Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Who would be your top three?

A helpful commenter has provided a list of the names purported to be up to fill the vacancy left after Judge Wall sold his soul. According to our commenter, these are the names up to fill Wall's shoes:

• Lucinda L. Coumou, 47, Las Vegas, Clark County District Attorney’s Office
• Philip J. Dabney, 51, Henderson, Holland & Hart LLP
• Michael D. Davidson, 56, Las Vegas, Kolesar & Leatham
• Michael A. Federico, 39, Las Vegas, of Olson, Conner, Gormley & Desruisseaux
• Craig B. Friedberg, 52, Las Vegas, Law Offices of Craig B. Friedberg
• Bruce L. Gale, 55, Las Vegas, Law Offices of Bruce L. Gale
• Kurt K. Harris, 46, Henderson, Harris Law Office
• Martin Hart, 47, Las Vegas, Law Offices of Martin Hart
• James A. Kohl, 45, Las Vegas, Howard & Howard
• Michael A. Koning, 60, Las Vegas, Law Offices of Michael A. Koning P.C.
• Judge Chris Lee, 36, North Las Vegas, North Las Vegas Justice Court
• Charles J. Lybarger, 48, Las Vegas, Law Offices of Charles Lybarger
• Troy E. Peyton, 50, Las Vegas, Troy E. Peyton, P.C.
• Marc D. Risman, 55, Henderson, Law Offices of Marc Risman
• David J. Rivers, 63, Las Vegas, Leavitt, Sully & Rivers
• Beverly Salhanick, 52, Las Vegas, Law Offices of Beverly Salhanick
• Jerome T. Tao, 42, Las Vegas, Clark County Public Defender’s Office
• Jeffrey J. Whitehead, 50, Henderson, Jeffrey J. Whitehead, Esq.
• Bernard B. Zadrowski, 45, Las Vegas, Clark County District Attorney’ s Office

If that list is accurate, three names will be chosen from it by the Judicial Selection Committee and forwarded to the governor, who will then appoint Wall's replacement.

If it were up to you, who from the above list would make your top three?

(Thanks, Commenter!)


  1. Pretty easy way to narrow it down. First, we have enough judges with criminal backgrounds - so all DAs and PDs are out. Second, all solo practitioners are out. Basically leaving:

    1) Philip J. Dabney, 51, Henderson, Holland & Hart LLP
    2) Michael D. Davidson, 56, Las Vegas, Kolesar & Leatham
    3) Michael A. Federico, 39, Las Vegas, of Olson, Conner, Gormley & Desruisseaux
    4) James A. Kohl, 45, Las Vegas, Howard & Howard

    Kick out one of them, and you've got your three.

  2. Dabney and Davidson are head and shoulders above the rest.

  3. What's wrong with solo practioners?

  4. Rivers is a good attorney but a bit of a substance abuser and generally ill-tempered.

    Davidson is a smart kid but has a bit of a high opinion of himself.

    Dabney has a lot of potential.

  5. JEA's should be elected too. A few of them, such as Cadish's jackass JEA, need to go.

  6. Agreed on Cadish's JEA! I've even tried calling her clerk to get around the JEA but the jerk answers both phones.

  7. Walt Cannon may get upset that you took hiom out as a partner at Olsen CANNON et all, not Olsen CONNER. Firms only been around for like 60 years.

    CADISH JEA: A loser primadonna who gets his cred off others but does not see that he is just a waste of seeman.


  8. I'm in 100% agreement re Cadish's JEA. He's an asshole. But, I believe that line employees reflect the management.

  9. A lawyer witth a high opinion of himself? Do tell. I've never heard of such a thing.

  10. Walt Cannon is no longer with what was then "THE ROC". It is now just "THE OC". I like 8:19's method of narrowing down the 19.

  11. Davidson not only has a high opinion of himself, but his work ethic is lacking. Oh wait a minute, those are perfect qualifications for the EJDC.

  12. 11:24 here,

    Oh s#$t, I was thinking of old Rawlings when trying to be funny about "ROC" morphing into "OC". The Walt is still there, but old Hank was kicked to the curb.

  13. @ 8:19 - I'm confused (which admittingly happens rather often) but what exactly constitutes a solo practitioner? I thought it was a one person law firm. Some of the names you took off the list have more than one attorney even though the other attorney is not a "named partner"

    not like it really matters, more for curiousity sake
    oh and dabney all the way

  14. will someone please enlighten me by informing me whether or not other cities/states also make their judges have split dockets. I think it is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of

    there are very few criminal lawyers I think are competent enough to play judge, and not a single one of them is competent enough even try a civil case, let alone preside over one

  15. I think Koning would make a great judge. Smart, personable, well-known. The cases I had against him were handled well and he didn't overreach like some plaintiff attorneys in town.

  16. The most important factor in appointing a new judge is the candidate's trial experience. How many jury trials have they done, preferably civil trials. The fact that they may be working in a solo or small practice shouldn't matter. Many of them came from larger firms, so I don't see how that matters.

  17. @11:24 am since when is walt cannon not at the "OC?"

  18. Pow! The OC, Ryan Atwood. Double kickstands, in your face!!!

  19. @12:02- No criminal lawyer is competent to preside over a civil trial? Whew! As an attorney who practices exclusively civil law, I am soooooo glad Herndon, Togliatti, Barker and Wall never heard a civil case while on the bench because they would be LOST!

    The comment is not that all criminal attorneys make good judges but just that the blanket statement that attorneys who practice criminal law can never learn civil law is shortsighted.

    As to the selections, the following people would make acceptable District Court judges:
    My Top 3 from this list (in order):
    1. Peyton
    2. Dabney
    3. Rivers
    The appointment is being made by a partisan Republican governor so Mike Davidson (who I believe has previously supported Democratic causes) would not be the choice. Furthermore he thinks more of himself than most anyone else does.

  20. And don't forget that Davidson knows who is and is not a child molester just by looking at him.

  21. It would have been nice if the Supremes could have got this on before the election. The process might have educated enough voters to change the outcome to the merit selection ballot question.

  22. @ 12:45, Splat! Ryan Atwood delivers triple scissor kicks to your bag

  23. Well, doesnt Federico already have a lot of experience as an alternate judge. I see that guy everywhere. I am surprised that he is not a full time judge, as he seems to sit more than many who are! My vote for top 3;

    1. Federico
    2. Kohl
    3. Rivers

  24. Totally off topic...can I call on your legal expertise? when applying for associate attorney positions and the firm asks you to send resume materials via email and your "salary requirements" - what the hell do you report for your requirements. FYI, experience is 4 years civil defense.

    Thanks all.

  25. 1. Dabney
    2. Peyton

    That's all

  26. @1:49

    $287,251.00 -- duh . . .

  27. Troy Peyton -- Hands down one of the finest arbitrators and short trial judges I have ever had the pleasure to try cases before. As an insurance defense attorney, I've never walked away with a decision that was entirely in my client's favor before him, but his decisions are always well reasoned, unbiased, fair, and most importantly, based upon the law.

  28. During a recent conversation at work, a fellow employee suggested that Avatar was a chick flick. Is he crazy?

    Word Verification: Runaway Bride

  29. I can think of a much more interesting list...top three hot female attorneys??? I'll get us started:

    1. Merielle Enriquez, Kring & Chung
    2. Layke Stolberg, M & A
    3. Tara Shiroff, Watson Rounds


  30. Say what you want about Davidson's personality, but he's a good, honest guy, who has handled all sorts of legal matters at a high level. He would take the bench and immediately be one of the most well-rounded judges in the building.

  31. @2:10,

    Did you think Pocohantas was a chick flick? (Answer: yes.) What about Ferngully? If you combine those two, and throw in freaky gigantic hair-sex, you have Avatar.

  32. @ 2:23pm

    Danielle Miller at Sylvester Polednak!!

    So HOT!

  33. Please...to try to say that CADISH is an assholio just because her piece of crap JEA is, is plain stupid. Though you do not have to like her, she is smart, pleasant and not an ass hole whereas her totally gay JEA is an opertunist who rides on coat tales depsite not realizing he gets no upgrade in life just because he works for a judge. He has BAD BAD BAD breath and he treats people with nothing but contempt. I have known Cadish for years and never seen her display any of those characteristics displayed by her JEA.

  34. @ 2:23

    "1. Merielle Enriquez, Kring & Chung
    2. Layke Stolberg, M & A
    3. Tara Shiroff, Watson Rounds"

    Really? That's your list of top 3?? Enriquez is OK looking - I'll give you that. Stolberg is already past prime in the looks category (and that's sad for a late twenty-something). Shiroff is nothing I'd admit to my friends.

    Everyone has their own taste - fair enough. Just pretty sure I wouldn't trust yours on a blind date.

  35. @2:45

    No proposed list yourself then?

  36. @2:42,
    Nobody said Cadish is an asshole (she's a little snotty sometimes, but who isn't?) But her poor management skills either keeps her blind to her JEA's assholiness or she knows and doesn't care. (Or, maybe she sets such stupid fucking rules that her JEA is just following orders).

  37. Layke? I heard she has cat issues..

  38. Verification "iness"

    Do you think the JEA would be pissed if you addressed him as "Your Assholiness?"

  39. So, so, so sexist. Haven't we got better things to do with our time than talk about best looking females? Like, for instance, hottest guy lawyers? Go!!

  40. Good luck with that one honey.

  41. @3:36

    Totally agree. That is a question with no application here unfortunately.

    Degrees of less bad

  42. Fine. Any that aren't fugly?

  43. Don't know them, but I looked up the ladies on the previous posts (yes, I billed for it). Based on firm photos alone:

    1). is pretty -
    2). Below avg -
    3). Um. No.

    No pic for DM.

    Word: "ferva"

  44. the Stephenson & Dickinson associate is pretty cute. I think her name is Jackie.

  45. I am the biggest chauvinist pig in town, yet I don't think it's cool to publicly mess with female associates. It's one thing to say mean things about female parterns (fuck those leeches sucking the productive labor of the associate class), it's quite another to demean our comrades.

    I'd like to think that in Las Vegas all female associates are hot and smart (and age well!).

  46. 4:40 is really a female associate who's pissed she'll never make partner

  47. 4:40 trying really hard to get laid without paying for once

  48. Wow... 47 comments and nobody mentioned Troy Fox as a possible appointee.

  49. OK... Cadish's JEA has some issue, but he's Mr. Congeniality compared to Denton's bitc... er... JEA.

  50. 1. Dabney
    2. Chris Lee (Gov gets a 2 for 1)
    3. None of the above!

    Word Verification: Halverson

  51. 1. Michael Federico. He has an excellent work ethic.

    2. Chris Lee

    3. Dabney

    Phrase verification: San Dimas high school football rules!

  52. 1. Petyon
    2. Dabney
    3. ?

    I told Judge Cadish's JEA that he is the rudest person I've dealt with since graduating from law school six years ago.

  53. Cadish's JEA is a typical jerk who gets an ounce of authority and uses it to lord over people and make them as miserable as possible. Or maybe his uncle raped him or something.

    He must give good foot massages. No other idea why Cadish would keep him around.

  54. Speaking of Cadish, I saw a re-run of Cheers the other day for the first time in ages, and I was struck by how much Carla and Cadish resemble each other.

  55. 3:33 PM: Sid Kistler wins, hands down. The thought of him in a Mini Cooper with a nice pair of shades and nothing else makes me sweat.

  56. Bruce Gale. No for any experience or ability, but just so that he will stop running every damn election.

  57. Anyone who put Kohl down has clearly never worked on a case with Kohl. Absolutely horrible work ethic. Would hate to see him get onto the bench.

  58. sounds like cadish's jea should be on the list for prospective judges he'll fit in perfectly.

    verification: johnson, leavitt

  59. If the question is who is most qualified to take Wall's place, the answer is clear.
    He is head and shoulders above the rest.
    Peyton is next.
    The rest are people who are average lawyers and will make half ass judges.

  60. Enriquez and Stolberg are not my favorites, but are acceptable. But two bottles of Jack would not be enough for me to get it up for Shiroff. She was put in their as joke, right??

  61. Sorry, but two bottles of Jack and I'd be mounting Leavitt and Cadish at the same time! Jack can make any 0 a 10.

  62. 9:46 - Thank you. Pieces of slime like you have finally convinced me that this blog is degrading to everyone who touches it, and not worth the effort of attempting any meaningful discussion. I leave it to you and your junior high mentality buddies.

  63. Finally. We did it guys! We got rid of 10:09 AM. Mission accomplished. Let's go back to discussing the merits of nonmutual collateral estoppel.

  64. Can't we all just get along? It's supposed to be like Thanksgiving dinner. There are the ones you love, the ones you like, the ones you tolerate and then there's borderline retarded uncle bob or recently divorced and bitter aunt sue.

    Come on, we are like family! Let loose. Have another egg nog and tell aunt sue how hot she looks in LLBean chino pants.

  65. As a sort of young-ish female attorney who is not obese and does not really resemble something that lives under a bridge, I pray that I am never suggested as a possible candidate for hot female lawyer as I would then have to endure the barrage of replies saying how hideous I am.

  66. 3:41 - Yep, it is pretty awful. I think as lawyers we might generally have a thicker skin than some. However, it does sting when colleagues and peers are publicly debating whether or not you are attractive. It is not as if the women named in these comments in any way asked to be ranked or discussed.

  67. @4:22, that is a great idea. Let's start a hot-or-not website for attorneys only. Attorney-hot-or-not.com isn't a great website address though. Maybe hotbriefs.com or getmeoff.com?

    I guess we could just go with doublekickstandsbitch.com.

  68. Anyone who suggests Federico is either a. Federico himself or b. Obviously never appeared in front of him. He is a first rate asshole on the bench - completely arrogant and condescending. He makes Cadish's JEA seem sweet in comparison. All the attorneys I work with feel the same way about him.

  69. 8:47 pm must have really taken a beaten in the judge's court. Really sad. I am sure that people who write nasty comments about other attorneys and females (me included) must really be at the bottom, under a rock. Too bad some have to ruin blogs for others. People, grow up and act mature toward female colleagues and candidates who actully have the desire to be somebody

  70. What 8:47 said is true. Which makes clear that "professionalism" is either federico, one of his buds, or one of the women being critiqued.
    As for 4:22 suggesting that the women did not ask to be rated, not really true with Tara Shiroff. Maybe not directly, but definitely circumstantially. She parades around pretending to be media lawyer extraordinaire, and being a camera whore. She falls under the public figure exception. Not that she is really a public figure. But she does play one on TV. The honest responses regarding her looks, or lack thereof were invited and appropriate.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. I heard that the department will be for civil cases only, so any criminal attorneys should not really be considered for this spot, PDs and DAs included.

  73. Well, now that some of the career candidates have won elections, we finally get to choose from the "non-juiced" crowd. Good to see that some good candidates are in. No comment on a few though.

  74. Bridget Hoffman is a frontrunner for the female contest. Who cares about the appointment, let the Governor figure that one out

  75. Sounds like we have a bunch of liberal haters from the Public Defenders office out there. That is, except that I agree about the Bridget Hoffman comment...most certainly the choice for best looking.




  77. Ok, all. Who didn't apply that should have?

  78. I cant think of any who would have an interest in being a judge. Since these good attorneys I am thinking of don't want to be a judge, they would not make good judges. I think you really have to enjoy that job, dealing with attorneys all day whom you do not work with!

  79. If you guys have this much time on your hands to banter back and forth about a JEA, then you are obviously sucky attorneys! I deal with Tim (Cadish's JEA) on a regular basis and he has been nothing but accomodating and kind-- obviously you are not worthy of his respect!

  80. @ 3:55..... Yes, I have a sinking suspicion you might be a 15th floor JEA after all. All I can say is stop being such an ass. There are JEAs which can get by being assertive; you are not assertive. You are an ass.

  81. 3:55 here... I'm NOT Tim, I am an attorney who deals with him on a regular basis! I'd be happy to give you my name and number if you post yours! Tim is very respectful, and I can only imagine that you treat support staff crappy to have them not treat you, as an attorney, with anything other than respect! Just because Tim won't hold your hand through the court process doesn't mean that he isn't a fine JEA and a very nice person.

  82. I never met this Tim but since Judge K is nice, I could not imagine how she could have poor staff...BTW I am not "Tim" either. If he is reading any of this and the comments are even partially true, I am sure he will take notice so leave the guy alone if you consider yourself a professional. Same goes for the judicial candidates who are brave enough to apply!

  83. How many jobs has Jerome Tao had in the last 6 years?

  84. Toa would be the worst since he has no job loyalty!

  85. I hear that the department is to be all civil again, so you cannot legitimately apply if you are only involved in criminal law!!!!!! looks like some need to withdraw and others should have applied.

  86. therIf you are correct, then the first anonymous seems to also be correct for the top 4. I do not believe Davidson is an R though, so toss him out of it
