Thursday, September 9, 2010

Just imagine what the people in Nye County who aren't the DA are up to.

Our favorite drunken fraudster DA has done it again.

Nye County District Attorney Bob Beckett was arrested on suspicion of DUI a little before 11 p.m. on Tuesday. Now in lame-duck status after four terms in office, what has he really got to lose? Live it up, Bob.


  1. Hardly worth a post - it is, after all, Nye County. No kudos for the DA, but isn't nearly everything else there legal?

  2. Pow? Yeah, double kickstands bitches?

  3. Meanwhile, in Nye County...

  4. can we send the pow kickstand guy yo Nye County? Oh and while we're at it, can we send whomever keeps posting troy fox's name and ramzy's name too?

  5. wasn't this guy found near heidi fleiss' house? kind of suspicious that he winds up near her house.

  6. I recently watch the movie A Beautiful Mind again recently. Then it hit me, after I stumbled upon this site some time ago, I am thoroughly convinced that this site is hosted by some moronic Boyd Law grad with a mental illness that once had a case with Troy Fox, around the same time saw a BK Hottie, got fired for being a whackjob, tried to hire H&S to take his unlawful termination case but they refused, now he sits alone in his “shithole” studio apartment ranting about all the foregoing and how bad Vegas is all awhile giving himself “double kickstands” and punching himself in the nutsack–POW! Let me drop to your delusional level for a second: Take your meds–Bitch!

  7. 1:17: Boo-yah! Training wheels! Donkeys!!!

  8. Wow, he looks like the freakin Joker from Batman.

    ..oh yea, and screw H&S.

  9. 1:32 = the moron referred to by 1:17. Please Sir, stop tongue punching your neighbor's poodle, put your pants on and get back to work. [UNLV Fight Song starts playing in one of your ears, Law & Order theme song begins in the other] I hear that the DA is currently understaffed--you will fit in great!!!

  10. Bam! In your face!!!

  11. @2:48 (The pow bam double kickstands douche) It looks like we have a new troll on this blog. Crawl back under your bridge.

  12. If I was the DA in nye county I would be doing a lot worse the DUI.

  13. Sounds like an actual physical control problem to me. I sense another reckless conviction in his future.

  14. Imagine what more madness might be lurking out in the Nye sagebrush if 93% of the county wasn't taken up by the Test and Training Range and the Test Site.

  15. Too bad this blog has a bunch of trolls who love to turn everything into a personal attack instead of contributing any value to a thread. You jokers can't restrain yourselves until the "Friday Open Tread" for that bullshit?

    Seriously, the best part about this blog (perhaps before moronic law students started pervading it) was the useful information about firm movements, salaries, and interesting gossip. Now we are left with the troll(s) who can't restrain himself from "kickstand, Troy Fox, Boyd Sucks, etc." Get a fucking life or just tormet your dweeb Warcraft friends.

  16. Is Nye county in Utah?

  17. Hey! I like Warcraft! Do you know how hard it is to bill .8's all day to various clients for all my WoW time? Bruce almost never catches me. That shit is exhausting.

  18. @5:07. Pow bitch!! In your face! Bam bitch.

  19. 5:07 = wah wah wah. Suck it bitch! Mob rule bitch!

  20. Ok I promise to lay off the "pow, double kickstand, bam, in your face" posts for at least one month for my own mental health at the very least. Though, I can't stop laughing when I think about the person who posted "WTF is a kickstand" hahahahahahahahahahahaha

  21. Though 5:07 really should suck it. I mean really just read his post.

  22. He is a total hot mess...but then again, I suppose most in Nye County are.

  23. The other day I was getting my knob slobbed on by my boyfriend, and he gurgled that the DA in Nye was a fool. Then, this morning I was getting cornholed by my boyfriend, and as the little red ball in my mouth was gagging me I heard him say through the zipper on his leather mask that maybe the DA in Nye county wasn't such a bad guy after all. Hmmm.

  24. 4:34 with the EPIC, epic fail.

  25. @4:34,

    W. T. F?! Once wasn't enough, you decided your brand of unfunny humor needed a second airing? It wasn't funny before, it isn't funny now, just go away and get an STD from double-kickstand boy.

  26. Nye County is interesting. Famouse for nothing aside from finding tapes in a horrible child seuxual abuse case, a few scenes in teh movie Mars Attacks, Heidi Fleish and a DA that drunkenly rolls a county car and his personal car in one day, arrested for stealing funds on another and then camping passed out drunk in a county car in front of the aforementioned Heidi on another, it has not got much to be proud of. He is a lame duck waiting to be out of a job after the election either puts the squeaky clean Brian Kunzi in or opts for more of teh same with his underling and wife beating pal Ron Kent who has had more bar dicipline than the trolls here have had Ritalin.
