Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Finally, Some Northern Nevada Dirt

Ken McKenna, a well-known Reno lawyer, has been charged with two federal misdemeanor counts of failing to pay taxes.

(RGJ; Thanks, Tipster!)


  1. You and the news-paper both skillfully played guess that party. Since they mentioned it at the end and you ignored it completely, I suppose you win.

  2. Taxes are the stamp of the devil. It constitutes involuntary servitude ("slavery"), and to enforce it requires the wholesale abolition of our natural human rights, including those enshrined in the "Bill of Rights." Tax avoiders are not bad people; they are principled and brave, and they deserve our admiration not condemnation.

  3. @9:09 AM

    But it comes down to who has the bigger gun in the fight. I always tell constitutionalists you may be right in your arguments, but you are not going to win against the feds. They have guns, and lots of them. They have judges, and lots of them. Guess who wins. You will go to jail if you don't pay your taxes.

  4. But Harry Reid syas ALL taxes are voluntary!

  5. Yes, it is true, the feds do win everytime, hands down. Pick your inspirational hero or saint of the past, whether it be Crockett at the Alamo or some Christian in a Roman Colosseum. The point remains that those who resist are the heroes. Everyone else is a spineless sheeple. Watch the White Rose movie sometime. At the end, remember you and I and all the rest are the ones in audience doing nothing as innocence and truth are murdered.

  6. Taxes ARE voluntary. I voluntarily pay taxes so that I will not involuntarily end up in jail.

  7. I voluntarily show up for hearings before Judge Cadish for the reason that I will not involuntarily go to jail for exactly the same reasons.

  8. Some idiots in the UK have been floating the idea of having all paychecks go to the government, which would then take out what it wanted and send the balance to the worker. Nope, no potential issues with that.

  9. 9:31 A.M. here,

    There no longer is the good fight. I was a Ron Paul supporter, but then realized he is just one of 435. Society is set up the way it is and there is no changing it. It will go down the path it is on with no deviation. The only thing to do is live one's life such that it matters very little who is in power and find a way to hold to what is yours as best as possible.

  10. Stop acting like there was some golden age where people did not pay some sort of tax to whatever form of government they were subject.

    Since when was the colonists' motto NO taxation? Versus no taxation w/o representation.

    Income tax was unconstitutionally collected during the Civil War and floated as an idea many times before and after until the 16th amendment was ratified. That doesn't mean there were not other taxes paid by citizens (i.e. estate tax etc. I seem to recall B. Franklin praising the principals of an estate tax vis-a-vis preventing aristocratic wealth) that were perfectly constitutional.

    The tax evaders penchant for demanding no taxes versus sensible tax policy is shortsighted and reckless.

  11. So many lawyers majored in history undergrad...

  12. I am very sympathetic to the position of those who look to hisory and fail to find inspiration, as well as those who see one man like Ron Paul as a lost cause. But I have to disagree with the conclusion.

    Every little step in the right direction is good. Such as giving someone like Paul a strong showing in a national election, or as in giving an inquiring mind a reason to question the status quo.

    So many horrible crimes against humanity have passed by very narrow margins, whether in Congress or SCOTUS or your local city council. If one can even plant just a seed of doubt in a legislator's mind, or a seed of wisdom in a taxslave's mind, who knows what might happen long after we are gone? It was, for example, a long long time after Jesus before the idea of each man and woman as a creature of God, endowed with inalienable rights took hold. The quest for liberation did not end when the chains fell off slaves in world between the 17-18 centuries. We are still bound and shackled. The idea that one man must submit to the will of another is alive and well amongst us. And the chains will eventually have to fall, or they will choke us to extinction. (which I know gives environmentalists a hard-on, but f'em.)

  13. wasn't McKenna's brother the multiple murderer? yeah, the guy that murdered his cell mate and escaped from NSP TWICE!.

    interesting. No stance on taxes, it is the price we pay for necessary social and civil services.

  14. Those who argue that there should be no personal income tax are morons. How do you expect the government to pay for all the services and infrastructure that you use every day?

  15. 11:37 AM - the same way Apple makes money selling the i-Fag shit I see every day.

  16. @11:49

    So every road should be a toll road? When you call the fire dept to save your burning house, should you have your credit card handy?

  17. @11:24 AM

    Your submission is by choice. You have chosen to live in this country and by its laws. You are even free to choose to live elsewhere, so it's not even like your can't change your mind.

  18. @1211

    You're a dumb ass.

    We are talking about federal income tax. Last time I checked. Our local fire department would come when called and without the levy of ANY income tax.

  19. I agree with @12:11. Taxes are necessary - pay your part.

    I like things like stop lights, post offices and armies

  20. @ 142 - you're sort of right. Although technically Nevada could do away with income tax, Nevada still relies heavily on federal grants, much of which would be absolete if we did away with federal income tax. Therefore, before you become brave and start calling people idiots, start actually analyzing your own position

  21. sorry that was meant to respond to 146, who was in turn responding to 142

  22. Seriously, how can the government operate without the federal income tax? Although it appears that the only services the government will be able to pay for is social security and Obamacare, the money has to come from somewhere (this is coming from a democrat).

    Henry David Thoreau paid his taxes for the roads, since he used them. I don't use medicare, medicad, but I recognize it is my responsibility to pay my taxes so these services are available if I ever do. I also enjoy the protection that the military offers, so I'll continue to pay my taxes and so should you.

  23. You can argue all day and night about the (mis)use of taxes. And you'd probably be at least half-right every time. However, taxes are what we use to fund our civilization. Get over it.
    Hate government and taxes? Move to Somalia.

  24. If you want to live in a tax-free paradise, I am willing to sell you some beautiful acreage in Somalia. I'll even throw in a dozen free rolls of Reynolds Wrap so you can protect yourself and your lived ones from the UN/One World Government mind-control satellite what is trying to make you hate Jesus and turn you all into homos.

    Just in case the sarcasm ain't coming through in print: tax protesters suck. They are neither heroes nor patriots. They are scumbags and criminals.

  25. I love your tax money. It purchased the bullets that I used to murder Erik Scott, an innocent man, defender of freedom, and true son of liberty.


    Officer Murderous Swine
    LVMPD Goon Squad

  26. It also went to the bullets that were used to shoot that criminal who raped a seven year girl, or the burgalar who broke into your house and stole you most prized possessions.


    Shut the fuck up.

  27. Dear Officer Swine,

    Thank you for taking out that drug crazed, two gun-packing, erratic lunatic whose parents are so in denial, so he didn't have a chance to take out any innocent shoppers.


  28. Hmm, the personal and business financial position of attorneys in this town would be a real interest topic of conversation...back taxes owed, touch of embezzlement...strategically walking from your home after buying a bigger second home..these people provide legal services to the general public?

  29. "these people provide legal services to the general public?"

    so what? because we provide legal advice you somehow expect us to live to a higher moral standing? Politicians write the laws which they break. Cops arrest people for the very same laws they break blah blah blah

    oh, and personally, I don't see anything wrong with house flipping (walking away and buying a bigger house)

  30. Sooner or later, the slower ones will wake up and figure out that the mortgage crisis lays fully on the shoulders of the banks. When a $300,000 house becomes worth $80,000 in six years - strategic default is the only option. If you think that contract is worth honoring, you have no business practicing law.

  31. @156
    Consumption tax. Some call it the FairTax.

    You are only taxed on what you SPEND, not what you earn. New goods only. IRS Goes awy with hat in hand.

    Its the ONLY FAIR option.

  32. 1:56 pm:

    The feds would operate just fine without the federal income tax.

  33. @ 5:37 PM

    There are so many issues with the "Fair Tax" I do not know where to start. For a start - You want to see unemployment - BOOM - start giving a huge incentive for people not to buy new stuff. No new stuff being bought - no more jobs making new stuff.

  34. And to think, McKenna is a "good Democrat" who was willing to take on Congressman Heller. I guess my first impression of him, that he is simply sleeze, was correct, regardless of his political affiliation.

  35. I suppose most of you NO TAX people think 9/11 was an iside job too.

  36. @731

    Try again. If I pay no income tax, I have about 33% MORE income to spend. If the proposed FairFax is 23%. I still have 10% more money to spend. Plus, I save another $5000 a year in CPA fees, because I no longer have to file Income Tax returns.

    Knowing americans in general, and their spending habits and addictions, manufacturing will increase.

    Do your own research. It's all there.

  37. @5:18, the "$300,000 house" in your example was not really a $300,000 house, but an $80K house some idiot overpaid for and now suffers from buyers' remorse. Everybody knows "buy low, sell high" since grade school. It doesn't matter which order. Thus, never "buy high." But that's what they did. All over the media was heard, "home prices are skyrocketing." That is code for homes are overpriced. Yet, many bought anyway. The smart sold. The idiots who bought at the peak can only blame themselves. Most of the idiots who bought high with loans from the banks would have been the first to sue the banks if the bank didn't loan them money to do so. They'd cry equal opportunity, blah, blah, blah. So they got an equal opportunity to lose money and now they cry, boo hoo. Take your losses, or keep your house, pay your taxes and shut mouth.

  38. @9:51 I guess all those banks were idiots for spending $300,000 on $80,000 houses. They should have found better appraisers. You'd think that since they are in the business of valuing collateral, that they would have had a better handle on the market.

  39. Why should McKenna pay his taxes....his own party's administration -- Tim Tim GIETNER -- is a scofflaw in that regard too. It only matters if you pay your taxes if you are in the OTHER party. This guy is on the board of edu-ma-cation as well. Which tells us a little more about why Nevada schools SUCK.
