Thursday, August 19, 2010

Looking for Work?

If you are currently looking for more work, the following offer from Half Price Lawyers may be of interest to you:

We are reaching out to Nevada Lawyers who are looking for more work.

Half Price Lawyers is seeking to collaborate with attorneys with demonstrated expertise in the following areas:
Workers Compensation
Intellectual Property
Landlord Tenant
Estate Planning / Probate
Civil Litigation – Various types
Bank mediation
Loan modification
Debt negotiation
Labor and employment
IRS offers in compromise
Social security disability

Appearance attorneys who are willing to make court appearances when needed.

Interested persons should send an email to adam @ Please include “WWL Posting” and the area of practice in the subject. Please also communicate your experience in the specified practice area, number of years practicing and whether you maintain a policy of malpractice insurance. Please also include your bar number and the major cross streets of your current law office. Compensation is generous and cases are plentiful.

[Even if you're not interested in the work, you should visit their website and let tiny Adam Stokes give you a tour.]


  1. Check the email inbox. I sent you an email about handling workers compensation cases. Sounds great to me as a solo practitioner. I appreciate the opportunity.

  2. So he completely guts the pricing on consumer law and then can't handle the workload so he farms it out to the very attorneys he just fucked over? Touche Stokes, you are the asshat of the decade.

  3. Stokes has no shame and is very comfortable being who he is. There is nothing wrong with that. He seems genuinely happy and financially successful. Isn't that the goal?

    And before you bluebloods start talking about him ripping off his clients; I ask: is there really any difference between what Stokes does to the lower middle class and what LSC and JV do to the gaming industry or what the construction defect mills do to the insurance industry?

    The game is the game.

  4. Seems to me Stokes is getting into new practice areas. From what I hear, he has the current areas completely under control. You don't see him advertising for lawyers to handle MVA, bankruptcy, criminal or family law. I think it is brilliant on his part to increase access to services and to enlist assistance of other lawyers who don't market as well.

  5. Meh, this is no different than the various attorneys taking PI cases and hiring on an Eglet or Vannah to run the case once it's in litigation. If memory serves me right (been out of PI for a while now) there are plenty of firms who play this game--sign up the clients, then hire the bigger, badder firms to build up the case. Like someone else said, the game is the game. Don't hate the player!

  6. I don't like Adam Stoke. But I am sure if he heard my name he would not know it and does not care. His way of doing business is not mine, but so long as he is not doing anything in violation of law or rules, I don't care what he does. If it is ammusing I will laugh, but again, he isn't losing a single night's sleep on his 1200 thread count sheets.

  7. FU, 9:03. I just lost the game.

  8. Adam Stokes = one crazy bitch

  9. Thank you everyone for the emails. In addition the the posted list, we are also looking for attorneys who practice in the following areas:

    1. IRS - Offers in compromise, tax resolution, etc..
    2. SSDI

    We are receiving many telephone calls about emails bouncing due to our stringent email filters. You may wish to remove the attachments and post text directly to the body of the email so we can properly receive submissions.

    Thanks everyone. Almost everyone..

  10. @9:01AM... did you mean "Douche Stokes" instead of "Touche Stokes"?

  11. South Park has a nice clip that reminds me of Stokes v. the Other Guys. Lick those tears......

  12. You really should distinguish between advertisements and blog posts. You should also disclose what if any compensation you got for running this ad. If the answer is zero, can we assume that any of us can use the blog to advertise?

  13. yeah, more free marketing. great

  14. Please note the distinction between advertising your job offers and advertising your services.

  15. The Ticket Wacker is currently hiring a new assistant to assist in his wacking

  16. @ 10:55

    RULES #1 and #2

  17. I need something whacked. Like in one of those razor commercials with all of the "tuggin' and pullin'"

  18. Ticket wacker really knows how to wack things off - like points on speeding tickets.

  19. 8:31 through 1:50 = Adam Stokes.

    WWL you've been fairly creative in the past...lately its been getting pretty boring. Is this the best you can do? Why would you pander to a single attorney, with a dedicated thread of this type...unless you sold out? I'm sure you won't miss me, but I won't be reading WWL going forward.

  20. 9:01 caught it.

    Stokes advertises reduced prices,
    charges full price,
    then sells the cases out to desperate solo lawyers for even further reduced prices,
    starves his smaller competitors out,
    then will sell the whole practice to the largest competitor available,
    and leave Vegas for dead.

  21. I think Stokes bought this blog. I'm convinced.of it after this thred.

  22. "You really should distinguish between advertisements and blog posts. You should also disclose what if any compensation you got for running this ad. If the answer is zero, can we assume that any of us can use the blog to advertise?"

    Absolutely, because you are totally entitled to that information. I mean, all blogs post "what if any compensation" they get for running ads, right? This is America.

    This post is not an ad. Stokes had some work available and we posted the information in hopes that some readers might find it helpful - and apparently many readers did. No different than the M&A job offer we posted last week.

    As for compensation, let's just say that our entire staff never has to worry about paying full price for a traffic ticket ever again. But if anyone asks, please tell them that Stokes paid us $1,000,000 - so as not to dilute the value of our brand.

    As for whether others may email us job offers to post - absolutely ... everyone but you. You, Anon @4:19PM, are grounded.

  23. LOL, Joe law, defensive much? It's about credibility and you just lost yours.
