Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday Open Thread

Happy Friday everyone!

Don't forget to tip us with your firms' holiday party plans.


  1. Third...............

  2. Fifth.....good bye.....

  3. That is a fun picture. Today, I have decided that I will completely agree with the first request I get from opposing counsel. You want me to dismiss the case? Just ask. But the offer only goes for the first request, so don't waste it on a one week extension to get your interrogatories verified by your client who lives in Iran.

  4. Top 5 Billboard Attorneys:

  5. Your mom that chick advertises EVERYWHERE

  6. From "Tipster": Order of Suspension of attempted child molester Richard "Rick" Crane:

    Question: Why nothing prior has been on this Website?

    Bigger Question: If he pled back in October, why was/is he still employed to date?

    Word Verifcation: (YOU fill in the blank!!!)

  7. This blog jumped the shark ages ago.

  8. Poll of the day: Which firm has the hottest associates (male or female)? Provide specific examples.

  9. Is there such a thing as a "top" billboard attorney?

  10. 9:35:

  11. The Pubic Defenders have hot ASSociates.

  12. 9:33 You are so right--just scanned the past stories on this site for the past several months--its ALL milktoast BS!!! I mean, its sad when "who is the hottest" now overrides the conversation on a self-proclaimed "tabloid legal blog" when we have a recently convicted child molester attorney. WTF!

  13. I've read mixed reviews of working for Alverson Taylor? I was thinking of applying. Is this a "for the love of God, don't do it" type situations?

  14. you seem to think that a child molesting attorney is news. This is Vegas we have attorneys:
    (1) blowing convicts,
    (2) in suicide pacts with ex-cops,
    (3) assaulting paralegals at golf tournaments,
    (4) lying under oath to facilitate the medical mafia,
    (5) getting tased for carrying guns on walks in the 'hood
    (6) having not one, but two DUIs in public-owned vehicles on the same day;
    and then there are Miley and Halverson, enough fun for months of blogging.

    A little survey of hot associates seems to be a pleasant distraction from the fact that most of the world sees LV attorneys like the idiots on Defenders.

  15. 10:13 AM - Amen, brutha.

  16. @10:13 - Where have I been? Who were the attorneys in items 3 and 6?

    That's a solid recap.

  17. Can't agree more about this site. I check in periodically. For instance, the only thing EVER posted about Soon-To-Be-Former-Judge Abbantangelo was that he was getting remarried. Are you serious? When isn't a Judge convicted of DV or an attorney caught up in a Chis Hansen Dateline child molestation type sting not "tabloid" sh*t. Apparently, the "but, they're a nice guy" factor comes into play. Then again, "who has the hottest senior partner" poll is far more entertaining. Says volumns about those that continue to frequent this site. Double Kickstands!!

    Word Verification: NowASuckwadSite

  18. 10:13: Whatever, some people actually get duped to check in to find out recent "tabloid" type legal news. Fine, then the title of this site: "Wild Wild Law: Legal Antics and Jurisprudence in Nevada" needs to be renamed for what it is and does: "Doublekickstands: Douchebag Newbie Associates Clearly Wasting Billable Hours"

  19. I've read mixed reviews of working for Alverson Taylor? I was thinking of applying. Is this a "for the love of God, don't do it" type situations?

    Go for it. If you survive your 6 months there you will have a long and rewarding career in insurance defense.

    Keyword: Career Suicide

  20. Twenty-third bitches! You gotta get up early as hell to beat me.

  21. It seems some visitors to this blog are complaining about the "tipping" effect that has plagued the commentary here. A few juvenile douchey doo's is tolerable, but a blog thread dominated by them makes it less fun.

    Now, this may be true, but as any Southener can tell you, abandoning the site is not the answer. Stay and fight. Do you want this site to become like Detroit? I think it's better we make it like San Francisco, where all the colors of the rainbow unite to have fun.

    Double kickstand and Sensi pants needs to hug and make up.

    Let the comments troll, er, I mean "roll."

  22. I believe the point of a tabloid website is for people who have tabloid gossip share it with the rest of us.
    You can't hardly expect an unpaid webmaster to spend his or her life running around Vegas digging up dirt on legal professionals.

  23. 11:36 You don't have to search, as 10:13 points out, it falls out of the sky here in Vegas. That's what makes us the "Wild Wild West." You simply need to unbiasedly post it as the initial story, like how this site started off (whether you like the guy/gal or not) and then let the comments fly.

    We'll see what Monday brings. If there's nothing about the suspended child molester noted above, but yet another "fluff story" about bar exam sh*t, I'm gone! And I'm telling my Mom and dog not to come back either :)

  24. Who is the child molester??

  25. I have a question - I have had opposing counsel preface comments with "off the record..." What is the point of this? I didn't think there was any such thing as off-the-record. If his/her off-the-record comment helps my case, I'll blab it in a minute.

  26. 1:14, here are the court minutes:

    Supreme Court Order of suspension is linked above

  27. Why would you come to this site to get all your legal news? I never expect a blog to be unbiased and to provide all the news and information under the sun.

    I'm pretty sure this blog is run by people who have real jobs and don't have time to put up every legal gossip story that comes out of Nevada. They should bring on the double kickstands guy who seems to have enough time on his hands. Triple kickstands!

  28. I wouldn't depend on this site for my legal news either. But, it WAS a nice place to check in, she what kind of sh*t is going on in our legal world and no matter how bad our life sucks, we COULD at least view a recent blurb and a few funny comments and remind ourselves--at least I'm not that guy!

  29. ATMS is an ok place to start.
    1. You learn how to bill like a pro
    2. They are organized such that everything you do is reviewed and re-reviewed. You aren't put in a position to screw things up royally.
    Don't expect any perks though. Maybe they still take everyone to Death Valley to play golf in Feb. That was kinda fun. Christmas party sucks ass though.

  30. I also think comments on blogs and news websites and just about anywhere on the Internet where anonymity is afforded that people tend to be mean. Don't know if it's for shock value or their true selves pop out, but there you have it.
    I get use out of this blog, but that's only because I'm in the blackmail business.
    Word Verification: My lawyer has the original photos so if anything happens to me your ass is grass.

  31. What is the pay and billable req. like at ATMS?

  32. When I was there, the billables were 2000 or you didn't get your pay raise ($2,500 every 6 months). The bonus system was based on how many hours you bill over and above 2000. They've changed the entire salary structure though so I have no clue what it is now.

  33. Yeah, I am not really sure what the pay structure is like now. I mostly just hear information about what it was before some "revised" system was put in place. I've heard its hourly based on billables, not sure if that is true though, and I am not sure what the hourly amount typically is either.

  34. I had a very good experience at ATMS. Its not a place where you will likely stay for more than a few years, but I was able to use my Alverson experience to spring board to what I consider a very good job (Associate General Counsel at a major corporation). Most of the associates I worked with also made very good lateral moves from Alverson. The pay is on the low end for a mid size firm, but is probably higher than most small firms. You will also get better work than most smaller insurance defense firms. I found the hours to be about what I expected for a mid size litigation firm.

    Despite what you hear, its actually a decent place for a 1st year law grad to weather the recession for a year or two.

  35. As my teens would say, I agree this site is now "broke." The last few comments confirm that all that's left is a bunch of insecure newbies. Reason = I agree with comments above, content of top story will always dictate. Crappy hook = crappy readers = crappy comments.

  36. I am a loyal reader and it hurts my feelings when someone like 4:34 calls me "crappy."

    Would a crappy reader have read all the Twilight books? Eh? Eh? I don't think so!

  37. You know what's getting old now? People commenting about how bad the comments have gotten. I never thought the comments on this blog were intellectually stimulating and never expected them to be.

    If you think the site is "broke," then go read some other site and don't bother the rest of us.

  38. 5:04 Then go start a new Blog entitled Whiney B*tches Discussing Switching Firms! WTF does any of this have to do w/ "tabloid" stories or "legal antics"?

    Word Verification: GoHomeToYourCats

  39. So I looked up the stuff above, if you read the bio on that Crane guy (, he authored an article "How low does the Bar go?"

    Now that's comedy!

    Word Verification: Hypocrite

  40. From Homepage:

    "Wild Wild Law is a tabloid blog publishing information about Nevada law, judges, jurisprudence, and legal jobs (focusing on Las Vegas) obtained via word of mouth, e-mail, and traditional media. Given that this jurisdiction is known as the wild wild west of law, it offers amusing stories of the antics of Plaintiffs, Defendants, attorneys, judges, and law firms . . ."

    Word Verification: Bullsh*t

  41. Richard Crane law license suspended after he was convicted for kind of sorta soliciting sex from a minor (who was actually a Henderson detective).

  42. 6:48 = Yea! A webpage not affraid to man-up and report "the good stuff"!

  43. 6:48 PM - Poor Crane. If only he had found the peace and joy of a stable relationship cemented by the bonds of matrimony. Whenever I meet an unmarried adult over the age of 22 or so, a bit of sadness touches my heart. The devil dances on the unfulfilled yearnings of a single person.

  44. Crane, Lieutenant Commander, sounds like he wanted to be a rear Admiral

  45. Its now officially a "reported story":

    IF this site decides to just quote the RJ article on Monday, it really needs to at least add in what 5:24 found--that's good stuff!

  46. Ok I'll start warming it up w/ you 12:03, I heard this one on Friday:

    Now that "Rick" is offically suspended, he should apply at TSA to work the express line for unaccompanied minors. BooYa!

  47. His online bio says that he likes (I mean served as a)"Seaman."

  48. 30 years in the Navy! It makes me sick to think about how many kids he may have actually abused around the world during this time, especially in countries where it is an accepted practice.

  49. Since he is still employed at a family law firm and can no longer practice law, maybe he could provide "childcare" while clients meet with a "real attorney."

  50. Hey, Crane is a Thomas Jefferson graduate! It doesn't say if he completed the dual degree program in Chiropractic.

  51. Just goes to show you what "Don't ask Don't tell " is for.....

  52. What's up? Richard's "Crane," he's sittin in the back row of the new Harry Potter film.


  53. Willick law site JUST NOW pulled anything linked to Crane--so any link to his bio above won't work anymore.

    47 days after the plea was entered, 45 days after becoming a registered sex offender, 5 days after the Supreme Court Order of Suspension, but it was finally done ON THE DAY the RJ story comes out disclosing where he is working? Not a coincidence! They would have kept this scumbag "on staff" had there been no press. He was just in Family Court last week.

    Sad :(

  54. That's called "TROLLING"

  55. State Bar still has him working there:

  56. The commander needs to blow town and settle in Mexico or Vietnam. There he can play "rear admiral" to plenty of young women looking to host 'seamen.'

  57. Crane thought he was talking to a 15 year old girl, not a boy. He asked her when she turned 16, what her sexual history was, and to let him know if she ever wanted to hang out.
    He did not ask her if she had a little brother, or if she wanted any seaman to gather on the poop deck.

  58. Also rounded up in the August 09 raid were a HIV positive creep looking for boys. A former Strip casino club manager was also caught.
    While these guys are creepy, from a legal perspective I wonder how much of a crime was committed. It seems to me, at leat in Crane's case, that he never got to an act in futherance of a crime.

  59. He IS an attorney that was represented by Bill Terry. Don't you think that if there was one iota of a chance of beating it (entrapment, etc.), he would of at least tried. He had over a year to think about it before he entered his plea. He pled to a FELONY knowing that he likely would lose his ticket and would be a registered sex offender for the rest of his life. Haven't you ever seen those Datelines where Chris Hansen busts them. The perps always just happen to usually have with them the exact brand of wine coolers & condoms they talked about online. I love the ones that say they were just coming by to make sure there was no one else there hurting them. Then they read them back their ONGOING (not just one drunk-lonely-horney night oopsie) DETAILED web conversations about what they ARE GOING TO DO TO THEM. This is a type of crime thank God the cops are there to stop the act from actually happening.

    Especially a "seaman" like this that traveled the earth for 30 years, he didn't just pick up this idea one day in his mid-50s.

  60. He's had a rough life. He went to Thomas Jefferson Law School. I mean, how would you react if you went there? It is impossible to say, because you didn't go there. Try walking a mile in his shoes before you judge. A law school founded on the raping of slaves?

  61. Take it from someone who practices crim law. The good stuff would have come out in discovery. From what I can tell, he waived his prelim and then plead. Only thing referenced in the RJ was the police report where not everything is disclosed. You really think he took a felony/sex-life-of-supervision deal because the only evidence they had was he wanted to "hang out" with a 15 year old girl? PLEASE!!!

  62. Until you have a teenage daughter of your own, you will never really understand the severity of this. He is what he is: P-R-E-D-A-T-O-R.

  63. @ 10:33 AM

    I am a 3L right now and I have been to Vegas a couple of times for a series of interviews, including with ATMS.

    I have spoken with a number of former ATMS associates. This is the breakdown. ATMS is VERY Mormon, a good place to work for 1-2 years out of law school, a good place to learn the fundamentals of practice and a sweatshop. ATMS recruits heavily out of Utah, BYU and Pepperdine (all schools with a lot of Mormon students).

    Oh, and you have to buy your own health insurance and are paid by the hour (not salary). So basically you're going to be the legal equivalent of a Wal-Mart associate.

    But, you do have that wonderful ATMS basement Christmas party to look forward to! I hear that they are extremely generous with the white cookies and punch!
