A Tipster sent us the following photo:

The perfect gift for law students and lawyersA great gift for law students, both throughout law school and to help prepare for the Bar Examination. With "Passing The Bar" flashcards, your favorite law student will spend more time studying in an enjoyable, fun setting. Fun for lawyers too! The game includes 350 Multistate Bar Examination ("MBE") Cards (featuring legal questions modeled after the MBE), and 100 Justice Cards (featuring celebrity run-ins with the law, movie quotes from notorious and gripping courtroom dramas, outrageous verdicts and alike). Additional game cards (sold separately) includes 450 questions from previous Bar Examinations, released by the NCBE.
All yours for only $69.99 (game) and $59.99 (additional game cards)! Were any of you able to make it through that paragraph without cringing?
(Thanks, Tipster!)
I envy the freak who wants this game. They will enjoy every second that they spend chained to a desk doing legal research.
ReplyDeleteMy mom and sister (non-lawyers) already fight over answers in Trivial Pursuit. I can only imagine the nightmare that would become family game night.
ReplyDeleteAnd... It's one think not to know "Entertainment" well enough to get the damned pick pie, but I would never hear the end of it if unable to answer one of these questions.
The perfect gift for the gunner in your life!!
ReplyDeleteI think this game is a sell-out. Studying for the bar is not supposed to be fun. It's a horrible horrible experience. This game is for the lazy law kids who are too bored to actually force themselves to learn con law. Buyer beware, if you are dumb enough to think you can pass the bar by playing this board game, then you don't deserve the esquire title
ReplyDeleteI totally invented this game while I was studying for the bar. Dammit, they beat me to it.
ReplyDeleteWe have a game for passing the bar...it is how many bars can you pass before walking into one and buying a drink. The person who caves first buys!
ReplyDeleteI need advice... I am a fairly new lawyer who (shock) really likes my job. But my boss doesnt remember jack squat. She/he (trying to be vague) then looks to me like Ive missed something when in fact Ive done exactly what was asked of me. He/she just doesnt remember that I did it. How do I handle this?? Do I ride his/her ass? Do I remind him/her once and then let the chips fall where they may??
ReplyDeleteto 1:33
ReplyDeleteCover your own a** first.
Do so by keeping meticulous records of what you do.
IMHO, I would also go with a strategy of persistenly "reminding" the boss of things, in a tactful and pleasant manner. Although, I do see the inherent appeal of letting the chips fall where they may, the collateral effect to your own reputation could be damaged.
You could also try buying that board game, maybe it would have some PR trivia on topic.
I actually played this game while studying for the bar... not to acutally help prepare for the bar, as many of the answers to the questions were wrong, but it was a fun drinking game. It made me feel less guilty (because I was "studying") when I decided to get drunk with some other bar takers almost every friday night during bar study time.
ReplyDelete@ 1:33 - when your boss tells you to do something, try verbally repeating it back to them just to make sure you covered everything. hopefully hearing it verbally will resinate with them better.
ReplyDeleteIf that doesn't work, when you go to turn in the assignment, do it through email. In the body of the email make it kind of look like a status letter. Repeat what you were asked to do such by saying "In response to being asked to find the appropriate NRS statute for blank, and write a motion to dismiss"
hope this helps
This has been a lame two weeks
ReplyDeleteI thought I told you yesterday that you're fired!
your boss
I played a homemade "Strip" version of this game with Troy Fox and the BK Hottie back in the day. I can't tell you who won, but there were double kickstands in her face.
ReplyDeleteI clerked for the absentminded professor of judges in Elko.
Every task he handed me was memorialized via email.
Didn't help as he deleted emails whenever he remembered how to access his email account.
I quit after nine months because I didn't think beating the fuckma out of a district judge would look good on my resume.
This bastard is still on the bench in Elko. There's only two district judges there. He's the one not named Puccinelli.
Yawn thread.
ReplyDeleteDidnt see the BK Hottie this morning. Maybe tomorrow.
I want one!!!! Totally awesome. Why didn't think of that? I bow to the creative genius. My Saturday nights have a new purpose.
ReplyDeleteYou can all mock, but some totally well-meaning relative/friend is going to buy you this as a Christmas present. And you'll have to pretend that you're going to have fun playing it.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, could Gibson possibly be a bigger pussy. Asshat personified: http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2010/nov/16/righthaven-seeks-dismiss-suit-over-posting-r-j-sto/
ReplyDeleteYaaaayyyyy!!!!!!!!! CD Sweeps again today!!!! Bench/Bar with caered lunch! I'll stop playing World of Warcraft for a few minutes and actually work.
ReplyDeleteFrom 8:32:
ReplyDeleteThat should read "catered". Sorry.
Um, who told the ticket sign slut to cover up this morning?
ReplyDeleteGreat story. Really demonstrate how a good attorney can fight of the jackals for their client. Best yet is the following comment from some well read person.
"The Jagmins, too, obtained city of Las Vegas and Clark County business licenses under The Appliance Doctor of Las Vegas name, both in 2009."
Those licenses are prima facie proof they have a legitimate business and name.
Of course, the REAL issue here is why are small-timer business like this required to be licensed? Mom and pop businesses have always been the backbone of the American economy. Now two businesses are headed for the bankruptcy court because they went to court to start with. One must wonder why this wasn't resolved in mediation instead of litigation.
The real moral of this story is only the lawyers win again.
"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers." -- Dick the Butcher in Shakespeare's "Henry The Sixth," Part 2 Act 4, scene 2
Ticket sign girl was looking good yesterday. Is she single?
ReplyDelete@ 10:25. No attorney deserves the title "Esquire."
ReplyDeleteAre you saying Nancy Bernstein the "Ticket Lady" looked attractive? Good God what is wrong with you--she probably is still dating Dario Herrera--or is this a different "Ticket Lady" also is anyone else disturbed by the big picure of Vicky Grecko on the side of her building---Would that make a person want to go to her office? Finally----to the person with absent minded boss--write down in front of them what they told you--say "oh--let me take a note so that I can remember" then pull the notepad out when or she claims they never said it--just a thought
ReplyDelete@ 9:11, I think there has already been a very long discussion regarding the true meaning of that line.
ReplyDelete@10:16, I take it you're a first year associate and don't get to the courthouse very often.
ReplyDeleteName your top 5 rude attorneys
Come on, 4:43 PM, we know you have someone in mind. Who is it?
ReplyDeleteAs for me, the first name starts with an "E" and the last with a "T."
Then again, we can just list all of HS, with a few ATMS clods tossed in to round out the picture.
I'm not going to name names, but I've run into a slew of dickwads recently. C'mon guys (only one gal is a mega mega beeotch, previously identified in this blog, typically guys are more rude - maybe just because there are more guy attorneys, I'm not looking for a gender war here, just a super long and pointless parenthetical), be reasonable. You're not doing your clients any favors by being an asshat.
ReplyDeleteThat quote is often attributed to Shakespeare , but is actually from Les Miserables.
Excellent trolling 5:22.
ReplyDeleteSam "The Good Guy" Harding
ReplyDeleteEric Dobberstein
Dan "I AM GOD" Polsenberg
Bob "I thought I was God until I remembered Dan P" Eglet
Kevin "I am a native Las Vegan so I am connected" Helm.
Ya know, I believe it was our buddy Bill Shakespeare who said, "To err is human, but to forgive, well that's right on." Even though Huggy Bear wrongly credited the quote to God "The greatest Mac of all".
ReplyDeleteWho knows where these things come from?
@4:43 here.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right that I have somebody in mind 5:03. I'm not spilling today. I just wanted to see if anybody agreed with me on here but I guess not yet.
There are many jerks in our profession unfortunately. I was in court yesterday and a Judge actually said that about a lawyer's tactics "This is why people hate lawyers." So true. Whether its the scumsucking plaintiff's attorneys that give plaintiff's law a bad name or the teet milking defense attorneys who litigate everything for the sake of billing, our profession has its share of jerks. I just get tired of it. Tired Tired Tired.
Back to the grind.
James Dean Leavitt
ReplyDeleteKevin Helm
William Waters
Travis Berrick
John MacArthur
@9:35 Hard to argue with any of your selections. My jerk list would include:
ReplyDelete1. Bob Eglet
2. Drake Delanoy
3. Michael Mushkin
4. Steve Peek
5. Kevin Helm
Honorable mentions to: Steve Gibson, Mike Kearney, Richard Peel, H&S (too many to name)
God, Steve Peek is an ass.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget Vannah and the red head who works for him.