Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Oh good, at least we have a theme now ...

A helpful tipster sent in the following photo, taken Monday outside of the RJC:

Yes, that appears to be a Halloween/stripper cop uniform she is wearing.

Stay classy, Scott Holper, Esq.


  1. God I love this. . . So much to say that I'm at a loss. . .

    Nothing illustrates the baseline nature of the legal profession better than stuff like this.

    Also, what is on the left side of her stomach? Is that dirt or a stretch mark?

  2. We should fine these guys under Rule 11.

  3. Anyone see the blonde attorney hottie in Bell's courtroom yesterday morning? Young, glasses, tall.

  4. I love this stuff!! If I was the competition, I would one-up this gal by getting our felonious friend of Vegas, Paris Hilton, to host a Pimp-n'-ho Ticket Relief night at Tao!

  5. Can anyone confirm if that's the same girl in the bikini last week? Because if she is, the commenters who suggested she was even remotely good looking need to get out more.

  6. 9:10 - That's exactly what I was thinking!

  7. When I used to go out more, I would wake up with gals like that all the time.

  8. Live from BK court.

    BK hottie wearing long knee length skirt today. :-(

  9. Anon 9:28:

    Like the country song says:

    I've never been to bed with an ugly girl, but I woke up with a few...

    I went to bed with a 10 at 2, and woke up with a 2 at 10.

  10. Can someone approach this woman and get a buccal swab off her stomach to confirm what that weird smudge is.

  11. "blonde attorney hottie?" impossible unless you remove the "attorney" part

  12. Re: "weird smudge":

    Exactly!!! Honestly, where did they find this girl? In a bathtub full of ice--missing some organs (and teeth, I'd imagine).

    If you're going to stoop to these levels and bring further embarrassment upon our legal community, at least do it with a decent looking chick, not some laid-off stripper attending night classes at Boyd.

  13. ...attending night classes at Boyd! Classic.

  14. 11:23: I will admit she was lawyer hot, not night club hot. But there she was. Some commercial lit hearing infront of Bell.

  15. Weird smudge.
    It's her tattoo.

  16. Troy Fox would so tap that ho!

  17. She's not that bad looking. She's a 10-10, perfect for that stretch of road; ie. looks good from 10 feet away at 10mph.
    I wonder if she comes with the sign.

  18. Good grief, is that a scar on the left side of her abdomen!?

  19. One word - Nasty.

    And not in a good way either.

  20. I call b.s. on the alleged BK "hottie." I was there this morning too and if it is who I think you are referring to (first letter of her first name being an "E"), then she is just okay. Yes, she was a former cocktail waitress on the American Casino, just working her way through law school at the time, but her figure now ain't that great. Sorry to burst your bubble.

  21. M-m-m-muffin top!

    They say it's the best part of the muffin.

  22. Has the smudge been identified? If it is a tattoo then of what. Don't tell me no one got a closer look today.

  23. I think I just threw up in my mouth

  24. E is pretty good looking, and her figure looks fine to me, so I don't know what you're smoking.

  25. C-section scar on her belly. Or a stab wound.

  26. @228, 958 here.

    Which courtroom?

    Flat stomach, a bangin' dancers (real dancer, not stripper) ass and about a 34, small.C.

    Didn't catch her name, always forget to pay attention. Btw, why would I care what her name is?

  27. Oh my god, what is that?

  28. I walked close enough to look yesterday after the previous discussion and she is not hot at all. She is good looking from a 100feet. It is a tatoo on her stomach. In addition, she has several lip/face piercings. I would not touch her with someone else's dick.

  29. After some you guys swearing the corner chick was hot and now seeing her...I'm sure the "BK hottie" looks exactly the same. You either need to get glasses or have your lenses upgraded.

  30. My properly Lasik'ed eyes tell me the BK hottie is smokin hot. AND that Holpers Ho is gross. Straight up.

  31. I wonder if Holper hired her himself? She is not good looking at all.

  32. I wonder if Holper hired her himself? She is not good looking at all.

  33. I dare someone to give her $100 for a topless shot. We can all pitch in to reimburse you.

  34. Well, at least one good thing has come from this thread; Holper and his half-clad helpers have a new nom de guerre.... she is "Holper's Ho".

    Then again there are so many other entertaining names that could be used....

    The Spieler's Peeler
    The Barrister's Burlesquer
    The Counselor's Coryphee
    The Ambulance Chaser's Artiste'
    The Mouthpiece's Mummer
    The Ticket Master's Teaser

    Of course my biggest chuckle is that the District Attorneys have to walk past that everyday (at least twice) ... Perhaps she should be nicknamed the "DA's Dancing Girl"...

  35. Then again, maybe David Roger likes her standing on the corner reminding his minions of the "high brow" work that awaits them in private practice.

  36. Hey assholes, that's my sister you're talking about out there with the cop uniform on. That "tattoo" is where she was shot in the line of duty. You lawyers ough to be ashamed of yourselves. Have some respect for our men and women in uniform.

  37. She's not spectacular. She is however a pretty girl (going by the photograph). Sadly, she doesn't meet the expectations of many of you. Considering the ridiculous bile I read spewing from the lips (fingers) of all too many of you, I'm not surprised by the cowardly, mean-spirited crap about her. Some of you are pathetic.
    Somebody tell me what BK Hottie was wearing today. Just tell me what colour skirt she was wearing.

  38. hottie in court . . . was it Sally Lohrer?

  39. @ 8:49
    rapier-thin, glasses, blonde hair pulled into ponytail, glasses, absolutely beautiful ass, works out of the BofA building?

  40. It HAD to be Karen Vanderpol, then.

  41. Maybe it was Betsy Kolkosky

  42. Can we have a post about the judges using court fees to pay a lobbyist almost a $100,000?

  43. Yes, we should all be ashamed of ourselves for daring to speak or even think badly of the girl, who was previously on the corner in tube-top and thong, hawking her employer's services to the needy and poor. Indeed, this group is standing up for all of our rights as attorneys to put free bikini car washes on every corner of the RJC for every ticket handled.

  44. Isn't that Amanda who was a Channel 13 reporter?

  45. I read the artical in the LVRJ this morning regarding the judges paying Morse Arberry clost to or over $100,000 to lobby for the District and Justice Courts. He is to be paid $10,000 a month from September to June and then a $2,000 a month retainer after that.

    The County commissioners will vote on it but the judges say the vote is worthless because the judges are a different branch of government and can make up and pay anyone they want to.

    The money is to come from "fees" that the courts collect.

  46. 11:26pm: Sounds like Lauren Calvert at Lionel.

  47. 10:02 AM

    If I wasn't boycotting the RJ for their Righthaven bullshit I would check your article out.

  48. Don't worry I'll cut and paste the article here

  49. All of you wankers drooling over the BK hottie are too busy posting about her instead of aproaching her. Sorry, Hedwigs that you're angry about your manhood being an inch. This thread has become extremly Cro-Magnon. Who cares what the girl in the picture looks like. There are greater implications to our profession for this type of advertisement than what is on her stomach.

  50. When we refer to the "BK Hottie", we're talking about the girl that works the Burger King drive-thru, right? Because I think she has a thing for me. She always asks "Do you want any sauces?" and then winks...

  51. A 10:35: yep, i have big dorky glasses, a pony tail, and work out of the BofA but sadly no BK work/experience :[ one day y'all, one day...

  52. Damn, no one listed in the cast of American Casino with the first initial "e." The mystery continues for some of us.

  53. @ 1:09, the alleged LC. I think they are talking about two different sightings. One is the BK hottie whose legend now rivals the great Sasquatch (a few reported sightings, no believable photographic evidence, and questionable characters reporting the sighting). The other is someone who was in Bell's court yesterday.

    Are you confirming you are the one in Bell's court? That still leaves the mystery of the BK Sasquatch to solve.

  54. nope. not in bell's courtroom. i was in traffic court at the rjc, where apparently all of vegas' finest congregate.

  55. People from Phoenix are called Phoenecians.

  56. Is it just me or is it way weird someone id'd herself as the hot blond you all are talking about?

  57. Lauren Calvert at Lionel


  58. First off, we don't know if this person is Lauren -- who I met once and is very attractive. But even if it is, she didn't ID herself. Someone else used her name and then the person alleging to be her posted.

  59. 1:16: Thanks! This clip from the same guy had me in tears. Where did I go wrong?

  60. Having seen this woman this morning, have a sense of pathos. If you want to ridicule the legal people who put her up to this whorish escapade, that seems to be fair game. However she does not appear to be a social position where anyone who truly believes that they are on high would need to stoop to ridicule her.

  61. 2:05PM

    I have to agree Lauren Calvert is sub standard. Let's get it together people!

    By the way I agree with 1:16, 12:55 is definitely a FAGGOT! and probably a Phoenician.

  62. Louis CK is funny! Take a .3 and check his videos out.


    Calvert actually looks pretty good!

  64. Let's leave the girl at Lionel alone. She's done nothing to encourage people to comment on her looks. We won't even know if the person purporting to be her on here is actually her.

  65. Oops, "don't" not "won't"

  66. "E" is not the BK hottie. When the BK hottie was first mentioned here, the person said the BK hottie was new down at BK court. "E" has been hanging around there for close to 2 years.

    "E" is hotter than the BK hottie because the BK hottie is not hot.

  67. I always thought people phrom Phoenix were called phoneys. Just goes to show ...

  68. Actually, what I said when I introduced the BK Hottie, was that she appeared new and was handling unopposed Lift Stay motion, ie nothing of consequence.

    I also said at one point that there was more than one and that they were both blonde.

    However, when I reported from the courtroom yesterday, it was not the original BK Hottie. But the other one. I didn't catch if her name was E or not, but she was SMOKIN.

  69. Something tells me that the people on here commenting about the appearance of others resemble something that lives under a bridge.

  70. I love the it. When will legal action result from all this harassment.

  71. I was talking with some attorney friends last night about the mythical BK Hottie. Although part of me wants to know who she is, I think it is best to keep BK Hottie a Unicorn (or the less flattering image suggested by 1:23 of Sasquatch). Once I find out I will inevitably be let down - so please keep it a mystery.

    Oh yeah, and I'd bang the hell out of that ticket skank in the pic.

  72. Just got screwed by my firm twice. Just shows that it doesn't pay to be an associate.

  73. The other night I was getting a b/j from my boyfriend, and he gurgled something about how the girl in the cop uniform was not hot. Atleast, that's what it sounded like amidst all that gagging and choking.

    Then, the other day while he was slammin my sphincter (really hard, too) and my head was slammin into the wall, he changed his mind and said she was attractive. Hmm.

  74. 9:17 is a repository of EPIC FAIL. trying too hard and failing totally.

  75. 9:17, I am with 9:53.

    ewww. I can't believe I kept reading that.

  76. 10:15 AM - Ditto. It must be ATMS associate/Boyd graduate.

  77. @138- The only way you could have been less funny is if you threw in a Troy Fox reference...

  78. I thought the pic was of DA Kristen Kramer

  79. 2:07

    Troy Fox works at ATMS?

  80. Hey! Kristen is a good friend of mine!

  81. What's the difference between Half Price Lawyers and Valtrex?


    The both sound like a good idea but in the end your still fucked.

  82. 10:15:

    You're not with 9:53. 9:53 is lickin my taint right now, but you are free to join him.

  83. Why oh why are you bringing ridicule on this heroic woman. This woman is former Officer Pettyjean MaryJoBustyourass of the INS/ICE Border Patrol. She lost two partners and numerous fleeing narcos while attempting to arrest three illegal immigrants on a burro all of whom were working for the Governor of Arizona in an undercover capacity.Summarily fired, she graduated from night law school, went to work for Lewis brisbois, but finding this job too billing depraved, decided to find an honest job and became a straight stripper. Approached by several "working" lawyers at a well known strip club, she accepted their offer to visit them at the courthouse on a regular basis.
    And the beat goes on...

  84. Word in the court house is that Adam Stokes posted the picture on this website and sent the same picture to Glen Machado in an attempt to get Holper in trouble. Adam Stokes is a little turd in Holper's toilet and about to get flushed.

  85. Adam Stokes and Half Price Lawyers post comments under anonymous attacking the DA corner dancer. Have you ever seen Adam Stokes? What a trophy! Toothpick scumbag.

  86. The billboard and costume is a great idea. I have a feeling all the bad comments are coming from disgruntled attorneys (including Adam Stokes) who charge too much for traffic tickets (or lie about having “Low Price Guarantee –(i.e., Half Price Lawyers)) or fat jealous girls who can’t fit into the outfit. Keep it up DA dancer. I don’t mind catching a peek at you when I start my day at the courthouse.

  87. This website has gotten really lame the past few months. Maybe if all you associates would stop posting all day long about BK hotties and other nonsense you'd bill some more hours, bring in some business and make partner.

    Just some harsh but honest advice. None of you want to hear it, but think about how you waste your time all day long.

  88. 9:32am, 10:34am, 11:31am = Scott Holper, Esq. Nice try, loser.

  89. 1:23:

    You go home at night and put on your leather mask and gag ball, and take it up your giggy. We post ridiculous shit on this blog. Just two different forms of entertainment, ALL ON YOUR DIME! Thanks.

  90. 1:34 pm= Another coward post by Adam Stokes. Way to go Half Ass Lawyers. What a looser

  91. Stokes has too much time on his hands. Send your beat-up looking wife for an extreme makeover (she needs it) and go to the gym loser.

  92. 10:12, 10:24 = Scott Holper, Esq. STILL a loser.

  93. In case you idiots cant read that sign clearly states the attorneys name and the "in most cases" at the bottom. So save your whining and go do some work instead of using your company time and company property to bash other lawyers.

  94. Should have seen Holpers Ho this morning. I think it was a different broad. She was wearing fishnets, high heels and a black and white striped top.

    I really think this one was different. She looked pretty good to me for a late 30's hotel room stripper.

    WhoTF is COPS321? and who does she think that she is? GO back to rimming LVMetro cops for a pass on the "jaywalking? charge.

  95. There was two DA Dancing girls out there today. One on the corner of 3rd and Clark and the other on 3rd and Lewis.

  96. @2:09 Hey Moron do some work instead of oogling the women on the corner and reporting their outfit changes to us. Its clear that this is as close as you get to a piece of ass loser.

  97. 6:48 PM - I disagree. More reports! More pictures!

  98. Holper (vegas ticket masters) is doing free traffic tickets for anyone that has used Half Ass Lawyers in the past! Pass it on.

  99. Free Traffic Tickets from Vegas Ticket Masters to Half Ass Customers is a pretty good way to financially stun that loser Stokes.

    Holper spends about $1,000 a week in advertising and Stokes spends about $50K? Holper needs two DA dancers in front of Stokes office. I dare you Holper

  100. DA dancers soon to appear in front of Half Ass Lawyers advertising free traffic tickets. Get your camera's out.

    Holper will soon post the voicemail from Adam Stokes. At least that's what he said.

    Wild Wild Law- Will you post it if it is provided????????????????????

  101. Wheres the pic of the new DA Dancer?

  102. @ 9:24- holper, I think you have a screw loose. And no, I'm not Stokes. Wow, I don't know you, but you sure do sound like a nutjob, LOL!

  103. 9:42 is a fucking retard. Post something with merit.

  104. Hey should meet him. He's painfully ugly, too. With the brains to match.

  105. I assume you are saying Stokes is painfully ugly,,,,you obviously never seen Holper or you are blind as a bat and must be just another jealous wanna be.

  106. 1) who cares if the chick wants to get paid to wear skany clothes on the street. yes, she looks like a whore but have you been on the strip on a friday night? There are plenty of chicks dressed that way just for the fun of it.
    2) I think the attorneys who advertise for representation on traffic tickets are deplorable. Anyone walking in off the street would get THE SAME DEAL AS AN ATTORNEY and they would get this deal WITHOUT HAVING TO PAY LEGAL FEES. Hey, some people go to law school to make money and compensate for their little dicks so to those attorneys, have fun with your traffic tickets. The rest of us who went to law school to actually help people and respect the profession, well, we woudln't dain to socialize with you ticket busting bottom feeders anyway. Have fun with your low brow pathetic legal career!!

  107. As for calling Scott Holper a "ticket busting bottom feeder" while the REST of you work to help people....allow me to make some clarifications:
    Last year Scott Holper donated 100%of his traffic ticket proceeds to the Nevada March of Dimes. In 2008 Scott Holper and His wife ( myself) became the 2008 March of Dimes Ambassador Family for Las Vegas. Since 2005 he has been dedicated to this charity after losing his first child and only daughter to infant prematurity. While you might consider his advertising questionable, don't you dare speak to his lack of "helping people". He donates thousands of dollars a year to this charity as well as doing pro-bono work. So please speak to what you know...which is clearly not much and refrain from the personal attacks. Everyone in Las Vegas is just trying to make a living and support their families in this economy. As I clearly stated I am his wife, Margaret and if you have anything personal to say about my husband I would love to have an audience with you. Until then attack away at his advertising campaign- its clear you have nothing better to do. Next time, be bold enough to put your name to it.

  108. Hey 4:22! How much money do you make sucking your master off in hopes of making partner and paying back your student loan? Do your homework before talking shit! Some of us handle traffic tickets but guess what dickface, we also handle serious felonies. You jealous POOR bastard.

    You must have went to Boyd Law!

  109. 4:22 is a dipshit. Aside from Adam Stokes and 702Traffic, most owners of traffic ticket companies are criminal defense attorney's who are in court every day taking on the DA's.

    I have a question for you 4:22, what type of law do you practice? Clearly you are disgruntled and likely underpaid. Perhaps you should contact one of the following big traffic ticket companies for a job and then you take your bottom feeder comment and stick it up your ass: Ticketbusters, Ticket Fixer,Vegas Ticket Masters, or even Half Ass Lawyers which I am sure you will fit in well.

    Your misery and jealousy is clearly spelled out in your writing.

    Last Question: Did you go to Boyd?

  110. @9:24: Does Adam Stokes have any connections with this web site? if Holper is willing to post Stokes messages left on Holpers answering machine, where is it and why in the hell is it not posted? I am beginning to doubt Wild Wild Laws integrity as a so-called open forum free from censorship.

  111. It's 4:22 here again.

    AT 3:01 and 9:18: haha, I love the "you must have gone to Boyd" that really your go to argument because you have NOTHING ELSE TO SAY?!?! Well, that speaks VOLUMES about your ability, or lack thereof, to debate. For your information, I went to an ivy undergrad and a top tier law school. I have practiced civil litigation as well as criminal defense and criminal prosecution. Yes, I have taken care of clients' traffic tickets as a freebie to paying clients who hired me on other matters. I wasn't saying that any lawyer who EVER does a traffic ticket is a bottom feeder. I'm saying that the people who ADVERTISE for it are scum--again, playing on the public's ignorance of the fact that they could get the SAME DEAL PRO SE simply to make a quick buck!!! Before responding in such a rash and defensive manner, maybe you should READ the whole comment first. Did YOU two go to Boyd? lol...

    As far as the $$ I make or who's dick I suck, I don't work in a billable hour job, the only dick I suck is my husband's and I have plenty of money, a lovely home and true happiness.

    Clearly, you two are insecure about your own place in the legal community that you felt the need to respond with such hurt heart comments and profanity.


  112. He guys! it's 4:22 here. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. With having a life and all, trolling the internet is not something I have a lot of time for.

    So, to address some of your comments:

    To Margaret:
    1) I never specifically directed my comment to your husband--you did that all on your own. I was speaking,in general, about lawyers who advertise for representation on traffic tickets when anyone could get THE SAME DEAL without an attorney. It plays on public ignorance of the law and I think it's reprehensible.

    2) Sorry to hear about his child. However, it's not an excuse to engage in these kind of tacky business practices. I've watched several family members rot from cancer--does that give me an excuse to behave unethically?

  113. 4:22 here:

    To Margaret:

    3) donations schmonations--so, what your saying is that because he donated the same amount of money that he earned from "ticket busting" to a charity HE cares about that HE gets recognition for, that means it's ok to do it at the expense of the public's ignorance about the justice system? Plenty of us donate our $$ and our time to helping people and we do it without flaunting it or without putting a slut on a corner holding a billboard--doesn't mean it's an excuse to act unethically.

    4) "everyone is just trying to make a living and support their families", that argument is worthless. So, using that logic, every pimp, whore, theif, and drug dealer isn't doing anything wrong because they are "just trying to make a living"? lol....

    I have to ask, would you want your daughter standing out there on the corner dressed like that? As a woman you should be ashamed that your husband is using such disgusting and blatantly sexist tactics to make a quick buck.

    Also, as you have noticed I'm not the only one here who thinks so. Maybe instead of pointing the finger at everyone else, you should look at yourself and your husband because you two seem to be the only ones who don't see anything wrong with this behavior.

  114. 7:47

    truuuuuue dat.....

  115. @7:47 I guess you werent listening but I said my daughter was dead NO he isnt donating his proceeds for recognition he is donating in HER MEMORY in the hopes of helping another family you piece of shit. And if it came with sooo much recognition then why is it you didnt know that fact scumbag? There isnt a huge March of Dimes logo on his signs so how is he FLAUNTING his involvemnet in the charity? As for calling the sign holder a Slut, who the fuck do you think you are? She happens to be a mother of two premature boys and was laid off from the MGM, she is also a family friend and FAR from a slut so watch your mouth.
    Secondly ask me if I give a rats ass about what you think...I am sure you are some dumb fat cold fish who only wishes you could squeeze your big ass into that outfit...or else your an ugly fat man who only wishes he could get a piece of ass like that.
    Either way your jealousy is quite obvious. If you havent noticed we unfortunately live in Las Vegas and I would like to know if you complain about every casino billboard up and down the road where the girls have their asses and breasts practically exposed. I picked out those " costumes" and her breasts and behind are fully covered. DO you get so worked up over cocktail servers in the casino's? They are dressed far more scandalous... are they ALL SLUTS TOO?
    The first amendment is alive and well!

  116. OH...and to answer your other stupid question " How would I feel if my daughter did that?"
    I WOULD FEEL AMAZING, PRAISE THE LORD AND JUMP FOR JOY BECAUSE THAT WOULD MEAN SHE WAS ALIVE!!!! As I previously requested LEAVE YOUR NAME...but I forgot your a coward. Thats a FAR WORSE thing to be than a costumed sign holder.

  117. MArgi--stop playing the dead baby card. It's getting old. Why don't you actually respond to the argument that the other blogger was making about how advertising for a service a person without an attorney could handle themselves and get the same results. Instead you are just making excuses for your husband's behavior.

  118. Once Again, leave your name pus. Why the hell should I give a crap if someone wants to hire an attorney for a ticket? Who the hell cares! People do it everyday, you don't need an attorney to obtain a business license, or liquor and gaming license but you have TONS of attorneys out there telling people otherwise and charging a fortune. As for your other rude comment, I was responding to the question I was asked about my daughter moron so go to hell. God, only knows that cant happen fast enough.....

  119. Hey! me again!

    Yeah, stop playing the dead baby card—it’s getting old. The question about “would you want your daughter dressed like that standing in the corner” was rhetorical and theoretical. But since you want to take it the literal level—if your daughter were alive, is that what you would want for her? I doubt you would be jumping for joy. Sure, relatively speaking given the current circumstances, you would be but let’s be realistic here—no parent would want their daughter standing out on the street corner with her ass hang out, fishnets and heels.

    And yes, I did know that your husband donates money and is involved in charities that HE has a personal interest in. I also know that he does make it public knowledge—you certainly have to qualms about shouting it from this blog or your facebook profile. And if he does donate it, maybe he should donate it in the name of the “suckers of las vegas who bought into his scheme” and forgo the tax write off and recognition and the chairman seat. There is NOTHING altruistic about what he is doing here.

    “watch my mouth?” if anyone needs to watch her mouth, it’s you. In fact, it needs to be washed out with soap. I don’t care about the girls’ back story. What I care about is unethical attorneys like your husband preying on public ignorance about the law.

    You clearly do give a “rat’s ass” about what I think. I clearly pissed you off and you feel the need to rant and rave in anger on this blog without even addressing my points. I’m not an ugly fat man and I’m not a dumb fat cold fish who wishes she could dress like a street hooker. I’m more attractive than those two girls combined. Noooooo jealousy here. But again, this is irrelevant to my point that YOUR HUSBAND IS PLAYING ON THE PUBLIC’S IGNORANCE ABOUT THE FACT THAT THEY COULD GET THE SAME DEAL WITHOUT AN ATTORNEY!!!! You have nothing intelligent to say about that?

  120. The issue is not girls dressing slutty in Vegas--it's an attorney using a girl dressed like a slut standing on the corner of the courthouse holding a billboard advertising ticket busting. When you go to a casino, a club rn the stip--you expect girls to be dressed slutty. NOT IN FRONT OF THE COURTHOUSE!!! I mean seriously!!! She looks worse than the actual hookers who come in for their status checks in justice court!! And yes, her ass is hanging out, I have to look at it every day on my way into the courthouse.

    “The First Amendment is alive and well”…..interesting that you make that astute observation while at the same berating me for having my own opinion, telling me to shut my mouth while calling me all sorts of names. I never said that your husband doesn’t have a right to put a girl dressed like a slut on the corner advertising for ticket busting. I simply said it was unethical and tacky. That’s ME asserting MY first amendment right. Anonymous open blogs like this are what keep the First Amendment alive and well—giving people a forum to speak freely without the threat of some trashy person such as yourself from coming after them.

  121. Clearly your the one that has gotten their panties in a bunch and your attempt to bait me TWICE now with the "dead baby" comment just shows what a loser you are...not to mention a STALKER looking at peoples Facebook???? HHAHHAA! I have to laugh. Add Coward to the list as well since you find the need to cyber stalk me yet wont reveal your own identity. YAWN....Ive become bored with your little game. Have a great week!

  122. 1. You brought up the dead baby--I just told you it wasn't an excuse.
    2. I'm not the one calling you all kinds of names and using foul language--you are. I think it's clear 'who's panties are in a bunch."
    3. Looking at your public facebook profile (that you use to advertise) because I want to put a face to the name who is berating me is hardly cyber stalking.
    4. Getting a liquor license or gaming license is A LOT harder than getting a moving violation reduced to a parking ticket--you walk in, put your name on the list/take a number, wait for your name/number to be called and the prosecutor says: "reduced to illegal parking, XX amount in fine."
    5. You're bored? Well,seeing as how you have so enthusiastically responded to every post I have made, you clearly aren't bored with me--bored with your life, maybe.
    6. You are obviously a very unhappy and angry are kind of coming off as a crazy person. Maybe you should get some help....?

  123. You are a cyber stalker and a coward. Going online to read facebook profiles is creepy. Leave your name. You know nothing about me...other than you dislike Scott's advertising campaign. I have great kids, family and a beautiful life. This whole thing started in defense of my family and of my friend ( the "slut" she was called). I wish you all the best and if you ever want to reveal yourself we can have an adult conversation, instead of this blog battle. I think you will agree, this has become ridiculous.

  124. When the facts are not on your side, argue the law.

    When the law is not on your side, argue the facts.

    When neither are on your side, pound the table--you, my dear, are banging your head on the damn thing.

    You don't even address any of these people's comments with any measure of intelligence or logic. You just name call and rant and rave.

    Why don't I leave my name? Judging from your demeanor on this blog, you seem like the type to throw rocks through people's windows or pull hair. Not leaving my name doesn't make me a coward, it makes me smart.

  125. i personally like the girls out by the courthouse, especially that cute friendly one. Clearly this is not illegal, so why dont you guys just shut up and enjoy the view. as for picking on someones wife and family, that is really lame. this is las vegas , if you dont want to see sexy girls in costumes go move to oklahoma

  126. Actually, no one picked on the wife or family--she brought herself and her family into the debate. SHE chose to make things personal in an attempt to detract from the main point that many people have made on this and the other thread on this blog that deals with this type of classless advertising.

    No one said nice looking skantily clad girls were bad--LISTEN to what people are saying. We, as attorneys, are EMBARASSED that this is representative of our legal community.

    Your argument is ridiculous--what, so, because this is Las Vegas, there is no such thing as etiquette? Would you think it appropriate to wear such clothing at a funeral or in church? How about IN COURT? I think the answer is no.

    "nothing illustrates the baseline nature of the legal professions better than stuff like this" that first comment that 8:13 left...our actions as attorneys reflect on the entire community...this man should be ashamed for making us all look like tacky fools. THIS IS WHY SO MANY PEOPLE IN THE LEGAL COMMUNITY ARE PISSED, DISGUSTED, SADDENDED, AND ANGRY about this whole advertising scheme!!!

  127. 7:07 This is Scott Holper. Get your ass to the gym and get on the corner to work for me.

  128. 7:07 Forgot one thing. Attorney's are pissed off because my business is booming! Sorry I have the balls to take a risk. After you leave your sorry ass office on the way to court, stop for a second and watch other attorneys including the ticket fixer trying to get my girls to pass out their cards.

    Your all so fucking jealous and I love it. It's people like you who draw attention to my business

    Go cry to the state bar like every other HALF ASS LAWYER!

    Even a bottom feeder grows to be 200 lbs. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

  129. @7:07"our actions as attorneys reflect on the entire community" you wrote! Yeah drunk lawyers in court, sexist perverts harassing workers at a golf game, Lawyers arrested for being drunk and causing fights while brandishing a handgun, wife beaters. Lets not forgot you pot heads and cocaine junkies. Gee....what a great crew to look up to. Your a moron if you think lawyers are the pillars of society and one girl holding a sign can damage that hard fought reputATION. Go have a valium and a need to relax.

  130. @ 7:07 Listen to 9:50! You really think Holper's advertising is bad compared to what some attorney's are arrested for?

    Get off your throne, you are an attorney, big fucking deal! You think your better than a garbage man? Your similar, the crap you write is GARBAGE.

  131. @7:07 Go suck off your Mormom master in the temple.

  132. @ 9:50: you just put Scott in the same category as drunks, sexist perverts, wife beaters and drug addicts--couldn't have said it better myself! LOL!!

    @ Scott: maybe you should take all that money you're making (that we're all so jealous of) and have your big balls cast in gold, speckled with diamonds. You can hang them in your office lobby so everyone knows exactly what your priorities are--money money each their own, I guess.

  133. I will hang them on your chin.

  134. @ 12:45 a.m. Someones in your head for you to be up so late. You really are taking it on the chin.
