Some commissioners said they opposed the courts or anyone else using public funds to hire a lobbyist for the state Legislature.Commission Chairman Rory Reid came down on both Chief Judge Arthur Ritchie and Chief Judge Ann Zimmerman for their rather simplistic "because I can" arguments ... right before the democratic candidate for governor apparently turned into a racist:
Other commissioners said they didn't mind the court system having a lobbyist but opposed hiring a former assemblyman without a "cooling-off" period. Arberry resigned his post in the Assembly last week.
In the end, only commissioners Tom Collins and Lawrence Weekly voted in favor of the court's request.
Former state Sen. Joe Neal came to the meeting to speak in support of Arberry, but was told by Reid that he wouldn't be allowed to speak until the public comment period.
“I have tremendous respect for you, but I can’t offer a senator a special privilege. This isn’t a public hearing,” Reid said.
When the time for public comment arrived nearly two hours later, Neal got up and condemned the commissioners, saying they neglected to consider all of the facts involved in the decision and discriminated against Arberry, who is black, because of his race.
“You didn’t take it into consideration because he was a black person, and you did not allow me to come up and speak because I sit there as a black person,” Neal said.
Playing the Ace of Race on a gubernatorial candidate ... priceless.
Looking past the county commissions' clear racial bias (if you can), why does the court need a lobbyist? Remember: "because they can" is not an appropriate answer.
(LV Sun)
Typical Joe Neal. Wouldn't expect anything less from him or Moose after both have been at the public trough for decades and simply want more coming into their pockets at the taxpayers' expense.
ReplyDeleteI don't support Rory for Governor (really haven't made up my mind either way as its slim pickings), but the Commissioner applied the law correctly with respect to public comment. When the law is applied correctly, it doesn't suprise me that the Race Card is played.
Anyone know why Ritchie was pushing so hard for this lobbyist? It appears that there must have been some type of promises made if the lobbyist resigned from the assembly in anticipation of being appointed to represent the Clark County court system.
ReplyDeleteYou hear a lot that it's "slim pickin's" or some such. Wah wah wah. Such a tedious cliche.
ReplyDeleteI would say Sandoval and Reid are two of the more qualified candidates we could hope for in Nevada. I'm not really sold on either one, but it could be worse on the intelligence / competence scales. So, I wouldn't say it is slim pickins as much as not perfectly in line with my ideology.
ReplyDeleteHell no - the judges do not need to use public money to press their own agendas on longevity pay and retirement benefits. They could all pitch in from their personal funds if they want a lobbyist -- but they have no right (statutory or moral) to take money from administrative assessments for their own personal benefits.
ReplyDeleteI would love to see a pissing match between the judges and the County:
ReplyDeleteJudges - "fine, we'll order you to pay!"
County - "take your money, in fact here's your budget for the year - deal with it on your own: no more County HR, no more County health benefits, no more County resources."
Judges - "Great! Pay raises for all of us and the rest of the court employees can suck it."
County - "By the way, all of your new courtrooms will now be in the old courthouse and get the fuck out of our parking garage."
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see a pissing match too. In fact I'm watching one right now! Mmm. . . penayzias.
ReplyDeleteThere is absolutely no reason why public employees should be using public funds to hire a lobbyist. If they want to hire someone, then they should pass the hat like everyone else.
ReplyDeleteIf I were a lobbyist, it would be a no-brainer for me to lobby pro bono on behalf of all the judges of Clark County. Trust me, over the long haul that "debt" would be repaid many times over.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that the Reid/Sandoval race is slim pickings at all. Compared to goofballs like Gibbons and Angle, these are two of the better candidates we've had lately, and my only regret is that they are running against each other. Frankly, I think that Sandoval should wait two years and then try and knock off that sanctimonious creep John Ensign in the primary.
ReplyDelete9:39, only if the lobbyist is not a lawyer. Some in the courthouse believe that an attorney lobbying for the Eighth Judicial District would force every judge to recuse himself/herself from matters involving that attorney or his/her firm.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they should hire Bob Beckett -I bet he's cheap after this newest DUI arrest.
ReplyDeletehttp://www.lvrj.com/news/nye-county-district-attorney-bob-beckett-arrested-again-102447789.html -
Are you people asleep???????? Read....
Cool Story, Bro.
ReplyDeleteSlim pickins is right. Neither Sandoval or Rory have the cajones to make tough decisions and at least one of them can't hold down a job for more than 2 years. Both are naive as well with their "no new taxes" stance. I hope we can all live without roads in 4 short months as "essential" government services are cut. Seriously, with a veto proof Senate and Assembly, I expect to see sales tax to increase, as well as a tax on services and increases in various fees if Nevada is going to make it through the budget shortfall.
Eric Scott?
ReplyDeleteI love the race card. Every time it's used, its power declines by just a bit. Soon, it will have no power at all. Oh, glory be.
ReplyDeleteNeither the US Supreme Court nor the Nevada Supreme Court hires a lobbyist. I don't think that the 8th JD judges have a foot to stand on in arguing that they are entitled to a paid lobbyist.
ReplyDelete@ 10:18
ReplyDeleteEven if the lobbyist is a lawyer, the recusal would not be permanent. I would do the lobbying pro bono for a couple years. After some short period of a year or two following the end of my lobbying service, Clark County judges would be likely be able to hear my cases.
Worst case is a judge from another district (or a senior judge) is assigned to all the cases you have in Clark County for a few years. Even those judges will have a soft spot in their heart for you because of your altruism for judges. ;-)
The "payback" for your pro bono lobbying will continue for the rest of your career.
ReplyDeleteYou are an idiot. PACER is a proprietary system developed by the Federal Government for its courts, District and BK. It is a far superior system, but it is prohibitively expensive to even develop a similar proprietary system for Clark County, given the cost and time to develop and debug such a system.
Wiznet was a reasonably decent system until the 8th DC went mandatory efiling. They should have known of the problems and that Wixnet would be unable to handle the overwhelming new demand. That being said, most of the bugs appear to have been worked out and it seems to be working at least to the standard of mediocrity that the rest of the County does.
Finally, you dont really HAVE to use it or pay the fee. My firm uses the same old runner service and they efile at the courthouse for me and I dont pay the $3.50 efile fee.
I only use it when absolutely necessary.
FINALLY, if you want to use the South entrance, do what the rest of us do and get a referee badge.
@ 11:41
ReplyDeletePardon my ignorance, but what is a referee badge and how might I obtain the same?
Gotta love Nye County:
Blam! Badge'm yeah!!! South entrance bitch! Pow!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad the public is finally waking up to this BS and this got shot down. Where was the outrage when Rich Perkins waited until he hit his max retirement benefit with Henderson PD and then immediately retired and juiced himself into a $240k contract with the same city paying his retirement benefits? This was after years of basically working part time b/c he was spending so much time as a legislator. He still gets paid to lobby for thr city. That's morally corrupt in my opinion even if technically legal, what a joke... these guys game the system and the public gets screwed. There are tons of examples of this kind of crap going on and the public is finally paying attention now that everyone realizes how badly our state and local governments have been mismanaged over the past couple of decades, mismanagement that was hidden by the rapid growth and market bubbles.
ReplyDeleteI support South Entrance for Governor.
ReplyDelete"Opening doors leads to great things."
-South Entrance (2009)
That's right! South entrance. Double kickstands bitch!
ReplyDeleteWhat about Sharon Angle's plan to burn the Quran on the RJC steps?
ReplyDeletePardon my ignorance, but what is a Sharon Angle, and how might I obtain the same?
@ 1:36
ReplyDeleteJust make a big container of Kool Aid and Sharon Angle will come running.
But the Harry Reid Kool-aid is far stronger, apparently.
ReplyDeleteIs this state really dumb enough to elect Angle?
ReplyDeletewell, we elected Reid all those times...
ReplyDeleteGod I hope not, unless we want to be the joke of the Union.
ReplyDeleteHolly Madison v. Ramzy Ladah for Governor.
ReplyDeleteTwo shakes of a lamb's tail, but it has to be the good lamb, check the tail!
ReplyDeleteRamzy Ladah may not be as hot as Holly Madison but I bet he kicks her ass in a jury trial.
ReplyDeleteWell, Rory's logo http://www.roryreid.com/
ReplyDeletelooks like he is giving Nevada the bird. Who knew it was just Black Nevadans he hated?
If you love Ramzy so much, why don't you buy him some lamb.
ReplyDeleteDear rulers of this blog,
ReplyDeleteHow about we start a new post discussing the following.
I'm assuming that Ramzy Ladah has become the new Troy Fox because there is no fucking way I'm giving a decent PI case to somebody with an 11,000 bar number. Get rid of the peach fuzz on your legal balls before you jump in the grown up end of the pool.
ReplyDeletealright so I'm a boyd grad and I knew both Troy and Ramzy. I can kind of understand throwing Troy Fox's name around. I liked him but he definitely made his opinions heard. However, I don't understand the fuss about ramzy. He was a quiet guy that would buy other people's outlines and just study those. He wasn't super smart, and he's not a gunner....I just don't get it
ReplyDeleteThis blog is filled with unemployed attorneys with nothing better to do so they talk shit about attorneys who are actually working. 3:18, you didn’t have the balls to start your own firm and make a name for yourself so know you hate all young ambitious attorneys who make more money then you. Grow a pair!
ReplyDelete‘A’ students become judges and legal professors,
ReplyDelete‘B’ students get steady jobs right out of law school
and, ‘C’ students make all the money.
@ 4:41 - I am a young attorney...AND I know the difference between "know" and "now" and "then" and than." Please don't give us young attorneys a bad rep by your inability to hire a paralegal to proofread your comments.
ReplyDeletewhy do so many posters on here excrete such hatred? sheesh. take it easy on some of these people. you must have nothing going on if you feel like you have to bag on every ramzy, troy and traffic girl that walks through the door. i like traffic girl. she looks so lonely there, texting in the hot shade of the early morning. poor traffic girl. ramzy is ok for a small firm guy. i've litigated against alot worse. i saw some pd talent today. a very tall blonde. quite frankly it's distracting and i just won't stand for it.
ReplyDeleteThis site sucks!
ReplyDeleteSo what if Stokes is a tool and Fox is a self-promoter. I agree with 4:57, stop the hate.
ReplyDelete3:18 here, I'm a solo (after learning from people who knew WTF they were doing), doing just fine thank you very much. Not really even insulting Ramsay, just saying no way you give a big time case to a guy who hasn't even been trained. Just cause you Boyd grads go out on your own doesn't mean you're successful, competent, or should go out on your own. But I don't have to tell you that, the rising number of bar complaints should.
ReplyDeleteSince the discussions have gone far afield of the underlying topic and into a general open forum, the legal profession lost a decent gentleman lawyer last week with the passing of Corby Arnold. For those of you who never met Corby, he was a good guy and great lawyer.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to Corby? He was a gentlemen and great attorney. Very sad.
ReplyDeleteWhy so angry 3:18? I know it is hard for you, life sucks, right. To many Boyd grads taking your clients away. So sad. :( Need a job? I hear Ramzy and Troy will be hiring real soon. Or you can always go kill yourself and leave this world to those who get up in the morning without the need for a shot of Jack and a hand full of viagra.
ReplyDelete:) pussy.
Are you signing "pussy"
@5:28 fuck man it's "too" not "to" quit making us boyd grads look bad. oh and I am a boyd grad but I agree with 3:18, I wouldn't go out on my own right out of lawschool and the majority of people that I know that did go out on their own was because they couldn't find a firm to hire them or they got fired from their last firm WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED TO RAMZY. Sorry, but if my loved ones needed a lawyer and I couldn't handle their case, I would not give it to a new lawyer who went solo because he got fired from his last job, sorry Ramzy
ReplyDelete@ 5:28. you are angrie all so. u and 3:18 should x change fone numbers and chat. i bow down too you're super dupper spelin scils. did i use correct gramer and spelin?
ReplyDeletewas Diana Hampton, henderson muni judge, a stripper?
ReplyDelete@5:37 Getting fired or hired doesn't say anything about a person or thier talents. I was fired from my last job not becouse of poor performance but becouse of personal conflicts with other attorneys. I know Ramzy from Lawschool and in practice. He is a good guy who cares about his clients. I am proud of him and everything he has accomplished. It's hard to go out on your own I tried.
ReplyDelete@6:02. I heard she was also but no one has confirmed it.
Eric Scott got fired dozens of times and look what a swell guy he turned out to be.
ReplyDeleteWiznet is the Devil's spawn. I spit on the court for making my staff so miserable. Oh, hey, I have a great idea! Let's take our scarce resources and hire a whoremonger machine politician to lobby for higher judicial salaries!
ReplyDeleteWhy is it our court can't build a building that has enough elevators or a filing system that has the capacity for filings?
"Getting fired or hired doesn't say anything about a person or thier talents. I was fired from my last job not becouse of poor performance but becouse of personal conflicts with other attorneys"
ReplyDeleteGIVE ME A BREAK. Managing "personal conflicts with other attorneys" is a huge part of the job. Do kid yourself.
@ 7:04. Get off your high horse. People getting fired is a fact of life. I agree with 6:45, getting fired especially from a mill firm like alverson taylor means nothing. The whole point of mill firms is to over work young associates and then fire them to avoid paying more. It is a trade, the young atty gets experance and the firm gets a cheep work horse. Who can argue with the system if it works but don't bad mouth people for getting fired after they have gained the experence they need to move on.
ReplyDeleteYep, stripper ...
Alverson taylor is one of the worst defense firms to work for. You can not expect to stay there long. I knew Ramzy before I left (quit not fired) alverson I guess he's doing plaintiffs work now. Good luck Ramzy, I would rather play blackjack.
ReplyDelete"@ 7:04. Get off your high horse. People getting fired is a fact of life. I agree with 6:45, getting fired especially from a mill firm like alverson taylor means nothing."
ReplyDeletePerhaps my point was above your head. Let me try to make it simple. If you have a job, and can't figure out how to keep it, you have failed.
I'm not on a high horse. I'm not advocating for a better system. If you desire to gain experience and move on, well, that is what you should do. If you get fired, you've missed something along the way.
Getting fired is not a fact of life. It means you were unable to perform your job. Getting laid off is a fact of life. CHOOSING to move on is something different.
I don't think I'm alone here saying I've never been fired. I also doubt I'm the only one who considers being fired a black mark. Look at 8:00 p.m. who made sure to tell us he quit and was not fired.
Corby Arnold was quite a character, though certainly not someone of whom the Nevada legal community should be proud of in a professional capacity.
ReplyDelete8:00 here. I do not feel that getting fired is a black mark. I made the distinction to show how fustrating avlerson is. I've been fired before and don't really care. I learned a lot of lessons along the way. Now, if you don't mind I need to get to work or else I might get fired. Haha
ReplyDeleteOf course all the people who have been fired are down playing their failure. Losers
ReplyDeleteMost people who get fired didn't have the guts to quit and needed somebody to do it for them.
ReplyDeleteThe county is a bunch of racists for not letting me use the south entrance. Bunch a crackers. Cracker ass crackers!
ReplyDeleteBragging about getting fired is the trademark of a real LOSER.
ReplyDeleteRamzy got fired because he was incompentent. It only took two months to figure that out. Maybe that is a record in Clark County
ReplyDeleteJudges in Las Vegas were not A students. They were strippers.
ReplyDelete9:06 PM - Yeah! It's racist! Notice how they closed the SOUTH entrance but not the NORTH one. Ha, tell me if that's a coincidence, Muddafukker.
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice to see anyone on this blog talk about why the Court wants to hire a lobbyist in the first place.
ReplyDeleteThe fact is that the County is planning a major reduction of Departments.
The RJC is a massive source of income for the County, but the Commission has gotten it into their collective brain that it would be a good idea to make its cash cow less efficient.
It was nice if you shut up! Pow bitch! How you that? Bam!
ReplyDeleteI never bought anybody's outlines in law school. But I did get three Cali awards. Yeah I got fired from Alverson. I told everyone about it when it happenned. I'm not the type to hide my failures or successes. I'm doing pretty good now, I have about 75 PI cases, a few of which I think are worth seven figures. I've settled three six figure cases already. Two of those cases no other attorneys wanted. One of them Harris dropped in the middle of lit. Those clients had nobody to turn to and I got them some serious money in their pockets. Those clients worship the ground I walk on. My profit over the last 8months is over a quarter mill $. So, I'm glad I got fired. My clients all love me. I don't have any bar complaints and I'll make sure I don't ever get any. I think its going well. I've definately got things to learn but I'll get there. I've made lots of friends, especially with much more experienced plaintiffs attorneys, who I will associate with on my bigger more complex cases in order to ensure my clients get top notch representation. Hopefully one of these days I'll be one of the premier plaintiff attorneys in the city. I realize I have a long way to go. Until then, I'll keep working my way up, inch by inch. And until then, if you want to talk shit come to my office and do it to my face. - Ramzy
ReplyDeleteRamzy -You don't have to defend yourself to a bunch of gutless, anonymous losers. Let your work and your cases do the talking. This site is something else. I don't know why I can't stop reading this bullshit but, over the last few months, I'm soured. It's such a witch-trial environment. I think it's more for traffic ticket girl and the hotties at PD Shore. Now I see somebody getting attacked who did nothing to invite this nonsense, other than try to make a living. Hang in there man! If you have people talking shit about you, you must be doing something right.
ReplyDeleteMad props to Ramzy for setting the record strait. Sounds like he is doing just fine. I wish the person talking would come out with his/her name. it's easy to bad mouth someone as an Anonymus.
ReplyDeleteRamzy is a great guy who works hard and produces good results. He is always willing to help other attorneys out in a jam and I've never heard anyone say anything bad about him till today. There is one person on this blog who is jealous. Ramzy, you dont have to waste your time responding to him/her defending yourself (I'm sure you have more important things to do).
ReplyDeleteParviz Heshmati
Ramzy you are a stud! Don't worry about shit talkers they are a dime a dozen. Good attorneys, like yourself, are a little harder to come by.
ReplyDeleteHave a nice morning everyone :)
8:00pm here. When you reach my age and look back at your life you realize it is the failures you learn the most from. I don't know Mr. Lahda, but I wouldn't be suprised if he comes out ahead of the bunch.
ReplyDeleteThere's a great book "I Got Fired" interviewing successful people who used the opportunity to re-start in order to follow their dreams, and shares the lessons they learned.
ReplyDeleteWhy would anyone talk bad about Ramzy. Crazy! He's the last person I expected to be bad mouthed. Just goes to show anyone can say anything about anyone for any reason with NO merit.
ReplyDeleteRamzy is a fantastic attorney and great person. My guess is someone lost to him and is now disgruntled.
ReplyDeleteI don't know Ramzy, but I certainly respect him now. Good man. I know a few fungible billing units drones (FBUD) locked in towers who wish they had even one of your balls.
ReplyDeleteRamzy I don't know you, however, if I'm not mistaken, I believe your name started showing up when someone reccommended you for a case. Next thing, your name was being thorwn around like Troy Fox's. I might just be reading a little too much into a conspiracy theory, but I can't help but wonder if a lot of these postings were from you trying to get your name out there.
ReplyDeleteI believe that only a small handful of attorneys read this blog, and it seems rather amazing that you found out so fast that someone was talking about you.
Hey if the postings with your name in it were started by you, kudos. Great marketing tool. Especially, if you are also the person posting "Ramzy is a stand up guy, I respect him for sticking up for himself blah blah"
Yeah! Ramzy get some!! Pow, double kickstands!!!
ReplyDeleteWTF is a kickstand anyway?
ReplyDelete10:40 so nailed it.
ReplyDeleteThe close proximity of the comments about Ramzy pretty much indicates that the same person was posting them. He's a nice guy, seems fairly competent, but I still wouldn't trust any attorney who doesn't have experience.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, have you checked out Diana Hampton - nice picture!
@ 10:48-
ReplyDeleteA "Kickstand" is a penis. It is dependent on the claimant having a long enough penis that he can lean against it. Thus, "double kickstands in your face" would be,......
ReplyDeleteOf course Ramzy is the one posting about himself here. I love that he finally comes out of the closet and says, "And until then, if you want to talk shit come to my office and do it to my face. - Ramzy."
ReplyDeleteThat'd be AFTER he sat in Bruce's courtroom every day and came back and talked shit on the blog every day.
You get fired and you have an ax to grind, especially when a girl fires you (if you're Ramzy).
Thanks for signing your name finally. Whatta pussy.
I don't see you signing your name 6:23? I used my name on all of my posts. Lets see you have the balls to do the same. And, like I said, its easy to talk shit on an anonomous blog, lets see you talk shit to my face. Ramzy
ReplyDeleteJust have to note that there is definitely more than one person on here that's bashing Ramzy. I was one of the initial people who posted something, it was my only post, and I retract it.
ReplyDeleteWhile I think that many law students shouldn't practice by themselves straight out of law school, I do think there are exceptions and it sounds like Ramzy is one of them.
My apologies.
@ 6:23. I posted on behalf of Ramzy a couple of times. He is a great guy, blah blah blah. You should know better than to talk shit about someone who is extremely well liked in te legal community. Pick your battles, you have a history of lossing to plaintiff's attorneys.
ReplyDeleteAs someone who has actually practiced in this legal community for a while, may I just ask who in the hell is Ramzy and why is he posting so much?