Marquis & Aurbach is looking for attorneys (yes, plural) with 1-3 years of experience. Resumes, cover letters, and writing samples should be sent to: fflansburg at marquisaurbach.com
According to our tipster, the selling points are "competitive pay, very generous and predictable bonus structure."
I've heard really good things about M&A. Seriously, they have a keg of PBR in the office!
ReplyDeleteIn terms of pay for a 1-3, what should you expect? I heard the first years start at $100,000. Would a second year be $105,000 and a third be $110,000?
They have a keg and a chef that cooks for the attorneys on a daily basis.
ReplyDeleteKeg and a chef is great, but ultimately it's to keep everyone from leaving the office that way you don't lose any precious hours not billing.
ReplyDeleteNot that they aren't great perks!
11:59 is right, they do the lunch thing to keep you from leaving. It's a nice perk, but they actually frown upon it if you go to lunch on a regular basis. "All your lunch time are belong to us!"
ReplyDeleteAlso, if you don't bill 200 hours beyond the 1850 annual "requirement" they will not be pleased. In fact, you'll get fired for merely meeting your billable requirement.
Also, you will have to assimilate in order to keep your job. There are worse things than becoming a douchenozzle, though.
@11:20- your estimates are about $15k too high. But if you bill extra (i.e. if you meet your actual unwritten requirement) you'll get a nice bonus. Better than most bonuses for a firm of that size.
Beware that, at least a few years ago, the interview process at M&A was set up like this: (1) Easy first interview with Jay Young and a small group making up the "hiring committee." (2) Ridiculously crazy second interview where you sit in a conference room and all of the attorneys come in and ask you impossibly stupid questions -- usually the same ones -- for about 2 hours. When I had my second interview, I could hear that another candidate for the position was in the conference room next door.
ReplyDelete12:43-the billable requirement is actually stated at 2000, not 1850, and they dont typically fire someone for not meeting it...unless there are other issues involved (ie-quality of work). That being said, there is still significant pressure to bill 2000 and above. Oh, and 11:20 is pretty much spot on regarding pay.
ReplyDeleteThe salary info will be extremely helpful to the kids who interview for this job. I hate that shit when an employer makes you bid against yourself. This is really one of the greatest benefits that WWL provides.
Apparently M&A has lost 3 associates over the last 3 months (I'm told all left on their own free will).
ReplyDelete@ 12:43
ReplyDeleteI work there. Minimum billable is 2000 hrs, but they start bonusing out at 1900 hours and pay between 5-20% on gross revenue over $225k (depending on level), and 5% on gross receipt on clients you bring in. Nobody gets fired for meeting the minimum billing requirement. Ridiculous.
Never known anyone to get in trouble for not eating a "free" lunch, but we are encouraged to hang with each other during lunch
Not sure what you mean by assimilate, except there are certain systems and filing styles, requirements to which we are required to adhere.
they don't interview like that anymore. They did that when they were smaller and wanted everyone to have a say in who they would work with. Just became unwieldy (as you experienced, evidently)
If you want to work in a Vegas law firm, you could do worse than M&A. I've never worked there but have had ten or so cases with them in the last 15 years. I've been against their attorneys and on the same side. Good people and as professional as you'll find in Vegas. Also, it seems like a reasonably good law firm culture (as far as law firms go). The douchebag factor seems minimal compared to other firms their size. I guess the proof is in the fact that their people tend to stay.
ReplyDelete@12:43 Dude, sweet Zero Wing and Dope Wars reference!
ReplyDelete@3:35 Ditto.
ReplyDeleteA great firm if you avoid the landmine partners. Hint: if the partner can carry a tune, watch out!
ReplyDeleteCurrently an associate attorney at M&A. Not being paid to write this, and don't have a shareholder typing for me.
ReplyDeleteCan honestly say that this is a great place to work. Agreed, there are some partners that are more difficult to work with - but the upside is that those same partners will make you a much better attorney in the long run (fear is a strong motivator). If you don't have tough enough skin to deal with those few partners, you may want to rethink your career choice.
Pay is very good for a local firm, but don't expect to pull a Greenberg salary. Bonus structure is black & white, so you can calculate your bonus down to the penny prior to the checks coming around. Structure is generous, and top performers can rake in serious $$$ at bonus time. There is pressure to bill your minimum of 2000 and collect over $225K a year - on the other hand, I don't know of a firm that's happy and willing to lose money on an associate year-to-year.
Lunch perk is fantastic - and while you may be back to your desk earlier, it lets you go home earlier (or bill more hours and get more $$ as a result). I have never felt "pressured" to eat the free lunch, but I've also never seen a reason to snub my nose at free food. It amazes me that people will find fault in a firm that feeds you for free.
Overall, amazing firm culture - if you're a good fit. If you're a prick, go work somewhere else. One of the best (if not THE best) Las Vegas firms in terms of finding the right balance between $$$ and lifestyle.
Must love those associates who come to the rescue. Did you send the comments to a partner for review?
ReplyDeleteI've heard from friends that work there that under the bonus structure you essentially get nothing if all you do is bill 2000. You have to bill hundreds more before the bonuses amount to anything.
And didn't WWL once list its salary at $102,500? So what is it associates?
5:47 = LMS.
ReplyDeleteM&A rewards effort and not mediocrity. If you are an overachiever you will make more money at M&A than pretty much every place else, but if you are a minimum type than you could make more money at a big firm with a big salary.
M&A serve Kool Aid at lunch. Don't drink so much.
ReplyDeletePS: With the cooperation of government troops, I have captured all of your bases.
Layke is hot.
ReplyDeleteShe's a ginger, and might also have pointy elbows - donotwant.jpg
ReplyDeleteRecently worked with the someone who started at 102,500.
ReplyDeleteThe only associates who think that M&A offers a "work-life balance" are childless females or men with stay at home wives.
ReplyDeleteIs there even a female associate with a small child at M&A anymore? Or have they all been forced out for being too fertile?
Layke's website phot is horrible.
ReplyDeleteLayke is not only HOT, she is quite brilliant. And no, this is not Layke...
ReplyDeleteM&A should put a picture of Flansburg up from his long hair modeling days.
ReplyDelete@10:43...and the problem with that is.....?????
ReplyDeleteKids should ahve one parent at home. Have a kid, get a husband to stay home or you stay home.....or don't have a kid for the rest of us to pay for later.
1:04 = clearly one of the many mormon males employed at M&A. On behalf of all women attorneys, thank you for your valuable insight.
ReplyDelete1:04 didn't make his comment gender-specific. Said one parent should stay home, but he doesn't seem to care if it's the mom or the dad. I agree. Kids need parents. TV and babysitters don't do as good of a job raising kids as involved parents.
as a rule, m&a's attorneys are way hotter than hutchinson and steffen's
ReplyDelete@ 1:31 - We can pretend that men and women are equally likely to share childcare responsibilities, but in reality that is not the case. 1:04's comment was absolutely gender specific (especially when read as a reply to 10:43).
ReplyDelete@ 1:35 - affirmative.
Love how these things always turn into gender and religion.
ReplyDeleteMormons and beer kegs in the kitchen...interesting mix. Maybe I should apply.
10:34 I know a stay at home significant other of an M&A associate, and there is no work life balance because all they do is work!
ReplyDelete1:54 PM - That goes for any large firm. You think the average stay at home spouse of Gordon Silver or Lionel Sawyer & Collins associates revels in tons of quality spouse time? Not. Marrying an ambitious lawyer? Buy a dog.
ReplyDelete12:57 PM - Have no fear, the Flansburg photo shoot is here.
ReplyDeleteAll M&A needs to make its website "hot-fix" complete is Terry Coffing in his signature speedo and Al Marquis on a big horse.
I love Fridays.
Based on 12:57, clearly the work/life balance isn't all that bad...it's pretty obvious they have time to post pictures instead of bill hours. Maybe those that work ALL the time just don't want to go home.
ReplyDelete2:13 p.m. = CRA
ReplyDelete2:35 PM - CRA
ReplyDeleteI'll be sure and let my worked-outside-of-the-home-my-whole-childhood mother that she never really "raised" me. God knows the babysitter sure did a shitty job of it - I mean, I did choose the law after all. Perhaps if Mommy had been more concerned with raising me instead of, say, putting food on the table, I'd have chosen a more noble profession.
FWIW, my husband actually likes that I work. He has expensive taste and Rolexes don't come cheap. Oh, and the fact that he likes a wife that has interest beyond what Ickle Honeybuns ate for lunch and what color his shit was afterward.
3:08 PM - why is it women generally take everything personally? This is why girls don't belong in boardrooms, courtrooms or submarines. You make fine second-assistants and general workhorses. Nothing more.
ReplyDeleteFlansburg is HOT. I'll be his stay at home wife.
ReplyDelete4:26 PM - How shallow. As per usual, the girls are all about he looks.
ReplyDeleteIf you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?
ReplyDelete"FWIW, my husband actually likes that I work. He has expensive taste and Rolexes don't come cheap. Oh, and the fact that he likes a wife that has interest beyond what Ickle Honeybuns ate for lunch and what color his shit was afterward.
ReplyDeleteAugust 13, 2010 3:08 PM"
Just be sure to insure the Rolex and have enough cash on hand to bail the idiot kids outta jail It is one thing to work if you have to, another to work for sh*t that you want because you never grew out of being a child yourself. Now go give hubby a BJ like a good lil girl.
Looks like David Wall found a new Job.....
ReplyDeleteWe are reaching out to Nevada Lawyers who are looking for more work.
ReplyDeleteHalf Price Lawyers is seeking to collaborate with attorneys with demonstrated expertise in the following areas:
Workers Compensation
Intellectual Property
Landlord Tenant
Estate Planning / Probate
Civil Litigation – Various types
Bank mediation
Loan modification
Debt negotiation
Labor and employment
Appearance attorneys who are willing to make court appearances when needed.
Interested persons should send an email to adam@halfpricelawyers.com. Please include “WWL Posting” and the area of practice in the subject. Please also communicate your experience in the specified practice area, number of years practicing and whether you maintain a policy of malpractice insurance. Please also include your bar number and the major cross streets of your current law office. Compensation is generous and cases are plentiful.