Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Don Chairez (the man running against current Clark County District Attorney David Roger) has officially fired the first negative-campaign shot via a television ad:

When reached for comment, Mr. Chairez stated he would have sought the death penalty for Ms. Hilton - citing The Hottie & The Nottie as his aggravating circumstance.

(Thanks, Tipster!)


  1. I heard Rogers personally escorted her from the courtroom mumbling "we are so sorry, so sorry..."

    Then he went and hit on that traffic ticket bimbo in front of the RJC.

  2. Oh please. Anybody would have gotten that deal. In fact, most would have probably gotten pdd ntbi.

  3. Chairez is a nice guy and I like him, but we can never ever foget that he gave us Halverson. Never.

  4. Is it me, or is Paris Hilton hot? If only her soul wasn't owned by the devil. The packaging is sweet. She's almost as hot as the BK Hottie.

  5. I had a jury trial in front of Chairez over 10 years ago. Super nice guy. Not suited to the bench or to be district attorney. The Peter Principle in (in)action. the guy could not make a decision.

  6. Such lies from Chairez (he damn well knows that Paris' deal was stiffer than normal, not "sweetheart" at all), but what can you expect from a man who has switched political parties 5 times? And 8:55 is correct about Halverson - he STILL is a "big" supporter of her, and would likely hire her if he became DA (though that might be good for a few laughs).

  7. I prefer the current practice of hiring new female DA's that are "skinny and hot."

  8. @10:36,

    Many things were stiffer than normal when she was sentenced.

    (Verification word: mycome. Seriously!)

  9. @ 10:36
    Using the words "stiffer than usual" when writing about Paris Hilton is so appropriate.
    I saw her in person Sept. 20. She is stunningly beautiful.

  10. Stiffer than normal. You said a mouthful! Heh heh

    Verification word: Mmmmmm, mmmmmmmm

    Not serious.

  11. Last I checked, Paris Hilton has had at least two previous arrests (and convictions through plea deals) from drug possession. So please enlighten me, what is the "normal" deal for a third time offender?

  12. 11:16: Judge Boneventure is the son of Judge Boneventure.

  13. Chairez was a failure as a soft on crime judge and would be a disaster as DA

  14. Chairez is a asshat choad. He was a lame judge and has been "running" for anything he can for the last several years. I am not a huge fan of the current DA's office but it is way better than we have seen in the past

  15. There is a world of difference between "pretty" and "hot," especially in Las Vegas. Now that the identity of the so-called "BK hottie" has been revealed, it is one man's opinion that said individual hardly falls within the latter category. Unless of course the adjective is qualified as: "hot (for a female lawyer)." You guys need to get out more.

  16. If I was DA, I'd trade a dismissal outright for a little play time in Paris. He's near retirement anyway.

  17. Who is the BK hottie?

  18. Presenting the BK hottie.

    Now get back to work.

  19. 11:59 - way better than when Stew Bell was in charge? We didn't see massive numbers of experienced DA's fleeing the office because of Stew. The current office is a miserable place and if the economy were better, even more of us would be on our way out. It's hard to imagine how it could be much worse under Chairez.

  20. 2:09 - How many people (and who) left the DA's office as of late?

  21. How did I miss the identity of the BK hottie? If her ID is out already, then please share.

    And I never found Paris to be all that attractive, but she has gotten hotter with age.

  22. Chairez is a gadfly and has no business holding any position of power.

  23. 4:11 BK hottie's identity isn't truly out, but some telling information was revealed in a post yesterday:

    "First name starts with a J, went to Boyd, works for one of those BK guys on TV. -10:54"

    I'm sure that anyone with halfway decent stalking skills could search the State Bar's online directory to narrow down the possibilities of the actual name of this mystery woman.

  24. Anon 4:52, you really do have too much time on your hands. Get your ass back to the salt mines, and quit stealing your client's billables, stalker-man.

  25. @11:16. Enlightening you is an impossibilty.

  26. @4:11, would it not be easier to make a list of TV BK firms, then check the legal directory or each firm's website for the name of the Hottie? Just saying. However, I prefer we leave her be, unidentified and mysterious like the most interesting man in the world. "She has stopped traffic in an intersection where she was not even present." Stay thirsty my friends.

  27. 2:02. Nobody gave you credit for the Rick Roll, that's bullshit. Touche to you sir, touche.

  28. 4:58: Good comment except, 1) I don't work by the billable hour 2) your use of "man" is improper based upon the fact that I don't have that extra chromosome and 3) I don't believe I am a stalker woman, at least with respect to females, as I am only interested in men. I do like WWL though as my break from work though.


  29. really? And this add shows how this guy is qualified to be DA how?

  30. Hold on now - Did Ms. Hilton get implants? That post courthouse scene looks like she has new assets...

  31. @ 2:09 PM if you are so unhappy then why don't you leave? There is plenty of work out there...is it possible you don't want to leave because you are afraid of having to do actual work while you are working and work more than 8-ish to 3:30 with a 2 hour lunch?

  32. 1) I can't believe I just got totally pwn3d by a well placed RickRoll.

    2) Paris Hilton does look way hot now compared to several years ago when she first became a household name.

  33. @ 7:26 - I was thinking the exact same thing re: Paris getting implants or something.

  34. @ 2:09 PM if you are so unhappy then why don't you leave? There is plenty of work out there...is it possible you don't want to leave because you are afraid of having to do actual work while you are working and work more than 8-ish to 3:30 with a 2 hour lunch?

    September 28, 2010 8:03 PM

    ARE YOU EFFING KIDDING? I am NOT a DA, but am not bitter enough about my own situation to accuse them of two hour lunches and short days. Nearly every one of them I know is in court plenty early....earlier than most civil guys even leaving their McMansions. They stay at work all day. Most DO take their one hour lunch...but is that a crime? and I don't know any who leave before five, many many who are there after five and still more who take their cal for the next morning home. And it is intelectually dishonest to say there is plenty of work out there because there simply is not. And just where would a prosecutor who wants to do public interest law go to prosecute other than the DA, AG (no jobs popping up there) Henderson (no jobs) Vegas (no jobs) need I continue? For some people the actual subject matter of what they do is important to them. They are not satisfied to bill CD depos all day. And you celarly did not read his post where he says if the economy were not so bad HE WOULD LEAVE so why are you asking why he does not leave? Is it because you are shopping for new suits on line while billing your client? When I worked in civil there were far more 3 hour lunches and people getting to the office 9ish. Most stayed later but the vast majority were not doing near the volume of work in a day that a typical deputy DA in Clark County is doing.

  35. Judge one last thing I must advise the jury before they deliberate: FUNLV. Thank you.

  36. 7:11, I think you meant to say FUNR. Good day, sir.

  37. @ 7:43

    7:11 was right the first time. Go WOLF PACK!!

  38. @ 6:57

    You are delusional. I have never heard a prosecutor/public defender who went into private practice ever state that they worked as hard or harder as a prosecutor/public defender as they do in private practice and in fact they will routinely tell you the exact opposite.

  39. Chairez was in the DA's office for barely over 3 years and he thinks he's qualified to be the DA? What arrogance.

    @ 10:38: agreed. Is Roger starting to follow the Phil Kohn hiring strategy? No complaints here.

  40. @ 8:57
    I am sure there are examples of hard working former DA/PD's in the private sector. The point is, you cannot assert that DA's ahve short days and long lunches. It simply is not happening. If they are not working hard and leave, I suspect they are on their way out anyway. Everyone works with slackers and everyone works with over achievers. There are plenty of civil attorneys reporting early and staying late that goof off most the day and then bill the client. Seen it in good firms and bad firms for year.

  41. @ 10:48 HA HA! We used to call all those BOYD PD's the Boyd Gaggle of EFF ME Girls! Hooker shoes and lycra pants over a g string. In custodys were creaming themselves over the "consultations".

  42. Really!? THAT's the bk hottie? J.R.!? bleh.

  43. The only J.R. I can find who works for a TV hack is Jen. R. at Goldberg's office. I can't find any picture of her. Is this who everyone is talking about? Maybe a real "outing" will make everyone to shut up about it. I didn't use her full name becasue I don't want her coming up in searches. But it's easy enough to find out at NVbar.org.

    BTW, check out the bar numbers working for Deluca:


    Did he take a 15-passanger van to the last swearing-in and pick them off the street?

    The Pay must be fantastic.

  44. My research brought me to the same conclusion:

    Jen. R is the BK Hottie.

  45. This is getting interesting. Did BK Hottie formerly work at a large prominent downtown insurance defense firm with its own building on the east end of downtown?

  46. WWL needs to put a bounty on BK Hottie - who is willing to snap a few pics over at BK court and then upload them to this blog?

    I never thought I'd be jealous of bankruptcy lawyers.

  47. Research Nevada bar directory and cross reference against local bankruptcy firm listings to ascertain identity of BK Hottie.


    Evaluate postings on local legal blog to determine consensus of BK Hottie's initials.


    Knowing she won't sleep with me regardless.


  48. 1:06 PM

    ya... that firm has often been an, ahem, Thorn in my side... if JR is in fact, the bk hottie.

  49. I always suspected the BK Hottie to be Elizabeth Halverson. I assumed BK stood for Burger King. I guess I was wrong on both counts.

  50. @ 10:38: Is Roger starting to follow the Phil Kohn hiring strategy? No complaints here.

    ---Who exactly are we talking about?

  51. DeLuca is hot. Does he play on my team?

  52. How about the BK hottie v. Lionel Sawyer hottie? The latter would be tough to beat.

  53. Mmmm, my poor wife's gonna be sore tonight!

  54. She already is, but I'm sure she still has some energy left for you.

  55. lionel sawyer hottie - http://www.lionelsawyer.com/index.cfm?page_id=5&page=attorney_profile&atid=35


  56. There are only two skinny and hot DA's. Tina and Jacqueline. The rest don't even qualify as lawyer hot. PD's have a few more babes...not many more, but a few. Especially the new one. She's a giant. But she's hot.

  57. 6:58, you are wrong. Hottest DA is Michele. Blows the other 2 outta the water.

  58. When did Richie Cunningham go from starring with the Fonz on TV to an attorney?


    Can anyone think of other Nevada attorneys with celebrity character names?

  59. The BK hottie has been at ya'lls houses doin your wives.....

  60. @6:43


  61. I love Chairez. Voted for him in every election. Chairez was the author of the PISTOL ballot initiative. He was always fair to me in court. He always had the backbone to stand up to the Casinos when they were out of line. I think that still counts for something. And so what if he endorsed Halverson? I don't care about Halverson. She isn't running for D.A., and Chairez isn't responsible for Halverson's actions.

  62. David Roger is an awful DA. He over-prosecutes and charges for ridiculously minor crimes (ie taking people into custody for minor petty theft of shampoo and jaywalking) instead of focusing on the larger, more serious crimes. His office has unbelievably shady discovery practices. The deputy DAs consider themselves god-like creatures placed on tall pedestals, high above the icky lowly commoners and laypersons that comprise the population of Clark County. The way Roger hires his DAs?

    1. White mormon male
    2. White mormon male
    3. White mormon male
    4. White male
    5. White female

    I look forward to voting for pretty much ANYONE just to get Roger out of office.

  63. Rogers met with Paris and her attorney the night before at the attorney's house. THIS IS 100% TRUE. Paris was in tears. Later when her attorney tried to contact her she told him to "Fuck Off".

    I have never heard of a District Attorney making house calls. Rogers is a crook. If you donate to his election, you won't go to jail. Somebody should seriously investigate him and his house call.

  64. ok, so now we're discussing who's hot and who's not? lame. grow the fuck up.

  65. Well 9:38 and 2:41 are total liars...so they got that going for them which is nice.
    -David Roger could not have met with Paris the night before her deal since her deal was announced 48 hours before it actually happened.
    -The last few hires at the DAs office dont fit 9:38 criteria
    -Also Heidi considering Howard works in the appellate division I wouldnt call him a top trial guy. He's good a what he does but come on his testimony at the Scott's inquest was total BS
    -I think JoNell is a great appellate attorney but representing people like Donte Johnson has to make her skin crawl at least a little bit

  66. Yeah, the last deputy hire a Jewish guy? Last name Schwartzer....? And I wrong on this?

    Maybe Roger should run an equally maniulative and mud slinging add about Chairez's porno daughter....


    It's so sweet that her daddy supports her decision to show off her t&a to millions of people. awwwww.....

  67. His name is Michael Schwartzer....and he's smart and hot.

  68. 12:43, how in the hell do you know that is impossible you fucking idiot?????

    Rogers did meet at the attorney's house with Paris. She was in tears and told her attorney to fuck off. My wife was there doing her make-up you stupid asshole.

    Do us a favor, stop wasting air. Broadcast yourself banging your dog, blame the broadcast on somebody else and jump off the stratosphere.

  69. Wow 8:39. Beastality, really?, Wow ...well if that's what you're in to- each their own.
    1) Roger not Rogers..if you are going to disparage somebody at least get their name right
    2) the deal was announced on Friday - look at the newspapers articles for that time period- it wasnt a secret- thus why would Roger meet with Paris Hilton before he GPA on Monday. Oh and BTW David Schubert brokered the deal- again public knowledge
    3) I know I'm feeding a troll who's probably wearing a tin foil cap to protect himself from the government while eating cat food but I just couldnt help myself
    4) Chariez' daughter not playboy material - I'm shocked that fine magazine could not find better girls for their "girls of the Pac-10" issue

  70. Yikes, 8:39...."Do us a favor, stop wasting air. Broadcast yourself banging your dog, blame the broadcast on somebody else and jump off the stratosphere"

    wow, were you raisedin a trailor park? Christ...get over it. So your wife did Paris's makeup (which I doubt)...and that makes you an expert on the legal community and what kind of DA David Roger is? Unless you are a DA or a PD or private attorney who practices crin law, your opinion about David Roger is WORTHLESS!!!!

    You a foul mouthed, low class and clearly don't have the intelligence to refrain from resorting to profanity and disgusting comments to make your point, which has alluded all of us.

    BRAVO!!! you win the prize for being the trashiest dumbest person on this blog!!!!

  71. @8:57....lol....you have a great sense of humor...."tinfoil cap"..."eating cat food"....thanks for blending truth and humor. :-)

  72. Yikes @ 8:59. Who in the hell writes YIKES? You must be one of those special kids, riding the short bus, wearing a helmet and licking the window. I bet you went to Boyd.

  73. @10:30:

    oooookkkk, so, you reference beastiality, tell me to commit suicide by jumping off the stratosphere (ew I would never set foot in that trashy place), and use profanity....and because I use the work "yikes" I'M the one on the short bus? lol.....you're funny (as in, we are laughing at you, not with you).

    And interestingly enough, you have nothing to say about 8:57's comments...could it be that you know your DEAD WRONG and completely misinformed?!?!

    As far as going to Boyd, I LOVE it when douchebags like you make that argument. It's your go to comment when you have nothing of worth to say. For your info, I went to an ivy league undergrad and a top tier law school. Clearly, as demonstrated by your low brow comments, you did not follow suit. Are you even a lawyer? Are you even working with a full deck? Wait, are you mentally challenged? If so, I feel guilty now for making fun of someone who's retarded. :-( booooowhoooooo.....


    Recently, District Attorney Candidate Don Chairez ran a commercial illustrating how justice within our District Attorney's office is dependent on the amount of money contributed to DA Daivd Roger's campaign, in particular David Chesnoff and Associates (520 S. 4TH ST.). The amount $10,000 from David Chesnoff is conservative as it does not take into account the monies donated through Mrs. Chesnoff and Chesnoff Assocites. To the informed eye, the amount is closer to $50,000.
    The same situation is true for David Roger's partner in crime Bernie Zadrowski, Dept 14. While most attorney contribute approx. $250.00 the Chesnoff Associates contributions are almost $10,000. Is justice for sale? You betcha. With Bernie and David justice is also dependent on political favors.

    SNIPPET of Bernie's 2010 Campaign Report
    David Chesnoff $2000 1-22-10 520 So. 4th St
    Richard Schonfeld $2000 1-22-10 520 So. 4th St.
    David Brown $1000 1-22-10 9804 Highridge Dr. Residence
    Luis J Rojas $250 2-22-10 520 So. 4th St
    Joseph Momot $500 4-13-10 520 So. 4th St
    John Momot $2000 4-14-10 520 So. 4th St
    Michael Sfant $500 5-27-10 520 So. 4th St

    And what's up with the hundreds of thousands donated to David Roger from strip clubs? Does anyone remember what happened with the Galardi plea deal???
