Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday Open Thread

Happy Friday everyone!

What's going on?


  1. Troy Fox, kickstand bitches, stokes and holper, H&S, Boyd sucks.

  2. 8:27 wins the internet

  3. Worst George Assad ( lavegas muni court dept 3) remand story. The other day I was in lvmc3 waiting for my case to be called and I watched Assad remand a person for contempt based on his illegal status (mexican). Assad said the man was comitting contempt in his court by being there becouse he is illegal. I could not believe it! I guess if you are illegal you can go to court to excerise your constuitional right to have a trial without fear of being placed in custody.

  4. 9:00- that is bizarre. I was just stewing over the fact that Assad's chambers is closed on Fridays. Is the City of Las Vegas closed on Fridays like Henderson? I really don't know.

    If not, why do the Judge's secretary, clerk, etc. get Friday's off from dealing with the public when that is their JOB?

  5. Pat Murphy has passed away. Very sad for all who knew him. He was a great person to work with, and he will be missed.

  6. My Ramzy can kick your Ramzy's ass.

  7. this blog should go on hiatus for a few weeks, and i say that as a loyal reader.

  8. No, the city of Las Vegas, incuding the city attorney's office work five day weeks.

  9. Municipal court works 4 10-hr shifts, and is closed on Fridays. That includes all the judges and all their staff.

  10. Post the new DA Dancer (#2). She was out there in a jail outfit. Better looking than DA Dancer #1. Bring more strippers Vegas Ticket Masters!!!!

  11. Pat Murphy was a good man and a very good lawyer, mediator, arbitrator and special master. He was NTLA President when I was admitted and helped me to be come a better lawyer. He will be missed in this community.

  12. Does anyone have any information on Pat's passing? He was a good attorney and great guy...

  13. What a shock. When did Pat pass away?

  14. For Ramzy-
    Forget about those who relish you being fired. Don't worry about being a new attorney. If you are out on your own, the only thing that matters at the end of the day is how well you treat your clients and family. And when you go to court, kick butt by being knowledgeable and polite, it makes the others lose their mind. Good Luck!!

  15. That is indeed sad news about Pat. I worked with him as a baby attorney and learned a ton of things including client management skills, how to "cowboy up" as a litigator, and more off-color humor than I can even mention. He will be missed.

  16. Pat was in Costa Rico on vacation with friends, and passed yesterday. Apparently, an autopsy is being done.

  17. I also had the opportunity to work with Pat when I was a young attorney. He was smart, always knew exactly what to do, and was one of the funniest men I have ever met. What a great loss to us all.

  18. I had a case against Pat when I was a newly admitted. He really challenged me and I learned more from him on that one case than I ever did from the partner I worked with. Although I never would have said it then, I'll say it now: He made me a better attorney. He wsa a great guy. RIP Pat. You will be missed.

  19. Pat was the lawyer and the person that all of us should aspire to be. RIP Pat, you are missed already.

  20. Pat was an old-school plaintiff's attorney. He would never try and stack the deck the way some of the current batch does. He got good verdicts and settlements by fighting hard and ethically and by knowing his cases better that his opponents knew them. And he treated his clients fairly.

    As an arbitrator or mediator, Pat would learn each case and know it as well as the litigating attorneys. In many mediations with him, I never saw him attempt to force a bad deal down anyone's throat. And I never saw him show undue favoritism to any party or attorney as an arbitrator.

    For every one of us who practices in the area of personal injury, construction defect, or insurance law, this is a huge loss.

  21. Patrick Murphy passed of the nicest attorneys in town...a real gentleman.

  22. Does anyone remember what Pat used to say about "ice cubes" and "creme de menthe"? Just thinking about him saying it, makes me laugh! RIP Pat!

  23. Pat was a great guy. He took his duties seriously, but never took himself seriously. We can all learn from his example.

  24. A class act all the way...that was Mr. Murphy. He will be missed.

  25. I enjoyed every case I worked on or against with Pat. He made being an adversary fun. Thanks for showing so many of us how good the practice of law can be when done right Mr. Patrick Murphy.

  26. "Does anyone remember what Pat used to say about "ice cubes" and "creme de menthe"? Just thinking about him saying it, makes me laugh! RIP Pat!"

    Please share it with us 11:21!

  27. 11:21, here.

    I'll put this delicately.

    One of the first things that Pat ever told me was that if I really wanted to enhance my enjoyment of a particular amorous act, I should have the woman hold ice cubes and creme de menthe in her mouth while doing so. He was insistent that she put the ice cubes in her mouth first, and then the creme de menthe. Pretty funny, frat-house type humor.

    Now, flash forward at least ten years... I see Pat at the RJC and we schmooze for a minute and as I'm walking away, he says to me "Just remember... First, the ice cubes, THEN the creme de menthe..." He knew I'd remember and it cracked me up. Great stuff!

  28. Pat really was the smartest lawyer in Las Vegas:)

    But, seriously, the man was a true lawyer's lawyer.

  29. Does anyone know wtf is going on at the RIchard Harris building? cops, swat and ambulances everywhere....

  30. Erika stop posting on the blog!

  31. Brian M. Walsh
    Glen J. Lerner; Glen Lerner & Associates; Glen J. Lerner; Benjamin R. Lund 9/7/2010 a624795


  32. Walsh v Lerner = not on Wiznet.

    Other souces?

  33. Pat was an excellent attorney and a good man. Christmas won't be the same without Special Master Murphy showing up in his Santa Suit.

  34. IN rE: Richard Harris -- a former client went bat shit cray cray.. they had to contact the authorities.. former client placed on stretcher.. thats all i got so far....

  35. Best line from Complaint in Walsh v. Lerner "Lund then levied a powerful belly bump at plaintiff, which knocked plaintiff off balance."

  36. With all due respect to 4:28, the best line is "upon being refused the opportunity to lick the females' rear ends, the same attorney then offered money in exchange for a kiss."

  37. There are no losers in this debate. The complaint is full of gems. Just fine lawyering describing the conduct of fine lawyers.

  38. Agreed. Great storytelling.

  39. I only know Pat from being defense counsel on a pretty sucky PI case he took a few years back. I'm not sure why he took the case in the first place, but I'm sure there is a story.

    I've always remembered him because he was so nice and funny until I came to a settlement conference with minimal settlement authority. He went off on me! It was like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (with a bum knee)! He knew the case sucked though because we settled a few months later for very little. Although he had a crappy case, I remember how he conducted himself - congenial to opposing counsel, zealous in his advocacy, and truthful when it came time to throw in the towel. I wish more attorneys conducted themselves like Pat did.

  40. I've had several cases with Pat over the years. When I was a newbie he treated me with respect (even though I didn't deserve it) which earned my undying gratitude.

    Since then, he's just been a good and decent person to have in my life. Quick with a story, always made me laugh, fought hard for his clients. They knew (because he told them) that just because he was nice didn't mean he was weak and his results backed him up. He's probably the only lawyer in town who I could make a deal with and not need to follow with a confirming letter. With Pat a deal was a deal whether it be a few extra days to respond to interrogatories or a settlement.

    My last case with him, things did not go my way, discovery-wise. He had me by the proverbial short hairs and he knew it but he didn't gloat or trump up his client's damages claim to take advantage. That was just how he was.

    Pat played fair and was successful doing so. He was the person we should all want to grow up to be. Perhaps we can honor his memory by not being a jerk to the other side just because or blaming our client when refusing professional courtesies.

    I understand that Sal Gugino is organizing a memorial, details TBA. One can only hope a kick-ass wake will follow.

  41. Where is everyone finding the Lerner complaint? Wiznet has nothing.

  42. Yeah - someone needs to put up the Wiznet posting on Yousendit, or one of the uploader sites and link it.

  43. Poor Ben.

    RIP to Pat.

  44. Love George Assad. Being an illegal immigrant is contemptuous period. Law abiding people shouldn't stand for it. Glad he's doing whatever the hell he wants. I think its great. Cheers.

  45. As a disgruntled former client of one of you people I am writing to tell you all to go to hell! Thank you for you time.


    Disgruntled Former Client (DFC)

  46. As a disgruntled former client of one of you people I am writing to tell you all to go to hell! Thank you for you time.


    Disgruntled Former Client (DFC)

  47. Hey, per the Sun it seems someone is fighting back against the douchetacular headset freak. Excellent.

  48. Dear Disgruntled Former Client:

    How does it feel to get screwed? Ha Ha. Too bad there's no trailer park grant to put your white trash ass through law school. Then you could play with the big boys instead of being played by them.

  49. 7:06. You are a bastard. Go to hell. I hate you all. Thank you for your time.



  50. DFC

    If you pay your bill on time you will not be a former client, rather a happy current client.

  51. 8:22. I am not a dead beat, but you are an asshole. Also, I am a happy current client . . . of a ninja assassin. Whom I have paid, on time, to wait in the backseat of your car so that he can garrot you on your way to work tomorrow. Thank you for your time.



  52. @DFC Who did you hire and what type of case was it? Perhaps the problem was in your selection of legal talent.

  53. Craig Mueller. Mostly trespassing tickets he let go warrant. Thanks for asking



    PS. You can check me out at label Just search Amy Kim.

  54. Craig Mueller. Mostly trespassing tickets he let go warrant. Thanks for asking



    PS. You can check me out at Just search Amy Kim.

  55. for all you civil attorneys out there--trespass = prostitution

  56. I am a big fan of prostitutes.

  57. Love the prosties in Vegas! Honey, come on down to my office next time and I won't let your shit go to warrant.

  58. No fan of the Metro brass.


    Sheriff Doug Gillespie’s Bromance

    Posted by Michael Zahara on Sep 10, 2010

    Trust me, this piece has a point, it’s just going to take me a while to get there.

    It begins with another set of lies told by LVMPD Deputy Chief James Dixon to the RJ’s Francis McCabe about Paris Hilton’s special treatment by Metro’s jail staff. After my piece and others and after the loud hackles from the bail bondsman community, Dixon came out and attempted to fix his previous whoppers regarding her arrest.

    Yes, Dixon’s is the jail’s Deputy Chief, but he doesn’t ‘run’ the jail as McCabe wrote, he has a bunch of ‘Captains’ and other underlings that are supposed to do that…more on that in a minute.

    LVMPD Deputy Chief James Dixon doesn’t do a damn thing all day long these days at more than $175,000 in annual salary!

    For now, just file that the root word of DC Dixon’s name is ‘Dix’…or ‘dicks’ to those working at the jail. He is one of Metro’s chuckleheads who at one time was a pretty good cop that got entangled in the bullshit of ‘The Tower’ and is now one of their lackeys.

    And trust that you would have never read his name in the paper had Sheriff Doug Gillespie and his team of hyper- paranoid, drug-addled minions not gone into emergency cover-up mode when they got word of Paris Hilton’s arrest.

    The first to answer to the press publicly was the ‘Watch Commander’ Lt who was on duty that night—Lt Wayne Holman—who is not on my radar yet, which is a good thing. WC is a great little perq for the Lts and around the clock, there is always an LVMPD Lt assigned in rotation to be the WC. He or she is in charge and is ranking officer should something major occur before higher brass can respond.


  59. @DFC

    I LIKE your sense of humor. A lot!

  60. @DFC My guess is the hooker paid for one case and just kinda hoped her attorney would be a chump and handle the other ten cases for free. When he refused to be a chump, she bad mouths him on this blog. How's that advertisement in the back of City Life working out for ya honey?

  61. Bet the hooker only told him about one case.

  62. Bet the hooker thought the services she provided to him were payment for the other cases. Sadly, her skills were substandard and worth much less than his..

  63. Hey DFC you thief. You have to give me back the rolex you took when you trickrolled me. My wife is getting suspicious.

  64. Hookers make the best clients fools; they are always getting cited and arrested and they always pay in CASH... Unless you're like some of the dirtier-dbag attorneys who get paid "in kind". Knowing Craig's office, she just fell through the cracks, Craig does a shit ton of business and sometimes he forgets a ho.

  65. Do hookers really get arrested that much? Maybe I live a sheltered life, but I never see one, much less see one get busted.

    (Okay, I did see one at MGM once. But that was 8 years ago.)

  66. "Sometimes he forgets a ho."

    Those are words of wisdom by which to live your life.

  67. Pat Murhpy Story

  68. Australian lawyer smokes pages of Bible and Koran, asking 'Which is best?'

    An Australian lawyer, Alex Stewart, has smoked pages torn from the Koran and the Bible, posting the video on YouTube just days after an American Pastor's threat to burn the Muslim holy book caused worldwide outrage.


  69. @11:04 It is painfully obvious you have little to no experience representing a ho. They are lousy clients and slow pay if at all. Mostly you deal with their pimps.

  70. Mmm. . . 9:11. I do like'm smart. How'd you like Anyway, this handle's dead. See you next troll. Thank you for your time



  71. @ 4:02:

    11:04 here. You're right about the lower to middle girls, who need a Daddy to take care of them. They're trifling. You get the higher end girls, paying usually hasn't been a problem. I'll let you know when that changes...

  72. State Bar of Nevada reviewing grievance against Righthaven CEO

    By Steve Green
    Las Vegas Sun

    Monday, Sept. 13, 2010 | 5:42 p.m.

    The Nevada agency that regulates attorneys is looking into a grievance filed against the chief executive officer of Righthaven LLC, the Las Vegas copyright enforcement company that has sued at least 124 individuals and companies in North America since March over unauthorized online postings of Las Vegas Review-Journal stories.

    The nature of the grievance hasn’t been disclosed except that someone filed it with the State Bar of Nevada against Righthaven CEO Steven Gibson, a Las Vegas attorney, and that it is related to Righthaven.

    The State Bar calls complaints filed against attorneys by citizens or clients "grievances" so they’re not confused with "complaints" the State Bar may file against lawyers.

    The grievance under investigation could relate to any number of allegations defense attorneys have made against Righthaven and its procedures — which are unusual for the newspaper industry — of detecting online infringements of Review-Journal material, obtaining copyrights to the infringed material and then suing over the retroactive infringements.

    The allegations include suggestions Righthaven is a shakedown operation that hits bloggers, website operators, companies and nonprofits with frivolous lawsuits demanding $75,000 or $150,000 in damages and forfeiture of their domain names — but then quickly offers to settle, knowing costs to hire attorneys to fight the lawsuits are much higher than the proposed settlement amounts of a few thousand dollars.

    Influential Righthaven foe the Electronic Frontier Foundation, for instance, has charged Righthaven is "just the latest group of lawyers to try to turn copyright litigation into a business model."

    "What these lawyers have in common is that they seek to take advantage of copyright's draconian damages in order to bully Internet users into forking over money," an EFF report this month said.

    Some attorneys have complained Righthaven is engaged in "barratry" -- the persistent incitement of litigation or stirring up legal disputes to drive up legal fees — since in many if not most cases it sues before trying to resolve its issues with the defendants out of court. Others have accused Righthaven of "copyright misuse" and of coming to lawsuits with "unclean hands."


  73. Does anyone know where Cottle ended up?

  74. LE, JWL,

    If I was you, I'd delete 12:47. Although the Sun is too poor to actually file prosecute a copyright suit, they might send you a nasty letter. Besides, there's no reason to have most of the article up here anyway.

    @12:47, Post a link, bonehead.


  76. @1:41:

    Cottle ended up where he should have been years ago. I wish him the best of luck in his new firm.

  77. Let us all hope for a new thread tomorrow.

  78. real class act:

  79. Why start a new thread? There is nothing remotely interesting in the RJ this morning :)

  80. Very sad news about Pat Murphy. Agree that he was one of the best and will be missed...R.I.P. Pat

  81. Todd Phillips is at it again!

    Not content with being a carpetbagger (lives in N. Las Vegas, practices in CA, not admitted here), he previously sued LVAS whining about the "Ladies join free" promotion. Now he's whining that the San Gennaro Feast offered both a "Moms ride free" and a "Dads ride free" night. Apparently, the fact that the promos were on different nights ruffled his feathers and he filed a complaint with NERC.

    What a d-bag.

  82. He is a bottomfeeder like Gibson. Where is Ben Lund when you need him? I'd belly bomp and smack Phillips and Gibson on the spot.

  83. Did Pat Murphy run this blog? No updates in three days.

  84. This blog will be current every seven days.

  85. Anon 10:24-- too soon. Clever, but too soon...

  86. anyone want to give any helpful tips for those of us interviewing at the PDs over the next couple of weeks? pretty please??

    Oh and @ 10:24 - It made me chuckle

  87. This blog sucks. This is last Friday's open thread and we are almost up to this Friday's open thread. . . Lame! Here's the next thread since we discussed this a while back and the jackasses from Glen Lerner proclaimed their innocence and victomhood on this blog. Put this article up as a separate thread if you get time from you busy schedule (yeah right). Glen Lerner's Heavy Hitters

  88. So Lerner's boys are truly a bunch of buttkissers

  89. Pretty good hit by Lund if a single punch breaks the dude's face and causes tens of thousands in meds.

    I wonder if they'll accuse Walsh of intentional over-treatment like defendants do to plaintiffs?

  90. Anyone ever gone to the hospital? It's billed at around 10k per night. Throw in a reconstructive surgery and you get there easily.

  91. Lot of fights end with a broken orbital. Easy to break with a good shot to the nugget. Lucky the cops weren't there or didn't get into too much, cause I've had clients charged with battery substantial for that.

  92. This blog is lazy! Why don't they just post a new open thread each week and we'll talk about whatever?

  93. Since the blog has become so lame, let's all suggest topics. Talk amongst yourselves. Topic: The Holy Roman Empire -- it wasn't Holy, it wasn't Roman and it wasn't an Empire. Discuss.

  94. 3:52: I actually just paid cash for a procedure with an overnight at a hospital, so I'm familiar with that pain. Self employed, insurance refused coverage.

    People say what they will about lawyers, but it is crazy to get billed $670 by one random doc (not your doc) because he WALKED IN AND READ YOUR CHART for 20 seconds and said, "So, you understand what this is?" "Yes." "Ok." and he leaves...


  95. You should punch that doc without breaking his orbital

    Ticket for battery = $200 (usually)

  96. Plus the class and fees

  97. Plus whatever Adam Stoked is charging you, so that you can pay *only* $200 for that ticket.

  98. Well I hope nobody here is paying stokes anything. Let the commoners do that the rest of us shpuld work it out. Anyway my point was that, criminally, it is not that expensive to punch some one out.

  99. Every George Assad remand story is a triumph for the will of the people!!
