Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday Open Thread

Happy Friday everyone!

Now that we've got the comments about religion and Shakespeare history lessons out of our systems, what else is going on?


  1. That's a great quote - I didn't know Shakespeare said that. I wonder where I could go to learn more about the context in which it was said.

  2. Thank you 8:19, that's one of the funniest posts I have seen in a long time.

  3. Pretty quiet this morning. I guess we have to wait for the Boyd grads/PI scum to shake off their hangovers and get on their computers before this thread can take its usual decline into worthless discussion of lowbrow topics.

  4. Topic: Judge Miley's hooters. Real? Fake? Enhances? Lifted?

  5. I've got a fun topic -- what I call "Mr. Magoos" -- people that God (or fate, or whatever) looks out for.

    We all know them - attorneys that are so incompetent that everyone knows it, but never seem to fathom how awful they are and never get nailed no matter what crap they pull. And, if you tried the same crap, you'd get nailed instantly.

    The bankruptcy bar is FULL of them!

  6. @10:03

    Thanks for coming.



  7. @10:12 - Richard McKnight

  8. 10:12 AM, I like that topic suggestion and second it... and since I go to Family Court, don't forget there is plenty of Mr. Magoos there too!

  9. I am about to give notice... fireworks may ensue. Bring it.

  10. @10:12: All of the attorneys at Les Stovall's office. I am repeatedly amazed at how many chances both the district court and the "Supremes" will give these guys to actually litigate a case...especially in light of Mr. Stovall's history with the Bar. It's really as if they believe that the deadlines don't apply to them and apparently they don't.

  11. Stovall's history with the bar? That is a nice way to spin felony conviction.

  12. Why lawyers are leaving big firms

  13. Just heard from a source that Michael Kristof from Powell Law Group and Quinton Singleton from Lewis and Roca are starting their own firm. Anyone confirm?

  14. Maybe grandpa's name couldn't help Quinton out any longer. Seriously, what douche puts this:

    "Beckley Singleton (merged with Lewis & Roca LLP Fall 2007) is a law firm my grandfather founded in 1962"

    in their linkedin profile?

  15. Fully concur with @10:23 - McKnight is constantly about to tip over but he never seems to fall.

    Bonus points for the gin blossoms. Boyd grads - google it.

  16. The "let's kill all the lawyers" quote is uttered by Dick the Butcher in Henry VI. It's spoken in the context of starting a social revolution in the play. It's often quoted as a knock on lawyers, but in the context of the play, one could argue it's actually a compliment. Dick realized the only way to bring forth tyranny would be to kill all lawyers, the protectors of laws, personal rights, and freedom.

  17. @12:43 you're a boner. Look at Tuesday's thread.

  18. @ 10:12 James Lee. Maybe he gets by because his dad, JPL, (who he now works for because he couldn't sustain his own practice) has been around for 50+ years!

    Kill me if I practice for 50 years...please.

  19. Agree wholeheartedly with @1:03 - need to add: kill me if I ever start telling young lawyers about the "old days" i.e. before 2000

  20. Thanks for playing 12:43.

    - 8:19

  21. Dr. Lemper...thoughts?

  22. You're right 9:59. Clearly you're not capable of an original thought, so you'd better wait for someone else to come along and entertain you.

  23. @3:10

    I think you're who 9:59 was waiting for. Entertain on, Boydie.

  24. I am not a Boyd grad, but I find the lack of love for Boyd grads fascinating. My firm is "Boyd" free, and I am fairly new to the Nevada bar. In the interest of self-preservation, I would like to ask you all to please enlighten me as to why Boydies are so reprehensible, as I learned from an early age that knowing is half the battle.

  25. Love it when Boyd students get all indignant.

  26. 'Dem Boyd grads, 'dey is dum.

  27. After Boyd opened, did the previous dumping ground, California Western, go out of business??

  28. I have to assume that 5:30 went to Harvard (or whatever). Even still, he/she hasn't figured out that there isn't much of a correlation between a fancy school and successful career. I would further assume that if you still have to find your ego in your educational background you are either a baby lawyer or have really had no accomplishments that make you stand out from the rest of us. Either way, you're kinda sad.

  29. Pop 5:30 been served

  30. 6:17 - I don't know what you mean by "successful career". If you meant the warm feeling of an uncompensated job well done, then you may be right.

    If you are talking about money, then I think you are a bit optimistic. No need to look at first years . . . I'm pretty sure that if you look at salaries of lawyers 15-20 years out from Harvard vs. 15-20 years out from California Western, the difference will be quite clear.

    I'm not saying that the school has any bearing on a particular graduate's intelligence, however, there is a huge difference in entrance requirements and opportunities after graduation - fair or not.

  31. Hello everyone. Never thought my name would be associated with any rumors on this board.

    Anyway, this is Michael Kristof. I would love to know who posted the rumor that I was leaving the Powell Law Group to start a firm with Quinton Singleton.

    I am not leaving the Powell Law Group to start my own firm or for any other reason. I have no idea who Mr. Singleton is, just as I am sure he has no idea who I am.

    So, this rumor is just that, a rumor, which I have no idea how it got started.

    Have a nice weekend everyone. Oh, and for whomever did post the rumor, thanks for spelling my name correctly. I have friends from law school that still don't spell Kristof correctly. And, one more thing-if the person who posted this could email me at and let me know where you heard this rumor, that would be great. I would like to get to the bottom of this if at all possible.

  32. You're right. The median Cal Western grad has equal or greater lifetime earnings than an Harvard grad, I'm sure.

  33. 10:08:

    Put down the crack pipe

  34. A lot of Cal Western grads on the bench - you may hate them but you call them"Your Honor"

  35. Hey 4:39, here is the scoop on Boyd and the uneasiness with our own law school. The problem with Boyd is all the Southern Nevadan inbreeding. The law school is populated by folks from Vegas who were told how smart they were in grade school up to UNLV. Now they are law students and future lawyers. The State added giving the bar twice a year for them and dumbed down the bar exam because they could not pass it (the bar here used to be graded like California but no more). The faculty is average and emphasizes scholarship instead of training lawyers. Most the professors are like every other law school--they never practiced law. Now we have the privilege of being glutted with too many lawyers forever so making a living will be a chore and graduates will have a tough time finding work. This town can not support 200 new law graduates who will never move away. This place is glutted just like San Diego. Salaries will continue to decline. The only good thing that came out of a state sponsored school is that we did not get a proprietary for profit law school which would have graduated twice the number of graduates. The sky high tuition may end up diversifying the student body with out of town students from wealthy families of neighborhing states. Yes, I did graduate a top ten school. It is Nevada--everything except the taxes is second rate. The law school is no different.

  36. ur penis envy is embarrassing for you. You are not very bright not very charismataic that's why you work for someone. That's also why you have time to check this blog every hour. You are miserable people. Fuck you. I make great money I have a beautiful wiife. You will never be on my level. I laugh at miserable people like you. I hope I c you in court I'll slap you around behind closed doors and have the jury look at you like thers something wrong with you when you have to go back into the courtroom. I may not be as "smart" as you tools but I will ALWAYS kick ur ass in every way that matters. 310

  37. sorry that last one was to 959 and 401 and any other sissified bitches that want to bring their "keen intellect" to the gunfight

  38. hey 7:38 --> the sky is falling, the sky is falling!!

    GTFO...of Nevada.

  39. I just realized something. My wife is fat, my income is stagnant and my kids aspire to become Millenium Scholars - after they get a dozen piercings and tattoos like all the other kool kids at skool. OMG, you are right, going to a third tier school and then moving to Vegas doomed me! ARGH!!

    To think I could be a hotshot lawyer in LA, sipping Chianti on the terrace of my beachfront condo with some super-hot babe with 6% bodyfat and 2,000 cc of silicone in just the right places....I cry. Woe be me. Woe!

  40. 4:30

    That sucks your wife is fat.

  41. 4:30, buy the beotch a tread mill

  42. They shouldn't let the Boyd grads use the attorney line at the RJC. Let them stand in line with the unwashed heathen churls of this city. At least then they can blame their own stench on the filthy peasant standing next to them. Because I for one am tired of smelling those turds when they stand next to me.

  43. Thought I would check out the buzz on the "justified" decision from coroners inquist. Yet, I see that many here still can't get over themselves. For all you haters, realize this, "us" Boyd grads who see comments like the one left by 11:32 could care less. Sticks and stones, my friend. See, unlike you, I don't bother to check and see where opposing counsel went to school. (No time) Besides, I could care less. It would affects what I do nada.

    I will say this....if you leave a message like the one above, at least have the balls to actually put your name on the comment. Otherwise, your just like the sissy bitch standing behind his mommy talking trash. I assume you hide your identity because your average and realize that most Boyds, or any other third or fourth tier could bitch slap you - in and out of the court room. Your anonymous words and identity are hollow. If you don't ID yourself, you expose yourself as a pathetic tool, ordinary and ho-hum as all others, only with a loud mouth. Yet, what should I expect from a blog where some tool thinks that posting "Troy Fox" everyday is hilarious. Of course, likely a Boyd Grad, huh!

  44. I graduated law school in a different state, and it was definitely not a top tier law school. I have been practicing for 20 years, and in that time have kicked the A$@es of many a Harvard, Stanford and other “top tier” law school grads. Moreover, some of my most worthy opponents graduated from non top tier law schools.

    I probably paid more in taxes last year than most of the people commenting on this blog earned. I am not bragging, simply stating a fact. Hard work and a few smarts take you a long way in this world, regardless of the career path you chose. There are a whole host of successful people who did not attend Ivy League schools, or even graduate college.

    Bottom line is that outside of getting a leg up on being hired in your first 5 or so years of practice at certain large firms in this country, it doesn't matter where you attended law school. Anyone who believes law school actually teaches you how to be a great lawyer is delusional. Law school, at best, teaches a person how to think like a lawyer. That, my friends, is not rocket science. If you can graduate law school equipped with a few basic tools, some common sense and a strong work ethic, you can be very successful.

  45. Well put 9:16 (except for the irrelevant boasting).

  46. What's with all this yapping about work ethic? My goal is to do as little as possible and still make bank.

  47. And another Boyd grad is hear from...

  48. @12:11

    You are in the wrong profession.

  49. @ 12:06, there is an entire thread dedicated to the inquest.

    It looks to me like it got misplaced on the front page because it's below two older posts. I though it would get a lot more attention, but is only at 12 posts right now.

  50. There is a business next to the Mexican consulate on 4th called the "Foundation for Relevant Education About the Law."

    At the risk of the obvious answers, what is that place? Does anyone know who runs it?

    Sounds like a Constitutionalist/Sovereignty deal.

  51. 1:00 PM - I disagree. If you use your time wisely, you can make a solid six figure annual income with about 20 hours work per week.

    I do agree that newbies need to put in time. You can't master the basics without some serious immersion. In an ideal world all first year associates would hit 2,200+ hours, second year associates would hit 2,000, third year associates 1,800 and then, by your fourth year, a civilized 1,400 hours. Any partner or 7+ year associate regularly billing more than 1,000 per year either loves the work (a-okay to have such a passion) or has an ugly spouse with an attitude.

    It kind of bothers me that you either work 14 hour days or are marked a loser. That's why mommy tracks at law firms are a waste of time. Once you are labeled as someone who would rather use his time on this earth for something other than billing time, you are done. Poof, career out the door. It matters not how good you are, how dedicated you are or what immense value you give to clients. Face time = Career.

    I love filing 3 page oppositions to 30 page monstrosities crafted by chain-n'-ball associates billing the heck out of the file. I sometimes even dictate in my minivan on the way home with the kids in the back watching SpongeBob (with their headsets on, of course). (And, yes, that counts towards my 20 hour number.)

    I guess I should close by saying I don't look down on attorneys who choose the long hours. I just resent them looking down on my choices. I'll never drive a fancy car or get a corner office in a tall gleaming office building. Such is my choice.

  52. 12:06 is the only tool on this blog because he took some troll's bait and went off. Despite saying he doesn't care and words don't hurt, obviously they do because he went on and on about it. Get a life guy.

  53. 5:59 - Thanks for your astute observation. The rest of us were completely in the dark.

  54. Ouch! You got me. Tomorrows troll will be better.

  55. 9:16 August 23 is one hundred@ peecent correct. Sorry I'm not as eloquent. I'm just a dumb boyd grad who will make you embarrassed when the jury picks up on your insecurities /inadequacies the way I did. Don't ask for my identity or I might have to beat ur ass in public and make you feel worse about urself. Sincerely august 22 12:40 & &and 12:58 you little bitches

  56. @5:09:

    Great "Breaking Away" reference!

  57. Thanks 10:27. I thought either it wasn't funny or all the yahoos on this blog are too young to have seen the movie. Maybe it's both.

  58. I love the constant whining about Boyd graduates. Here is the bottom line (and, yes, I am a Boyd graduate): those of you who went to law school out of state came to Nevada because it was an easy market to get a job in AND make money. No in-state law school, no competition. Now you sit and whine and moan about how your personal gravy train has gone sideways with all those shit eating Boyd graduates. Grow the fuck up. If you are such a big deal, so talented, so legally perceptive, why don't you have a job in a big pond like LA or NY? Could it be that, on your best day, you could not get a job in that market?

    As a native, from me to all of you: fuck off. Go back to where you came from and take your arrogant, entitled, condescending bullshit with you. Otherwise, rub some dirt on it and do your fucking job (i.e., be the great attorneys you claim to be - your reputation will speak for itself without you having to stoop to namecalling).
