Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday Open Thread

Happy Friday everyone!

We're still looking for tips re: the ticket-busting spammer. What else is going on?


  1. So, looks like O.J.'s co-defendant is not real happy in his prison blues!

  2. Is it me or does (former) Discovery Commissioner Biggar resemble George Jetson?

  3. Anyone ever catch their boss watching porn in the office? It's awkward. (I'm female.)

  4. Was the boss female too? That would be kind of hot.

  5. Porn in the office? At least lock your door or get one of those privacy screens for your monitor. People have no shame...


  7. 1054 - Funny enough I think there are movies that start off with that scenario...

  8. who just "watches" porn, anyways?

  9. 10:54 Boss is male. Happened to more than one female associate and staff member. Always awkward. It is not easy to talk about a case when there is a man getting a BJ on the computer screen. One asks one's question and leaves quickly.
    [Funny - my word verification is 'outed.']

  10. Uh, I'm pretty sure your boss is violating some kind of workplace law. Ask him for a free consult to discuss this. What a jerk (off)

  11. hu... hu,hu.. you said "staff." .

  12. old dudes never believe that people can tell they're surfing porn

  13. OK...that remined me of something. I know it's going to be hard to compete with the office-porno thread, but can we tale a poll?

    We've discussed judges, DAs, lawyers in general. What about the "staff?"

    What judges have the best ad worst staffs (JA's, law clerks, etc)?

    Also, whether bad or good, what are some tips on dealing with them?

  14. @12:00,

    By law clerks, are you referring to the ones who stick around, year after year, screwing things up until they get booted out and run for judge in a new department? Because it seems more fair to discuss career clerks than the schmucks three months out of law school.

  15. I will give everyone one guess which firm is the "porno firm."

  16. I am still baffled as to how 10:45 was able to be away from the kitchen during business hours...? Or is that only a regulation at my firm?

  17. Judge Goodman's little back-up clerk simply rots. She is nice, but as dumb as a box of rocks. I mean the kind of dumb that gets worse by each passing day.

  18. @ 12:20- Was it Huchison & Steffen?

    Oh, SNAP!!!

  19. 10:54 AM - OMG, I have that fantasy all the time. Cruising the porno site. Hear a faint gasping sound. Turn around and my super hottie young associate is standing there with her eyes wide open. I start to apologize and then reconsider. She senses my thoughts. She reaches out and gently closes the door. My trembling but firm hands reach for her blouse....[read the rest on penthouse forum....]

  20. FPD's office/Appeals chief???

    Just spitt balling here....

  21. Was that some clever hacker website that draws viewers with a funny video of a dancing white boy while downloading tons of spyware and viruses onto your PC? If so, my IT-fag is going to kill me.

  22. 12:20 - 10:54 again. If someone figures out the firm, I will find a way to get them a prize. Unless it is 10:54's husband that guesses. His prize is 10:54.

  23. It was the Ticket King! The king left the building years ago!

  24. I am wondering if I actually know which attorney it might be....someone needs to spill it@

  25. I think I would be turned on if my boss was watching porn. I am female, too, but I think he is hot so it would be a big plus!!!

  26. I personally love interacting with Judge Cadish's JEA, however, I have not had much interaction with her law clerk.

    Anyone else?

  27. Adam Stokes strokes in his office

  28. God . . . Elle Woods has such a tight hienie. . . I'm sweating right now.

  29. Adam Stokes is the culprit.

  30. Adam Stokes makes my loins throb. I want to love him with my sweatiness.

  31. Adam Stokes is definitely the culprit. His advertisements should be considered misleading by the State Bar Association, but wait, he is a member of the advertising commitee with the Nevada State Bar. Is that how he gets away with charging people more money than HALF of what other attorneys charge? Rumor has it (told by Stokes employee) that Stokes exploded when Vegas Ticket Masters advertised $35 traffic tickets and $100 traffic warrants outside his office.He even called the police. I was told by a reliable source (Stokes employee) that Stokes fired back advertising free traffic tickets outside of Vegas Ticket Masters. If he has a sign that reads free traffic tickets, how is he able to charge for his crappy service?

  32. ^^ because he is NOT charging half price. More like "80%-120% price lawyers"

  33. I just checked eith my my friend on the State Bar Advertising Committee- he tells me that the Half Price Lawyers pricing schedule was cleared by the State Bar in its entirety. He also tells me that the State Bar resolved the pricing question in its entirety before Stokes joined the committee.

  34. I bet is was probably Holper who was lifting ip addresses at the RJC. Wasn't it his Dr. Holper who was lifting patient info on personal injury cases from UMC?

    Does the apple really fall that far from the tree?

  35. Who is Adam Stokes?

  36. I have no doubt Stokes pricing was cleared by the State Bar. Stokes sat on the committee prior to opening Half Price Lawyers. The bottom line is that his fees are not half price. You dont have to be a mathmatics professor to figure that out. I looked up info about Dr. Holper's involvement in patient records and it appears that there was no wrong doing. Do simple research before you attempt to tarnish good reputations MR. STOKES. Have you ever seen Adam Stokes??? 5'0" nothing whining baby. Stokes should eat more apples and veggies so his petite 100 lb. figure can look like a man.

  37. Say what you want, but Stoked is a stand up guy. Met him in NLV traffic court, about 2 years before he sold out to Rick Harris. Great conversation and a great first impression.

    Since he and the wife, forget her name, returned to Vegas, I have but one observation. He is a marketing master. Better than anyone in town, by far.

    Good dude, and deserves his success. I admit, I'm even a little jealous, because my undergrad major was marketing.

  38. The Ticket King's office smells like a cat died in the closet! And the conference room looks like a catacomb.

  39. So horny. . . Help me.

  40. Stokes is a small fish. He is a nobody. Clerk in the Supreme Court lived through his near non-barment, so the state bar is not packing his water.

  41. Judge David Wall to join Eglet!!!!!!!


  43. OMG, Wall is jumping off the bench. Wow.

  44. The J. Wall news is curious. There has to be something behind that move.

  45. I am happy for Ham. He deserves to step up to the next level.

  46. TOOOOOOO Funny! I liekd Wall on the bench. Isn't "Cryin' he's Lyin' Mainor...uh...DEAD?

  47. Wall has worked for as long as I can remember in the public sector (DA->Judge). It will be interesting to see how he'll hold up in private practice. He was a decent trial lawyer while at the DA.

    This is a juice move by the Eglets. Art Ham's family has money and influence in Vegas and Wall gets them some legitimacy at the courthouse. Combined, Ham and Wall will make a lot less than what Cottle was making. Great move by Eglet.

  48. Still... can't get bast the new firm name sounding like a short order cook's menu...

    Ham & Egg on the Wall.

  49. It was definitely Scott Holper, Esq. He has stooped really low for his stupid ticket firm lately. Plus, he's a raging doucebag. I saw a homeless dude standing outside of two local law firms (Half Price Lawyers and Richard Harris/Ticketbusters) offering reduced price tickets. Basically he was just poaching off of the business that these firms were able to bring in by PAYING for REAL advertising.

    With respect to Half Price Law Firm, I don't see how their advertising is any different from the firms offering the "best representation" or the "cheapest prices" or the "lowest retainer fee." It seems to me that Half Price Law Firm offers their prices at approximately half of the average Las Vegas area prices. Before they came along, everyone charged $1500 for a DUI, so he charged $700. Everyone charged $100 for a ticket, so he charged $50. Of course he won't be half of everyone's prices, but I don't see that being claimed in his ads anyway. Whatever, I don't even see the big deal. Not like he's realy putting a dent on the business of the main PI, criminal or BK players anyway, right?

  50. 12:59 - if a Spanish speaker brings you an actual Half Price Retainer you'll see they "optional service" the price back up to the $1,500 market price.

  51. I'm just waiting to launch my new venture


    17% better than "Half Price!"

  52. The public is amazingly blind and stupid when it comes to shopping for legal counsel. Kind of sad. LRIS is a complete money-grubbing sell-out by the State Bar. Oh wait, you can't sell what you don't have, never had and will never have.

  53. Correct about the "half" part or not, "half price lawyers" is clearly a trade name, which is supposed to be disallowed.

  54. You guys into Battle Toads?

  55. @3:21 I thought the trade name thing changed..Gus' firm has a trade name, for instance.....somthing like Legal Resource Group...and some here say he is the best trial attorney EVAH!

  56. @3:21,

    Try re-reading your NRPC. Rule 7.5 clearly permits trade names. They just can't be false or misleading.

  57. Battletoads sucks. Car Wars by Steve Jackson Games rules. Pencil & Paper baby!

  58. What a bunch of horrible loser dork trolls. P.S: Warhammer 40K rules.

  59. Rifts Universe FTW

  60. Adam Stokes is so full of crap and he is writing posts under the name anonymous. His own employees talk shit about the cheap ass. Anyone with a retainer from Half Ass Lawyers should give to Wild Wild Law. I personally know Holper and his father and they are very respected throughout the Valley. Stokes has a big bark however, as one viewer wrote, his 100lb (when he is wet)"petite" bite isnt vicious. I am a trainer and Holper represents two of my fighters at the state line next week, I am sure we can arrange a little ring time (charity event) with Stokes to give Stokes the bitch smack he deserves.

  61. You aren't a 'trainer' your a third rate pimp if you work in the business at all, which I doubt. The fact that your on this blog talking stupid and dragging Holper's name into it proves it.

  62. 9:22 = Scott Holper. Don't lie Scott, you don't have clients. That's why you have to pimp your services on the corner of 4th and Main.

  63. I have always maintained that good attornies shouldn't need to advertize. However, Stokes and Holper specialize in areas of law (traffic tickets) that require advertizing. Not everyone can be Craig Kinney.We find this humorous and laugh at their antics without appreciating their innovation. Scott Holper is an energetic young man who is aggressively working to succeed. I brought this thread to his attention yesterday and was surprised to see how funny he thought it was.

  64. Holper...KING of taking it on the chin. Makes me tear up. Whata guy, that Holper. Kisses babies and walks old ladies across the street. Too bad we have not seen it before the scales were peeled from our eye by 2:05.
    A spade is a spade and a bottom feeder is a bottom feeder.
