Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday Open Thread

Happy Friday Everyone!

Get out there and early vote this weekend.


  1. From yesterday. Pretty funny video.

  2. Already voted. And not for "saved the world" Harry Reid!!

    Good ol' Harry, always bringing the lulz.

  3. While watching it I found this one that made me want to hurl. Thought I would share the experience. Misery loves company.


  4. Comment - What do you like most and dislike most about practicing law in Las Vegas?

  5. @ 8:06

    That video made me cry laughing. It reminds me of all the conversations I had with attorneys before law school.

  6. 8:31 - Most - not having to live or practice in Vegas but on rare occasions; least actually having to show up and endure the culture of Las Vegas law.

  7. My favorite part of the first video is "yeah, law students are an awesome bunch. It's like a distilled version of the biggest a-holes you knew in college."

    He left out the part with those socially retarded law students becoming attorneys, and how that magnified their retardedness.

  8. Judge Nancy O's retirement bash last night was one of the greatest (legal) parties...complete with Lady Gaga and Blues Brothers impersonators and a red carpet. Not too many lawyers could command that kind of turnout. Kudos to her!

  9. Despite the viscous nature of this blog, I like practicing law here because I have a lot of friends who are attorneys here and I get along with most of the attorneys I interact with. The pay is decent vis-a-vis the "current" cost of living. The legal community is still relatively small and you can get to know most of the people you will interact with. And finally, living in Vegas means there is always some wonderful gossip/story either happening or right around the corner.

  10. Best part about being a lawyer in Vegas: money just rolls in- even complete morons make it rain here.

    Worst part about being a lawyer in Vegas: complete morons at every turn in every case & State court judges mostly useless and stupid.

    Off-topic addition: the afterhours activities are off-the-hook. They don't party like this Topeka!

  11. Like most: the courthouses are pretty close together compared to other big cities. Having an office downtown means commute and travel times are negligible.

    Dislike most: 90% of potential clients are brokeass sunsabitches who don't have any money. If you offer a free consultation people treat you like Legal Aid. "Oh can you just read this contract?"

  12. Applications for the new Federal Magistrate Judge position are due today. Who is applying?

  13. @9:50 a.m.

    I'm sure Amber Candawhatever will be applying since she has five years of experience doing family law self help.

  14. The best part of being a lawyer in Vegas? Sleeping with all that 14 year old ass.

  15. @10:00 a.m. - Because the older ones have intelligence and would not have your sorry ass? Jerk off.

  16. The Order of Affirmance in O.J.'s case:

  17. "Amber Candawhatever" - brilliant.

    The sad truth is that in Vegas Amber is probably a serious contender for the position. This is a town where Gloria Navarro and Johnnie Rawlinson became federal judges. This is a town where people like Stefany Miley get to make inportant decisions affecting clients with mult-million dollar claims.

    In Clark County, Nevada, the best and brightest lawyers, for the most part, are not becoming judges.

  18. Wow re Simpson. I thought they'd send it back at lesat once.

  19. I'm not sure you have to be the "best and brightest" to make a good state court judge. It's a "labor" position. You have to be considerate and have a willingness to delve into the law when it's required.
    But yeah, most of our judges suck.

  20. "I'm not sure you have to be the 'best and brightest' to make a good state court judge."

    That should be the motto inscribed above the entrance to the RJC.

  21. The Court reversed the conviction for Simpson's co-defendant. The case is remanded for a new trial based on a finding that Judge Glass abused her discretion in failing to sever the trials.

  22. Most of the best and brightest attorneys who are qualified to run for district court judge (10 years of practice) would have to take a cut in pay to accept the position, so they will not normally gravitate toward the position. That then leaves attorneys seeking a sunset to their careers (some of whom would make good judges) and people who can't earn $160,000 per year after 10 years of practice. There is the occasional candidate who has a compelling drive to give back to the community, but that is rare...

  23. "Despite the viscous nature of this blog, I like practicing law here because I have a lot of friends who are attorneys here and I get along with most of the attorneys I interact with. The pay is decent vis-a-vis..."

    I had to stop reading at this point. Let me guess, you have your secretary get people on the phone for you and when you pick up you say "this is Attorney [fill in name]"

    Please view the video in the first post.

  24. Worst: Majority of Judges are idiots who disregard the law and procedural rules because they are afraid to actually MAKE a decision.

  25. @8:09am, you made that morning with that video. SMU is a fair to middlin' university, but ... JD's Chippery, that snack room, that study room, Peggy Sue BBQ, the Burger House.

    Gotta holla fo' Highland Park!

  26. I love the description of law students. He should have gone further to state that law students are collectively the largest herd of mutants and law hags to congregate in any one institution. And, has anyone seen Boyd's campus? By far the worst. Talk about people that lost the genetic lottery. Not only are they ugly, they are seriously mutated. And, it isn't like they were able to make up for their mutations by their cunning intelligence. For the pompous Boyd graduates reading this post thinking they are the exception, well you are not. You just have a big enough asshat on to pretend you are the shit as you ogle over very ordinary women who, in your pathetic mutated world, have become the equivalent to supermodels.

  27. The video in the first post is brilliant. One of the funniest things is that the comments below I ton Youtube prove that it is 100% accurate.

    Someone posts a video about how empty and pointless life as an attorney is and how you deal with assholes all day, and then the legal community responds with 9 pages of comments bickering about who makes more money and what school they attended. What better proof of the truth of the video do you need?

  28. I'm pretty sure the first video is an actual conversation from the diary of Amber Candawhatever.

    And for those of you who haven't had the pleasure of getting to know Amber personally, you should know she actually has aspirations of . . . (you should probably stop eating, drinking or driving at this point). . . becoming a Supreme Court Justice!

    Put that in your bong an smoke it people!

    Happy weekend!

  29. @ 8:09 - video was great. good to know they can take out from their finals to make a rap video

  30. Pow! Video was great. Rappin' lawya's throwing up big double kickstands in your face! BLAM! Yeah!

  31. I have to disagree with 11:18. While the Boyd law ladies may not be stunning on campus, after seeing a bunch of them dressed up at Noir/LAX this past weekend, I was impressed. While no supermodels, some were better looking than the cocktail staff (and isn't that the measure of beauty in Vegas?). Now concerning the guys at Boyd law, you were correct. With few exceptions, they are mostly unattractive and overly pompous

  32. Yes, makeup and clothes can do wonders for Boyd women, cocktail waitresses, and even cracked out strippers. At least we agree on the "gentlemen of Boyd."

  33. at 11:18, it wasn't just the makeup and clothes, many are acutally quite pretty, like I said, no VS models, but better looking than the girls I've seen on other law campuses.

  34. Anybody know what's going on with the police brigade around the RJC? My guess is another bomb threat.

  35. 1:44 - The Sun says it's a suspicious package at a parking garage near 3rd and Clark.

    I've heard that it's an odd package under a police car at the County parking garage near the detention center.

  36. Can't wait to get out of this hell hole, take an entire bottle of ambien, chase it with some Xanax, and wash it all down with a bottle of scotch. How I love weekends.

  37. I wonder what the laid off electrician who just moved his family out of their home and into a trailer after holding a scorched earth garage sale would think reading the pity posts from all of the poor attorneys.
    I have a vision of him playing the world's smallest violin.

  38. @2:00:
    Are you disgraced Nye County DA Bob Beckett?

  39. 2:09- Good one. No, just don't want to deal with my dog of a wife who can't manage to leave the house on weekends.

  40. @2:28- Wow, great life choices!

  41. I voted four times already. Yeah, quadruple kickstands baby!!!!!

  42. 2:00 PM: Whoa! Great plan. I wish I had some great scrips. Maybe I will swing by my local high school on the way home and get me some good drugs to wash down with scotch.

    Thanks for the advice.

  43. Bam bitch! Scotch in your face bitch!!!

  44. Time to go get my DRAAAANK on....

  45. I wanna get drunk with double kickstands guy. I will have either 1) found my new favorite drinking buddy, or 2) kicked his ass because he annoyed the shit out of me. Either way is a win win for me

  46. double kickstands guy = G Dallas Horton

  47. Did the D.A.'s office make offers for the two positions yet? If so, who got the jobs?

  48. i dig your style, 4:35 -- you can never have too much awesomeness around

  49. I'd love to see 11:18 I'm guessing with that much anger life has not been good to you. Probably a picture of you next to the word mutant in the dick tionary.

  50. Pow bitch! Loving guys yeah! Bam double kickstands in your face!!!

  51. The two hardest races for me are in this piece

    Clark County Judges Part II

    It's been fun watching them all this cycle though

  52. "I'd love to see 11:18 I'm guessing with that much anger life has not been good to you. Probably a picture of you next to the word mutant in the dick tionary."

    Nah. I just think that they are just referring to the two trolls who had sex on Markell's desk in the law review office. True story...

  53. Bam bitch! Suck on that! Pow!!!!


    Plenty of Hot Law Chicks

  55. So, which of these "hot" law chicks had sex on Markell's desk? Was it the slutty looking one in the teal/blue dress or the short fat one in the black dress with the lady liberty thing on her head? Or both?

  56. All of the law chicks look slutty-- perhaps it was both?

  57. Another funny video.

  58. If it takes a 10 minute monologue to deliver the punchline the joke isn't that funny.

  59. "The Aristocrats!"

    Word verification: deush

  60. Word verification :

