Friday, September 17, 2010

Creepy "drone" protesters outside of the RJC on Wednesday

Everyone has a cause.

For these people, the cause is apparently getting more American fighter pilots killed in battle.

(LV Sun; Thanks, Tipster!)


  1. Bullshit. Their cause is stopping the horrendous killing of innocent civilians.

  2. They should also be protesting the payout of billions of dollars to war profiteers at the expense of the U.S. economy. We need road improvements, alternative energy and textbooks - not drones.

  3. Sorry have to agree with the original comment. If you want to stop the war, fine. If you want to stop money being paid to whatever MIC boogeyman you can identify, fine. Not the issue of the article but fine.

    But the comment that warfare by drones conducting missions which would otherwise be conducted by military pilots and putting American lives in danger is also fair. Precisely which "war profiteers" are at the stick of the drone program has neve been specified so please enlighten us.

  4. what about the real issue in the case? Were these protestors trespassing? I have an airforce buddy that works down at creech and he says they are there protesting all the long as they don't cross onto private property, they are fine.

    Also maybe it's just me but saying that 90% of people killed by these drones are civilians seems like a pretty high figure

  5. Question: Do drone pilots suffer from the same PTSD as conventional aircraft pilots?

  6. @3:23,

    They weren't at Creech. They were in front of the RJC. And to be accurate, they should have had a third costumed man attempting to assemble an explosive on the street corner, while a fourth carried an AK and watched.

  7. @421, probably a greater risk of PTSD for drone pilots than for conventional aircraft because conventional aircraft drop their payload and leave the scene. Drone pilots follow the payload to the target. The drones may not be saving the lives of fighter pilots, but they have saved the lives of American soldiers on the ground. And it is too bad that there are innocents being killed, but it's too bad there is anyone being killed. How many people would be dead if the Taliban and Al-Queda were permitted to take over the region unopposed? How many women and children would be starved, raped, murdered?

  8. @ 8:37 - wait I might be confused. I thought that the people at the RJC were there protesting the arresting of those who protested at creech? In other words, first group protested at creech and were arrested. Second group, those pictured there, were protesting first group's arrest.

    wow I just confused myself....
