Judge Wall's decision to leave the bench, effective August 27th (!), is certainly the shocker here. Wall is, in our humble opinion, the best judge currently sitting on the EJDC bench, and his absence will certainly be felt. We are clearly not alone in our respect for him - Wall was one of two judges (David Barker being the other) who scored a 91% retention rating in the latest Judging the Judges poll.
Which brings up an interesting issue (to us, anyway): Does an elected judge have a duty to the public that elected him to stay on the bench for his entire term? Wall's 6-year term does not expire until 2014. Assuming the world doesn't end in 2012, he's skipping out on the voting public (who - let's be honest - likely picked his name on the ballot because it's also a noun) a bit early.
What do you think, commenters? Should we hogtie Wall to the bench and force him to continue to make rational, informed decisions for the next 3.5 years? We know there's (apparently) no legal basis for making him finish out his term, but as an elected judge, should there be?
(News 3; Thanks, Tipsters!)
Your answer is no. Next question: who should replace Wall, Troy Fox or any attorney from Hutchinson and Steffen?
ReplyDeleteBeing "the best judge currently sitting on the EJDC bench" is kind of like being the hottest chick in Fernley. Good riddance. Let him go make money the Eglet way.
ReplyDeleteIf you could not make Newt Gingrich, Dennis Hastert, Trent Lott, Richard Baker and Joe Scarborough stay for their elected terms.....then...well. It is jsut a bit weird. people around the office here keep saying it is alla bout money...perhaps it is all about being tired of the grind. Maybe he just didn't like the job.
ReplyDeleteClearly 8:21 never practiced with, against or in front of David Wall.
ReplyDeleteNotice 8:21(2) only lists repubs...that is because libs would never DREAM of quitting the gravy train.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'll bet Sarah Palin regrets having left the Alaska gravy train for all the money she's making in the private sector as a reality television star.
ReplyDelete@8:21 i think that we should make David Wall go work @ hutchinson & steffen as a punishment for abandoning his judicial seat ...that'll set 'em straight ----- cuz u kno the mormons frown on the gheys
ReplyDelete"A judge is a law student who marks his own examination papers." H. L. Mencken
ReplyDeleteNext, Eglet's going to hire Stefany Miley.
ReplyDelete@ 8:38 Wait what? Is Wall of the tribe of the fallen hand?
ReplyDeleteWe should make the judges sign a non-compete. IF you leave the bench early, you can't practice law in front of the court you were elected to until your elected term has expired.
ReplyDeleteYou can be sure lame duck Governor Gibbons will replace Wall with yet another Republican Mormon.
ReplyDeleteIt's time for a change. Ian Christopherson for District Court!
ReplyDelete8:59 AM - I suddenly feel as if I am not alone in the universe...
ReplyDeleteMaybe Wall thinks it will be more fun to prosecute Mainor's endoscopy cases than preside over them.
ReplyDelete@ 9:23 yeah cuz that is what he did when he appointed JEWISH DEMOCRAT Elissa Cadish!
ReplyDelete9:23 - almost certainly has teh ghey
ReplyDeleteMakes wonder if this will really work. Remember Gene Porter left the bench and then it did not work out for him with his friend's firm.
ReplyDeleteBeing wooed by Eglet is one thing working for him long term is another. I give it a year and then see what happens.
Gibbons should appoint Troy Fox.
ReplyDelete9:41, you just made me spit coffee all over my computer screen.
ReplyDeleteThe Eglets now have lots of money, thanks mostly to the rough and tumble of the Awand/Kabins years. A new phase has been entered. Now what they crave is power, prestige, and legitimacy. By hiring respected judges and Nevada heirs, the Eglets gain an inside track to the social and political legitimacy they seek.
ReplyDeleteMost great dynasties begin with a crime.
I hope nobody crashes an Oldsmobile into Lake Mead.
ReplyDeleteUsually, when someone secures a new job, congratulations are in order.
ReplyDeleteIn this situation, I'm not so sure.
I'm with 10:31, lets give it a year.
A former judicial officer will be appearing in the court system where he served before his colleagues. It is probably not an ethical dilemna because a person can not be prohibited from making a living. It would be no different if he lost in the election or stepped down for other reasons and then hung out a shinge. Nonetheless, it still does not pass the smell test.
ReplyDelete"Nonetheless, it still does not pass the smell test."
ReplyDeleteThat can be said of the whole legal profession. We are a good ol boys club and unless you do what we say you cannot make a living at the law.
11:44 AM
ReplyDeleteNicely said, nicely done. Imagine having a signicant policy limits case against David Wall before one of his colleagues, if not friends. This is going to be so tough. When a judge leaves the bench and then goes to private practice, in many jurisdictions it is not going to have the impact that it does here because the legal community and legal system is so small. Look at the comments regarding the small number of characters on this blog.
Let me know when Walsh's baliff is hired by the Eglets.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure it makes a difference. Sure, Judge Wall is friends with these judges, but half of them were elected based on parties thrown by Eglet anyway. Judges already know who their friends are.
ReplyDeleteJudge Wall left because he's a litigator. Ham merged to enhance his portfolio, not the other way around. The name will remain Mainor Eglet. The Eglet envy on this site is ridiculous. It's almost like all those "Anonymous" user names are the same person.
ReplyDeleteEglet envy?
ReplyDeletesome of you people act like you get beat up by mormonns on a daily basis : )
ReplyDeleteJudge Wall is totally straight, let me assure you. I worked for him.
ReplyDeleteWhat's next? Bixler & Fox, LLC?
ReplyDeleteHey 8.21(2) a.m., does the hottest chick in Fernley have a full set of teeth or at least a more recent photo than the one posted of Judge Wall here?
ReplyDeleteI love mormons. The ones who wear the ties with the short-sleeved dress shirts have been doing my yard work for over a decade for free. I don't get their infatuation with that dance the "phony moronie," though.
ReplyDeleteSo, 7:40, are you a chick who fucked him or a gay guy who got rejected. If the latter, it doesn't mean he was straight . . . maybe you were just fugly.
ReplyDeleteI'm not so sure Eglet hiring former Asst. D.A. Wall was a good idea. I'm thinking illegal/unethical things Wall sees will be reported to the proper authority. This will end badly for all involved.
ReplyDeleteRectal Itch....
ReplyDeleteRod R. Blagojevich......
Salad tossed.....
Adamm Stokes...
Who is Half Priced Douchebags?
Stefanie Miley to Huctherson & Steffans?
ReplyDeleteor is she going to Marquiz de sade and Auerbacker?
9:02p.m. -- ghey fo sho
ReplyDeleteOn a side note, every comment on RJ's articles blame Harry Reid for everything, so I am going to use that theory here. It is Harry Reids fault Judge Wall is leaving.
ReplyDeleteGreat point. Mainor Eglet is as unethical and slimey as it gets. Hopefully Judge Wall (when do we start calling him David?) can help raise the bar there.
We are reaching out to Nevada Lawyers who are looking for more work.
ReplyDeleteHalf Price Lawyers is seeking to collaborate with attorneys with demonstrated expertise in the following areas:
Workers Compensation
Intellectual Property
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Interested persons should send an email to adam@halfpricelawyers.com. Please include “WWL Posting” and the area of practice in the subject. Please also communicate your experience in the specified practice area, number of years practicing and whether you maintain a policy of malpractice insurance. Please also include your bar number and the major cross streets of your current law office. Compensation is generous and cases are plentiful.
8:50 AM - Checkmate.
ReplyDelete850- you should just call yourselves the Half Price Lawyer Referral Service then.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I think your definition of "generous" is going to be different than the general population's.
Maybe half-price generous???
ReplyDeleteStokes da bomb yo!
ReplyDeleteWhy do you bring two mormons with you fishing? Because if you only bring one, he'll drink all of your beer.
ReplyDeletePutting in work for Big Daddy Stokes. . . What kinda hoe are you and you ain't up under no pimpin??? You is a fake hoe, don't part time this shit, bitch my daddy will teach you everything you need to know about all aspects of HOING.
ReplyDeleteHey Mormon haters, you are going to have to do better than posting some lame religious hate speech on this little site. We've withstood Carthidge, Nauvoo, Missouri, the federal government, and, oh yeah, traversing the plains in handcarts!
ReplyDelete"Sticks and stones, love." Captain Jack Sparrow.
1:37 - Why are you wasting time with us gentiles? Don't you have your very own planet to populate? Wouldn't your time be better spent ripping off some more Masonic rituals, hiding your racist and polygamist past, or buying up embarrassing history and sticking it in a mountain vault? Or maybe you could spread some more hatred against gays and lesbians? Or how about you shut your sanctimonious trap.
ReplyDeleteCaptain Jack Sparrow was a drinker you retard. Ergo not a mormon. Plus, what was Jesus' first miracle? Turning water into wine (not unfermented grape juice you flipping revisionists). If Jesus is down for drinking so am I. Are you better than Jesus?
ReplyDelete1:45 and 1:46. Is that all you've got? Close, but no cigar... Oops. I guess I can't use that saying either since it involves tobacco.
ReplyDelete"traversing the plains in handcarts!"
ReplyDeleteuh......all teh sttlers....jews, catholics, baptists, etc......crossed theplains the same way. You puzzlewit!
@2:09 Good, then they can withstand the religious hatred too. Was your comment intentionally pointless?
ReplyDeleteIT wasn't pointless, it was to take the wind outta the fake argument that the mormons had it harder than anyone else. They are a bunch of people who believe the lies of a carnival man. They pretend they are holy but they sound like anyone else when you get them away from one of their own who might turn them in to the jesus jammie police. Hypocrits.
ReplyDeleteMostly by wagons. Some by boat (going around S. America, or trying to cross overland at Panama).
Only the most broke-ass Mormons crossed using handcarts (about 10% of the ones who moved west).
Is Bob Eglet a Mormon?
ReplyDelete"Hypocrites" has an e. But who's really shocked that you fall short in the intelligence department.
ReplyDeleteYes, yes, and all Jews are either lawyers or diamond merchants, all Irish drink heavily, all Muslims are suicide bombers, all Catholics are secretly pedarasts, all Protestants are Bible-thumpin' Jesus freaks, and all lawyers are lying, thieving PI shysters or divorce attorneys who prey on their vulnerable clients.
Now that we're all done painting with broad strokes, can we please get back to what's important? Namely, salary comparisons and a discussion of how badly ATMS is going to treat their new batch of associates?
@2:56 Say something about the Irish again and I'll hit you over the head with my whiskey bottle. When it's empty.
ReplyDeleteIf you only have one bottle of whiskey at hand, you ain't Irish, my friend.
@2:56 Who cares about ATMS and who care about salary comparisons? Other than you that is. Give it a rest.
ReplyDeleteWTF? Lawyers denigrating each others' religions? COME ON!!! It's embarassing. The only thing I know for sure about religion is that someone is WRONG, and I am not presumptuous enough to know who.
ReplyDeleteLet's gt back to the important shit, like money.
@2:45: Eglet's not Mormon - He's GOD.
ReplyDeleteIrish are the only group I know taht embraces their own stereotype. Perhaps it is because they are the only ones that see that it really does not mater if lots of Irish are drunks.
ReplyDeleteNow all you funny underwear people out there that think you are going to be gods one day...are you going to give free will to the people so there will be guinness and Starbucks, or are you gonna make your worlds exclusively moron -- er -- mormon?
@ 2:09, Oregon Trail pioneers had wagons, not handcarts! And they died of dysentery. Don't you know your history?
ReplyDeleteJoking aside, the professional jealousy of Mormons displayed in these comments is sickening, and lacks creativity.
In fact, this blog has yet to reach the witticism of Greedy Associates (R.I.P.). Not.even.close.
moron = mormon. I see what you did there, classic! You certainly are clever.
ReplyDelete"Eglet is not mormon - he's God."
ReplyDelete4:00, you are wrong. He is the anti-christ.
And by the way. This one has me scratchin my ballsack wondering WTF:
"Mainor Eglet has reeled in a couple of major players to fill that hole left by Cottle: Attorney Artemus Ham (of the Hall) . . ."
R U F'ing SERIOUS? Little Artie Ham a "major player???" Nice guy, but a SHITTY lawyer who only got chicks because he shares the same name with the guy from the tv show Wild Wild West.
Lighten up 4:55, nobody takes this shit seriously. And 2:09 is a mormon herself. She's just pissed at mormon guys because she has to share her husband with 6 other wives and only gets to blow her husband Jebediah every 7th day.
ReplyDelete5:28, see that's more like it. If you're going to insult a whole religion, at least make it funny. 'cuz we know Mormon guys love blowjobs. Just ask your sister.
ReplyDeleteWhich 2nd place finisher out of the 300 candidates running for judge in the election is going to get appointed and take Wall's place?
ReplyDeleteWall is a good judge and has great judicial temperament. When Krustycrotch Kuzempka beats Bill Kepthard, my money is that he will appoint the exact opposite of Wall, that being that moron backsliding mormon Kepthard. Then he'll strangle a defendant and go to jail, where that moron mormon Jim Gubler will take his place. Anyone want to place odds?
ReplyDeleteIf Jesus is down for drinking so am I. Are you better than Jesus?
No, but Robert Eglet is.
I am no fan of the "religion", but does every thread here need to turn into a mormon-bashing festival?
ReplyDeleteWhat does this have to do with Judge Wall?
Start your own thread about how dumb mormonism is - knock yourself out: you have plenty of material - and stop hijacking other threads.
@4:00, I need to be very careful how I word this. Eglet is not God. But, IF Eglet was God, then Eglet would most certainly be Mormon.
ReplyDelete2:48 - nice grammar mistake, idiot. DUCY? It is no surprise that you fall short in the intelligence department. Now I'll go get that blowjob from your sisters.
ReplyDeleteMany brave pionees moving west used hand carts. The mormons were the only people to have square wheels on theirs, though.
ReplyDeleteMOr perhaps he need s a trial attorney who can actually try a case without help;maybe Eglet hired a good judge so he can get him off the bench; Of course with Judge miley and Judge walsh the court system will still be protected by their vast litigation experience and knowledge of evidence. Judge Wall who has been a superb judge has a studious and thoughtful demaeanor juat what you see at the Eglet firm quiet happy happy people!!
ReplyDeleteThose optimistic souls who give it a year must be looking through very happy glasses.... give it a month
and as you recall many who would buy their way to power wind up like John Gotti.. doing time. Unless of course you live in Chicago or???Las Vegas
Shakespeare said" Lets kill all the Lawyers"; Maybe the new Quote should be"Lets buy all the judges".
ReplyDelete859: Shakespeare didn't say that. One of the villains in Henry VI said that. It is a work of fiction - there is a distinction.
ReplyDelete8:59 - Extremely ignorant about your Shakespeare - probably a product of Nevada's public education.
ReplyDeleteThose who use this phrase pejoratively against lawyers are as miserably misguided about their Shakespeare as they are about the judicial system which they disdain so freely.
Even a cursory reading of the context in which the lawyer killing statement is made in King Henry VI, Part II, (Act IV), Scene 2, reveals that Shakespeare was paying great and deserved homage to our venerable profession as the front line defenders of democracy.
The accolade is spoken by Dick the Butcher, a follower of anarchist Jack Cade, whom Shakespeare depicts as "the head of an army of rabble and a demagogue pandering to the ignorant," who sought to overthrow the government. Shakespeare's acknowledgment that the first thing any potential tyrant must do to eliminate freedom is to "kill all the lawyers" is, indeed, a classic and well-deserved compliment to our distinguished profession.
Who is this Shakespeare guy? Is he a mormon? Does he work for Eglet? Did my sister blow him?
ReplyDeleteShakespeare is a code word for the undercover(really undercover)FBI agent that was planted along with a Mossad agent in Eglets paralegal unit you know as Teva goes so goes the state of Israel maybe you should keep this secret between you and your sister shhh
ReplyDeleteSo, I am taking notes, mormons don't like to be teased, just blown?
ReplyDeleteEven mormons know a good blow involves a fair amount of teasing. You can't just suck like a Hoover. And by that I mean you can't but your sister can!
ReplyDeleteThe Ticket Wacker should be appointed
ReplyDeleteHoly hell. 92 comments, ranging from blow jobs to Mormon pioneers, to 6 posts in a row grossly distorting Shakespeare in an attempt to make a patently obvious lawyer joke into something praising the legal profession. (You nincompoops, the speaker was describing the ideal land---which didn't include lawyers---not talking about how he'd need to kill lawyers in order to become king. Gawd, read or watch the effing play.) Oh, and a few discussing the blog post.
ReplyDeleteWell done, JWL. Well done indeed.
sorry but you might read what was attached and then read the entire play before you give your interpretation it sounds like you saw the play then read the entire Henry VI Parts 1 and 2.It helps to read Cade wanted the butcher to kill all the lawyers and destroy all the courts so only one man could give and interpret the law Cade he sure as hell wasn't advocating a free land.. if you haven't at least read the play act and scene then you display arrogance if you have and you don't understand that point you better try grammar school reading
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't a major point of the play but I hope you don't disagree that attacks on the legal system or the corruption of the system or the judiciary is dangerous to a free society.
you might find that message in the play if you think but then your comments would indicate not oh well
Sweet mother of Cardozo, 6:59, if your legal reasoning is as lousy as your reading comprehension, it's no wonder Wall is joining Eglet. He can spank you and your clients all day long for fun, and then pick up your client's money as an added perk.
ReplyDeleteFirst, your arguments regarding attacks on the legal system are completely irrelevant. Did I suggest that lawyers are not on the front lines protecting freedoms from government incursion? No, I didn't. I merely pointed out that trying to use the line from Henry VI to praise lawyers was nincompoopery.
Second, you misstate my words. I said that Cade was describing his ideal world, not a free one. His ideal word included everyone dressing the same and agreeing. To that, Dick cracked "let's kill all the lawyers." Dick had been making wisecracks from the moment Dick and Cade entered the scene; this was no different. Cade continued the lawyer joke by saying that it wasn't the bee's sting that hurt, it was the bee's wax (the seal on contracts, pleas, etc.).
Oh, and for the love of God, use a period! Yes, I know that how someone writes on a blog is not indicative of their ability to write formally, but an inability to write clearly speaks to an unclear mind, and an unclear mind is indicative of poor legal reasoning.
8:32 Oh mother of Oliver Wendell Holmes! Your overuse of the word nimcompoopery perhaps reflects your social and mental development; Perhaps a librarian at heart.
ReplyDeleteIt occurs to me that your reveal a literal need to exercise your ability to be right without regard to the essence of the discussion. One might say that your mind has the flexibility of a concrete tower. You started off with a verbal assertion of superiority ( we nincompoops all) that revealed someone who is less interested in the discussion of ideas then showing off what he believes to be his superior knowledge.
Look, you missed the point.It is not government intrusion we are talking about but corruption of our lawyers and legal institutions by individuals within or without the system.
Dick the butcher wasn't joking when he asked for a boon to kill as many as he could so as to assist Cade in the destruction of these institutions.
Perhaps if you drop the mirror of your own thoughts from in front of you we can have a useful discussion in the future.
@10:35. I think I love you.
ReplyDelete@6:53 I think I love you
ReplyDeleteto 6:53AM and 8:39 am; Its never too early for love. I love you back!
ReplyDeleteI just want to get to 100 comments.
ReplyDeleteAnd so we did.
ReplyDeleteAs one of David's former Paralegal Student from Southern Tech. Institute I will say that any decision David makes is done so with the highest of Ethics and Integerity. P.S. If your seeing this David dang your Class Exams used to burn my brain to bits as it should be. Brcause of you I'm a strong advocate for Irish Human Rights and Prison Inmates in the USA. I'm even doing online Classes in European Law. Your Class Exams being a primer for European Law. So people cut David the slack as he sure knows what the heck he's doing. ; ) Sincerely Judith Ann Haney #VoteDonaldTrump #TrumpPence #LetsMakeAmericaGreatAgain excuse my grammer but I'm a plainspoken girl and that way everyone knows what I'm sating.
ReplyDeleteAs one of David's former Paralegal Students I will say that any decision that David makes in regards to his Career is done so with the highest of Integerity and Ethics. Furthermore if your seeing this David you need to know the level of Ethics and Integerity you brought with yourself as my Paralegal Instructor is still with me today. You are the most trusted Prosecutor I know. Why?? because you didn't bully or badger a Wittness or any Defendant. No Juror that is sensible can trust a Prosecutor that bullys and badgers. Anyhow David's Tests and Finals were tough and mind bending attributing to his high level of Ethics and Integerity. Las Vegas cut the Man slack as any decision he chooses is chosen with the highest Integerity. Sincerely Judith Haney. P.S. European Law mindbending and pursuing it because of David Wall