Here's what we've heard about the so-called "PD scandal" so far:
A female deputy public defender (let's call her Suzy Squarebush) allegedly got caught giving an inmate (let's call him Prince Charming) oral sex while visiting the inmate at Clark County Detention Center.
Suzy was allegedly caught because she photographed the act, and sent the photos to Charming's cell phone (how an inmate has a cell phone, we have no idea). Charming then allegedly showed the photos around to some inmate friends ... thus blowing everything. [Rimshot!]
Anyone have more information on this?
(Thanks, Tipsters!)
What happened next? The inmates break out of their cells and tell the media?
ReplyDeleteI wasn't there and don't have first hand information (and neither do any of you), but I think the story has been greatly exaggerated. I think that a pd, a talented and otherwise smart pd, gave a photo of herself to a client and that photo was discovered at the detention center. I don't think she engaged in sexual activity with the client and I don't think the photo includes nudity. While it was a big lapse in judgment, I don't think she should lose her job -- at least not until several other pd's who have had bigger lapses in judgment lose their jobs. The rumor mill has gone amok.
ReplyDeleteThe moral of the story? We should be dating girls in the pd's office.
ReplyDeletethis story sounds like it could be true regarding just about any female PD. they are desperate and repulsive.
ReplyDelete"I think that a pd, a talented and otherwise smart pd, gave a photo of herself to a client and that photo was discovered at the detention center."
ReplyDeleteYou must have missed the part where she "got caught."
Well....the story has much more to it than that and if true and there was sexual contact as was described, she should lose her job no matter her...er...talents. Hiedi? Where is Ms. Fleish?
ReplyDeleteIf this is true, it is sooooo friggin' hot.
ReplyDelete8:39 am = Suzy Squarebush
ReplyDelete@9:17 you beat me to it. LOL @8:39...i would LOVE to hear your explanation for why this person, who gave an inappropriate picture of herself to a criminal defendant/CCDC inmate/client should NOT be fired??
ReplyDeleteinterestingly, my word verification right now to post this is "fired"
NRS 212.187 Voluntary sexual conduct between prisoner and another person; penalty.
ReplyDelete1. A prisoner who is in lawful custody or confinement, other than in the custody of the Division of Parole and Probation of the Department of Public Safety pursuant to NRS 209.4886 or 209.4888 or residential confinement, and who voluntarily engages in sexual conduct with another person is guilty of a category D felony and shall be punished as provided in NRS 193.130.
2. A person who voluntarily engages in sexual conduct with a prisoner who is in lawful custody or confinement, other than in the custody of the Division of Parole and Probation of the Department of Public Safety pursuant to NRS 209.4886 or 209.4888 or residential confinement, is guilty of a category D felony and shall be punished as provided in NRS 193.130.
3. As used in this section, “sexual conduct”:
(a) Includes acts of masturbation, homosexuality, sexual intercourse or physical contact with another person’s clothed or unclothed genitals or pubic area to arouse, appeal to or gratify the sexual desires of a person.
(b) Does not include acts of a person who has custody of a prisoner or an employee of the institution in which the prisoner is confined that are performed to carry out the necessary duties of such a person or employee.
So. If there is more to it than a phot, they should both be held accountable to the law.
She was simply debriefing her client and engaging in oral argument on a hard, hard issue...effective assistance of counsel indeed. damn fine PD bitches her in Nevada.
ReplyDelete@ 9:27
ReplyDeleteWhere is the Libertarian A-hole from the thread yesterday? I am sure that as a Libertarian he/she would not approve of the government attempting to regulate private conduct in such a manner
Wow don't understand the nastiness towards female PDs. Maybe you had the hots for one and she wouldn't give you the time of day. Most of us work hard with very little back up, pay, or even appreciation from our difficult clients. To then start disgusting rumors or say horrible things about being "repulsive" just outs you as a big asshole.
ReplyDelete8:39 here -- not the person of interest and not a pd. If she had sex with a client, she should be fired. If it's only a photo, with no nudity, she shouldn't. At least not until the wife-beater, shoplifter, drunk drivers, and certain lazy-ass pd's who have not effectively represented clients in decades, also lose their jobs.
ReplyDeletewhats with all the PD bashing? All of us have made mistakes and all of us don't want our dirty laundry aired on a blog like this. Unfortunately that is the information age and the class of people in our society. With that being said lets talk about DA scandalists as well. DA's runing for Judge had several drunk driving incidents, DA giving lap dances to bosses, DA flashing badges. We all do bad things.
ReplyDeleteActually, most PD's are hard working defense attorneys. Really, more than hard working due to their case load.
ReplyDeleteAnd quite a number of the females are better than good looking.
I know a lot PD's and think very highly of most. Like any large firm, there are some who are mostly worthless but the majority work hard and are effective considering the vast majority of their clients are guilty and repeat offenders.
And, as 935 says, even their clients complain about them. But, those same complainers are lucky to have a motivated and dedicated PD as a defense attorney.
Good points 9:43 - where's the info. on Kephart and the comment from a few days ago about a finding that he committed sexual harassment at the DA's office?
ReplyDelete@9:35 i am a female, i never had "the hots" for any other female PD's, and i used to work at the office.
ReplyDeleteso your whole "oh noessss we don't make money" argument just doesn't fly, haha. i know what they make. we all know what they make! are you saying alleged hard work and "low pay" (starting salary of 70k plus benefits, a lot of PD's making over 100k) should allow the female PD's to get a little jail dick every once in a while? and yes, i absolutely do find it "repulsive" that an attorney would do ANY of the things alleged, even an inappropriate picture. it's gross.
@ 9:43 - that's such a bull shit argument. Other people do bad things all of the time. Doesn't mean "Ms. Squarebush" shouldn't be held accountable for what she did. Basically what you're saying is since there have been idiot DAs in the past no PD should be subject to criticism. Way to deflect there killer.
ReplyDeleteNo one care if someone has done bad things.
Naughty things, on the other hand...
@ 9:51, if you would refer back to your comment at 8:51, you did not say that the alleged incident was repulsive. You said all the female PDs are desperate and repulsive. Very different. Yes, if someone actually gave a client a BJ, that is disgusting, no doubt about it. The allegation is only about one person, so your comments about all female PDs are over the top and uncalled for.
ReplyDelete@9:59 go get your dick sucked by a PD and quit wasting my time.
ReplyDelete@9:59 I agree completely!
ReplyDelete@ 9:59 - well I wish I could take credit for that, but unfortunately that wasn't my comment. But quick question, why didn't you just say "hey that's uncalled for" instead of defelecting with your "well DAs do bad things too!" crap?
ReplyDeleteI wish we could all have monikers for this blog -- unique names so we can skip posts by the assholes and follow the conversations with a little more ease.
ReplyDeleteYou kids are all getting out of control. There's NO need to bash eachother. This thread was started about ONE isolated incident that we really don't know anyting about (yet). I'm sure there are many different versions of the story being peddled around--ONE of them is true. Maybe we should just wait to see what the evidence shows until we judge and dole out punishment. And we should definitly not be hurling broad sweeping insults at eachother.
ReplyDelete@ 10:11 - this is a gossip site, not sure it's the place to look for a civilized discussion. I mean look at the current topic ;-)
ReplyDeleteIf only I could get my wife to show some PD lowe to me.
ReplyDeleteWe do need monikers. I want to be something cool, like Supercoolguy.
Monikers would def be the way to go...then we can all have secret alter egos and battle with eachother outside the courtroom as well as inside...wow, attorneys with TWO egos....scary. ;-)
ReplyDeleteLove the comment from the pd who said that pd's work "hard." This one certainly did. I've heard that the client is in the klink for, here it comes, wait for it, wait for it . . . . SEXUAL ASSAULT!
ReplyDeleteThe sad but objective fact is that this pd isn't any different from any of the other retards over there, the women or the men. What loser would want to stick some greasy, no-shower-for-a-week, puss filled penis in her cakehole? Choose any random pd, that's who.
If there is any sex involved with a client it is a violation of ethics deserving of disbarment...not a lapse in judgement. Matters not if it were an inmate or if he were out or if she were a private practitioner. What is repulsive is the lack of respect for the oaths, the ethics rules and the fact that there are consequences for actions that should be enforced across the board. The fact some have not been dealt with does not excuse the current situation.
ReplyDeleteNo, what is repulsive is that she stuck a blistering, sore-ridden penis of an inmate accused of sex assault into some orifice of her body. He probably had that penis in his cellmate earlier in the day.
ReplyDelete@10:18 i couldn't agree more!! lol
ReplyDeleteDamn, that inmate needs to write a book on how to seduce women. To go from jailed alleged sex offender to getting action from your government lawyer, that is some hella smooth move. He must be like the Continental and the Ladies Man all in one.
ReplyDelete"Look baby, these charges are all false... you are lookin good today... mmm-mmm..."
@10:27, the inmate's not smooth, the attorney's just a huge attention-whoring slut who'd probably fucked her way through the rest of the PD's office and ran out of options.
ReplyDelete@10:29 Trish Palm?
ReplyDelete"ran out of options?" I think she ran out of options when she STARTED fucking her way through the pd's office. Have you seen the losers over there?
ReplyDeleteWhat a load of CRAP! Stop speculating until we find out the truth? Then wait for the news and don't come here to read salacious gossip, flaming and drama. Who cares if it is right or wrong, the fun is in the journey!
ReplyDeleteYou guys needs to go to the gym more to get some of this aggression and anger out...seriously...I can't imagine what it's like walking around with all that hate inside of you.
ReplyDelete"Can't we all just get along?"
ReplyDeletewait....is there going to be som law suit against me for quting Rodney?
It isn't hate here, it is disgust in people who conduct themselves like tramps and losers and the people who work with them that are not outraged enough by it to do something!
It is I, SuperCoolGuy, making his first appearance here.
ReplyDeleteAllow me to say I feel sorry for the gal. Yes, she will suffer some consequences, deservedly so. But the measure of a man (or wo-man) is not just how well he takes his lumps when he is down. It is also how he treats those who are down. How easy to deny the fallen the dignity we demand of others.
I know which PD this rumor is about....and I must say, knowing her personally, I don't believe it for one second! I'm sorry, there is just no way. This rumor was started by some asshole DA who lost a case her
ReplyDeletereally kind of strange but my new neighbor, who is not nvolved in the legal field, was the first person to tell me about this rumor. I think this rumor spun out by some low level news outlet
ReplyDelete"the measure of a man is not just how well he takes his lumps . . ."
ReplyDeleteWe should be asking this pd what the measure of the man's lump was. Maybe it was his lump measurements that attracted her to him?
10:46 = suzy squarebush
Hey 10:46, we should be able to determine which DA started this rumor, if what you say is true. Which DA had a trial that he/she lost to suzy squarebush? Is that the culprit? Should be easy to determine since her trial record is objectively easy to determine.
ReplyDelete@1046- she was fired, its not a rumor. You don't get fired from the County based on a rumor. And let's stop with Suzy shit. Her name is Stacey When you get caught sucking off your sex offender clients you don't deserve to be spared the humiliation
ReplyDeleteAutomatically a DA? Maybe it was a skanky PD who did not like her Polly Purebread image in amongst the other hos at the office.
ReplyDeleteThis does not come up out of nowhere.
@10:43 you are my new fake best friend.
ReplyDeleteFired? Anyone else heard this?
ReplyDeleteHow right you are, 11:03!
ReplyDeleteAll those dumbass pd's on this site who blog about how the story has been "greatly exaggerated" can't deny that the dumb whore got fired. She didn't get fired for sending a picture to a client. She got fired because she had a rapist's chubby in her garbage-hole. And to think, she kissed her husband and kids with that mouth, right after the rapist sprayed her face with all kinds of ill shit. Lovely. There's your hero, scum pds.
I love you supercoolguy!
ReplyDeleteIf my intel is correct, she's represented some very high-profile perverts in the not so distant past.
ReplyDeleteBut my intel also tells me there was "inappropriate" contact with an inmate. I suspect a blowjob fits that definition to a tee, but no confirmation. PD Phil Kohn is taking meetings all day.
Phil is probably taking one long meeting ... with her.
ReplyDeleteHer voicemail is still active on her work phone.
ReplyDeleteThis lady is/was a great lawyer and a nice person. This is a very sad turn of events even though she royally screwed up. I dont feel the need to pile onto her already pathetic fall from grace. Neither should you. She will endure enough punishment as it is.
ReplyDeleteHer voicemail:
ReplyDelete"If you are an inmate and calling from CCDC and are in need of my assistance, please:
Press 1 for a blowjob.
Press 2 for anal.
Press 3 for a dirty sanchez.
Press 4 for a Cleveland Steamer.
Pics or it didn't happen.
Wow, nothing like a juicy sex scandal to bring out the classy in people! I am so glad to call all of you colleagues in the legal community. Furthermore, not only is it incredibly impressive of those of you who have actually dropped names without leaving your own - how courageous, but equally impressive is the lack of proper grammar and punctuation from the County's lawyers and legal professionals, brilliant!
ReplyDeletewait when you guys say stacey....are you talking about stacy r? someone please clarify! and if you are, then she did not do the high profile case of chester that were some other sex team pds i believe
ReplyDeleteand for the record, to my knowledge, no one has been fired. they are currently being asked to stop their caseload while this is being investigated but their bags haven't been packed
ReplyDeletei'm still confused as to how the inmate got pics of the action?
ReplyDelete@12:45 "They?"
ReplyDeleteMy apologies.
ReplyDelete@11:45 "They"?
Hey 9:51 as 9:43 I wasn't saying she gets a pass what I was saying is we are asses for talking about it this way. Get a clue and actually read it as it written not what you want it to believe.
ReplyDeleteAll of you speculating, denigrating, and otherwise talking out of your asses disgust me.
ReplyDeleteI'm embarrassed to work in the legal community with people like you out there.
Anonymity brings out the ugliest parts of you. Take a look at yourselves. Do you like what you see?
11:45 here. sorry I meant to say she or her, not they or their. but to my understanding from talking to other PDs on the sex team, she has not been let go. This is still under investigation. I do know that Phil has completely cleared his calendar to deal with this. However, I still think this is a rumor with little to no validity. And I agree that it could very well have been done by another PD, not necessarily another DA on the special team. Either way, the PD in question is an excellent attorney who, at least in my encounters, as always been more than professional. I think this "scandal" is nothing more than a rumor mill that spun out of control
ReplyDeletefor those saying she has been fired, where are you getting this info? Unless my connections are lying, she is still there
@ kindofsupercoolgirl:
ReplyDeleteAGREED!!! you couldn't have said it better!!!
I'm ashamed to say I am part of this legal community. Granted, this blog is meant for legal gosssip, but reading it, I feel as though I've been brought back in time to the high school locker rooms. If you are going to gossip, then lets talk about the legality of these actions. Actually analyze what is being accussed. Is it possible to give head to an inmate without the gaurds noticing? How did the inmate obtain pictures of this? Act like lawyer and analyze the situation instead of just throwing out insults and name calling
ReplyDelete1103 here. Sorry, I thought she was fired but now I'm hearing that may not be true. I guess its still a rumor.
ReplyDeletei love how some of you assholes are on here reading this shit just like the rest of us are, yet you're condemning the others for speculating about gossip.
ReplyDeletegossip: 1. idle talk or rumor, esp. about the personal or private affairs of others
isn't that the point of this blog?
@12:18--exactly. While I know this is a gossip blog, we all could stand to behave more maturely and approach news like as educated, analytical people instead of 12 year old catty girls. Humor on a blog like this? Totally approprite. Name calling and muslinging? Totally inappropriate.
ReplyDeleteNanny nanny nah nah
ReplyDelete11:03/12:21 - if I was you, I would be utterly embarrassed. You outted the attorneys name, and condemned her by backing up your story "she was fired, its not a rumor" and now you retract your basis saying that maybe she hasn't been fired. Get your facts straight before you help tarnish a fellow attorney's reputation. It's attorneys like you that disgust me.
ReplyDeletesigned 11:45/12:11
How do you tarnish the reputation of an attorney who engages in such abhorant behavior. That is disgusting.
ReplyDeleteyeah, if you engage in that kind of behavior you sort of get what's coming to/on you
ReplyDeleteyou're missing my point....the bahavior hasn't been verified to be true. as of right now it is just a rumor and up until 11:03 opened up her mouth, it was a rumor about a faceless attorney.
ReplyDeleteSo yes, you are helping tarnish the reputation of an attorney by spreading rumors that have not been verified
12:43 is funny today.
ReplyDeletenice word play "coming to/on you"
ReplyDeleteTarnished? We better polish that knob.
ReplyDeleteThe name posted here was already out...except for here. Climb off your lofty knob and realize that people here are not submitting briefs so who the eff cares about punctuation here? This is a blog. that is it. stop coming to it if you don't like what you see. As far as being appalled by your fellow attorneys? Really...guess you never hang with many because this is how they behave even when not anonymous. They are no different than the rest of the population...clearly...or they wouldn't be blowing their sex offender clients.
ReplyDelete@ 12:43- fuck off. You're the only idiot who couldn't figure out "Suzy Squarebush." Her name has been out there. This is a gossip and rumor blog, if you don't like it don't read it.
ReplyDeletecomplaining about people being sleazy and unprofessional on a tabloid gossip site is a lot like complaing that the floors in a bath house are sticky...
ReplyDelete@1:36--you forgot to end with "after walking out of said bath house"...lol
ReplyDeleteWow, I'm glad the racist shit went away, but why so angry? Our profession is not so honored in this town that we have the right to be indignant. PD's on the wholeThe PD allegedly blew an inmate, the reason she (allegedly) got caught was due to the presence of the inmate's belly chain in the blowjob pic. She has been suspended, not fired, pending the outcome. Even if she is not prosecuted, the bar does have an ethical duty to look into it.
ReplyDeleteLike an old girlfriend once told me; life is like a dick, when it gets hard, fuck it!!
This is quite scandalous material and many of the alleged attorneys posting on here act like they are in middle school regardless of the topic.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, I find it interesting that those protesting most loudly today appeared to have been silent when the discussion involved the Mileys (and no, I am not sticking up for them and quite frankly could care less about their private lives), Halverson or a whole host of other attorneys whose foibles were aired and dissected on this blog. Apparently when you know the person being discussed, suddenly you become righteous and indignant about the discussion.
A belly chain? Oh no, this just gets better and better.
ReplyDeleteI have a totally off-topic question, but the topic of defenders made me think of the new show "The Defenders."
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I watched a rerun of the pilot the other night, and I didn't understand what the show had to do with Cristali and Sagesse (forgive the spelling), except that they are in Vegas.
Does anyone have an idea why the network even used C&S for the alleged basis for the show, instead of just making up a Vegas themed law show?
actually I knew her name and knew who everyone was talking about....i just didn't feel the need to blast the person's name. Additionally, I agree this is a tabloid blog however, I still feel as though some of you take that a little bit too far...
ReplyDeleteas far as defeinding someone I know so I stick up a little bit more, yeah I think that is accurate. However, most people who talked crap about miley talked about how incompetent she was, same with halverson. Plus, those two are judges and by holding a public office, they know they are going to get more criticism
I don't think the inmate is a "prisoner" within the definition of NRS 212.187 Voluntary sexual conduct between prisoner and another person; penalty. You have to be in the prisons to be a prisoner, unless he's in NDOC and was transported back for another case that's still pending. What is up with all those nasty comments. Pretty unnecessary.
ReplyDelete@2:57, you are totally right. he wasn't in PRISON so this whole thing is just a big understanding! reinstate the attorney, and shit, let the guy out of jail too for the inconvenience.
ReplyDeleteyou just absolutely mindfucked me.
no crossing the line would be holding it in her mouth until she kissed her husband. simply swallowing it is still classy
ReplyDelete@2:57 you're a douche.
ReplyDeleteNRS 208.085 “Prisoner” defined. “Prisoner” includes any person held in custody under process of law, or under lawful arrest.
She just cared too much. The world would be a better place if everyone did.
ReplyDeleteThis probably was not a good career move for her, though. My sister, who works at a prison in Arkansas, got caught giving a BJ to an inmate and she never got promoted again.
@ 3:34
ReplyDeleteSo, let me get this straight, your sister who works at a prison in Arkansas got caught giving a BJ to an inmate? Was the inmate you or one of your brothers? If so, that is perfectly cool in Arkansas. If she was giving a BJ to an inmate that was other than a person within the 1st degree of consanguinity, it is a major faux pas.
@ 2:36
ReplyDeleteAmazing how you can justify and rationalize your position depending on your perspective of the issue. You must be a lawyer.
So at the end of the day, after an amazing number of posts, we now know:
ReplyDelete1. She has not yet been fired.
2. No one here really knows what happened.
3. Some of you are not getting enough sex and are dealing with lack of real life action by making juvenile, lame comments.
4. Some DA's dont' like some PD's.
5. Some PD's don't like some DA's.
This has all been an amazing waste of time.
ReplyDelete@ 3:52 - haha couldn't have said it better
ReplyDelete@ 4:13/8:39 - wow that was a perfect summary. If I was a judge I would hire you as my law clerk...cut right through the bullshit and just write the facts
4:13 - My response to you is which one of these doesn't belong: Wife, Dog, Meat, Blowjob?
ReplyDeleteA: Blowjob, cause you can beat your wife, beat your dog and beat your meat, but NOTHING beats a blowjob. Or in this case, a blowjob story.
I'm rubber, you're glue, bounces off me, sticks to you.
ReplyDeleteI'd say meat.
My pretty young wife has turned into a dog that won't give blow jobs anymore.
But I can always rely on good ribeye.
we also know that within the definition of the pertinent statutes, this guy is a prisoner and therefore, if there is evidence of that statute being broken an prosecution should ensue. Disbarment is not dependent on him being a prisoner, just a client, so we are good to go on those proceedings as well.
ReplyDeleteAnd..by the way...the other list of what we know is still based on unsubstantiated rumors whereas the above relies only on statutes.
Just saw the Channel 8 news broadcast on it. Weak! Didn't even mention what the allegations were. Only that some non-specific allegations were made. Completely confusing.
ReplyDeleteHere's the link to the Channel 8 story...it names her and shows pic (of her...not the act)
If she hasn't been fired, why does the bar's website list her no employer for her?
ReplyDeleteLololol--you think the bar updates their website that fast?! Lots of county attorneys aren't listed.
ReplyDeleteShit, why didnt I hire Stacey??? I think she may bring more business to my office or at least make some of them happy. Hit me up Stacey, you know how to get a hold of me. Just ask one of the DA dancers.
ReplyDeleteIf criminal charges are pressed maybe she'll get one of the DA dancers and the judge who blows her bailiff. Case dismissed. It's just a bj.
ReplyDeleteAll professionals owe their clients a happy ending. Go Stacey.
ReplyDeleteStacey baby, give me a call next time and we can avoid any publicity and embarrassment.
ReplyDeleteWe could have gone to the nearest Halloween costume store, purchased an orange jumpsuit for me to wear, let you handcuff me, and blow me.
I'll even take you out to eat afterwards.
So I think we all now know how she won 1st place in her client counseling competition in law school.
ReplyDeleteFuture female competitors take note. Ask yourself, are YOU willing to do what it takes to win?
We can finally start calling the PD's office by its rightful name, the Public Cockfenders.
ReplyDeleteI love how there are 111 comments posted on this thread and only NINE of them were posted after 5pm. GET BACK TO WORK, PEOPLE!
ReplyDelete@12:48 am:
ReplyDelete0.6 "Research on opposing counsel in light of recent professional misconduct allegations"
FUNLV & FLV! Thank God I moved out of this cesspit.
ReplyDelete1113 - or "Pubic Defender?"
ReplyDeleteIn civil, we'd call Stacey a "rainmaker".
ReplyDeleteAdditional rumor, from a CCDC corrections officer. No representations or warranties as to validity, express or implied.
ReplyDeleteThey were caught in the act, not after the fact.
She made $148k last year, had a great gig and career going and . . . .
Blew it.
What a fool. I hope she's single and didn't destroy her family along with her career.
ReplyDelete@7:11, something is up. I checked the Bar site early yesterday after doing a first name search (.20) and it listed the PD's office, which is how I found out her last name (.10) before seeing the news 8 story (.30). So something DID move that fast vis-a-vis the Bar Website, which may be a bigger story. Sorry, I didn't print it, and yes I was at work at the time. I don't smoke, so I take blog breaks every 2 hours.
ReplyDeleteOne more rumor tidbit.
ReplyDeleteThe photo is actually video from Tue visitation room. No audio.
I'm just amazed by her stupidity. It reminds me of the stories about the female teachers who get caught having sex with their students. Do they not realize they will get caught? Did Stacey want her career/life to implode? I'm sure we will never know her side of things... until the tell-all book comes out.
ReplyDeleteThere was a video camera in the room? Seriously? Insane.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't going to leave a comment, but the word verification for me is "sweling u".
ReplyDeleteThat's funny!
I showed this thread to my wife thinking it would end her ten year boycott of BJ. Didn't work. All she wants to know is how good looking the prisoner is. Maybe she'll suck him off too, bitch.
ReplyDeleteSo true, drop a ring on her finger and it's over.
I really hope that this turns out to somehow be incorrect. Not just for the attorney's sake, but for the legal field (and the PDs office) as a whole....it's just sad
ReplyDeleteSAD. But, I have heard enough sources to believe that it is true.
ReplyDeleteVerification Code: entsuck
She was just providing him with a full service defense. Nothing wrong with that. I am sure if she is reinstated all the inmates will be asking for her. Great PR.
ReplyDeletethe real question is:
ReplyDeleteHow "long", and how many times, did the detention officers watch the video before "blowing" the whistle?
As I was walking to court yeaterday I saw George Knapp and wondered what he was working on. I guess it's all "cumming" together.
ReplyDelete@ October 14, 2010 1:11 AM: touche...you've won this round...
ReplyDeleteSo long as supervising partner doesn't search time entries by "keyword".
ReplyDeleteAnyone looked this guy up in Blackstone or whateverthefuckitscallednow?
ReplyDeleteHe's a real peach...
It is upsetting that I have to pay for a woman to perform what the PD's office is offering for free.
ReplyDeleteOh, wait, I guess that's the concept. No one should be denied oral pleasure on account of income or incarceration. Liberté, égalité, fraternité!
I bet it was not the first time this female PD "serviced" a client. Maybe she did not realize she was being filmed at the jail. Wonder what did she did for Chester Stiles when she represented him. They showed a video clip on TV where she adjusted Chester Stiles court clothes like a wife or mother. Very inappropriate! Now that is what I call "client control."
ReplyDelete@7:46- What's the inmates name?
ReplyDeleteToo many people are still barfing out BUT SHE IS SOOOO NICE. Please. Clearly you didn't know her well. Why does her being nice negate the criminal behavior she exhibited? It is the other way around. This undoes everything she conned you bleeding hearts into believing about her.
ReplyDeleteverification word: SHE BLEW HIM
8:18 - she can still be nice you douche....her crime was violent, she engaged in consensual oral sex, to me that is very very nice
ReplyDeletehow nice is it to have your mouth on the dick of a pedophile? Do you want that mouth to subsecquently be wrapped around your dick?
@8:18 -- did you mean to say "non-violent?"
ReplyDeleteyes I meant non-violent
ReplyDeleteand 1) we don't know whether or not the client was an ALLEGED pedophile or an adult who is ALLEGED to have committed sexual crimes.
and sucking off an inmate does not make you a mean person, a dirty person maybe, but not mean
Her name is Stacey Roundtree. She did in fact represent Chester Stiles. It is all in the news. duh.. As for what she is accused, I do not judge her. If true, the consequences will be terrible and if not true, she will still suffer fallout. I really question the credibility of any inmate at CCDC. Most of them, not all, deserve to be there and they are not all that credible. For those of you who wish to see her go down, that kind of energy will come back to bite you.
ReplyDelete@1:08 - I'd like to see her go down...
ReplyDeletewouldn't be the first time
ReplyDeleteDing Dong...
ReplyDeleteStacey wasn't fired, she was asked to leave the office before it became a problem for Phil. And she did have sex, Clinton style with a client who is a convicted rapist. The brutal, kidnap-style kind of rapist. She confessed to the BJ on tape. The jail was going to wire a visitation room to nail her red-handed but someone high up in the jail leaked it to Phil. When the case was filed, DA screening denied it for corpus. In other words, made it go away since she agreed to resign. Not even a bar complaint. In fact, practicing law in Tejas now.
ReplyDeleteStacey wasn't fired, she was asked to leave the office before it became a problem for Phil. And she did have sex, Clinton style with a client who is a convicted rapist. The brutal, kidnap-style kind of rapist. She confessed to the BJ on tape. The jail was going to wire a visitation room to nail her red-handed but someone high up in the jail leaked it to Phil. When the case was filed, DA screening denied it for corpus. In other words, made it go away since she agreed to resign. Not even a bar complaint. In fact, practicing law in Tejas now.
ReplyDeleteShe is a disgusting person and had a real problem or addiction to this behavior. She was not punished because too many other people in the PDs office would have been dragged down as well. She was guilty with more people than in the jail...i.e. at the PD's office. She deserved a legal punishment.