Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday Open Thread: Holiday Weekend Addition

Happy Halloween Nevada Day!

Enjoy your (hopefully) long weekend. Here's a chuckle for the five of you who haven't already seen it:


  1. I got sloppy seconds!

    word verification - "WORSTro"

  2. Pow! Triple kickstands bitches!!

  3. for those of you who practice law and have has a mentor, who was your mentor?

  4. for those of you who practice law and have had a mentor, who was your mentor?

  5. Louis Palazzo in DEEP Doo Doo!!
    Does anyone know about this? Palazzo is accused of ineffective assistance, conflict of interest, prescription drug use, and being a dick. He made the wife keep her mouth shut, even though she was abused by the husband and wanted to leave him. Then he made her give him her wedding ring. Palazzo admits getting prescription drugs from the husband/doctor. And the client says Palazzos co-counsel was snorting coke and hitting on her. Just another day on LV Law, the real soap opera!

  6. "for those of you who practice law and have had a mentor, who was your mentor?"


  7. Having a mentor can be overrated. You may wind up being forced to adopt the awful habits of an old attorney who is stuck in the stone ages.

    The legal profession is at a crucial point where it needs to either evolve or continue to be pushed to the margins of relevance. Being indoctrinated to the same stagnant ideas and practices will tilt the board the wrong direction.

    New, young lawyers should have a strong peer group to bounce fresh ideas off of one another to drive innovation and creativity.

  8. @9:07 Doubt it. Don't believe everything you read in a desperate attempt to stay out of prison pleading.

  9. What part should we not believe, the part where Palazzo admits getting prescription drugs, or the part where he admits taking her ring, or the part where she says there are sexy text messages that can be easily verified? It sure looks real to me!

  10. What part should we not believe, the part where Palazzo admits getting prescription drugs, or the part where he admits taking her ring, or the part where she says there are sexy text messages that can be easily verified? It sure looks real to me!

  11. Who would hire a pisano named Palazzo?

  12. (Cat City is just outside of Palm Springs)

    Cop faces multiple charges for allegedly stripping off uniform, sexually assaulting woman in Cathedral City pool

    October 29, 2010 | 8:37 am

    A Cathedral City police officer will be arraigned Monday on multiple felony counts for allegedly stripping off his uniform and jumping naked into a pool while on duty.

    Officer John Fox Jr., 37, is accused of sexually assaulting one of three women in the pool during the Sept. 29 incident, officials said. Fox had been responding to a noise complaint at the private home.

    The owner of the home had called 911, but Fox put his uniform back on and left before other officers arrived, according to the Riverside County district attorney's office.

    Fox has been charged with one felony count each of attempted sexual penetration and assault under the color of authority, two misdemeanor counts of sexual battery and one count of indecent exposure.

    The women told the Desert Sun newspaper that they had jokingly invited the officer into the pool but were stunned when he stripped off his uniform and holstered gun. Fox, who has worked for the department for about nine years, was placed on paid administrative leave, the Desert Sun said.

    -- Phil Willon in Riverside

  13. @ 10:29 - if you actually read the entire story it appears one of the women's husbands opened the door....and while the cop was in the pool naked and flirting, the husband called the cops.

    So here's my belief in what happened. All the women seriously invited the cop in to join them in the pool. The women and the cop were having a blast and the jealous husband got pissed and ended everyone's fun

  14. @ 10:29 - if you actually read the entire story it appears one of the women's husbands opened the door....and while the cop was in the pool naked and flirting, the husband called the cops.

    So here's my belief in what happened. All the women seriously invited the cop in to join them in the pool. The women and the cop were having a blast and the jealous husband got pissed and ended everyone's fun

  15. Judge to state agency: Remove candidate’s censure order from website

    By Steve Green

    Friday, Oct. 29, 2010 | 10:18 a.m.

    Related Document (.pdf)■See Judge Hunt's ruling

    A federal judge on Thursday ordered a Nevada agency to remove from its website an order censuring Las Vegas attorney and Clark County District Court judge candidate Joanna Kishner.

    Chief U.S. District Judge for Nevada Roger Hunt granted a restraining order sought by Kishner, who complained her censure by the Nevada Standing Committee on Judicial Ethics and Election Practices violated her right to free speech under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, her right to due process under the 14th Amendment and other rights.

    Kishner was censured Monday for comments she made Sept. 13 on the news discussion show "Face to Face with Jon Ralston" about her election opponent, Las Vegas attorney Phil Dabney

    The committee, in its censure order, found Kishner didn't provide enough context when she criticized Dabney over a situation in which an elderly client of Dabney's changed her estate plan to benefit Dabney.

    Dabney has denied wrongdoing.

    The state committee, in siding with Dabney on Monday in an unfair election practice complaint he filed, found Kishner’s statements on Face to Face "were made knowingly or recklessly and omit facts necessary to make the communication considered as a whole not materially misleading."

    Hunt on Thursday ordered that the committee's censure be rescinded and be replaced on the committee's website with his order favoring Kishner.

    "The court concludes that the (committee's) rule impermissibly prohibits candidates from conveying true statements to the public simply because the statements could be misconstrued by some part of the general public," Hunt wrote in his order.

    "Kishner argues that the balance of equities tips in her favor because continued publication could have disastrous consequences for her campaign and recission of the publication pending a determination of her constitutional claims will not cause any harm to the state’s interest in maintaining the integrity of the electoral process," Hunt's order said. "The court agrees. The balance of equities tips in Kishner’s favor because the consequences of continued publication of the unconstitutional decision greatly outweigh the committee’s interest in leaving the opinion published as is. In fact, the outcome of the election could very well rest on voters’ perception of Kishner as a result of the unconstitutional decision."

  16. Whenever I see Palazzo or read his name, my mind immediately flashes to the Binion trial and Palazzo dooming his client by re-enacting the phonebook beating his client (Rich Tabish) gave some dude.
    Good lawyering. Good laughs.

  17. Correction: Rick Tabish, not Rich. But close.

  18. "Hey! It's Enrico Pallazzo!"

  19. is anybody else working today? this sucks, it's NV day, I should be drinking, gambling, and doing coke off of a hooker's ass

  20. 12:19-- Apparently if you worked in or around Palazzo's office, that is PRECISELY what you could be doing at work today

  21. Uh, I believe the headline writer meant to say this is the holiday weekend edition, not addition.
    Sorry, proofreading overload.

  22. Published Decision 10-7 (re: Joanna S. Kishner) Rescinded by Order of U.S. District Court

    On October 29, 2010 the Standing Committee on Judicial Ethics and Election Practices filed an order rescinding and withdrawing the committee's Published Opinion 10-7, originally published in response to a complaint by Philip J. Dabney against Joanna S. Kishner. The order was filed in compliance with a temporary restraining order granted by Hon. Roger L. Hunt.

    Click here to read a copy of the order.

    All effective 2010 published opinions of the Standing Committee on Judicial Ethics and Election Practices may be viewed at:

  23. I thought I was the only person working today.

  24. 12:19 - nobody's there today

  25. 12:19 here - i'm stuck working because my office also has one in cali and since they don't get it off, I'm stuck here

  26. I had an official mentor through my law firm. He was the biggest douche that has ever practiced in this town. (Wait, sorry - first name is not Adam, so not the BIGGEST, but close.) He taught me how now to practice. I am soooooo glad I don't work for that prick anymore.


    This one is funny too.

  28. my cole minor will beat up your troy fox

  29. Having a mentor is a great thing. It really helped me out when I was a baby lawyer.
