Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday Open Thread

Happy Friday everyone!

What's happening?


  1. Any advice for July 2010 bar exam takers who will receive the results in less than a week? I can't stop vomiting...

  2. Stop being a little bitch

  3. That photo is terribly racist. That show was aired at a time when African Americans were routinely portrayed on television as loud, colorful, shiftless boobs. What a horrible perpetuation of stereotype.

  4. New Federal Magistrate Judge Position posted. Who is applying?

  5. Give up my autonomy and upper 6 figure solo practice income for $160k and becoming a Target on WWL?

    Of course, I will. It's better than running for election against the perpetual candidates.

  6. @8:21 -- The photo is not racist. It is a picture of a family. It is YOUR interpretation that is racist.

  7. I love that fat little nigga, rerun

  8. This blog is really going down hill. Elle Woods - get on here and edit.

  9. 8:04
    Having watched a number of eager bar takers await [doomsday] bar results, I suggest that you skip work on bar results day. You will be useless. If you pass, you won't want to be there and if the worst happens, will be humiliated in front everyone.
    Best of luck.

  10. I love this blog for all of it's irreverence. However, it's quickly turning into Craigslist "Rants & Raves" with the ridiculous racist statements and troll-baiting. It really needs to stop.
    By the way, where is "Double Kickstands" guy?

  11. that show is full of class acts.


  12. That's My Momma
    Sanford & Son
    What's Happennin'?
    Good Times
    The Jeffersons
    Diff'rent Strokes

    Common theme - African Americans unfairly portrayed as being inherently ghetto. Even on The Jeffersons and Diff'rent Strokes, the underlying message was that even if you took an African American out of the ghetto, he'd still be ghetto.

  13. @ 9:11

    You forgot several

    Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids

    That's My Mama

    Gimme a Break

    The Richard Pryor Show

    Fresh Prince of Bel Air



    Get Christy Love

    Room 222


  14. I was in my late teens when that show was on. Seeing the photo brought back bittersweet memories of happy daze.
    I remember how we changed the channel as fast as we could. Rerun was a retard and the show was a real buzzkill. Especially the fat lady who always looked like she was going to kick your ass. Hated her the most.

  15. Freddie "Boom Boom" Washington

  16. So, who is going to seek the appointment to replace Dave Wall at the RJC?
    Everybody I know who would make a good judge probably make too much bank to apply.
    PS: The black sitcoms of yesteryear were not racist or blacksploitation.
    They were naive attempts to introduce a largely white audience to the black perspective.
    They were failures, but they weren't racists.

  17. Amos n' Andy was racist. Step n' Fetchit was racist. I never thought of these 1970's shows as being racist in that sense.

  18. @9:11 - Just because the black characters in those shows speak a certain way, doesn't mean they're ghetto.

  19. @9:10

    I promised to take a month of to regain my sanity a couple weeks ago. I be back at the end of the month or so. By the way I'm not the one using racial slurs, that's some other troll.

  20. This is a good topic, but what does it have to do with the Las Vegas legal community?

    And by the way, how about that tap dancin' garbageman Louie on "Chico and the Man"?

  21. everyone - what is your age?

    33 here

  22. Online I'm 27 and hot. Offline I'm 50 and a little too hairy. What's it to you?

  23. to 9:10--

    Let me get this straight, you complain how this blog has gone downhill, yet you encourage the "Double Kickstand" guy to make an apperance? I don't get it.

  24. Uh, hello?

    Sanford and Son!

    You BIG DUMMY!

    I LOVED that show. When I was twelve.

  25. That photo is from "What's Happening Now?" and not the original "What's Happening?"

    Good Times was actually a pretty decent show until it became the JJ Kid Dy-no-mite Show.

  26. Hey, hey, hey.

    What's Happening was not racist, it was groundbreaking. It was rare at that time to have any show featuring black characters and a black family.

    Was Happy Days anti-white? It played up a lot of stereotypes: the quiet disconnected dad, the bad Italian on the motor cycles, the dopey redheaded kid, the stay-at-home mom without a clue.

    Many TV shows still play off stereotypes. It doesn't make them racist.

    And Fred Berry brought lockin' and poppin' to the masses. Without Berry poppin' may not be known outside of Fresno.

  27. 10:23:
    I wasn't encouraging him. Although, seeing "Yeah! Double kickstands in your face!" made me laugh. I don't care for the racist statements made recently. It is one thing to address cultural differences and perception. Using the N word for the soul purpose of offending or generating responses is another.
    Some time ago, somebody posted a comment on the ladies of the PD's office. Nothing offensive really, when you compare it to the nasty, mean-spirited bile which is spewed on here daily. It generated an angry reply from somebody who may have been a PD. And no, I'm not that poster. There really don't appear to be any retorts to the race-baiting. I just feel that the racist slurs compromise the relative legitimacy that this blog has.
    Just my humble opinion. I'm off the soapbox. Next!

  28. I'm going to agree with 10:58. Let's limit this blog to relevant legal issues,....and the mystery of the BK Hottie Sasquatch. We can add a little Stokes and Holper, Bluetooth Douche, judicial rumours, etc. The racism really does take it to a new low that we may never ascend from.

  29. "Uh, hello?

    Sanford and Son!"

    You crazy, Grady ...

    Mebbe thass why they call you Crazy Grady!

    Ah, my college days ...

  30. 8:04 if I were you I'd just slit my wrists now.

    Best case scenario is you'll pass and then you'll become a do-bitch for Alverson Taylor or one of those types of sweat shops.

    Then, even after you work your way past that you'll still be an attorney. I weep for you.

  31. I have hired 2 3L Boyd law clerks in the past four years for part/full time work. I am in litigation so i need some basic research and writing skills for briefs and such. Both 3Ls have been practically useless. I know it's not the best sampling but still. What do the hiring lawyers out there do to get quality law clerks? Maybe I just picked duds. Every law school has them. I don't want to invite a Boyd rant. Does Boyd train it's students for litigation style legal research and writing? Is it more academic then real world? I hired a 3L expecting work to be done and I have been really disappointed. It seems like the only alternative is to hired disbarred lawyers but I don't want that either. I did hire a Boyd grad and that person was below average. It took that person more than once to pass the bar. WTF.

  32. Re: Sanford and Son-

    I always loved the two cops who were partners and showed up from time to time.

    One white guy, who spoke "stereotypically white" and one black guy who spoke "stereotypically black" and the black guy would "translate" for the white guy:

    "We are here to ascertain the identity of the perpetrator of the felonious activity"

    Translation: "We're trying to find the chump that ripped you off..."

    Very funny!

  33. Considering something like 80% of Boyd grads pass the bar, you probably did not select well.

    Switching topics, what is the best steakhouse in Vegas?

  34. Law clerks for the most part are useless. I've probably hired ten in the last seven years and about 80% of them gave it the dedication you'd expect a highschool student to give a summer job. It's not just Boyd students though it's pretty universal.

    The only way to possibly get some quality work is to tell them that it may turn into an associate position after they pass the bar.

    Or you could always just hire 8:04 you know that poor sap won't pass the bar. yuk yuk yuk

  35. I think it is just your hiring skills....but i agree, you have to tell them that if you are satisfied with their work, they might have a position after the bar

  36. "nigga" is not derogatory or racist, rather "nigger" would be racist. Black people call each other "nigga" all the time, so are they racist against there own race?

  37. I'm white and I call other white people white trash but then again, yes, I am racist against my own race.....

  38. 10:58. I knew I wasn't the only one who thought it was funny. Still my word is my bond, see you all towards the end of the month.

  39. Court: Is counsel ready to proceed?
    Counsel: Yes judge.
    Court: Go ahead please.
    Counsel: FUNLV!

  40. I think it's pretty funny that someone went on a rant about Howard Brooks in the Costco blog. Talk about random.

    P.S. Whoever got the kickstand guy going again. . . slap yourself.

  41. Peter Gibbons: What would you do if you had a million dollars?

    Lawrence: I'll tell you what I'd do, man: two chicks at the same time, man.

    Peter Gibbons: That's it? If you had a million dollars, you'd do two chicks at the same time?

    Lawrence: Damn straight. I always wanted to do that, man. And I think if I were a millionaire I could hook that up, too; 'cause chicks dig dudes with money.

    Peter Gibbons: Well, not all chicks.

    Lawrence: Well, the type of chicks that'd double up on a dude like me do.

    Peter Gibbons: Good point.

  42. Lawrence: FUNR!

    Peter Gibbons: Good point.

  43. Opposing Counsel: Objection your honor. The record clearly states "FUNR".

    Judge: Sustained.

  44. Counsel: now hold on one second judge!
    Court: yes?
    Counsel: I need to make my record!
    Court: Go ahead then.
    Counsel: madam reporter will you please read back the testimony of the expert witness, when he was asked which school would win?
    Court Reporter: Question: Mr. Expert, what school will win the game this weekend? Answer [by expert wit]: well based on my analyses, I came to the conclusion of FUNLV!!!

  45. Best Steakhouse.


    Wherever you go in the entire country. Its the same awesomeness, same menu and same perfect service. To bad I got run out of town and banished to Helena, Montana to work in a job that does not require bar admission. No Morton's there.

  46. Ha! What a loser. Right after graduating Boyd I scored a a job with six figures attached to it, a brand new BMW as an enticement to join their team, and a hot looking secretary that sucks my cock every morning when I show up to work.

    Aaahhh. . . I knew this is what it would be like when I finally graduated law school.

  47. @1:22 So you are saying a law degree from Boyd is the gateway to a career in gay porn?

  48. JR is NOT the BK Hottie.

  49. Great thread! Niggers, fags and Boyd graduates.

    Has anyone noticed the Supremes finally posted a new decision today? Lewis Brisbois lost. Ha ha.

    Mortons sucks.

  50. Circus Circus has a pretty good steakhouse. And quite frankly I like the atmosphere. Of course, I'm a single female who likes to feel dirty, but hey you might like the place too.

  51. @1:13pm: Helena, eh? You used to be able to get one hell of a steak - chewy but cheap - at the Hermitage. But even if the Hermitage is gone, there's always Hap's, or at least there used to be, anyway; right down by the NP yard. It first opened in something like 1863 and was still in the same building over 100 years later. I used to bartend there - round about 33 years ago. VO ditch, pard?

    I've often wondered if any of these ol' Helena places are still around:

    The Silver Slipper - it was a cowboy stop'n'sock in a big ol' Quonset hut, not that far from Hap's;

    The Diggins - combo rock club & card room, a fine place to get pig pukey f-ed up on a Frinady night;

    O'Toole's - on Last Chance Gulch. Characters galore. Met a drifer there who showed me "a moon rock - Nixon gave it to me." And then there was the Irish guy who had just gotten a copy of his birth certificate: "I'm alive, and I can prove it! Now I can go back to sea!" Uh, dude; you're in Helena...;

    Red Meadow - my pal Dallas Olson lived in the flop house upstairs from this fine establishment. When he got out of the Air Force he swore that he was never going to shave or get his hair cut ever again; I was similarly coiffed at the time. Whenever we'd go downstairs to grab a 6er to go, the place would go silent, except for the jukebox. As soon as we exited out the swinging saloon doors the place would go up for grabs: HAW HAW HAW! WAS THEM BOYS, OR WAS THEM GIRLS? HAW HAW HAW! About a year later the Waylon & Willie outlaw craze finally hit Helena, and those ol' boys went to looking freakier than we ever did;

    Sandy Mac's - in East Helena; the honky tonk where Charley Pride got his start, while he was working at the copper smelter across the highway;

    The Friendly York Tavreen - I actually lived out in York, up in Trout Creek Canyon, a former gold boomtown littered with old cyanide drums left over from the old processing mill and more blind vertical shafts than you could have fallen into in a lifetime. The Tavreen was only "friendly" if you actually lived in York - otherwise, get out & stay out!

    How the hell did I ever end up in Las Vegas?

  52. Doesnt anybody have any work to do? Losers.

  53. @1:13pm: Helena, eh? You used to be able to get one hell of a steak - chewy but cheap - at the Hermitage. But even if the Hermitage is gone, there's always Hap's, or at least there used to be, anyway; right down by the NP yard. It first opened in something like 1863 and was still in the same building over 100 years later. I used to bartend there - round about 33 years ago. VO ditch, pard?

    I've often wondered if any of these ol' Helena places are still around:

    The Silver Slipper - it was a cowboy stop'n'sock in a big ol' Quonset hut, not that far from Hap's;

    The Diggins - combo rock club & card room, a fine place to get pig pukey f-ed up on a Frinady night;

    O'Toole's - on Last Chance Gulch. Characters galore. Met a drifer there who showed me "a moon rock - Nixon gave it to me." And then there was the Irish guy who had just gotten a copy of his birth certificate: "I'm alive, and I can prove it! Now I can go back to sea!" Uh, dude; you're in Helena...;

    Red Meadow - my pal Dallas Olson lived in the flop house upstairs from this fine establishment. When he got out of the Air Force he swore that he was never going to shave or get his hair cut ever again; I was similarly coiffed at the time. Whenever we'd go downstairs to grab a 6er to go, the place would go silent, except for the jukebox. As soon as we exited out the swinging saloon doors the place would go up for grabs: HAW HAW HAW! WAS THEM BOYS, OR WAS THEM GIRLS? HAW HAW HAW! About a year later the Waylon & Willie outlaw craze finally hit Helena, and those ol' boys went to looking freakier than we ever did;

    Sandy Mac's - in East Helena; the honky tonk where Charley Pride got his start, while he was working at the copper smelter across the highway;

    The Friendly York Tavreen - I actually lived out in York, up in Trout Creek Canyon, a former gold boomtown littered with old cyanide drums left over from the old processing mill and more blind vertical shafts than you could have fallen into in a lifetime. The Tavreen was only "friendly" if you actually lived in York - otherwise, get out & stay out!

    How the hell did I ever end up in Las Vegas?

  54. @1:13pm: Helena, eh? You used to be able to get one hell of a steak - chewy but cheap - at the Hermitage. But even if the Hermitage is gone, there's always Hap's, or at least there used to be, anyway; right down by the NP yard. It first opened in something like 1863 and was still in the same building over 100 years later. I used to bartend there - round about 33 years ago. VO ditch, pard?

    I've often wondered if any of these ol' Helena places are still around:

    The Silver Slipper - it was a cowboy stop'n'sock in a big ol' Quonset hut, not that far from Hap's;

    The Diggins - combo rock club & card room, a fine place to get pig pukey f-ed up on a Frinady night;

    O'Toole's - on Last Chance Gulch. Characters galore. Met a drifer there who showed me "a moon rock - Nixon gave it to me." And then there was the Irish guy who had just gotten a copy of his birth certificate: "I'm alive, and I can prove it! Now I can go back to sea!" Uh, dude; you're in Helena...;

    Red Meadow - my pal Dallas Olson lived in the flop house upstairs from this fine establishment. When he got out of the Air Force he swore that he was never going to shave or get his hair cut ever again; I was similarly coiffed at the time. Whenever we'd go downstairs to grab a 6er to go, the place would go silent, except for the jukebox. As soon as we exited out the swinging saloon doors the place would go up for grabs: HAW HAW HAW! WAS THEM BOYS, OR WAS THEM GIRLS? HAW HAW HAW! About a year later the Waylon & Willie outlaw craze finally hit Helena, and those ol' boys went to looking freakier than we ever did;

    Sandy Mac's - in East Helena; the honky tonk where Charley Pride got his start, while he was working at the copper smelter across the highway;

    The Friendly York Tavreen - I actually lived out in York, up in Trout Creek Canyon, a former gold boomtown littered with old cyanide drums left over from the old processing mill and more blind vertical shafts than you could have fallen into in a lifetime. The Tavreen was only "friendly" if you actually lived in York - otherwise, get out & stay out!

    How the hell did I ever end up in Las Vegas?

  55. @1:13pm: Helena, eh? You used to be able to get one hell of a steak - chewy but cheap - at the Hermitage. But even if the Hermitage is gone, there's always Hap's, or at least there used to be, anyway; right down by the NP yard. It first opened in something like 1863 and was still in the same building over 100 years later. I used to bartend there - round about 33 years ago. VO ditch, pard?

    Then there was The Red Meadow - my pal Dallas Olson lived in the flop house upstairs from this fine establishment. When he got out of the Air Force he swore that he was never going to shave or get his hair cut ever again; I was similarly coiffed at the time. Whenever we'd go downstairs to grab a 6er to go, the place would go silent, except for the jukebox. As soon as we exited out the swinging saloon doors the place would go up for grabs: HAW HAW HAW! WAS THEM BOYS, OR WAS THEM GIRLS? HAW HAW HAW! About a year later the Waylon & Willie outlaw craze finally hit Helena, and those ol' boys went to looking freakier than we ever did.

    How the hell did I ever survive to end up in Las Vegas?

  56. Carnevino at the Venetian is the best.

    Mortons is a step up from Sizzler

  57. Steak? Just go to Whole Foods and get some aged prime bona fide organic homo hippie cow parts. Seriously, the super aged prime stuff is dang good. I used to wince spending $30 for a hunk of meat, but it tastes soooo gooood! A touch of salt and pepper just before you toss it on the grill. Bam, great steak. I can't eat the crap they sell at Smith's any more. Free range cows rock.

  58. Yes, the racist stuff in awful. I think most of us ignore it and hope it goes away. Seems better than responding to it and encouraging more of it.

    But more importantly, the BK Hottie was incorrectly identified? Whoa. The mystery lives.

  59. You are all racist! and losers.

  60. @ 2:41:

    I am not racist, racism is a crime, and crime is for black people.

    I am not racist, I just wanted to say that. lol.

  61. 3:04 Serious spit out my drink laughing.


  62. Worst thread ever! Yawn.

  63. 1:55 Sandy Macs is still there last time I was in Helena. I almost went there out of school but I couldn't stand two of the four partners at the firm where I summered there. Nice town, but $50k plus no benefits is not enticing.

  64. @3:49 Worst thread ever? How about worst attorney ever?

    AKA Howard Brooks.

  65. 4:45 - fuck you. Howard is by no means the worst attorney ever. In fact, he's a great attorney who works hard and does his best for his clients. It's an honor to work with him.
    JoNell Thomas - yes, it's really me. I'm not hiding behind a cowardly "anonymous" label.

  66. I agree with Jonell. STFU about Howard.

  67. I'm with JoNell. Howard Brooks is a phenomenal attorney (and so are you JoNell).

  68. Sometimes in life you are judged by the people you associate with. Sometimes you judge yourself by the people you associate with. Up until today, I have posted on this forum and laughed about some of the nonsense that is posted here by others, about others and even about me. However, if you would have asked me a few months ago if I would participate in a forum where racists, misogynists and gay haters post,I would say no. Even anonymously, I cannot associate with some of the ignorant fuckers on here. What's really scary is that many of the jerk-offs that spew the filth on here are members of our legal community who work in Court and represent the profession to the public. So, I quit. I will not read this forum or post anymore. Good riddance.

  69. I'm the most inappropriate dude here and I'll be the first to admit the racist shit is getting to be a bit much. Do all the double kickstands, blue tooth doucheing, and "Lawyer X is a retard" you want, but don't be a flipping coward ass racist. Just hate Mormons, Boyd grads, and anybody who becomes a success...

  70. @11:21

    Flemings on Charleston.

    Or Hanks at Green Valley Ranch
    (Problem with Hanks is it will cost $1000 for gour)

  71. Yeah, the race stuff is kind of over the top. Ignore it. Guilt by association is a much used but completely baseless means of tarnishing the innocnet, so don't block this blog because one or two posters are inappropriate.

  72. 11:18 - have you considered that you may not be paying enough to attract high quality candidates? Or, even though you seem like a nice enough guy, could you have a bad reputation as an employer which could deter good candidates from applying? It may also depend upon the type of law you practice - people who aspire to work in larger firms and have a shot at it may not want to have certain types of practice (I've seen references to "shitlaw" on this board) on their resumes.

  73. offensive, obnoxious, inappropriate... outrageous.

  74. JoNell, r u serious? piss off. "fuck you" from a work computer? i screen printed it just to be sure i wasn't seeing things

  75. And to call others cowardly for posting anonymously to an anonymous board is pathetic. I used to respect you.

  76. To the people commenting on Boyd grads:

    I graduated from Boyd last year and I'm entering my 2nd year as an attorney. I'm phenomenal at legal research, I write great legal analysis and argument (yes I know I'm tootin my own horn here, sorry, just trying to make a point), I can turn a case inside out and find all the strengths/weaknesses of it and come up with creative, rational arguments. I'm great with people (and we all know that many lawyers are not), I actually like being a lawyer, and I'm a hard worker.

    Having said all that, I'm trying to leave my firm and finding it nearly IMPOSSIBLE to even get an interview, let alone a new job.

    What is the secret to getting hired at a law office?!? Does the fact that I'm female weigh heavily in the hiring process? I'm not looking at the huge powerhouse firms, that's what I'm trying to get AWAY from. I'd really like some suggestions from people about how to actually get hired, if you have any...

  77. Yes I will help, take one class at a school like Harvard, and then prominently list Harvard on your resume. Works for others....

  78. I've never seen a turd wear glasses until I saw a picture of one on the cover of the R.J.

    Who names their turds anyway? Couldn't they have come up with a better name than "Howard?"

  79. JoNell. Oh how brave you are! Sticking up for poor innocent little Howard. Cunt. You and Howie can both bite me. I work in your office and know you both very well.

  80. JoNell and Howard don't even work in the same office you dope.

  81. Oh snap. Attorneys be gettin all Lord of The Flies up in here.

  82. 10:21. La Dee Freakin Da. I confused JoNell with some other dumb cunt that works at the PDs office. I don't exactly see Egon Spengler, I mean Howard everyday either. So you can bite me too.

  83. There aren't any c-nts in Howards office. A couple huge sluts, sure, but not a single c-nt.

  84. Notice how many old timers are passing away? I would suggest that this is caused by the glut of new attorneys who have no concept of practicing law. Would rather litigate against an experienced attorney who knows what they are doing rather than a newbie who you have to educate on the rules and laws and the judges let get away with ridiculous arguments. Most need remedial law school.

  85. @ 11:24

    Are you reffering to Trish Palm?

  86. Jen S. Huge cunt and a slut. Just ask the guy she seems to always be staying late with. No name naming, but she is stepping out on her hubby for sure.

  87. The postings the last couple of days have really gone beyond the pale in terms of ignorant, racist and sexist posts. I guess I expected an open (and responsible) anonymous forum for legal news in the local community. And, let's face, attorneys are generally pretty funny.

    That said, hiding behind anonymity to call two of the best local attorneys (criminal trial and criminal appellate), a turd and a cunt is bullshit. Whoever you are, I'm sad I have to practice in the same community as you, you fucking oxygen thief. You (or the couple of you) are cowards. You would never call either of those attorneys those names to their faces.

    You don't like them personally - fine. But run their stats and you will quickly see you are dealing with highly accomplished attorneys.

    This blog is now so reprehensible, I have found a reason to get my legal news fix from the Nevada Lawyer.

  88. Wow. These comments are really starting to jump the shark completely. It's too bad, I was a huge Wild Wild Law proponent a few years ago when it first came out. Now all the miserable idiots are taking over. I can't imagine that any of the ridiculously negative comments come from any decent practitioner. I'm not even pleading for civility here - just minimal decency.

  89. @10:46

    Completely agree!

  90. 10:46 AM - Don't cut and run. Stay and fight to keep this blog civil!

  91. 11:17 and 11:23

    You don't have to refer to a poster as her time when she identifies herself by her name - even if the name is fake - like Legally Unbound, who I miss terribly. Rather you can say, Heidi, I agree with your position and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

  92. Are there any local judges worth clerking for? Did anyone here clerk? Was it worthwhile?

  93. That photo is terribly racist. That show was aired at a time when African Americans were routinely portrayed on television as loud, colorful, shiftless boobs. What a horrible perpetuation of stereotype.

    by October 1, 2010 8:21 AM

    This ridiculous PC comment is what started the derogatory comments. Shame on you, troll.

  94. The photo was a promotional photo for a television show. 8:21's interpretation of it their OWN view of what that television show meant for Afro Am ppl.

    Unless that particular show was INTENDED to be racist towards black families, that reads like a fallacy-laden stimulus for a trick LSAT question on, "The conclusion that this image perpetuates a stereotype is wrong because:"

  95. October 1, 2010 9:28 PM: You have already discovered that there seems to be no demand for your services at this time. I regret I don't have much encouraging comment to offer, but I thought a slightly wider perspective might at least ameliorate your frustration somewhat.

    My quick read on your comment is that you work in commercial not consumer practice; I stand corrected if my assessment is in error. Aside from the state of the economy which is with only the occasional exception not showing demand for attorneys without transportable book, the fact is that it is quite rare, for a variety of reasons, for a commercial law firm to accept a lateral hire less than three years out. I suggest you batten down the hatches until that time, unless you fear an imminent layoff. Best of good fortune in your career.

  96. Certainly in Las Vegas (and I'm sure elsewhere) your ability to lateral is contingent on your networking skills. Call it juice or whatever, but knowing the right people is what is most important. Your peers and attorneys you work with will be the best advocates you can have when looking for a job at other shops. If they know you are interested in looking elsewhere, they may not even advertise the position.

  97. As with any internet forum, ignore the trolls and they will go away. Feed them and they will proliferate.

    I too enjoy this blog and even in this thread there are some nuggets of good information amid the bile.

    So, the solution is simple. Ignore the trolls. Don't feed them. Simple enough, right?

  98. JoNell, JoNell....I think someone is a little too big for her britches. You're nothing to write home about. You can toot you and Howard's horn all you want but it falls mostly on deaf ears.

  99. You people are fucking stupid. That was not JoNell. She doesn't even work with Howard. Second, the comment was posted after 5, no way government attorneys are in the office after 5 on a Friday. Third, JoNell would never post something like that on this blog.

  100. I'm a newly licensed criminal defense attorney and from what I've heard from others, JoNell and Howard Brooks are highly respected legal minds. In fact, if you are in need of a state appeal, their two names have come up with a lot of respect. Just looking at the logistics, they're not commercial lawyers and yet everyone on this blog knows who they guys can hate all you want, but the fact still remains, you'll never be nearly as respected as those two.

  101. This blog has a troll virus. Too bad. I was a fan.

  102. All I read are people complaining about racist remarks but I don't see any.

  103. Why so serious?
    I work for criminals and they pay me well, because they're selling what everyone wants: Drugs, sex, and more drugs.
    Nuff said.
    Remember folks, do not overlook the main objective here...$$$$$
