- If you happen to be voting in Laughlin, you may actually recognize one of the names running for constable as our frequent, fashion-conscious commenter.
- ATL posted a story last week about Nevada attorney Jonathan Goldsmith's lawsuit over "mean Facebook Comments." Are we really into the upper 11,000's with bar numbers already?
- CPK has posted the pics from its recent annual party.
- U.S. District Court Judge Roger Hunt granted a TRO and ordered Joanna Kishner's censure to be rescinded. We imagine it may be difficult to un-ring that bell. (PDF of Order)
- Meanwhile, judicial candidate Ron Israel was censured for exposing his political party on a campaign flyer. (LV Sun)
(Thanks, Tipsters!)
ok... what's your "report from the field" on voter intimidation and other violations of elections laws?
ReplyDeleteHell yeah, Jordan. Viva Laughlin baby! I hope you ran on the platform of I'm still standing.
ReplyDeleteI'm not exactly sure what a Constable does, but give 'em hell!
Voting Sharron Angle today! Bye bye Harry. Hello sunshine!
ReplyDeleteSF Giants, World Series Champions.
ReplyDeleteNo. We are into the 12,000s now. Goldsmith took the bar in February.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I just passed in July and am in the 12000's.
ReplyDeleteHarry is going down in flames. The fact he is even in a tight race should tell EVERYONE just how much he has to go....he is the biggest douche bag, surpassing even RIGHTHAVEN in that catagory!
ReplyDeleteNow being in the10,000 does not feel so lame.
ReplyDelete@ 9:53 am - people like you scare me. Call me crazy but I am sort of a fan of the constitution and the separation of church and state. Oh and although we're too broke to afford it right now, I kind of like social security. I know, I know, I'm nuts....
ReplyDelete10:45 - you also scare me
ReplyDeleteIt's “boring shit” day in the comments section.
ReplyDeleteNovember 2, 2010 8:53 AM - The Republican party will be fielding a Pollwatching Task Force of over 200 pollwatchers today. They will be backed up by a legal strike team functioning something like a flying squad to descend on problem precincts. We've also been told that the 8th Judicial District will have a judge on duty for the entire duration of the day to hear emergency writs. Historically we have found about 80% of the problems occur in 20% of the precincts - that's where we'll be concentrating our efforts.
ReplyDeleteFor sure, the Republican elites found the Tea Party invaluable on the way to this Election Day. And not merely, as Huckabee has it, because they wanted its foot soldiers. What made the Tea Party most useful was that its loud populist message gave the G.O.P. just the cover it needed both to camouflage its corporate patrons and to rebrand itself as a party miraculously antithetical to the despised G.O.P. that gave us George W. Bush and record deficits only yesterday.
ReplyDeleteNever fear, Jordan Ross, Principal, Ross Legal Search, will have the mob out “protecting real Americans”
ReplyDeleteWhy would being in the 10,000's be lame? Although certainly one indicator, when one passed the bar does not determine the quality of lawyer.
ReplyDeleteVoted for Harry Reid today...because I don't want Angle to represent me (maybe if I was a whack job right wing nut, I would've voted for her). But I don't really care if she wins anyway, she'll probably vote no on everything anyway.
ReplyDelete@10:47...then prepared to be scared ya effing weenie. That is what the left likes to say..."THEY SCARE ME". Perhaps you should look at a president who calls nearly 50% of his own country THE ENEMY. That is scary. Perhaps you should look at a Senator that waxes on about men being more prone to DV when unemployed...but not so much women. People like him are so out of touch with reality that it should scare you. MAybe looka t Nancy Pelosi outing her abosolute socialist agenda and her WE NEED TO PASS IT SO WE CAN READ IT LATER mentality. Buck up and stop expecting a nanny state to cure your boo boos.
ReplyDelete11:13 - sorry I don't have the attention span for rambling conspiracy theorists.
ReplyDeletePS the tinfoil on your hat is starting to peel off.
What's the difference between Obama calling half the country the enemy and Bush calling the other half the enemy? The same result is partisan BS with no movement at all. This is the same cycle every year (thanks Fox News) that has the same net result in the US's slipping in the world rankings.
ReplyDeleteOur industry sucks (we import all our goods), our education sucks (all the engineers and doctors come from Asia), and we're bottled down in stupid social issues instead of addressing how to revamp real solutions. Show me the candidate who is interested in fixing those issues, and you'll have my vote in a heartbeat.
CPK Party
ReplyDeleteToo bad CPK didn't invite the Rebel Girls. Those ladies are hot..in a Vegas-Stripper dirty kind of way.
Get ready for Obamageddon!!!
ReplyDeletePOW! Quadruple kickstands bitches!!!
See ya Dirty Harry!!!
ReplyDeleteYou should be scared. Your guy is losing tonight and retired in a couple of months. Thanks for playing.
Word Verification: phable
ReplyDelete"Our industry sucks (we import all our goods), our education sucks (all the engineers and doctors come from Asia), and we're bottled down in stupid social issues instead of addressing how to revamp real solutions. Show me the candidate who is interested in fixing those issues, and you'll have my vote in a heartbeat."
Sharron Angle will (and has repeatedly) voted for lower taxes, smaller government and privatization of many government programs (again, smaller govt.). She IS interested in fixing what has been broken by Obama and W. Bush before him.
The tea party, and its supporters are not a shill for the GOP, but are representative of the more conservative elements in our country.
Pony up, 1123, with your vite that is. If you dont think that Angle is interested (at least more interested than Reid) in fixing the problems you cite, you are uninformed, by choice.
Just looked throught he pics of the CPK party.
ReplyDeleteThe BK Hottie was there. DAMMIT. I shouldve went.
How unsurprising that the wit and intelligence we call double kickstands guy is anti-Reid and anti-Obama (and presumably pro-Angle).
ReplyDelete@11:39, I’m so tired of hearing the regurgitated Reaganomics lesson from Angle and individuals like you. Republicans are good at cuttings taxes but bad at cutting spending. The “pledge to America” that was released recently doesn’t give one realistic proposal for cutting spending (more than a mere pittance in relation to total spending). Carly Fiarona (FL) wants to “rein in out-of-control government spending.” After being asked 7 times for a single spending cut proposal, she couldn’t even offer an idea. Reagan quadrupled the national debt. Bush Jr. added trillions more.
ReplyDeleteARE THESE THE MEMBERS OF YOUR “FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE” PARTY? If that’s what you’re selling, I’m not interested. Where did that money go? Why can’t I buy toys, clothes, tools, electronics, or even FORD cars that are made in this country? Businesses seek PROFIT. Good for them. But that’s not always good for me. Light duty trucks are still built in this country because of taxes on imports (i.e. regulation). Just go on filling your house with Chinese-made garbage sold by welfare-dependant-employer Walmart and talk about how great deregulation has been for America. I prefer to make businesses pay their fair share for the amazing infrastructure we have made available to them so they can operate their businesses and move their goods and hire literate workers. Google pays 2.8% in taxes. I’m sure it’s millions of dollars, but should they be paying less? Does government need to get out of Google’s way so they can continue to enrich the Irish economy with sheltered money? Meanwhile, the middle class evaporates and uses debt to bridge shrinking wages.
I’m sure you’ll have all sorts of witty remarks about the “spendocrats” and the “nanny-state.”
Yes. I never said that I was Republican. While I am registered Rep. I lean Libertarian (I am "Libertarian Asshole" from a few weeks ago).
ReplyDeleteLess taxes = More jobs
Its proven.
But on a point of camraderie, you are correct in that the Republican establishment is nearly as progressive as the Democrats and has no right to brand themselves as "fiscally responsible". Thus, the reason for the success of the Tea Party Movement.
While Angle is a Republican, she has a history of voting for tax cuts and smaller government.
Cut the spending, lower taxes and get the hell out of my life. If you think that raising taxes on business is smart, then you are a fool and deserve what you get.
In any event, the Conservatives are taking over tonight !!!
Angle's campiagn was based on "the economy failed while Harry was in office." That is the best that she could do, but it is working because peopel are just plain stupid.
ReplyDeleteWe also need to forget that we are in a huge mess that had completely exploded by the end of 2007. But peopel have short memories so blame the current administration, hey people are dumb, have short memories and will believe anything that is on the TV, so the new truth becomes "we are in this mess because of runaway spending."
Big shock that Kickstands guy is for Angle...
Oh and one more thing. Bush doubled the deficit in 8 years. Obama has increased it by 50% in less than 2 years.
ReplyDeleteKeep it up and see how THAT works for you.
It's good to know I am not the only one who thinks Reid sucks.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, which picture has the BK hottie in it? The 40 or so I looked at reminded me of the People of Walmart website.
Not telling. Unicorn factor.
ReplyDeleteI made love to my wife while watching one of Angle's Youtube videos. Juicy.
ReplyDeleteDamn, your wife must be ugly. Sorry bro.
Obama did something with the money. Bush paid contractor-friends to make war.
ReplyDelete@ 1:23p
ReplyDeleteLess taxes = More jobs
Its proven.
There is also evidence that doesn't show the causation.
I think what it boils down to is that something as complex as job growth isn't so easily defined as "less taxes = more jobs".
Wow. Either really stupid attorneys are commenting today or this thread has been hijacked by right wingnut trolls.
ReplyDeleteWord verification: fiends
Let's be honest here, our Senate race is a "Morton's Fork."
ReplyDeleteYour comment is right in the meaty part of the stupidity curve.
Humm, while Angle is certainly less than my ideal candidate (and this is after working along side her at the Legislature a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away), she frightens me far less than the alternative.
ReplyDeleteAnd, what has been slightly more disturbing is the fact that I've come to realize that she actually represents more of what I believe than I ever imagined (though I would certainly endorse a less fruity presentation).
I believe in eliminating the US Dept. of Ed - I strongly believe STATES should govern the when and how for educating their populace rather than having to resort to subversive tactics to assure minimal federal funding (which originally was our own $$$).
I believe in eliminating and privatizing social security - call me selfish, but given the current system I stand a 0% chance of seeing any of the money I've paid into the system, so why not at least give me a chance to better my position with that money. Way I see it, I don't have much to loose (thought the 70 year old folks I'm currently funding have the real risk of loss).
I believe in less government and localized government. I'd frankly be just fine paying the same amount in taxes as I do today if 90% of that money stayed in my state and local governments and only 10% was shipped off to the feds. I damn well know I'd witness a restoration of a competent educational system, growth of economy, etc.
Instead, our "most powerful" Senator has done nothing other than assure that we as Nevada taxpayers are subsidizing programs and benefits in other states (Hello, New Mexico, et al.). I'm tired of the rhetoric of "all the good he's done."
I'm perfectly willing to endure six years of crazy over six more years of Harry.
Haha - word verification "lessen." I love irony.
I've got your meaty part right here @3:31.
ReplyDelete"I'm perfectly willing to endure six years of crazy over six more years of Harry."
ReplyDeleteThat about sums it up. This is the first year I have ever voted Reb. And it was choosing the lessor of two evils.
Reb? (Rep). Lessor? (lesser). Cole Minor? Scary stupid.
ReplyDeleteI think Reb. = Republican.
ReplyDeleteStupid yourself. Senators dude.
ReplyDelete"Obama did something with the money. Bush paid contractor-friends to make war."
WTF did Obama do with the money? NOTHING. It went to City Center, among other projects, that while saving some jobs for a "minute" ended up as HUGE Democrat campaign contributions. Do some research, dumbass.
ReplyDelete"Wow. Either really stupid attorneys . . . . right wingnut trolls."
So typical of the left to call names, when they are losing. I guess if I dont agree with you, I am stupid or a right-wing troll. Enjoy your loss tonite.
November 2, 2010 10:58 AM - Actually that was pretty funny, I laughed. But seriously, La Cosa Nostra criminals in Nevada have been historically affiliated with Democrats.
ReplyDeleteLibertarian Asshole
ReplyDeleteSo, @312 is typical of left wingers.
Is 7:19 typical right winger?
Both "advocates" resort to name calling.
I don't think name calling is an attribute of either side of the political spectrum. It's all the people who think their votes actually count. ha ha ha you are all actually stupid for thinking that any of this matters.
Oh, and right now it looks like the Senate race will be going down to the wire. So don't count your chickens when in Rome, or something like that.
Harry Reid is invincible! Suck it Libertarian Asshole!
ReplyDeleteDouble kickstands in your libertarian face BITCH!!!
ReplyDeleteIt may be too early to call - but it looks like Jordan Ross may soon be Constable Ross.
ReplyDeleteWith 0% of precincts reporting the Shark Pimp has 535 votes and the loser incumbent has 397.
Don't forget to give us advice once you're a powerful constable.
Voted for Nancy Allf today. Not a lawyer and don't know any of the judge candidates(have a friend who is an attorney). I just voted for her to piss off all the haters who said mean things about her on this blog. They were just too mean not to give her my vote.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, and I voted no on question 1. It's fun to vote against all the male candidates, why change things. I feel better now. Thanks everyone!
On behalf of Harry Reid, and I quote, double kickstands in your crotches you Sharron Angle Moron loving bitches. Pow.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I'm so enjoying my "loss" Libertarian asshole. (At least you live up to your name).
Pow! Straight up Allf, in yo face!
ReplyDeleteGoddammit. We need an intermediate court of appeals. The 7 yahoos don't have the ability to give the district courts guidance, which results in even dumber-than-expected rulings by the moronic elected district court judges. Thanks a lot, Reno. Voted down by a margin of 40k votes, and 13k came from Washoe county.
ReplyDeleteGlad Harry won, mostly because it pisses off the take back your country" nuts. But, of course, it doesn't matter. Please review the following commentary (NSFW)
Glad the appeals court didnt happen. One less opportunity for you blood suckers to dip into our wallets. I paid enough to be represented through the courts up to the NV supreme court and I'm happy with the outcome I got.
ReplyDeleteJust checked the county site. Fuck you people. Enjoy your appeals court.
ReplyDeleteYou bed wetters make me laugh. Over 60 seats in the house gained, 7 or 8 in the senate when 3 is the norm, Biggest Republican wave election since 1938 and ya'll think because you eeeeeked out Harry the Scrotum Sack you have a victory. Can you get the bar any lower? I will laugh all the way to the repeal of health care on your no kickstand asses!
ReplyDeleteThe fact that Ross wanted a low-brow position like constable shows all his big talk about being a successful headhunter was bullshit.
ReplyDelete@7:00 Nice failed attempt at saving face. The earlier comments on this blog painted the Angle supporters into a corner. All that trash talk yesterday rings hollow today. I am not a Reid fan but Angle was frightening.
ReplyDelete7:38 AM
ReplyDeleteHow do you even see a correlation in those two things? It is great to practice in Nevada because I have the opportunity to be adverse to mentally disabled attorneys.
Kishner? Seriously? Clark County blew it on that one.
ReplyDeleteHey Anonymous Right Wing Nut Jobs riddle me this: Does cutting taxes increase the deficit?
ReplyDeleteIf you say it does, how can you criticize Obama and the Democrats for increasing taxes when it reduces the deficit you are so stridently arguing needs to be slashed?
If you say it does not, why does the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office disagree with you... http://www.cbo.gov/ftpdocs/69xx/doc6908/12-01-10PercentTaxCut.pdf
(finding that revenue losses caused by tax cuts minimally offset by stimulus gains in the economy)
Bonus question: You say you want smaller government? Presently, the federal government spends its money on:
Defense and security: 20 percent
Social Security: Another 20 percent of the budget,
Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP:
21 percent of the budget in 2010,
2% for scientific and medical research
3% for roads
3% for education
1% for international aid
4% for misc.
7% for veteran and government worker benefits
Safety net programs: About 14 percent to individuals and families facing hardship.
Interest on the national debt:
6 percent of the budget
What ya gonna cut? Somehow I have I missed the Teabaggers detailed discussion of where they plan to cut all this ‘outrageous’ government spending to make all these deficit reductions.
7:00 - Just how in the fuck do you think there will be a repeal of healthcare while the Dems. control the Senate and Presidency? Time to read the Constitution, Fucktard.
ReplyDelete@ 10:08, 10:09, 10:10
ReplyDeleteYour posts are immature and juvenile. Let me guess, you still read comic books and play with action figurines?
Please tell me you are some high school student with some sick fetish for trying to "fit in" to the legal community and not a law student, or God forbid, a practicing attorney.
Something has to be done about the quality of discourse in these threads.
ReplyDeleteMost of the folks contributing here are attorneys or looking to become attorneys. People paid to scribe the written word.
I am not squeemish and I use profanity. I could even overlook the infantile "kick-stands" and "in your faces." However, we have now degenerated down to "fucktards"????
PEOPLE. Write with some style.
If your going to insult another commentator, at least make it funny to read. All the commentors here should be out of their teens and capable of something more intellectually interesting than "fucktard."
There's no beauty in a pig's ass and too many of these commentors appear to have been recently birthed from such an orifice.
9:39 - It's hard to sound eloquent when you don't know the difference between "your" and "you're", I'm not a spelling troll, but don't attempt to educate an audience with a post that is rife with grammatical and spelling errors. "You're" a Pig Butt Baby Fucktard.
ReplyDeleteJordan Ross has already updated his position on Wikipedia! Hellz yeah!
Constables Are Elected Peace Officers That Have Statewide Powers Similar To Sheriffs, Metro Police Officers, HighWay Patrol Men And Park Rangers As Per NRS 289.150. Constables And Their Deputies Must Be Nevada POST Certified Category 1 Or Category 2 Within 1 Year Of Being Sworn In. Primary Duties Include Keeping The Peace In Their Township, Serving All Types Of Civil And Criminal Process, Enforcing Various Traffic Regulations And The Law. The Constable's In Nevada Serve A Four-Year Term And Is Paid An Annual Salary Of $121,101. The Office Is Not Funded By Taxpayers, But By Fees From Serving Various Orders From Justice Court Judges, Including Arrest Warrants, Garnishments Of Wages And Evictions. They Are The ONLY ONE Who Can Arrest The Sheriff. Constable's Are Elected Per County And City. The New Elected Constable Of Las Vegas Is John Bonaventura, The Constable Of North Las Vegas Is Herb Brown, The Constable Of Henderson Is Earl Mitchell, The Constable Of Boulder City Is James Reed, The Constable Of Moapa Is Gary Leavitt, The Constable Of Moapa Valley Is Leon Frei, The Constable Of Bunkerville Is Erik Laub, The New Elected Constable Of Good Springs Is Gary Rogers, The New Elected Constable Of Laughlin Is Jordan Ross, The Constable Of Mesquite Is Duane Thurston, Last The New Elected Constable Of Searchlight Is Jack "FatJack" Cochran.
"No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session."
ReplyDeleteMark Twain
@ 9:44 "I'm not a spelling troll".
ReplyDeleteI will now insult you at least three times in a post that takes me less than 5 minutes to write.
I apologize that I have hourly clients paying me to work on their cases. Perhaps when you get your first client, who isn't a family member, you'll understand the need for brevity.
Moreover, my post was not "rife" with grammatical and spelling errors. There was only one spelling error you pointed out. How this single occurrence constitutes a "rife" situation can only be explained if the single case you've appeared on for your mother was in family court. If it was for solicitation, I understand how a single occurence could imply a "rife" lifestyle.
9:24 - don't respond to him with chastising remarks. That feeds the troll. Just ignore him and maybe, if God has any mercy, he'll go back to posting "first!" on Perez Hilton.
ReplyDelete@9:24 and others. Please continue to feed to Troll; it's like watching a judge try to explain the law to a pro se litigant... It should hold my attention for a little while...
ReplyDelete@10:01 - I think your post went over the Troll's head; they do live under bridges after all.
ReplyDeleteTry again, but this time use profanity and two-syllable words. We might get a better reaction.
I went to sleep last night with a tasty McRib in my belly and the images of the charming Toy Story 3 dancing in my head.
ReplyDeleteToday, I woke up to the horror of another six years of Reid. It seems surreal. Happiness at bedtime and horror in the morning!
Meanwhile, in our beloved EJDC, Allf will soon have a gavel and robe. 2012 came early for the bench.
POW!! In your face, Democrat-bitches!!! Quadruple kickstands!!!
ReplyDelete60 seats!! Now that's change we can believe in!!!
Aren't all of you Wrong Angle folks eating a little humble pie now?
ReplyDeleteGuess not, seems like you think a few seats swinging in the House actually means anything. Hate to tell you, but the incumbent president during each a major mid-term swing over the last 60 years was reelected to a second term.
But..more importantly, Reid hating is both worthless and bad for Nevada. Glad all those Clark Co. Union voters stuffed to the ballot box.
Unions are the blight of the Republic.
ReplyDeletePeople are the blight of the Republic.
ReplyDeletethis just in..
ReplyDelete.. Miley is about to have another baby..
I knew I should have worn a rubber!
ReplyDelete"Happiness at bedtime and horror in the morning!"
ReplyDeleteThere is a country song about that. The chorus goes "I've never been to bed with an ugly girl, but I woke up with a few...I went to bed with a 10 at 2, and woke up with a 2 at 10...
ReplyDelete"Aren't all of you Wrong Angle folks eating a little humble pie now?"
Not at all. As we stated, me particularly, Angle was not my first choice. She was however, a damn sight better than another 6 years of Reid. While we desparately wanted her to win, I dont think any reasonable politico or other educated and informed voter would have laid money on Reid's loss. We wanted it, but didnt bank on it.
"seems like you think a few seats swinging in the House actually means anything.
A FEW SEATS. Look it up. When was the last time that that 60+ seats swung. Here is a stat or 2:
60 seats landed, 11 still in play, 5 of those leaning, you guessed it,republican.
Pick up of 6 Seats, average is 2. # races still in play. Alaska, write in winner will caucus with Repubs.
This ones fun, especially with Redisticting coming up. 37 total races. So far, 23 for Repubs. 6 for Dems. 4 of 7 Dem Incumbent wins, 6 of 6 Republican incumbent wins. 3 races still in play, 1 leaning Republican.
State Legislatures
Control of 19 chambers confirmed with HUNDREDS of seats changing parties. Projected to be 23 chambers when the dust settles (there were 20 in 1994). Again, historic considering Redistricting that is coming up.
Reid hating is both worthless and bad for Nevada.
How, pray tell? This is both conclusory and false.
Glad all those Clark Co. Union voters stuffed to the ballot box.
You're a joke. Can't win it fairly, then steal it. Talk about integrity. You my friend, are a fool. You can have Reid. He is irrelevant. He hasnt been for Nevada for years. he doesnt live here, he does not legislate for us and cares only for his own power, which is substantially reduced now that the House, the Governorships and Redistricting are lost.
This was HUGE for the Republicans and the Tea Party in particular.
Bathe in one small victory. Its your only one.
Word Verification: (no joke) "brawl"
I can't believe that douchebag Bill Kephart won a judicial seat.
ReplyDeleteDisband the unions, fire all firefighters, shut down the Department of Education, repeal NAFTA, and close the borders... "Dey Terk Ur Jerbs!"
ReplyDeleteWord verification = prememptory challenge
@ 1:24 - awesome
ReplyDeleteVoters ban judges from using international law
ReplyDeleteAssociated Press
Published: November 2, 2010
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Oklahoma voters have approved a measure that would forbid judges from considering international law or Islamic law when deciding cases.
Republican Rex Duncan, the sponsor of the measure, called it a "pre-emptive strike" designed to close the door on activist judges "legislating from the bench or using international law or Sharia law."
Members of the Muslim community called the question an attack on Islam and some of them said they are prepared to file a lawsuit challenging the measure.
Read more: http://www.newsok.com/article/feed/208677#ixzz14FpS3dSH
We should circulate a petition to stop our judges from using precedent from planet Stupidia.
ReplyDeleteNovember 3, 2010 7:38 AM - You seem to be under a misconception. I have publicly pledged to donate all salary from the office to which I've been elected to the local food bank here in Laughlin.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, best year I've ever had, thanks for asking.
Ignore the haters Shark Pimp. Congrats! That is awesome you are donating your salary. Will continue to act as a legal pimp?
ReplyDelete11:43 am - just the degenerate level of humor necessary for today.
ReplyDelete@Libertarian A-Hole You can try to spin it any which way you want but the bottom line is you came out with your "Enjoy your loss tonite" comment and you lost. You enjoy your loss and your spelling class you Jethro Bodine scholar.
ReplyDeleteWhat is it with spelling and grammar trolls? These are supposed to be BLOG postings not vetted, peer-reviewed articles.
ReplyDeletePractising attorneys are lucky to spare a few moments to read the blog, let alone post on it.
Libertarian Asshole: Get back to me in six months when you and your fellow assholes save the world and all who dwell in her bosom.
ReplyDeleteThe Congress that comes to the party in January will accomplish nothing. They either live up to the hype and refuse to play along with the professional right or they fold like cheap lawn chairs and start taking graft like everybody else has for more than 300 years.
Either way, the revolution will end before it begins.
There are some real bitter democrats on here. I guess it's warranted, considering the historical ass-whooping your party just received!!
ReplyDeleteI'd rather have a Congress that does nothing than one that is spending our country into oblivion!
How's that deficit? $13 trillion? Setting the fiscally responsible example, aren't you?
ReplyDelete@3:48 -- Do you read anything based in facts? Or do you let Glenn Beck copulate his way into your ass brain?
ReplyDeleteYou might not like his post, but your reply is nonsensical. There is a factual basis for all of that commenter's assertions or whatever they are.
"Glenn Beck..." is not an argument.
November 3, 2010 2:27 PM - I look forward to 2011 being an even better year than this one. There is enormous volatility in the shark pool right now.
ReplyDeleteHey Jordan - Could you elaborate a bit on "volatility." Thanks.
ReplyDelete@340 pm
ReplyDelete"The Congress that comes to the party in January will accomplish nothing.
Hoo-frickin-ray. Do nothing is better by miles than the spendaholic power pimps that we had yesterday. If they in fact "do nothing" they will get re-elected in 2012 along with the Senate and the White House. I AM IN!
If they dont, or they do the rest of the crap you said, they get term limited.
Historic wins for the Conservatives, Tea Partiers and Republicans.
Deny it all you want. Its still fact!
November 2, 2010 10:38 PM
ReplyDeleteYou might be the stupidest person to ever post on this blog. Quite an honor.
November 3, 2010 2:27 PM - There are numerous firms, many with strong practice groups in certain fields, whose overall financial position is poor. The internal pressure becomes tremendous and the incentive for the better practice groups to leave becomes very high. Not unlike Hale Lane.
ReplyDeleteNovember 3, 2010. The beginning of the end of the Tea Party and the far right wing nuts. Palin has just become a non-factor in politics. Let's see where the TPs and far right end up in 2012.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened with S. Roundtree with PD's office?
ReplyDeleteFar more important: what happened with Al Marquis and his hunt for the Booger?
ReplyDeleteJordan -- a few years ago I was assigned to the Outlaying Team at the DA's Office which included Laughlin. I went down to Laughlin to serve some subpoenas on two wits and a victim for a District Court trial.
ReplyDeleteA few days later the Laughlin constable called and told me it was illegal for me to serve subpoenas there as he was the Constable and was the only one who was allowed to serve subpoenas. He then added that I was taking food off his babies table.
Then he told me that he would set up a monthly account for the County and then I could pass the subs to him and he would serve them at $35 a pop.
He last words (as I was laughing) was that this should be the last of my doing things in Laughlin or he would be forced to take official notice and do something about it.