Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Set Your Tivos!

Tonight is the night. The Cristalli & Saggese-inspired legal "bromance" The Defenders premiers at 10:00 p.m. on CBS.

Check it out and let us know what you think.


  1. Show will not last long enough to go into syndication. Vegas already over exposed on the tele.

  2. Who cares? I don't.

  3. Raul Castro is probably pretty jealous of Jim Belushi.

  4. BFD. I've got better things to watch on Wednesday nights.

  5. Not me. I watch a lot of TV.

  6. Saggese flosses his teeth in court!

  7. I hope they can work that, and other wacky hijinks, into the show. I will tune in regardless. Go Defenders!

  8. this might lower my credibility (thank goodness this blog allows for anonymous postings), but I am actually looking forward to see what this show has to offer. I'm still pretty sad they cancelled that one show about public defenders with old school Zach from saved by the bell

  9. meh. is that how it"s spelled, meh?

  10. I am waiting for Gibson Law, season 1.

  11. I am currently wathching "The Defenders",....and drinking. I hope that the show catches on, but it feels very disjointed and awkward. I almost fell off the couch when I saw the first of the choadish, ManLove commercials involving the castmembers and C&S. Good luck. I wish you well.

  12. Let's play how many legal errors can we identify in the pilot episode (the fact that the courtroom looks nothing like the RJC doesn't count):

    #1: Sex with opposing counsel.

  13. I wish them well and hope they make lots of money.

  14. Well I am looking forward to watching this show, i'll let you know what i think tomorrow!

  15. How must Hottie Cristoli feel that they selected a guy 20 years his senior and rather troll like to play him! PASS THE FLOSS!

  16. did anyone see their commercial during the show with both them and Belushi/O'donnell? Way to take advantage of an opportunity. It looked like it may have aired nationally.

  17. The show was good enough for me to watch again.

  18. The short one got fatter and shorter if that's possible

  19. I'd watch it again.

  20. 9:35 AM here,

    It was actually a pretty good show. I loved the part when Belushi rips into the Judge and D.A. about the involuntary mans. instruction. Actor who played judge, very realistic. Black robe fever. So what is the over/under? 1, 2, or 3 years before cancellation.

  21. The litigation between C&S and Richard Harris will last about four or five more seasons than the Defenders.

  22. @ 11:20

    You mean sex with opposing counsel is a legal error?????? Doh!

  23. Would it be too much to ask for an open thread on days when no new news is thread-worthy. Sometimes it’s a nice outlet when I need to complain.

  24. Dilemma: Stab my self in the eye or watch The Defenders. Anyone know a good ophthalmologist.

  25. Show wasn't awful. Natalie Zea, the prosecutor, is one of my favorite 35+ hotties.

    However, the two ads for the law firm made me ill. And I don't know these two guys or anything about them.

    Also, I didn't like the depiction of Las Vegas. The court looked old and dingy and the hard ticket to get was in an old show room (looked like the Plaza) and featured Frank Sinatra Jr. Yeah, that's what Las Vegas attorneys want to do at night.

  26. Nice violation of the golden rule during closing arguments.

  27. It is but a myth that what Belushi did at the end of this episode was a violation of the golden rule argument. While case law prevents you from asking the jury to put themselves in the VICTIMs shoes, there is also case law that allows you to ask the jury to place themselves in the DEFENDANTs shoes when arguing self-defense. It is not improper.

  28. If the show ever depicts them doing well in a civil case, you know it ain't based on any sort of reality.

  29. A much more interesting show would be "The Disciplined." You could have the main characters doing their clients on their desks in front of the clients' kids, stealing client money and investing it in Civil War crap, shoplifting necklaces, etc.

  30. As much as I like the actors, I don't think this show will last. It is "insulting" to the judicial system in Clark County. Also, curious as if the attorney's are financing this, considering the advertisement during the show.

  31. Nothing could possibly be more insulting to the judicial system in Clark County than the actual judicial system in Clark County.

  32. What do people contribute to judicial campaigns? I hate donating but feel obligated.

    What litigation is going between Harris and the clowns?

  33. Just watched the DVR this morning.

    Marginally entertained. but then, love both Belushi and O'Donnell.

  34. Jim Belushi. Holy shit! If he wasn't John's brother, how much of a turn-around would his life be . . . go from millionaire to dude working a 9-5 for minimum wage. Fuckin no talent hack living on name alone! Sound familar?

  35. I wish when my brother died I could have profited of it like that.

  36. Saw the second episode, mildly entertaining, it was irritating to see most of the show is shot in SoCal

  37. terrible acting, terrible law, terrible show...also, the real lawyers this show is based upon aren't as successful as the characters.....annoying to watch.
