Wilson Elser is a full-service firm with clients in the United States, Latin America, Europe and Asia. Domestically, we are ranked among the top law firms identified by The American Lawyer and listed in the "Top 50" by The National Law Journal.
Call (702) 727-1400 to inquire.
Anyone know the pay range and step raises/bonuses for this firm?
ReplyDeleteIsn't Wilson Elser the firm where the attorneys are just hourly employees? Oh wait, that's Alverson Taylor. I almost forgot.
ReplyDeleteAny chance we can get a thread about Landreth v. Malik? It appears that the Supremes have a great opportunity to get themselves out of a jurisdictional nightmare, but will they take it?
ReplyDeleteI know it might be more of the intellectual discussion than the usual "Boyd sucks, BK Hottie, these lawyers suck, these lawyers rule" bullshit that this blog has turned into (probably from 10 or so trolls who hound this blog), but it would be nice to get an actual legal discussion going.
Also, big ups on posting the job listing. That's the reason I first started reading this blog.
@9:24 -- Apparently no one in your office will talk to you so you resort to coming on here for some anonymous legal discussion. Think about it. Loser.
ReplyDelete9:24 = Owned
ReplyDeleteThey have lots of positions open because their associates are leaving in droves. Not a happy place to work from what I've heard. From past associates.
ReplyDeletePoor 9:24. I guess he didn't know this is a Boyd blog. Thinking strictly forbidden.
ReplyDeleteHere's a couple of Boyd jokes:
The assistant asked the Boyd graduate if she would like her pizza cut into six pieces or twelve.
"Six please" she said, "I could never eat twelve!"
A Boyd graduate asked someone what time it was, and they told her it was 4:45. The Boyd grad, with a puzzled look on her face replied,
"You know, it's the weirdest thing, I have been asking that question all day, and each time I get a different answer."
A Boyd grad and a U of A grad went to the bar after work for a drink, and sat on stools watching the 6 O'clock news. A man was shown threatening to jump from the Brooklyn Bridge, and the Boyd grad bet the U of A grad $50 that he wouldn't jump.
Sure enough, he jumped, so the Boyd grad gave the U of A grad $50. The U of A grad said,
"I can't take this, you're my friend."
But the Boyd grad insisted saying,
"No. A bet's a bet."
Then the U of A grad said
"Listen, I have to tell you that I saw this on the 5 O'clock news, so I can't take your money."
The Boyd grad replied
"Well, so did I, but I didn't think he would jump again!"
Speaking of Landreth v. Malik, does anyone else see the sheer irony (or perhaps chutzpah) of them hosting a full copy of the Nevada Law Journal's copyrighted summary of the 2009 case?
ReplyDeleteSorry, "them" = LVRJ.
Did you hear that they had to shut down the Boyd Law Library?
ReplyDeleteNo, what happened?
Somebody checked out the book.
Who cares about the Nevada Law Journal summary? Read the case. Why would you rely on a Boyd non-graduate for your legal reasoning?
ReplyDeleteWow, this blog has really gone down hill. Strong work 10:03 and friends (probably the same person).
ReplyDeleteSorry 11:33. I am 10:03 and I am not the same as 10:07 or 10:22 although I do think them brilliant.......
ReplyDeleteHear that breeze rustling the few hairs you have left? That's the sound of a comment going over your head.
My comment did not depend on the summary for analysis. Instead, it only pointed out the incongruency between the RJ taking the summary and hosting it on their own site, without attribution, and the RJ/Righthaven suing others for hosting entire RJ articles.
Read for understanding next time, Cal-Western grad.
Q: How do you get the Boyd law grad off of your porch?
ReplyDeleteA: Pay for the pizza.
Whoa, rimshot!
ReplyDeleteI just love recycled jokes.
ReplyDeleteYeah, when you use recycled jokes you don't have to strain your brain, trying to think up knew ones. Perfect for Cooley grads who are desperate for someone to make fun of.
ReplyDelete<------- wonders if the glaring typo in the 2:37p post was purposely placed there or veiled attempt to encourage further Boyd bashing. Well, at least one thing is for certain. 10:22 is a tool who, no matter what he claims, has a inferiority complex stemming from his grossly inadequate anatomy.
ReplyDeleteQ: Why do Boyd grads stink?
ReplyDeleteA: So blind people can hate them too.
Glad to see that the Boyd haters took over this blog and prevented any meaningful information about WE. Way to go!
ReplyDeleteIsn't the fact that they're hiring enough? I'm pretty sure you can look through the past month and see the salary information listed, or does it hurt a Boyd grad's head to read that much? If brain's were gasoline, Boyd grads couldn't ride a Vespa around the Fruit Loop.
ReplyDeleteVespa around the fruit loop? Inspired prose!!
ReplyDeleteIs there a hiring preference for disgruntled ATMS employees?
ReplyDeleteI'm going into my 3rd year. What's the pay for at Wemed LLP? How many billed hours / year?
ReplyDeleteDoes anybody know of any other firms hiring?
ReplyDelete@10:44 Bar results come out tomorrow. Drive and around look for forlorn former associates-to-be hitting the bricks about one hour thereafter. Chances are there might be a new vacancy in that office.
ReplyDeleteGee, the people posting jokes about Boyd grads are so very clever the way they substitute in "Boyd grad" instead of "blonde" or a racial slur.
ReplyDeleteSuch brilliance must arise from the bitterness that results from over-paying for a fancy J.D. degree from a private law school, instead of paying in-state tuition and still attending a top tier law school (that would be Boyd, for those of you who couldn't get into Boyd or thought a private school would get you a better job).
It is poor logical to call Boyd a Top Tier law school. US News combined Tiers 1 and 2 into a "Top 100" and then has Tiers 3 and 4. So, unless you are in Tier 3 or 4, you are a "Top 100" law school and are "un-tiered." So, you can either say Boyd is a Top 100 law school or you can, if you want to use "Tier" terminology, convert its ranking into the old "Tier 1 and 2" paradigm, at which point Boyd is not in what would have been the old "Tier 1."
ReplyDelete- A graduate of what in the past was designated a "Tier 1" law school and who paid in-state tuition less than what Boyd charges.
you convinced me at "poor logical"
ReplyDeleteDoes anybody know the required billables at Wilson Elser, or otherwise have any useful information to share regarding Wilson Elser?
ReplyDelete@2:40 - Your comment seriously made me laugh out loud!!
ReplyDelete12:25 here.
@1:58 - Your poor attempt at disputing my statement by bizarrely focusing on the word "tier" vs "top 100" is merely an argument over semantics. I hope that your analysis here is not demonstrative of your legal analysis because if it is, you might want to prepare yourself for some severe disappointments in court.
I said Boyd was a TOP TIER law school. The last time I checked, 1 and 2 came before 3 and 4, so no matter where Boyd is in the top 100 school - it's in a top tier.
Besides, I don't even know why you got your panties in a twist over it - I was referring to people who pay for over-priced J.D. degrees from private schools instead of going to a great in-state law school. You would have fallen into the category of people I was defending, except now that you posted that ridiculous argument, I'm specifically excluding you.
I believe Wilson Elser is very similar to Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith (someone please correct me if I'm wrong). Both are litigation powerhouses, but lower grade powerhouses because they do insurance defense. So kind of like the Wal-Mart of law firms.
ReplyDeleteIf it's similar, then billables would be around 1950 per year, pretty easy to reach, salary is lower than firms like GT or H&H but excellent bonus structure that makes it relatively easy to get a bonus.
Having said all that, both firms treat their lawyers like warm bodies (hence the high turnover rate). Quality depends on the individual attorney and the firm doesn't really care, as long as you're making your billables.
I remember a buddy and me running into what seemed to be two hotties at a local yuppie bar. When they said they were attorneys, we both pitched little tents in our pants. Then, like the proverbial pin in a balloon, they let us know they were Boyd graduates working at ATMS. At that point I turned my attention to the female Mexican bus girl with the mustache and started day dreaming about what our kids might look like if we mated.
ReplyDeleteHow is it the Boyd grads' fault that your inferiority complex over your "little tent" reminds you that they are unattainable and way out of your league?
If you were pitching anything but a pup tent, you might realize that Boyd, while not an amazing school worth $50k a semester and your firstborn to get in, produces many good attorneys. Toss away the haterade.
@ 10:34 - ahahahahahahahha... except for the Boyd grad part. I don't understand why people hate on Boyd so much. Can anyone enlighten me?
ReplyDeleteI hear Edwards is still cleaning house. Associates "leave" only to be replaced the next morning. May just be warm bodies at Lewis but Wilson is different. They actually care who you are.
ReplyDeleteWilson Elser is a fantastic place to work. Great mentorship from the partners who are also friends, and the associates are comrades in arms. The firm encourages a family/work-life balance. Plus, there is a Starbucks in the building. @ Oct. 6 9:29 p.m. Wal Mart? Really? This Wilson Elser lifer with an old school top-tier law degree hopes to see you in court.
ReplyDeletePeople hate on Boyd grads because Boyd grads are taking their jobs.
ReplyDeleteExtremely high turn-around of staff at Wilson Elser.