Thursday, September 30, 2010

What Slips in Vegas, Sues in Vegas

A national insurance group has ranked Las Vegas No. 4 in the nation for "questionable slip-and-fall claims." Congratulations?


  1. Sweet! How long before Holper has his stripper/cop holding a slip-n-fall sign out in front of the courthouse?

  2. I'll text him and ask.

  3. I've been a plaintiffs'-side PI attorney in Vegas for 21 years. I would estimate that of all the premises liability initial consultations I conduct, I actually take only about 5% of the cases. Of those, I can expect maybe 10-15% to settle without litigation, another 50% to settle in litigation, and 35-40% to be decided by a jury or arbitrator.

    My rules with premises cases: if the injuries aren't severe and legitimate - pass; if the client isn't someone I'd have lunch with in a public place - pass; if the defendant is one of the major casinos - pass; if the client cannot articulate what it was that caused him to fall - pass; if the client has more than one prior personal injury claim - pass; if the client has ever seen a chiropractor prior to slipping and falling - pass!

    These cases are generally a big headache. There is lower-hanging fruit that can be picked. Sorry, I'm just being realistic. The economics of handling these cases probably ensure that many riteous cases are declined simply because it does not make economic sense to pursue them. That said, our unwashed, uneducated populace in Las Vegas does contain a lot of scammers.

  4. I've defended dozens of these and handled a few on the plaintiff side. Most are BS, unless you have an elderly person who breaks a hip or something. With that said though, it seems like the first half of the article was just a mindless cut and paste of a press release from some "tort reform" group. The quotes from Bernstein and Olson were good though.

  5. Hmm, 9:26 AM has some wise words or wisdom. Righteous dude.

  6. @9:46

    Keep a lookout for Douchetooth...

  7. @9:47 "Righteous dude." Thank you Marge Sweetwater. So I guess 9:26 is Ferris.

  8. National Insurance Crime Burea:

    "I you make a claim, it's a crying shame."

  9. @9:46 - Like when Steve Green at the Sun copies and pastes a complaint and calls it a news story?

  10. 8:55 a.m. -- are you referring to "International Fall on Your Ass Guy?" With Bar Review over, he's probably got nothing else to do...

  11. Having been an insurance defense attorney in three different major cities, my impression is that Las Vegas is no worse than anywhere else for slip and fall cases.

  12. slip and fall, slip and fall, off to the doctor i go.

  13. I wish I could slip n' fall on Paris. The BK hottie would do in a pinch.

  14. I have been a Plaintiff's side attorney for 23 years. I take approximately 75% of them. Settle or try about 80% successfully. I am not intimidated by casinos. There are initial steps that make or break a case and a lot of "PI Attorneys" are to lazy to set the case up from the start and then complain why they cannot win. Too used to auto cases, which I have taken from other attorneys who could not get anything and have settled for 5 and 6 figures. Just have to work smart and hard. Remember these people need help, they are not there just to line attorneys pockets with gold.

  15. Maybe Holper can have a chick wearing a short skirt with no panties on "slip and fall" outside of the RJC....woudln't put it past that douche.

  16. I have been an attorney in this town for 72 years. I take 95% of all slip and fall cases that come my way and settle or win 99.7% of them for more than the policy. It all starts with good preparation. First, you have to grease the judges. You also have to be in good with the chief civil judge, so that when you preempt a legitimate judge, you get Judge Walsh, or someone of her ilk. Just sayin. Then, you take it to a reputable doctor like Oliveri, who will manage the case for you. Awand is bush league baby. He's old papers. Washed up. What you've got then is a stew full of nothing but kick ass in a can. 97.5% - the numbers don't lie...
