Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sidebar: Fair Use


(Photo courtesy LV Sun ... please don't sue us)


  1. Douchetastic.

    Latest addition to Jersey Shore?

  2. Honestly, I can't get past his douchetastic persona he has worked so hard at perfecting to even give a crap about what he's doing. New meaning to the word bottom feeder. Most bottom feeding attorneys feed there because they are too lazy or not intelligent enough to play with the big boys. This guy strives to feed at the bottom, congratulations sir, sue those old lady bloggers who cut and past RJ stories that happen to include their name. You're work is righteous, it is the good fight.

  3. Hold on....I've got a call coming in on my bluetooth...and no, I can't take the bluetooth off for pictures it may look like I'm not super important.

    Huge Douche!

  4. Why is his office in a bordello?

  5. The more someone tries to be impressive, the less impressive they really are. What a prime example we have in the picture.

  6. He's doing customer service part-time and gets paid by the call.

  7. Clearly he's a VERY busy man, I mean he does have TWO computer monitors!! ....i wonder if he looks @ porn on both or just one??? Perhaps he has one reserved for gay porn and then the other reserved for gay porn as well... Was he seriously expecting a call to come in while he was taking this photo?? Take your headset off #fudgepacker

  8. 9:33 - he's clearly straight. No self-respecting gay man would wear that outfit or allow those hideous curtains into his office.

  9. Bluetooth Headset = $40.00
    Pledge Furniture Polish = $3.50
    Suit from Mastriani's Fashions = $100.00

    Having a photo of yourself in the dictionary (next to the word "Douche") = Priceless

  10. He wears the same stupid vest without a jacket for his law firm photo -

  11. Nooowwwww I know where I recognize him from!!

    [ he actually reminds me more of lewis skolnick in Nerds3 when he has a ponytail and he insists on people calling him "lew" ...sadly I was unable to find a photog from the movie even after an exhaustive google search. #fail ]

  12. BTW

    JD LOWERY got pwned on Jeopardy earlier this week or late last. Alex mocked her regarding law school and then Muses, tough pull in the final Jeopardy. Back to work with docuhebucket.

  13. I think the best part is that the cabinets behind him are completely empty, save 2 cans of pledge.

  14. I think the guy needs a whole new word to properly describe him. Perhaps Douchemongous-Asshattus.

  15. I think I will offer this photo up to the /b/ Trolls as tribute. Leave it up to them to find out where he lives and what he fears. If only Mr. Douche had a secondary douche that we could call Turd Sandwich... They could wear their Britney Spears headsets circa 1999, and twirl their ankleskirts while listening to Dave Matthews' Band like facking tools. What kind of person provides cheap BJs to bottom-feeders? Steven Gibson. A bottom-feeder feeder.

  16. I'm trying to remember the last time I saw a lawyer in a vest without coat and all I can come up with is Tom Hagen.

  17. This looks shopped.
    I can time from the tell, and from shopping a few sees in my pixels.


  18. One does not simply Copyright Lawsuit his way into Mordor...

  19. If his wife is hot enough, perhaps he can post photos with his fellow douchebags.

  20. Poor Gibson. I have some cucumber for you right here, buddy; nibble as long as you want.

  21. 11:56--If you want to see a lawyer with a vest and no coat everyday, venture on up to the offices of LS&C and ask for the managing partner.

  22. @11:34

    Frack'n AWESOME! I chuckled at first and then went back to look at the photo. Even better. Very good there eagle eye, very good.

  23. @1:41: But Paul can pull it off.

  24. Ass hat wearin', douchetard with no fishion sense seeks woman who can play squat tag with my blue tooth. Call me, I am waiting...just look for the blinking light on my cheek.

  25. To: All Commenters,

    Prepare to be served w/ legal process!



  26. 25 comments and not a single Gibson defender? This is unprecedented! He really must be captain of the douches.

  27. I interviewed for a support position w/Gibson Lowrey shortly after getting axed from the Five Hundred Million Dollar Man's litigation team (although he was only the Forty Million Dollar Man back then), and Steve Gibson sure seemed like a nice enough guy. But after reading the Sun article yesterday I have never been so glad to NOT have gotten a job.

  28. @2:27--Peggy, is that you?

  29. I have never had a job where I had to where a headset, but I am pretty sure the microphone goes over the mouth and not the nose. Either way, it is sweet! I just put in an order for my own douchebag kit that comes with a free headset for the office, blue tooth earpiece for public, and a vest for pictorials.

  30. Douche, Douche, Douche, Douche, Douchety, DoubleDownDoucheBag. Nice Head Set!

  31. You can't find somebody to defend this douche. He's worked at so many of the firms in this town and they all hate him. I think his own Momma wants to smack his bluetooth off his face, but then she'd break his nose.

  32. First time I met him 10 years ago, he was wearing a headset. I think he may be a cyborg douchebag Wall Street wannabe, no?

  33. Is anyone going to discuss the substantive legal issue? or is everyone too busy making stupid comments about the attorney? Regardless of how much of a jerk someone is, it seems to me there is an interesting legal issue here... I guess it's just more fun to discuss how we don't like an attorney than to discuss an interesting legal issue. Nice reflection on our legal community.

  34. What substantive issue? IP is a joke.

    To put it another way: there are a host of laws that allow attorneys - esp US Attorneys and DA's and AG's - to harass and potentially destroy men and women who have no harmed another human being (or any being for that matter). What makes an attorney a douche, or a government attorney a first class destined for hell prick, is bottom feeding off these shitty laws to screw the otherwise innocent.

    Gibson = Douche.

    In another era he'd be a tax collector going from farm to farm raping women and stealing provisions to satisfy the Crown's levies. Fuck him and his headset.

  35. i was a client for a few years when he wasn't running his own firm and I can tell you that his MO is to run up fees by having to personally review everything his associates do, pursing creative claims that have little chance to succeed but cost thousands, and even getting into legal arguments with not only opposing counsel but cooperative and supportive parties' counsel to serve his sense of superiority that lead to the supportive parties' withdrawal of support all to serve increasing fees. He measures his success by fees not wins or successfully protecting his client.

  36. epic call 9:56. skolnick all the way.

  37. Normally I might feel bad for an attorney who gets blasted by anonymous comments like these, but not in this case. I have had a case against Mr. Gibson, and he is a first-class jerk, in my opinion. He's by far the most unbearable upposing counsel I've ever dealt with - and for no good reason. Sometimes being a tough guy is necessary; but he thrives on being a jerk and a bully to everyone, as evidenced by these lawsuits he is filing. I'm glad he's been outed.

  38. Thank you 7:03 for posing the question that I've been wanting to ask all day [I can't post comments at work]. When I saw this issue, I thought there might be a few well deserved insults thrown at this attorney, but I was very glad to see WWL take on this issue. I don't see how this guy has made a career out of suing bloggers and other users who cut and paste portions of an article, or even the whole article if they give credit for it. I though the fair use doctrine was intended to allow innocent, infrequent, non-profitable uses of copyrighted material. Has he won any cases?

  39. I am not aware of any cases that they have won. But they don't need to win. I'm told that their strategy is to keep filing more motions, making more demands for information, running up YOUR attorney fees to the point where you decide it is cheaper to settle than to go to court--which will cost you tens of thousands of dollars, and you are likely never going to get it back.

    What amazes me is that I am told that federal judges refuse to stop this. Why? I understand that you need to give the benefit of the doubt about a legitimate claim, but some of the people he is suing are so broke that they can't afford to hire lawyers, and they are just planning to go bankrupt when the default judgment happens.

    If you want to know why lawyers are hated so thoroughly in our society--it is because of what Righthaven is doing. It isn't the norm, but it is so profoundly evil in its results, and cynically manipulative in its methods.

    Can the legal profession police itself? Apparently not. Do you see why some people start buying into bizarre theories like, "the gold fringe on the courtroom flag means it's an admiralty court, and has no jurisdiction over me"? A lot of powerless people out there get destroyed by firms like Righthaven--and the rest of the legal profession either insults Gibson in the comments here, or makes a nice little living defending people who in many cases had no idea that they were infringing copyright.

    I see a lot of anger and disgust here from what are, I presume, mostly lawyers. How about some action?

  40. Douchy Doucherson from Douchville.

  41. @749pm

    Sounded for a second like you were talking about Jacob Hafter.

  42. 5:56 the reason he always has the headset is because he's a terminator sent from the future to destroy all peasants that can't afford counsel and destroy all public confidence in our justice system. He's a T2 the T1 was somehow involved with the mcdonald's coffee case.

  43. "he's a terminator sent from the future to destroy all peasants that can't afford counsel and destroy all public confidence in our justice system."

    He has succeeded with me. Right now I would be perfectly happy to see copyrights abolished, and lawyers outlawed: require everyone to sue or defend themselves on their own, and no assignment of claims. This would end the "run the clock until the defendants can't afford to go to court" garbage.

    There is a day coming when the peasants are going to stop taking this abuse--and in their rage, the distinction between good lawyers and bad lawyers will be utterly lost. Clean up your profession, or bear the consequences. That federal judges won't rein Gibson in tells how corrupt this whole system of justice in Nevada must be.

  44. Another vest sighting! Over at

  45. Wow.. what a douche.

    He must have some enormous mole he is trying to hide behind that bluetooth.

  46. Wow, the article has him in a black vest with khaki pants.

    That's a 'unique' fashion statement.

    (only single quote marks b/c this douche doesn't rate two)

  47. High Douchebaggery (or is it buggery)from the land of Douchebaggia

  48. Best and most important variation of douche - douchopotamus. A really big douche. Ill tempered.

  49. "Hello, thank you for calling How may I help you today?"

  50. @4:31 No, it's Trish.
