Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Here We Go Again ...

Our old friend (and convicted felon) Howard Awand has been subpoenaed to appear before a federal grand jury to answer questions about the "Medical Mafia." Could this be the beginning of Round 2?

(I-Team; Thanks Tipster!)


  1. Yesterday's news. U.S. Attorney needs to step off.

  2. I hope he rats on all the other doctors and lawyers involved. Would be good to clean up the crowd so honest attorneys and doctors have a fair shake.

  3. I likewise hope he rats on all of the doctors and lawyers so that new crew of doctors and lawyers can take their place and get their share of the tillings.

  4. He'll keep his mouth shut, unless the US Attorney offers him an early release. Then his testimony won't be worth anything. A skilled defense attorney will impeach him in a second.

    Sleep well, wealthy doctors and lawyers.

  5. Maybe the USA is investigating those insurance companies that Awand worked for before switching to the plaintiff side? Anyway, this is 7 years old, and done. Stick a fork in it.

  6. "Maybe the USA is investigating those insurance companies that Awand worked for before switching to the plaintiff side?"


    From the article:

    Bob Vannah
    Randall Mainor
    Robert Eglet
    Robert Cottle
    Tracy Eglet
    Richard Harris & Partners
    Noel Gage
    Ivy Gage
    Paul Weiss
    Stephen Weiss
    Nathan Costello
    Adam Ganz
    Dennis Prince (Prince & Keating)

    Dr. Mark Kabins
    Dr. Mark Kraft
    Dr. Raimundo Leon
    Dr. Brian Lemper
    Dr. Jim Thomas
    Dr. David Oliveri
    Dr. Michael Prater
    Dr. Witold Iglikowski
    Dr. Benjamin Venger
    Dr. John Thalgott

    Not an insurance company among them. But to be fair; Venger, Thalgott, Gage, and Kabins probably don't have much to worry about.

  7. How ignorant are you. Of course, they have nothing to worry about. The plea bargains do not allow Kabins, Gage or Awand to be charged with any further crimes. Thalgott and Venger have immunity. It was a cynical comment that maybe they are investigating the insurance companies. This is clearly a unwarrented attack on the plaintiffs' bar. The rest of you are doing the Lord's work. Why do you think that nobody complained when all those whores you fools like to use for IMEs were hand selected by Awand? If you don't understand the issues, don't offer any more dumb opinions.

  8. The story that will never end. Refused to testify and is being held in contempt? Wow.


  10. At this point, of what benefit is it to Howard to snitch on the old gang?

    The whole spine surgery personal injury thing was beautiful back in the day. Everybody got paid and paid big.

  11. 4:29 PM, are you on that list?

  12. Yes, I am Randy Mainor. Are you a defense dimwit?

  13. So much anger for such a goofy tool.

  14. @ 5:28

    You are an Idiot!

  15. 5:28 PM - Nope, not a defense dimwit. I'm an ethical and successful plaintiffs' lawyer.

  16. In Awand's picture I get the prison stripes, but what's with the Russian ushanka hat?

  17. Poor Lemper. If Bert (of Bert and Ernie) and Jeff Goldblum had a baby, it would look just like Lemper.

  18. I think he needs to step in. As long as we have continuing ongoing corruption or influence on the judicial and legal systems, this matter should not be laid to rest.Cato

  19. the guys who want to stick a fork in it? Just one question? Whats your role in this ongoing racket?

  20. To 4:29 PM..Sorry Charlie.. Awand can be charged with new crimes or if he lied about the crimes he pled to. He does not have that type of immunity. You need to take more federal criminal law.You know there is such a thing as wire fraud, mail fraud, and extortion charges. No doubt the doctors were compromised by Awand and his fellow conspirators named and unnamed (see list someone kindly offered ) to change their reports given to the defendants to damage the defense in the case
    but which judges allowed Kabins and counsel to come in late with "new information" and then deny the defense the right to put on rebuttal experts, raising the claims exponentially? Was that a pattern? or just a coincidence.? Oh and what about those patients who suffered extensively from unnecessary surgery? So brush it off...?!!

  21. I want a house like Bob Vannah's

  22. Gordon Gecko lives and breathes and is living in Las Vegas.He is thinking of opening a Personal Injury firm and associating with all the right people.

  23. The US Attorney is nearly as incompetent as the State Bar of Nevada. They'll never get Vannah or Eglet.

  24. Obviously, the USA is bored playing with his own tool.
