Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sidebar: Race to the Advertising Bottom?

Scene: A bikini-clad woman standing on the southeast corner of the Regional Justice Center holding a large sign advertising traffic ticket services for Vegas Ticket Masters.



  1. Was she a crackhead or a hot piece of ass. If she was hot, then God bless and I am pissed I missed it.

  2. I have a question.

    I've only had one speeding ticket in my life and while the cop was writing it he told me I could just pay double the fine by mail and have it listed as a parking offense.

    I did. No court, no insurance problems, etc. Is is actually cheaper to go through an attorney?

  3. Pictures or it didn't happen.

  4. Vegas is such a shithole.

  5. Are we attributing this to Stokes or Holper? On another topic, did anyone go to Judge Wall's retirement party at Sidebar last night?

  6. Its definately Holper. And she is pretty hot.

  7. Holper. And a crackhead, likely working off a charge - if you thought she was hot, you didn't slow down for the stop sign (or enjoy meth teeth and sores)

  8. I agree 9:37, I saw her yesterday and she was definitely NOT hot.

  9. I agree with the other comments: This all hinges on how hot the girl is...
    And until we get some pictures up, this will never be settled.

  10. Make Stokes will one up Holper and send out two hot strippers in bikinis for Half Price Lawyers. I would definitely appreciate that.

  11. Ticket wars! Follow the Ticket Wacker into battle.

  12. Two bikinis would be double price. Half price would be topless. Go Stokes go.

  13. I see her every morning and I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers, but she's not hot. she's decent. She about 20 years old, she has small breast and a nasty tatoo below her belly.

  14. Small breast? This is Vegas. WTF. Holper sucks. He needs to increase his price to get a hotter and bigger breasted bikini girl.

  15. Definitely NOT hot. Looks like a recovering crack whore. So lame and tacky.

  16. stokes, we know you love this site. You need to show Holper that he needs attractive women in bikinis to generate business. Just post the date/time/location of when you will be doing this for us. (Adam Kutner probably knows a few stippers if you need a referral.)

  17. It's disgusting. Talk about a disgrace to the bar. Where is the State bar on this? The sign doesn't even meet the advertising rules.

  18. @ 8:35

    One cannot simply whack their own way to a reduced citation.
    The whack is a brand.
    You will be receiving a subpoena duces tecum from our resident douche, Bluetool Gibson. If you settle, he may toss in a free douchetooth headset...

  19. wait a second.. only one small breast? thats not sooo bad then..

  20. Adam Stokes is on the advertising committee for the bar, do you ever see shit changing? I don't. Congrats Nevada for having the most ineffectual bar association in the nation. Apparently, the only people who need to worry are Jeannie Winkler and Doug Crawford and that's only AFTER the got caught spending hundreds of thousands of somebody else's money.

  21. Small breasts?!?!?! Vegas is doomed. Doomed. If we can't to tacky right, then we have nothing.

  22. Maybe Stokes/Holper will purchase the "stripper in the box" mobile and drive her around the City of Las Vegas (only the County outlawed that, right?). If so, I've met plenty of aspiring law students at Spearmint Rhino who might be interested in the job.

  23. @ 9:09 re: Judge Wall's retirement party.
    Sidebar was pretty full. A good number of the judiciary was there, but also a number of attorneys. Nothing too exciting to report about it. It just sucks he is stepping down.

  24. I walked by her the other day on my way to RJC with clients. I was forced to apologize for the profession as it really marks a new low.

  25. Yep. It was much more dignified back in the day when Craig Kenny's office did tickets for free.

  26. @ 8:35 a.m.

    Yes, it is cheaper to go through an attorney. They make a quick appearance and get your ticket reduced, sometimes dismissed. Also there will be no points so your insurance does not go up.

    Municipal court will not reduce the ticket as much as the other courts will, but it is always a good decision to hire an attorney to set it for an attorney session. Especially if you can find one for around $50.

    Craig P. Kenny used to do it for free, but I'm not sure if they still do.

  27. It's "free" with a $50 "administrative fee."

  28. She was mildly hot save for that pissy put upon look on her face - same look my wife gets when I want sex, ironically.

  29. 6:19 PM - Me too!

  30. @4:18 PM,

    I paid about 150 bucks total and I never had to talk to an attorney. I was doing 45-50 on Eastern in light traffic. No points, no traffic school, nothing.

    I'm not bashing attorneys - my dipshit husband got a DUI. You NEED a lawyer for that.

    But a ticket? Maybe the cop just cut me some slack because of the way I looked back then.

    Signed, 8:35

  31. 6:50 PM - I was a hottie once too. Miss it sometimes. Age has its virtues too.

  32. @6:19 I get the same look from your wife when I want sex

  33. @8:36

    You sound milfy. Let's copulate.

  34. 2:59 PM - Bring $200 in an envelope.

  35. Jesus...I've been working for you fuckers for nearly 20 years and still can't believe what babies you are about the decorum of the profession. That ship sailed sometime before Shakespeare.

    Look, you're lawyers. It's a fucking business like any other. Just like one used car salesman conducts himself with professionalism and decorum while the asshat across the street has stripper weenie just don't want to think that maybe there's nothing more meaningful about your profession than there is about his.

    Let Stokes parade his naked ass up and down in front of the courthouse for three hours every morning with a clapboard on if he thinks it'll make him a just makes those of you who prefer to show up to court well groomed but still stupid look that much better.

  36. ^^ What? We are supposed to have the appearance of being superior to everyone else.

    Except surgeons, investment bankers/hedge fund/private equity managers and CEOs. They're supposed to be better than us.

  37. 5:14 PM - I cry. We are supposed to be a vocation, not some mere business. We are supposed to carry the weight of civlization on our shoulders. When we represent our clients, we are supposed to do so with our duties and obligations to all of society in mind. If we nothing more than money-grubbin' whores, then I need to quit and get a respectable job. Perhaps a job washing the feet of cripples and criminals.

    Very sad.

  38. @ 6:50:

    I think I love you. I just hope you're female.

    @ 8:36:

    You're still beautiful.

  39. Scott,
    I hope you saw 2:10's suggestion about the Strippermobile. This is the stuff that legends emerge from.

  40. Saw her from behind yesterday in some sort of sailor outfit sporting a decent sized muffintop. She did not look very attractive from my angle.

  41. There certainly is a certain decorum that comes along with this profession. @ August 27, 5:14: maybe if you actually were a lawyer (as opposed to working for us) you would understand. However, there are always going to be classless, lying, shitty people in any profession. I don't think anyone would argue having a girl stand outside in slutty clothing with a ticketbusting billboard isn't tacky. So what, Stokes is tacky, everybody knows it and anyone with class or a good reputation wouldn't be caught dead being associated with him. Frankly, I think that any lawyer who advertises is tacky. My father is an attorney, as am I, and I was btought up with the idea that your reputation should speak for it's self. Furthermore, I don't like this whole ticketbusting business to begin with. Anybody off the street can walk in and get THE EXACT SAME DEAL from the prosecutor on a ticket that an attorney can. There is no lawyering involved.
