Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Open Thread

Happy Friday everyone!

What else is going on in the legal world?


  1. Are you kidding? What else is there right now?

  2. Government attorney, sex scandal, 6 figure job in jeopardy. What the hell else do we need? It's got the makings of a cheesy tv legal drama. Where is Ray Kazmarick, when you need him?

  3. GT binged and now it must purge.

  4. Anyone confirm these GT rumors I'm hearing?

  5. GT = Greenberg Traurig, AKA the only real law firm in town

  6. Purge? I heard they no-offered the 2 summers they had. Are they also canning some real attys?

  7. So my boss occasionally has meetings with the partner in the office next to mine. I can almost hear what he's saying by putting my ear up to the wall, but not quite. Should I invest in a stethoscope to eavesdrop on their conversations, or should I just continue in ignorance of what's going on in the firm?

  8. @9:40 -- Go back to your job at Jack in the Box where you belong. What an idiotic question.

  9. This blog is so funny. I want you to know that in my high school everyone reads it at lunch time. We are trying to figure out what high school put this blog out. You guys rock.

    Have you guys got any feedback from real lawyers?

  10. Oh booooo hoooo 9:59!!! 28 and still in high school. Deal with it.

  11. Someone is scrappy today.

  12. does anyone know the inmates name or charges? Obviously it was child molestation but does anyone know anything else?

  13. No, YOU rock, 9:59.

  14. The alleged BJ is a lie. She gave him a photo of herself. Don't know if it was rated X or a glamour shot or a family Christmas card photo, but no blow job on film or video.
    Don't all you gossipy cannibal bitches feel bad?
    Word verification: truthiness

  15. I don't feel bad. Anyone else?

  16. wait how do we know that what you ae saying is true? do you have this on good grounds?

  17. Surpised no one followed up on 10/13 8:45pms comment on judge blowing her bailiff.......

  18. @10:12
    Hi Stacey! recognize my junk?!

    Word verification: BLOW ME NOW

  19. cuz judge on bailiff BJ's are not illegal maybe?

  20. 10:21 good point....i thought it was actually a justice of peace though

  21. huh what judge/justice of the peace? damn I feel left out....

  22. I know of 2 lawyers who were let go by GT. Sucks to be them. But I also know they got an acceptable severance package.

  23. @10:09 - Not necessarily a child molester. The sex assault team also handles adult sex assault cases.

  24. Off topic, ever since my wife read the BJ story, she has been, how shall we say, very generous.

    Thanks Stacy!

  25. @9:40

    Do what every other associate does that wants more information or wants to keep his/her -- forego the stethascope, buy a set of knee pads, and just relax your jaw as your bosses chub goes in. It is the ONLY factor I consider in deciding which associates are going to stay.

  26. not sure if this guy has taken the Nevada Bar yet

  27. @ 10:47 - very true but the high percentage of cases is child molestation. But you're right I shouldn't assume

  28. @ 11:17 - tht attorney should come here and run for judge. He'd probably win

  29. Nice techmical terminology used by 10:12 a.m.

    "gossipy cannibal bitches"

  30. And yet 10:12, you read it all..................


  32. Little yellow car, driven by idiot teenage, early 20's girl. BILL KAPALKA LAWYER written all over it. Front, back and sides.

    Driving like a psycho east on Craig Road serving in and out of traffic and guess what: TEXTING WITH BOTH HANDS ON TOP OF THE STEERING WHEEL.

    Bill needs to be more careful with who drives his car. 791-BILL

  33. @10:12. Unless your Stacey, how the f do you know with such certainty either way. Were you there? Doubt it. What about the excessive contact visits? Explain that away.
    Your Word Verification: Lousyspincontrol

  34. @ 8:39am

    Pete Kaczmarek

  35. 10:12 here.
    Sorry for the delayed response. Such is life for those of us with a job.
    Listen, I don't have to tell you my sources. This is a tabloid website for crying out loud.
    I will tell you my sources are unimpeachable and time will prove me right.
    I do not know the attorney in question. She is not my friend. We've never met.
    But that doesn't mean I'm going to stand by and let a bunch of sharks devour her, her career and her family over wild and crude speculation.
    What you guys are doing borders on the criminal. You might be anonymous, but she certainly isn't.
    Enough is enough.
    Word verification: Presumption of innocence.

  36. @129

    Yeah, because a blog of little real consequence is capable of devouring her and her career. SHE however is capable of devouring a clients sweaty unwashed genitalia.

    Yum. Here comes my lunch.

  37. @ 1:29 - I know this attorney, we're not friends but I know her on a professional level and I really hope your sources are right. Giving an inmate a picture seems a lot more believable. I realize we all love the juicy gossip, and oral sex sounds is more "sexy" but I still can't see this particular attorney engaging in oral sex with an inmate. I just don't believe it

  38. Word Verification: Scarlet Letter

  39. @1:45
    And people who knew Ted Bundy could not see him doing what he did either. Such sentiment is worh less than nothing.

  40. 10:12: Of course this is a tabloid website!! If you were NOT aware of that you are a:
    Word Verification: Dumb Ass

  41. @ 2:07, yes, I understand that. However, Ted Bundy had some mental issues whereas this would be a lack in judgment, doubtful it would be a sign of a mental issue. So what I am saying is that I cannot see her having this lack in judgment.

  42. @ 1:45 and 2:19

    Remember a couple weeks ago when a slew of posts stuck up for Stan Walton after Judge Cadish threw him in the slammer for contempt? None of those posters could believe that he would do anything untoward.

    verification word: nieve

  43. Ted Bundy had mental issues? Well he isn't the only one. If you are going down on sex offenders I am guessing you might have them to. Thing is, Ted had lots of people convinced he was a smart, upcoming attorney who was politicaly connected. He worked at the rape crisis line and he worked on Governor Evans' campaign. Was a law student as well... People LOVED the guy....

  44. . . . . . and people loved John Wayne Gacy. He was such a nice guy, always volunteering to be a clown for children . . . . .

  45. @2:21, that would be NAIVE, not "nieve."

    I have it on a VERY good source that Ms. Roundtree (definitely no longer a Mrs.) definitely did the act - not just a picture.

    And how does blowing an inmate not involve mental issues?! A lapse of judgment is a one night stand, not risking one's career, family, and reputation just to put a crusty dick in one's mouth.

  46. The stories go on and on. People simply are not what they seem. I am not comfortable with rpeserving the oh so goodness and light rep of someone who celarly is not oh so goodness and light. Not Walton, not Roundtree, not anyone who violates their oath or violates the law in these ways or both.

  47. But that doesn't mean I'm going to stand by and let a bunch of sharks devour her, her career and her family over wild and crude speculation.
    What you guys are doing borders on the criminal. You might be anonymous, but she certainly isn't.
    Enough is enough.
    Word verification: Presumption of innocence.

    And who the hell cape crusader are you? LET us do something? HA HA HA HA! In devouring that guys dick she devoured her own career and family. That all lies at her feet. A presumtion of innocense is a legal term of art not applicable in the public forum. Nobody is presumed innocent except by the jury and judge. The prosecutor certainly never presumes the defendant to be innocent of the charges filed. If he did, there would never be charges. Get off your high horse and pull on some big girl panties. Ya want to pole dance on a sex offenders dick, this is what you get.

  48. @10:12 and 1:29 Nobody asked for your imaginary sources. WE DON'T BELIEVE YOU!!!

  49. well i'm hoping the story isn't true

  50. This discussion regarding “squarebush” makes me embarrassed to be admitted to the Nevada bar. There has been so much discussion over this issue and not one of you super attorneys have been able to spot the key issue here, and the most important factor present in this case.

    We can discuss the credibility of the sources, lapse in judgment, etc. all day long, but all of this is irrelevant and there is only one fact that needs to be obtained.

    Spit or swallow?

    Please vote now.

    I vote swallow – where else you gonna put it?

  51. you, my friend, are making the big assumption that the offender came. he might only be into kids and unable to ejaculate to a woman

  52. 3:45 - The plot thickens...

    OK - Spit, swallow or no happy ending?

    Here, this will help you think:

  53. Remember several years ago the male attorney who banged his client on his office desk in front of the client's kid? All he got was a short suspension, right? That seems worse than what this lady did, so I guess if any sort of precedent is followed, she doesn't have a lot to worry about with the State Bar at least.

  54. I see. SO the fact the other guy got away with it means she should too...though you may not be saying that at all and only saying the bar will treat it that way. I hope not because this shit has got to stop. Walton too....and I think Walton and Stacey will have criminal legal battles to worry about with their respective behavior....

  55. 3:43 - I am usually annoyed by juvenile posts attempting to be witty, but you got me. That was a good one.

    5:30 - NO I don't remember. Must have been before my time. DO TELL WHO THIS WAS!

  56. I see the inmate posted on his facebook page that his hobbies include breaking his dick off in the PD's mouth.

  57. @3:43 That is funny shit! One of Holper's girls swallow and the others spit. Swallow on 3rd and lewis. Try it, its fun.

  58. Pay attention Boyd 3L's. This mess will be fodder for next year's ethics bar exam question.

    An attorney sucks off her in-custody client. Discuss.

  59. Attorney who banged client on desk in front of child = first initial K. Someone else want to do the honors on the last initial?

  60. Fuck The Defenders. The new show should be Las Vegas Lawyers' Sex Scandals.

    Didn't MW get in trouble for jerking off in the Supreme Court? That would be a good story, no?


  62. 6:38 - really!!?? Details please!

  63. 9:18 = 1L. No lawyer in Nevada would make the same stateent.

  64. 9:18 = 1L. No lawyer in Nevada would make the same stateent.

    The original quote as GT is the only real law firm in Nevada.

    Funny. Let the law student dream about the "great life" at a big firm. Six figure salary, oh that wil go far. Fair exchange for your sole.

    I remember being at a "top tier" firm right out of law school and looking at the biter old partners who were functioning alcoholics on their 10th marriage and thinking that if this is the carrot they are using to motivate young associates, they may want to consider hiring actors and locking the old codgers in on a floor away from the associates.

    My 2 cents

  65. @11:20pm. Yes, it's worth it for one's "sole" as you said, but not one's soul as I HOPE you meant.

  66. @10:15

    Had to look that one up.

  67. 10:15 - not pedants, something like not knowing the difference between sole and soul is just plain dumb for someone with a JD education.

  68. @530 and @632

    Kenneth L. Hall (NVB#3728) was the attorney who banged the client on his desk while the 3 year old child was in the room. He also videotaped the blessed event and was seen/heard telling the kid to shut up, when the child was whining or crying.

    He was suspended for a total of 41 days in 2004. I dont recall the other conditions placed on him.

    NV State Bar at its finest.

    Squarebush will probably be fired and will go to work for Jimmerson, Fumo or Chelini (my prediction).

  69. Yeah because if you post on here without a JD, gremlins rip your eyes out.

  70. She is more likely to work for Whipple or Kung. Their offices seem to be the places where the fallen and disgraced land.

  71. Why not for the Defenders? C & S not Rick Harris

  72. @9:38pm - who is/are the disgraced and fallen at C&S?

  73. I'm not 9:38- but doesnt C&S have a "consultant" who was a speciality team prosecutor in Hawaii- Gary Modaferri- until police found him with a ton meth.

  74. Hi Everyone,

    I need your help. It's time to vote and thankfully, I have never had cause to appear in court, so I don't know any of the judicial candidates. Help a girl vote, please.

    Gale or Sturman
    Alf or Beckstead
    Howard or Israel
    Pollock or Scann
    Davidson or Wiese
    Dabney or Kishner
    Bare or Stoebling
    Jones or Maskall
    Eccles or Gonzalez
    Ochoa or Wallace
    Nathan or Piazza
    Anderson or Newburn

    Does Chairez suck bad enough to keep Rogers?

    If you don't have time to comment on all of them, but feel there are some real losers on the list, please point them out. Thanks!

  75. Gale or Sturman
    Alf or Beckstead (Beckstead)
    Howard or Israel (Israel)
    Pollock or Scann
    Davidson or Wiese (Wiese only because is such an egomaniac and a real jerk. Both are kinda losers))
    Dabney or Kishner
    Bare or Stoebling
    Jones or Maskall
    Eccles or Gonzalez
    Ochoa or Wallace (Ochoa)
    Nathan or Piazza
    Anderson or Newburn

    Does Chairez suck bad enough to keep Rogers?

    Yes, David is an asshole and a jerk who has ruined the DA's Office.

  76. CASE #: 2:10-cv-01760-JCM-LRL
    E. Brent Bryson, Plaintiff
    Arthur L. Williams, Jr., Dermot D. Givens, Law Offices of Dermot D. Givens, Defendants
    Demand: $626,000.00

    Referral fee "dispute."

  77. Gale or Sturman--Sturman
    Alf or Beckstead--allf
    Howard or Israel--Howard
    Pollock or Scann--Scann
    Davidson or Wiese (Wiese only because is such an egomaniac and a real jerk. Both are kinda losers))
    Dabney or Kishner--Dabney
    Bare or Stoebling--Bare
    Jones or Maskall--Jones
    Eccles or Gonzalez--Gonzales
    Ochoa or Wallace--Wallace
    Nathan or Piazza--Nathan
    Anderson or Newburn

    Does Chairez suck bad enough to keep Rogers? Yes. He is an idiot

  78. How about that Judge Mosley? Is he pulling for justice and a fair deal for the masses or what?

  79. Gale or Sturman -- Sturman
    Alf or Beckstead -- Allf
    Howard or Israel -- Howard
    Pollock or Scann -- Pollock
    Davidson or Wiese -- Davidson
    Dabney or Kishner -- Kishner
    Bare or Stoebling -- Bare
    Jones or Maskall -- Jones
    Eccles or Gonzalez
    Ochoa or Wallace -- Ochoa
    Nathan or Piazza -- Piazza
    Anderson or Newburn -- Anderson

  80. Gale or Sturman -- Sturman
    Alf or Beckstead -- Allf (that hurts to type)
    Howard or Israel -- Howard
    Pollock or Scann -- Pollock is the worst judge in family court. Friends who practice there tell me to vote for him so that they can get rid of him. Scann 100%

    Davidson or Wiese -- Davidson
    Dabney or Kishner -- Dabney (He is good and has a really sharp legal mind. Have opposed him before.)
    Bare or Stoebling -- Bare
    Jones or Maskall -- Jones
    Eccles or Gonzalez -- Eccles (Gonzalez is not well-respected with a lot of the family law attorneys. Eccles is a good lawyer and will make a good judge.)
    Ochoa or Wallace -- Ochoa
    Nathan or Piazza -- Piazza (Nathan is AWFUL)
    Anderson or Newburn -- Anderson

  81. "10:15 - not pedants, something like not knowing the difference between sole and soul is just plain dumb for someone with a JD education."

    I never was a good speller. I guess that makes me a "dumb" and a terrible attorney. Funny that my clients trust me with matters that can run into the hundreds of millions of dollars. I better not let them see my mistake or they will have to seek other counsel.

    Maybe I can refer them to you? Do you represent Geico or Progressive?

  82. Amazing the people who do not have any idea what really happened are so quick to judge. Only two people know what went on. Even after an investigation we still may not know the truth. It is very funny to watch those who are quick to judge, get into trouble. You know what they say about Karma.

  83. @10:32 - Lying sack of shit.

  84. "@10:32 - Lying sack of shit.

    October 18, 2010 2:23 PM"

    Whatever. You may not be aware of this, but attorney handle matters that do not involve litigation. Please go out and price what a large commercial center goes for (or used to go for - kind of depressing).

    Now get back to your slip and fall case.

  85. Thank you, to those who offered up their time to comment on the judicial candidates.

  86. 4:13 - the hard part is getting transactional clients who will pay their bills. I found that the larger the client, the further out they will pay your invoices, if at all.

  87. Don't vote for NANCY ALF! Snotty little biaaatch.

  88. Some don't like Pollock because he wants procedure and evidence rules to be followed. OMG! - a judge that wants rules followed - we can't have that - what is this community coming to?

  89. 11:20 PM - in fact, any 2L knows LSC, Snell, Lewis & Roca, etc. are at least as reputable as GT - if not more so.

  90. This is a wonderful little website that you have here. Now, for what you will love about me...I was recently released from the Nevada "Correctional" system and was one of their Legal Clerks. First bit of information: NDOC are working under a "paging" system when allowing inmates access to legal research materials. meaning, other inmates have access to read your legal cases, especially Habeas Corpus.

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