Bennett is worst JP to ever have held the job.
Baucum or Gubler--Baucum, nice appearance never practiced law. Don't know why Gubler wants the job because hie is PERSEd out.
Hafen or Zadrowski--Both decent lawyers. Bernie because he won't be a Mormon hard ass like Conrad.
ReplyDeleteDA: Chairez--Place needs some new blood at the top. The DA needs to care about "victim rights."
AG: Joel Hansen or Travis Barrick. Masto needs to go bye bye.
Maybe Nathan is a "cow" after having bypass surgery b/c she is a dick and a stressball. Karma, baby. And, yeah, she will be Halverson II.
ReplyDeletePollock is the worst judge in family court and everyone I know who practices there wants to dump him on the non-family folks to get him out of there. He is awful. Do NOT vote for Pollock.
ReplyDelete"Victim rights?" I'm sorry, is the DA moonlighting as a civil firm now? If the victim wants compensation, let them sue. Otherwise, STFU. The DA doesn't bring charges in the name of the victim. The position is not meant to be the victim's bitch.
ReplyDeleteSounds like someone that either got their hand slapped or request for fees denied
Rogers, Kephart and Zadrowski are all cut from the same cloth. All assfaces to deal with. Bernie doesn't care at all about the people he prosecutes. They lose their homes trying to pay off debt to the casinos who beat these poor tourists out of hundreds of thousands of dollars and send them packing with nothing but the shirts on their backs. They act like its real money that gets lost in the casinos, when in reality, the casinos are out NOTHING when a player takes a marker out and loses it IN THE VERY CASINO THAT GAVE THEM THE CREDIT! And when hard times fall on the poor sap who was plied with liquor and turned upside down to get his last nickels by the big casino bosses, Zadrowski steps in to take food from their babies mouths. Andi if they don't pay?? Prison! Rogers and Zadrowski go home every night slappin each other on the back and grinnin. What a racket. The casinos, Zadrowski, and Roger need to be prosecuted for theft. No votes for any prosecutors from me, and I urge you to do the same.
ReplyDeletePerhaps we could use a bit more diversity on the bench. I look at this list and I see very few minorities. Ochoa, Gonzalez and Bennett, that's it. One African American, one Hispanic, in a city with a large minority population, all we can come up with is this in terms of racial diversity? Pitiful.
ReplyDeleteYou should really get to know the candidates before you write such idiotic statements.
Benett, Gonzalez, and Ochoa are 3, not 2. Don't forget Charez and Cortez. That's 5. Plus, I see Jewish men and women, Italians, Slavs, and Hispanics. Did I leave any out? I might add that many years ago I served with Bernie Zadrowski when he was the president of the Hispanic/Latin Bar Association. I remember Michael Villani attended those meetings regularly as well. In this day and age you can't tell much from just the name. And of course, one candidate is even openly gay. Lack of diversity? I don't think so.
Why you all hatin' on the Polish Mexican sportin the bow tie? Cut my man some slack, biaaches!
ReplyDeleteMoTs are counted as part of diversity now?
ReplyDeleteIf you've ever wondered what it was
ReplyDeletelike to strap on a six-gun, walk out on to
a dusty street in Tombstone, Dodge City
or other notorious Western frontier town
and have a face-off-in-the-street gunfight
where only the fastest gunslinger walks
away? Then
this long forgotten memoir by
one of the Old West's most feared
(but virtually unknown today) gunfighters
and lawmen immerses you in what it was
like to live and die in the real Wild West.
Most of the long detailed posts were made by Democratic maverick activist Mike Zahara; they're pretty much lifted verbatim from his website. I like Mike, he's a pain in the neck to his own party. Not much of a dresser though.
ReplyDeleteCan't vote for Kishner. Don't know her or have anything negative to add re her qualifications. But here goes:
ReplyDeleteA campaign mailer I received from her within the last week included the standard "happy family" photo of Kishner, hubby, kids and dog. In caption, dog was described as her "adopted" dog. Really? As opposed to her other, biological dogs?
Presumably one of the qualifications for this position is presumably the ability to effectively communicate. She cannot even adequately describe her dog in a campaign mailer! If she cannot even state in a presumably well-planned piece that her dog came from a shelter vs. a breeder/mill (was that so hard?) [and therefore a friend to the animals] how will she do that from the bench?
Or maybe I'm being unfair and her personal life is more interesting than the norm. I'm not down with that. I'd apologize for being a prude but not even Dan Savage is down with that!
@3:27 Mr. Zahara. We have now learned who you are. Much to your disappointment, we are not surprised as you had hoped. You are just some unimportant wannabe politcal hack douche. Go away.
ReplyDelete@3:37 Zahara. Ad lunatic fringe, black helicopter, conspiracy theorist to my previous description of you.
ReplyDeletesorry it should be add not ad
ReplyDeleteIf you take nothing else from this blog, please understand that electing Bruce Gale would be unequivocally the worst thing that could happen to the local branch.
ReplyDelete"Adopted" dog as opposed to "purchased" dog, perhaps. Hope you're joking.
ReplyDeleteLMAO...you made my morning. Her "biological" dog.
What a bitch!
Judging by many posts, most of you have trouble following the simple directions provided by Wild Wild West.
ReplyDeleteYou had an opportunity to add thoughtful and BRIEF comments on an important issue, but no, you had to go and muck it up.
Hope none of you are candidates, now or in the future.
SuperCoolChick: While harping one someone else's lack of communication skills, you used the word "presumably" 3 times in 3 sentences. Good work, you're a regular Ronald Regan. Not.
ReplyDeleteKishner is erratic and moody. The bench would only magnify those characteristics.
ReplyDeleteDabney got my vote. I had a case with him a few years ago and he was practical, fair and even tempered.
Haters. The lot of you. You all suck.
ReplyDeleteAll women are erratic and moody.
ReplyDelete11:22AM That's a cheap shot. My mother is a woman!
ReplyDeleteButton down collar Jordan? I know it has recently become more acceptable, but still...
ReplyDelete10/20-8:16 p.m.--Comment critical of victims' rights. If you were ever a former Deputy DA, you would know that the "victim-witness" is the most important person in the prosecution. Rogers' office has done a lousy job looking at for the victims of crimes. I assisted a "victim" who was being threatened and stalked by the very person who robbed him at a gas station. The DAs office is so incompetent, has too many cases, and so overworked. They do a lousy job protecting the public from the street thugs that terrorize us. This is why something needs to be done. In the case that I just mentioned, if it not were for my legal intervention getting the DA to have this defendant's release conditions revoked, something bad could have happened. Luckily the defendant is now sitting in prison.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise, the victim would not pursue prosectuion and the thug would have continued on robbing and possibly hurting someone. Never give your home address if you are a VICTIM of a crime.
11:22 AM - Duh. As the guy in As Good As It Gets responds to the question "how do you write women so well": "I start with Man and then subtract reason and accountability. Viola! Wo-man is created.
District Court
Dabney or Kishner
Family Court
Justice of the Peace
Hafen or Zadrowski
Hill or "Batman"
District Attorney
Attorney General
And for any of the above-referenced lowers, there is always Fed Ct....
ReplyDeleteMagistrate Judge Position in Las Vegas
The United States District Court for the District of Nevada is seeking qualified applicants for the position of United States Magistrate Judge to be located in Las Vegas, Nevada. Applications will be reviewed by a merit selection panel appointed by the court. The salary of the position is $160,080 per annum. A complete description of the position, as well as application forms, are available at the court's website. Hard copies may also be picked up at the Clerks' Offices in both Las Vegas (333 Las Vegas Blvd. South, Las Vegas, NV 89101) and Reno (400 South Virginia, Room 301, Reno, NV 89501).
The successful applicant will: be a member in good standing of the State Bar of Nevada at the time of the appointment; have been engaged in the active practice of law for a period of at least five years; be competent and qualified to perform all of the duties of the office; be under 70 years old; and not be related by blood or marriage to a judge of the appointing court or courts within the degrees specified in §455(b)(5) of Title 28, United States Code, at the time of the initial appointment.
Application forms must be received by the Clerk of Court no later than close of business on Friday, Oct. 22, 2010.
Voting for Allf just to piss off all the haters. Will be back to gloat if she wins.
ReplyDeletePOW! Double kickstands in your face BITCH!!!
ReplyDelete@12:26 PM said: "Button down collar Jordan? I know it has recently become more acceptable, but still..."
ReplyDeleteFirst of all everyone will now blame you for starting me off on a wardrobe tangent. I hope you can live with the burden and the guilt.
I have for many years now, encouraged professionals to distinguish between business suits and cocktail suits. For business suits I always wear a button down, pinpoint oxford cloth shirt, with a breast pocket and beveled barrel cuffs. This projects a visual image that communicates professionalism, competence and a general sense of gravitas. For cocktail suits I wear a 120's or 140's broadcloth shirt, with a plain collar, French cuffs and a French Front placket. The goal here is to communicate elegance and social ease.
Pow! Gravitas bitch! Social ease bitch! Jordan Ross throwing up double kickstands in your face. YEAH!!!
ReplyDelete@4:55/5:11 - Welcome back double kickstand guy/girl!
ReplyDeleteDistrict Court
Davidson or Wiese (toss-up)
Justice of the Peace
District Attorney
Roger or Chairez - is none of the above still an option?
Attorney General
Jordan. when you leave your fly unzipped, nobody notices the difference between a business suit and a cocktail suit.
ReplyDeleteBlam bitch! Jordan Ross with his fly down. Hardcore kickstand in your face!
ReplyDeleteWho's more annoying, double kickstands guy or...
Double kickstand guy is like the annoying hype man from a bad 1980s rap video.
ReplyDeleteOn another subject someone sent me this and I thought it was pretty funny/accurate
if you haven't seen it already
ReplyDeleteNancy Allf
Laurie Bisch
None of the candidates
For all the rest.
I would vote for my dog over Alf! Jones is a fucking wife beater who wears shorts and t-shirts to work. WTF????
ReplyDeleteDistrict Court
Family Court
Justice of the Peace
District Attorney
ReplyDeleteWhen you grow up you'll learn that some women deserve to get beaten by their husbands.
You just convinced me. I'm voting for Allf and Jones.
I HATE David Roger. He is the epitome of the napoleon syndrome.
ReplyDeleteAlso, to whoever commented that Christopher Lalli should be DA... isn't he essentially the director of the criminal division of the DA's office? Would that make him Roger's lackey and largely responsible for their shady practices??
ReplyDeleteNo, Lally is no longer assistant district attorney for the criminal division. Roger shitcanned him about six months ago. Lally says he wanted back on the murder team but everyone knows they had a falling out as to policy and the way Roger is running the office into the ground.
Chris Owens has taken Lally's place.
Owens is a nice enough guy but won't last long either.
Double kickstand guy makes me laugh. I'm sure I'll grow tired of his schtick sooner or later, but as I'm relatively knew and unfamiliar with his work, he puts out some funny shit.
Where do you get your info that everyone in the DAs office hates Roger? That's total bullshit.
ReplyDeleteDistrict Court:
ReplyDelete26 - Gloria Sturman - Sturman is genuine and truly interested in the law. Gale rubs me the wrong way, but I'm sure he's a nice guy. People know her name and she deserves the seat. she has 20 years of experience in this type of work and she will be great.
27 - Nancy Allf - Now Nancy is a truly nice lady. She gave me the run down on her stances and she plans on running a full time court room with respect for the constitution.
28 - Jack Howard - He has experience doing many types of law and a lot more of it than his opponent. I don't think Ron Israel would be a bad choice, but my vote goes to Howard.
29 - Susan Scann - She has trial experience and high ratings, as well as previous judicial experience. Her opponent has only a 47% in the judicial survey for retention recommendation. Scann is a caring woman who loves the law.
30 - Jerry Weise - I've gone back and forth on this one, but after it came out that he has predetermined views and biases as soon as he sees the parties, I can't vote for that. Met Jerry Weise and he is a nice guy. Davidson has a lot more experience, but I see him as not viewing all the evidence before rendering a decision.
31 - Joanna Kishner -
32 - Rob Bare - I just love Rob Bare. He and Steve Jones really impressed me at the Sun City meet and greet with their knowledge and sense of humor. Bare has done everything right in his carreer and was actually a short term judge at one point. Everyone loves him and I think he''l make a great full-time judge.
Family Court:
C - Maria Maskall - Family law experience, many awards as a pro bono lawyer (you have to really love family law to do it pro bono) and Steve Jones has so many issues, complaints and investigations, there just isn't enough enough room to list them. He is well liked and a really nice guy, but it seriously took me several pages of negative information to find god things about him.
F - John Eccles - A really nice guy and friend, almost exclusively family law practice since law school, pro tem hearing master, opponent appointed by governor with NO family law experience
S - Vincent Ochoa - Have heard great things about him, he has more experience as a lawyer and 4 different jobs as hearing master or arbitrator in Clark County.
His opponent has stated that she has
T - Carl Piazza - Nathan has been tagged as a man hater and I just can't hanlde that. Carl is a genuinely nice guy and a good lawyer.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI love the comments that Gayle Nathan is a "man hater." Typical comment from a man who learned the hard way that Nevada is a community property state. Sorry dude, you can't keep everything. So to salvage your pride when you had to share $ with the ex, you call a woman attorney a "man hater." No wonder you are divorced.
ReplyDeleteHow many years did Gonzales practice family law before he was appointed as a Family Court Judge?