Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Open Thread

Happy Turkey-Eve!

Enjoy your long weekend (assuming, of course, you're caught up on billables).

Gobble! Gobble!


  1. I'm in-house, so no billables. Plus, I can wear what I want, when I want and come and go as I please. Ah, it's a good life!

  2. Thankful for a six figure income in this economy. Thanks bosses.

  3. Thankful for a six figure income in this economy, no bosses, and the ability to do whatever the f I want, all in five years (not according to the Supremes) out of law school. Actually feel sort of guilty.

  4. @8:37A:

    Did you just hang your shingle after graduation and hope for the best or did you have connections for your initial clients?

  5. In House, try to not get too comfortable.

    Been there and done that. It is a great gig, but if your company ever goes under and you cannot find another in house gig, you may be in your 50's with no clients and in a situation where you cannot possibly get by on the $150,000 or so that a firm will pay someone with no clients.

  6. @9:14am

    In house here.

    I hear you. I'm preparing a back-up plan as a CYA as we speak. I've got a long ways until I'm 50.

    But it doesn't hurt to be prepared. I'll enjoy it while I can.

    Happy Thanksgiving folks!

  7. I think the Halverson head on the turkey picture is kinda mean.

  8. Why? It makes he look better than she usually does.

  9. What's up with the North Las Vegas Police Officers Association dropping its lawsuit against the city of North Las Vegas? Wasn't some guy recently quoted by the Sun as saying that the Police Officers Association's suit would be a "slam dunk?" Sounds more like an airball to me.

  10. A week or so ago there was some discussion on this blog about whether Judge Miley's huge breasts are real or surgically. I'm not sure what the consensus was. Was that issue ever resolved? If so, what was decided - real or fake?

    Oh, and she's a dimwit.

    Finally, to those who continually complain that this blog has become vulgar and low-brow: fuck yourselves. This is Las Vegas. Las Vegas is unapologetically vulgar and low-brow. If you don't like it, move back to Boston or San Francisco or whatever other uptight tightass place you may have come from. There are actually some people who like Las Vegas just the way it is - dirty, stupid, undereducated, crude, and ugly.

    Happy Thanksgiving, motherfuckers.

    Word Verification: vegascentric

  11. @10:45 -- I think you're the first person to ever use the words "tightass" and "San Francisco" in the same sentence.

  12. I agree with 10:45---if you don't like crudeness move back to the Bible Belt---I lived in the Bible Belt and I am really happy not to have to hear "are you a good Christian" what the fuck does that mean----also if you want an intellectual discussion start a book club---ok-moving on--no Miley's breast are not real but she just had a kid with the husband/dog abuser--smart move--I can't stand "Randy" Miley he is so full of himself---I once heard him telling some other attorneys that he has to park his Porsche in the handicap spot because he has some virus he caught in law school and he couldn't afford to treat so if affected his heart--5 minutes later he was bragging about benching some ridiculous amount of weight--so which is it--are you disabled or not? I guess we are all suppose to pretend that he didn’t' hurt his dog--that bothers me more than the wife as she can call 911 the dog can't--I only hope someone else has that poor dog--ok with that happy note---Happy Thanksgiving-----by the way has anyone seen Halverson any gossip on her?

  13. So, how long does it take for the Supreme Court to act on a disbarment recommendation? The State Bar recommended Jeanne Winkler for disbarment after she stole $300,000 from her client trust fund and then came up with a bizarre "explanation" involving family court judge Steve Jones.
    That was EIGHT MONTHS AGO.

  14. Sorry. Forgot the link.

  15. I am sooooo happy our Bar and Supreme Court are lazy and dense. Just blew a big chunk of my IOLTA on some outstanding blow & ho last night.

    Vegas is good to me. I give thanks.

  16. 10:45 - Since you so freely admit that you are dirty, stupid, undereducated, crude and ugly, it's so much easier to "appreciate" your contributions to the discussion.

  17. @ 10:59 - I thought the dog died

  18. Nevada Supreme Court finds that an attorney's first DUI does not warrant temporary suspension or referral to the State Bar's disciplinary board:

  19. I like Las Vegas, I feel smart with them fancy letters after my name, being college educated and all.

  20. "There are actually some people who like Las Vegas just the way it is - dirty, stupid, undereducated, crude, and ugly."

    I like Vegas the way it is and I would never describe it as "dirty, stupid, undereducated, crude, and ugly." Those are attributes to be found in the practice of law (or just plain living) anywhere. Someone who thinks those things are especially endemic in Vegas needs move out of his mother's house and see a little more of the world.

    Better yet, get off law review, get a job and lose your virginity (to someone other than your sister).

  21. Ah, the spirit of Thanksgiving is alive and well on this thread. Can't wait for next month's day-before-Christmas comments. Peace and joy and double-kickstands in the face to all this holiday season.

  22. Got my bonus early this year. 4 years out and got 18k, 15 attorney firm.

    Anyone else get a bonus yet?

  23. I'm glad people are still making money in this town because it seems like everyone at Boyd is shitting over just finding any job upon graduation, let alone one paying fat bonuses.

  24. 8:37 here. Didn't hang my shingle, worked for the man for a while, no contacts just a seriously large pair of brass balls; i.e. I got fucking lucky.

  25. "I think the Halverson head on the turkey picture is kinda mean."

    Agreed. That Turkey didn't to anything to deserve that.

  26. COOL!!! Feel free to get one DUI EVERYONE!!!

  27. I work for a small firm that is barely keeping its doors open. I still get paid at least. I doubt there will be any bonuses this year for anyone. Right now I am happy to have a job in this market. Congrats to those who are having a good year.

  28. Yeah, that Hubley thing is excellent! Apparently, the local bar is having their annual "Free Crime of Moral Turpitude With a Ten Gallon Fill-up" promotion!

    We ROCK! No wonder our bar is the envy of Zaire, Swaziland and the Baltic republics! Oh, and no pesky appellate court, either!

    Happy Holidays!

  29. Hey dummies, expand your reasoning a little. A DUI still subjects you to criminal and administrative penalties. It's just not the sort of thing that necessairly makes you unfit to pracice law. I was shocked that the bar even suggested suspension.

  30. So, one DUI merits disbarment? Really? Half the lawyers in this town would be at risk.

  31. @2:25
    FYI -- DUI is not a crime of moral turpitude. Multiple DUI convictions might fit that definition, but a first offense does not.

  32. 2:43 - that's why they said one DUI isn't cause for discipline, because it would overwhelm the disciplinary system!

  33. Pic would have been even better if it included the frying pan.

  34. Got my bonus today, 3 years out, 45K bonus plus platinum rolex, 10 attorney firm, 375K in salary. Motherfuckers shortchanged me, was expecting 75K, after I billed something like 1400 hours this year. Also, got literally the best BJ of my life yesterday afternoon while in the office. She had this twisty motion. Nothing like taking a phone call from a client while being hoovered by a gold-digging hottie. wasn't really paying attention to the client there for a while.

  35. Got my bonus - $100k - and thought that was sad given the 300 hours I slaved over my cases.

  36. 7:49 PM - You devil, you are in the office next to mine, aren't you? She is great though. Her husband is a lucky guy.

  37. The Ticket Fixer is a bottom feeding motherfucker. Double Kickstand to the face Frizzell. Does the Bar give a shit that he employs the wedding people standing on the corner of 3rd and Clark to solicit every passerby with his nun bullshit business cards???

    Happy Thanksgiving biatches

  38. Yeah, that Hubley thing is excellent! Apparently, the local bar is having their annual "Free Crime of Moral Turpitude With a Ten Gallon Fill-up" promotion!

    We ROCK! No wonder our bar is the envy of Zaire, Swaziland and the Baltic republics! Oh, and no pesky appellate court, either!

    Happy Holidays!

  39. I'm in-house, so no billables. Plus, I can wear what I want, when I want and come and go as I please. Ah, it's a good life!

    November 24, 2010 8:06 AM

  40. A week or so ago there was some discussion on this blog about whether Judge Miley's huge breasts are real or surgically. I'm not sure what the consensus was. Was that issue ever resolved? If so, what was decided - real or fake?

    Oh, and she's a dimwit.

    Finally, to those who continually complain that this blog has become vulgar and low-brow: fuck yourselves. This is Las Vegas. Las Vegas is unapologetically vulgar and low-brow. If you don't like it, move back to Boston or San Francisco or whatever other uptight tightass place you may have come from. There are actually some people who like Las Vegas just the way it is - dirty, stupid, undereducated, crude, and ugly.

    Happy Thanksgiving, motherfuckers.

    Word Verification: vegascentric

    November 24, 2010 10:45 AM

  41. So, how long does it take for the Supreme Court to act on a disbarment recommendation? The State Bar recommended Jeanne Winkler for disbarment after she stole $300,000 from her client trust fund and then came up with a bizarre "explanation" involving family court judge Steve Jones.
    That was EIGHT MONTHS AGO.

    November 24, 2010 11:25 AM

  42. Yeah, that Hubley thing is excellent! Apparently, the local bar is having their annual "Free Crime of Moral Turpitude With a Ten Gallon Fill-up" promotion!

    We ROCK! No wonder our bar is the envy of Zaire, Swaziland and the Baltic republics! Oh, and no pesky appellate court, either!

    Happy Holidays!

  43. Got my bonus today, 3 years out, 45K bonus plus platinum rolex, 10 attorney firm, 375K in salary. Motherfuckers shortchanged me, was expecting 75K, after I billed something like 1400 hours this year. Also, got literally the best BJ of my life yesterday afternoon while in the office. She had this twisty motion. Nothing like taking a phone call from a client while being hoovered by a gold-digging hottie. wasn't really paying attention to the client there for a while.

  44. Bueller?

    November 24, 2010 8:04 AM

  45. First! Woohoo

    November 24, 2010 8:04 AM

    Anonymous said...

    November 24, 2010 8:04 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I'm in-house, so no billables. Plus, I can wear what I want, when I want and come and go as I please. Ah, it's a good life!

    November 24, 2010 8:06 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Thankful for a six figure income in this economy. Thanks bosses.

    November 24, 2010 8:06 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...

    Did you just hang your shingle after graduation and hope for the best or did you have connections for your initial clients?

    November 24, 2010 8:59 AM

    Anonymous said...
    In House, try to not get too comfortable.

    Been there and done that. It is a great gig, but if your company ever goes under and you cannot find another in house gig, you may be in your 50's with no clients and in a situation where you cannot possibly get by on the $150,000 or so that a firm will pay someone with no clients.

    November 24, 2010 9:14 AM

    Anonymous said...

    In house here.

    I hear you. I'm preparing a back-up plan as a CYA as we speak. I've got a long ways until I'm 50.

    But it doesn't hurt to be prepared. I'll enjoy it while I can.

    Happy Thanksgiving folks!

    November 24, 2010 9:27 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I think the Halverson head on the turkey picture is kinda mean.

    November 24, 2010 9:31 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Why? It makes he look better than she usually does.

    November 24, 2010 9:36 AM

    Anonymous said...
    What's up with the North Las Vegas Police Officers Association dropping its lawsuit against the city of North Las Vegas? Wasn't some guy recently quoted by the Sun as saying that the Police Officers Association's suit would be a "slam dunk?" Sounds more like an airball to me.

  46. I'm in-house, so no billables. Plus, I can wear what I want, when I want and come and go as I please. Ah, it's a good life!

    November 24, 2010 8:06 AM

    November 24, 2010 10:00 PM

    Anonymous said...
    A week or so ago there was some discussion on this blog about whether Judge Miley's huge breasts are real or surgically. I'm not sure what the consensus was. Was that issue ever resolved? If so, what was decided - real or fake?

    Oh, and she's a dimwit.

    Finally, to those who continually complain that this blog has become vulgar and low-brow: fuck yourselves. This is Las Vegas. Las Vegas is unapologetically vulgar and low-brow. If you don't like it, move back to Boston or San Francisco or whatever other uptight tightass place you may have come from. There are actually some people who like Las Vegas just the way it is - dirty, stupid, undereducated, crude, and ugly.

    Happy Thanksgiving, motherfuckers.

    Word Verification: vegascentric

    November 24, 2010 10:45 AM

    November 24, 2010 10:01 PM

    Anonymous said...
    So, how long does it take for the Supreme Court to act on a disbarment recommendation? The State Bar recommended Jeanne Winkler for disbarment after she stole $300,000 from her client trust fund and then came up with a bizarre "explanation" involving family court judge Steve Jones.
    That was EIGHT MONTHS AGO.

    November 24, 2010 11:25 AM

    November 24, 2010 10:03 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Yeah, that Hubley thing is excellent! Apparently, the local bar is having their annual "Free Crime of Moral Turpitude With a Ten Gallon Fill-up" promotion!

    We ROCK! No wonder our bar is the envy of Zaire, Swaziland and the Baltic republics! Oh, and no pesky appellate court, either!

    Happy Holidays!

  47. don't lie 7:49 you know that your entire bonus consisted of jack bernstein blowing you under the desk

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  53. Halverson was nice to counsel in her courtroom....she has been punished enough in life. Time to leave her alone...really. I guess the fake attorneys who are bragging likely struggle making well less than 100k per year...too bad for them

  54. Resolved Question: Are The Vampire Diaries better written than the Twilight saga?

    I'm talking about the books here. Forget about the movies and series for now. I know in visual format, VD is way better. The Vampire Diaries series was written before Twilight and the ideas are kind of similar, but which is a better book series? I've read a few L.J. Smith books before and they seemed kind of childish to me. Okay, not childish, but not as sophisticated as Stephenie Meyer's writing. Do you think it's worth reading them?

    Asked by Claire W 9 months ago Report Abuse
    Best Answer

    I'm a HUGE Twilight fan but even I have to admit that Stephenie Meyer is not a very good WRITER. Storyteller? YES. The story of the whole series is amazing. But remember, Stephenie Meyer was never a writer. She only made Twilight because she had a dream about it.
    But LJ Smith's books are 1,000 times WORSE, story wise, and writing wise. They sound like they were written by a 12 year old.
    The first 2 books in the Vampire Diaries Series (technically 4, but put into 2 books) were actually ok. The writing wasn't good, but the stories were nice.
    Then you get to the 3rd book and it sounds like it was written while LJ Smith was on an acid trip. Many times you don't even know what's going on, and when you DO know what's going on, you're like, "Holy crap could this get any lamer?"
    Stephenie Meyer is not fantastic writer but my goodness she's much better than LJ Smith!

    Answer by granite G 9 months ago Report Abuse
    Asker's Rating:

    Hey thanks to everyone else for answering, but you're answer made me laugh! :D

  55. Glee
    Characters seem genuine and share a close relationship with each other
    Has a distinctive look to the set design, colors, and wardrobe
    Has a more grown-up focus than High School Musical
    Musical numbers are performed only during “rehearsals” and “performances” tied in with the script
    Musical numbers are indicative of the thoughts and feelings of the characters
    Edgier and more humorous approach, think Madonna spoof
    Still within the bounds of PG-13
    High School Musical
    Characters seem to share on on-screen as well as off-screen chemistry
    Distinctive look to the set and costumes as well
    Definitely more upbeat and traditional approach typical of Disney productions
    Musical numbers are interspersed throughout the story
    Music numbers often relate to what the characters are thinking and feeling

  56. This video gave me the creeps.

  57. Glee
    Characters seem genuine and share a close relationship with each other
    Has a distinctive look to the set design, colors, and wardrobe
    Has a more grown-up focus than High School Musical
    Musical numbers are performed only during “rehearsals” and “performances” tied in with the script
    Musical numbers are indicative of the thoughts and feelings of the characters
    Edgier and more humorous approach, think Madonna spoof
    Still within the bounds of PG-13
    High School Musical
    Characters seem to share on on-screen as well as off-screen chemistry
    Distinctive look to the set and costumes as well
    Definitely more upbeat and traditional approach typical of Disney productions
    Musical numbers are interspersed throughout the story
    Music numbers often relate to what the characters are thinking and feeling

  58. What asshole has this much time...

  59. Where is the Friday open thread?

  60. What asshole has this much time...

    November 26, 2010 10:57 AM

  61. What asshole has this much time...

    November 26, 2010 10:57 AM

  62. What asshole has this much time...

    November 26, 2010 10:57 AM

  63. What asshole has this much time...

    November 26, 2010 10:57 AM

  64. What did anonymous say?

  65. What asshole has this much time...

    November 26, 2010 10:57 AM

  66. What asshole has this much time...

    November 26, 2010 10:57 AM

    November 26, 2010 7:30 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What asshole has this much time...

    November 26, 2010 10:57 AM

    November 26, 2010 7:32 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What asshole has this much time...

    November 26, 2010 10:57 AM

    November 26, 2010 7:34 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What asshole has this much time...

    November 26, 2010 10:57 AM

    November 26, 2010 7:35 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What did anonymous say?

    November 26, 2010 7:35 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What asshole has this much time...

    November 26, 2010 10:57 AM

    November 26, 2010 7:36 PM

  67. What asshole has this much time...

    November 26, 2010 10:57 AM

    November 26, 2010 7:30 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What asshole has this much time...

    November 26, 2010 10:57 AM

    November 26, 2010 7:32 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What asshole has this much time...

    November 26, 2010 10:57 AM

    November 26, 2010 7:34 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What asshole has this much time...

    November 26, 2010 10:57 AM

    November 26, 2010 7:35 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What did anonymous say?

    November 26, 2010 7:35 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What asshole has this much time...

    November 26, 2010 10:57 AM

    November 26, 2010 7:36 PM

  68. What asshole has this much time...

    November 26, 2010 10:57 AM

    November 26, 2010 7:30 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What asshole has this much time...

    November 26, 2010 10:57 AM

    November 26, 2010 7:32 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What asshole has this much time...

    November 26, 2010 10:57 AM

    November 26, 2010 7:34 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What asshole has this much time...

    November 26, 2010 10:57 AM

    November 26, 2010 7:35 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What did anonymous say?

    November 26, 2010 7:35 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What asshole has this much time...

    November 26, 2010 10:57 AM

    November 26, 2010 7:36 PM

  69. What asshole has this much time...

    November 26, 2010 10:57 AM

    November 26, 2010 7:30 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What asshole has this much time...

    November 26, 2010 10:57 AM

    November 26, 2010 7:32 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What asshole has this much time...

    November 26, 2010 10:57 AM

    November 26, 2010 7:34 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What asshole has this much time...

    November 26, 2010 10:57 AM

    November 26, 2010 7:35 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What did anonymous say?

    November 26, 2010 7:35 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What asshole has this much time...

    November 26, 2010 10:57 AM

    November 26, 2010 7:36 PM

  70. Did one of you H&S haters crash your car into their office building today?


    Hot Blonde Tina in CCDC

  72. 9:53 PM

    Kistler must have realized he made a horrible mistake.

  73. Legitimate question:

    Recent law grad, passed the bar, haven't found gainful employment yet, although I've been trying. How would you suggest I ethically hustle for clients down at the RJC?

  74. Completely unrelated but just wanted to say WOLFPACK f boise, idaho, and potatoes

  75. Yeah bitch! I 'F' those greasy lil' spuds every f'n day bitch. That's right! Straight violate'm!!!!

  76. Spuds bitch! Spuds!

  77. 3:06

    In Nevada, you just put on a bikini and hold up a sign advertising your skills.

  78. No!

    You get a big, fat, juicy tator and put a hole in it. Then you slide it over your rock hard manhood and pump it like your celly.

    That's how I got a job after law school.

  79. Seventh-year lawyer at 10 to 15 lawyer firm. Got $7,500 bonus. Not great, but certainly not bad. I think it was fair. I have friends at other firms who got much less.

  80. Mileys tits are fake... For the tenth time.

    Randy KILLED and strangled is dog.... Again for the 10th time.

    Someone needs to work on their discovery.

  81. Randy doesn't drive a porsche... He wouldn't be able to handle the stick shift.

    He does use a handicap plaque though... Lazy bastered.

  82. 10:07 PM

    Did the strangling happen after the killing?

    Please advise

  83. @9:32 AM

    That's some good critical reading. Somebody should hire you.

  84. NEED A JOB...please...if anyone knows of openings it would be greatly appreciated.

  85. Fuck a job. I smear my own feces all over my naked body and then write my name on a wall with it.

  86. Most people need a job. Why should anyone recommend a position to you?

  87. they don't need to recommend a job, I think the post was just asking about information regarding possible openings. Why not post a lead if you have one, especially if you fortunate enough to already have a job.

    @3:17 around the holidays may be particularly difficult to find job openings. Maybe after Christmas things will look more promising.

  88. you could always start a blog about really lame ways to ask for a job

  89. 3:17, the Henderson City Attorneys Office recently posted two Assistant City Attorney positions with its civil division. You can find the postings on the City's website. Best of luck and keep your hopes up.

  90. I was walking to Court the other day and the girl who was holding one of those ticket attorney signs spit on the ground like 5 feet away from me. It was disgusting. It looked green and yellow and all gooey. Vegas, baby. Vegas.

  91. Congratulations to 11/29 7:45 p.m. I think the quality of this blog hit rock bottom with that comment. Buh-bye.


  93. Appears that Judge Silver upheld the Constitution in disallowing the fruits of the poisonious tree. Shame on Henderson Police for not fabricating a citation for failure to use a right turn signal, since it'll put these scumbags back on the street.

  94. Scumbags? How so? What's wrong with growing and distributing pot?

  95. Well its about time one of the judges follows the law...that would suck if they broke into my house and found my pounds of marijuana in my freezer...Now they will have to get a warrant!

  96. Henderson police do illegal searches because judges allow them to do it? NEVER HEARD OF SUCH A THING. Kuddos silver, kuddos

  97. Wow...attorneys talking about how much money they make...lame. Actually accomplish anything this year? Doing any good for society?

  98. 7:20 pm = dumb and idealistic 1L or dumb and idealistic lawyering process instructor. Go back to rubbing one out while moaning about social injustice, you useless simp.

  99. @10:12: No, not a 1L or an instructor. I'm a licensed practicing attorney and I think I simply fall somewhere between an idealist and a douchebag with a small penis. BTW, that's not moaning about social injustice (not sure where you got that one), it's simply pointing out the fact that out of nowhere, people stared rattling off how much they make and what their bonuses were. I mean, I guess if you need to make up for a shortcoming, money is the easiest and most quantifiable way to do it but that doesn't make it any less boring, lame, or tacky. I'd love to see the bald heads, tiny dicks, and guts that go with all those anonymous people leaving comments. haha! You have a great holiday!! ;-)

  100. We need a new topic----

  101. @ 10:25 Freud says: you're secretly jealous of the success of others but you mask it with criticism of other attorneys for flaunting what they have earned through hard work and talent. Are you always going to blame other people for your failings?

    Word Verification: reality check

  102. One of the points of this blog is money. It's nice to see what the market rate for attorneys is, what others are making, whether your bosses are hosing you etc. I didn't get a bonus this year but I'm happy for others who did and am interested in the range that is out there.

  103. Would you give a law clerk at your firm a bonus? Assuming support staff received christmas bonuses.

    word verification: broke

  104. Stick a fork in this blog, it's done!

  105. I got a bonus as a law clerk at my firm a few years ago when I was a 3L working part-time during the school year. It was only $500, but I was happy with it because I didn't expect anything at all.

  106. Hey, ''Anonymous said'' Asshole, cut that shit out. My broke-ass phone crashes when I try to view the comments and your spamming takes all the memory.

    Or JWL could do something about it.

  107. A. The dog did NOT die!

    B. Has anybody heard about attorney E. Brent Bryson allegedly having sex with his daughter for the last eight years? Seriously. That's a story that came out of family court today.

  108. Brent Bryson is the attorney for O.J.'s co-defendant. I know he was acquitted for killing a man with a wine bottle in a bar fight. Lol, seriously... But I haven't heard anything about him and his daughter...

    That is some repulsive career ending shit!!

  109. Brent Bryson, wow, if it's true it's really fucked up

  110. Did Elle get laid off?

  111. Please fix this problem!

  112. bryson also got into a fist fight with another attorney outside of family court a while back. The other attorney was childs, I think

  113. I had a case with Bryson some years ago and I found it pretty disturbing. Rather than getting sharp with each other, stating our positions and moving on, he got really aggressive and threatening toward me. I seriously felt that if I kept stating my position, he might have actually hit me.

    The case is long since over and I haven't crossed paths with him since. Fine by me.

  114. This site has gotten so fucking lame that they can't even start a new thread for Friday. I know my job must be boring to even waste my time looking at this shit.

  115. I believe we are seeing the end of Wild Wild Law. It was pretty good while it lasted, but the idiots have taken over. Bye

  116. Someone hit the lights on the way out.

  117. The Miley dog did not die? Really?

    You better tell that to one of their kids. He was in school telling my child their Dad killed their dog.

    My husband (LVMPD) who's friend was there that night told us they had to call a vet to put the dog a sleep he was so bad off.

    Randy - stop telling lies to try and make you look better. It is not going to happen. We all know what you are.

  118. This blog jumped the shark months ago

  119. I humped the shark months ago. . . In it's poop hole!

  120. hahaha...this blog is ridiculously awful. I love it!

  121. @7:22,

    I can deal with crass, tasteless comments. But for for the love of God, man, "it" does not take an apostrophe when forming a possessive!

  122. New marketing idea? Write yourself up in Wikipedia


  123. JD Esq

    That thing on your chin right now?

    IT'S my balls! But you like it so enjoy.

  124. Mr. Bryson is currently the attorney in the case of Bower v Harrah's. Mr Bower and four other plantiffs are suing Harrah's Laughlin for damages suffered by them as a result of the brawl and killings at Harrah's Laughlin in 2002, when the Mongols motorcycle gang and the Hells Angels gang fought and shot each other in the casino in Laughlin at 2:15 in the morning the 27th of April 2002.

    Mr. Bower suffered over 500,00.00 dollars in physical injuries and had his pre-existing Neuropsychiatric disability of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, (PTSD) severly exacerbated and damaged by the events of that brawl. Mr. Bower is a Vietnam veteran and served with the 101st Airborne Division during the Vietnam War. He was an infantryman and involved in many battles while serving his country in Vietnam specifically the operation known as Hamburger Hill and the devastating fight at FSB Spear which was overrun by the North vietnamese army. The battle at Spear had over 15 soldiers killed from the 101st and Mr. Bower suffered his initial PTSD from the events of that battle and has had to live with that psychological damage ever since, which was brutally exacerbated by the brawl at Harrah's that took him back to FSB Spear and all of the events he experienced during his time in vietnam.

    Brent Bryson won an appeal before the Nevada Supreme Court in which he eloquently argued that Mr. Bower and the other plantiffs in bower v Harrah's should have a trial and as a result of his superb presentation to the Nevada Supreme court, a trial was granted and the lower courts which had denied the trial were overulled.

    The trial is in progress now in the 8th judicial district court in Las Vegas, room 15D.

  125. E. Brent Bryson

    E. Brent Bryson (born July 19, 1957, in Wise, Virginia) is a Criminal Defense Attorney based out of Las Vegas Nevada most recently known for his involvement in the O.J. Simpson Las Vegas robbery case where he defended co-defendant Clarence "C.J" Stewart. In 2008 Clarence "C.J." Stewart received a 7 1/2- 27 year sentence for his involvement with the O.J. Simpson Las Vegas robbery. On October 22, 2010 the Nevada Supreme Court remanded Clarence "C.J" Stewart's sentence for a new trial.

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    Mr. Bryson is currently the attorney in the case of Bower v Harrah's. Mr Bower and four other plantiffs are suing Harrah's Laughlin for damages suffered by them as a result of the brawl and killings at Harrah's Laughlin in 2002, when the Mongols motorcycle gang and the Hells Angels gang fought and shot each other in the casino in Laughlin at 2:15 in the morning the 27th of April 2002.

    Mr. Bower suffered over 500,00.00 dollars in physical injuries and had his pre-existing Neuropsychiatric disability of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, (PTSD) severly exacerbated and damaged by the events of that brawl. Mr. Bower is a Vietnam veteran and served with the 101st Airborne Division during the Vietnam War. He was an infantryman and involved in many battles while serving his country in Vietnam specifically the operation known as Hamburger Hill and the devastating fight at FSB Spear which was overrun by the North vietnamese army. The battle at Spear had over 15 soldiers killed from the 101st and Mr. Bower suffered his initial PTSD from the events of that battle and has had to live with that psychological damage ever since, which was brutally exacerbated by the brawl at Harrah's that took him back to FSB Spear and all of the events he experienced during his time in vietnam.

    Brent Bryson won an appeal before the Nevada Supreme Court in which he eloquently argued that Mr. Bower and the other plantiffs in bower v Harrah's should have a trial and as a result of his superb presentation to the Nevada Supreme court, a trial was granted and the lower courts which had denied the trial were overulled.

    The trial is in progress now in the 8th judicial district court in Las Vegas, room 15D.

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  126. I took a week off and was sad to see no action on Wild Wild Law since Thanksgiving.
    My guess is, the bloggers who put in the work on this site have had enough of the brilliant and witty comments from some of you.
    (That last sentence was sarcasm for those of you who are more dense than cement.)

  127. This blog has been officially shut down. Thanks angry guy.

  128. I can't believe this blog was snubbed by the ABA. It's got to be top 100 in something, even if only for "Best word verification."

