Crane was arrested in August 2009 in a Henderson police sting that nabbed men seeking to meet underage boys and girls via Craigslist.com.
According to Crane's arrest report, he believed he was speaking to a 15-year-old girl, and asked when she would turn 16. Crane asked questions about the girl's sexual history and asked on several occasions to "hang out," the report stated.
Crane is was a member of the Willick Law Group, where his bio used to read as follows:
Richard “Rick” Crane
Mr. Crane received his B.S. degree in General Studies from Excelsior University in 1996 and his M.S. degree in Management from Troy State University in 1997 while serving overseas with the United States Navy. Upon his return to the United States, Mr. Crane received his J.D. degree in May 2005 from Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego, California. Mr. Crane has represented the Government's interest in administrative hearings and performed an internship with the San Diego Public Attorney's Office prior to retiring from the Navy after 30 years of service.
Crane also authored a letter to the Editor of the June, 2007, Nevada Lawyer magazine entitled,
How Low Does the Bar Go? Surprising a guy like this chose to go by "Rick."
How Low Does the Bar Go? Surprising a guy like this chose to go by "Rick."
(Full Bio (PDF); LVRJ; Thanks, Tipsters!)
Didn't his older brother get whacked in a motel room by Willem Dafoe?
ReplyDeleteIn more interesting news, the LVRJ finally takes note of the horrible Wiznet.
ReplyDeleteIt mentions that the clerk's office has been reduced by 20 bodies. WTF? City planners and inspectors sit around all day picking their f'ing noses while the clerk's office is bursting at the seams? And don't get me started on the south entrance....
What do you mean finally? Getting attorneys to return phone calls is like pulling teeth. And getting one to go on the record and risk pissing off the powers that be is even more frustrating.
ReplyDeleteHere's a couple of tips:
When the media calls, answer the phone. It's not like we're your clients who don't deserve a callback.
Two: The media can be used for more than grandstanding. If we don't have sources we don't have a story.
On behalf of Las Vegas media, thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Hey, DOUG MCMURDO - the RJ is a piece of shit. That's why I won't answer your calls. Keep selling your rights to that fuckwad Gibson so he can keep suing grandmas and dropping suits against Angle and I'll keep not reading your paper.
ReplyDeleteI have nothing to do with Gibson or Righthaven. I'm happy as hell when the ABA, Above the Law, Bad Lawyer, Legal Blog Watch or Wild Wild Law pick up one of my stories.
ReplyDeleteAnd I couldn't find a listing for a lawyer named Anonymous in the Nevada Legal Directory, so I doubt I've ever called you.
ReplyDeleteGun crusader strips down for TSA at San Diego Airpot
Back to Crane, couldn't he have just restrained himself until the alleged girl's 16th birthday? As a family law guy, you'd hope he'd know that. ;)
ReplyDeleteOwner of popular eatery frequented by lawyers pleads guilty to burglary charge
Posted by Jeff German
Monday, Nov. 22, 2010 at 11:02 AM
Hans Aareskjold is well known to the courthouse set as the owner of the popular Strip Sandwich Shop at Las Vegas Boulevard and Bonneville Avenue.
It turns out that Aareskjold is also well known to the other side of the law.
Pedo Bear, Esq. ftw.
ReplyDeleteWell I would just like to say thank you to the LVRJ for bringing up 2 stories (Crane and Efiling) that have been going on since 2009...Way to be up on the NEWS!!!
ReplyDeleteNow if we could only figure out what is going on in the Quon and Winkler cases I think that we would be all set.
9:45A - 11:23A is why I love the internet.
ReplyDeleteAn anonymous commenter gets "outed" by another anonymous commenter and then gets indigent about anonymous commenting.
Fri's thead much funnier after story broke.
ReplyDeleteI don't care about getting "outed" as you put it, 2:03. I sign my name to every story I write. It seems to be custom to be anomymous on this site.
ReplyDeleteI was indignant over his or her ignorant comment. Nothing more frustrating than being challenged to a fight by a 'gina that can't give his name.
Anonymity gives rise to false courage and allows stupity to run like the wind.
I am Doug McMurdo.
How about a RJ reporter calling an attorney a pussy. Very professional Mr. McMurdo. I predict it will not be long till you are banished back to Pahrump.
ReplyDeleteAnd an attorney using terms like fuckwad and piece of shit is acceptable?
ReplyDeleteI lowered my standards in an effort to communicate with the subspecies that have highjacked this website.
The R-J believes in freedom of speech, even when it's offensive. And by the way, 11:12 is a pussy.
PS: I haven't worked in Pahrump since 2006.
ReplyDelete"Anonymity gives rise to false courage and allows stupity to run like the wind."
ReplyDeleteClassic. Mr. McMurdo, you are truly eloquent, and a shinning example of the quality of writing the LVRJ has to offer. Of course, we are all too stupid to understand the nuances of your linguistic abilities.
I am nothing if not a cunning linguist.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Doug McMurdo on this one. 11:12/2:37 is a pussy. But the RJ, and its Righthaven bullshit, still sucks.
ReplyDeleteWord verification: enhanced pat-down
The RJ believes in freedom of speech? LOL! Tell that to those Righthaven bottom-feeders.
ReplyDeleteWhy would you keep someone employed with you when they have been convicted of a FELONY...Why?
ReplyDeleteAssuming this really is McMurdo venting, 9:29 clearly is Willick trying to turn attention away from the fact he continues to keep the pedofile at issue on as his "case manager."
ReplyDelete11:12 "That's why I won't answer your calls" is reference to being unavailable for comment on the pedofile story.
Get it now?
Look, I'm not an apologist for the R-J, and for reasons that should be obvious I'm not going to weigh in on Righthaven. I will tell you the newsroom has mixed feelings.
ReplyDeleteI will also tell you the constitutional protection of free speech does not mean go ahead and steal other people's words because speech is free.
The problem is that technology, i.e. the Internet, is eons ahead of the law and the chasm widens daily.
Traditional media is fighting for its existence and Righthaven is one such effort to regain control over LEGALLY COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL.
Some of you are lawyers. I assume you respect the law. Copyright law is only about 200 years old in America, but the Internet is still a pissed off teenager.
My guess on where this is going? Pornographers will save the newspaper industry because more people watch porn than read the news, and porn is being illegally bootlegged all over the WWW zip code.
Pornographers will find a way to protect copyrights and the rest of us will follow suit. Literally.
God bless Porn.
ReplyDeleteWord verification -- no lie "Pedys" I have no idea what it means, but it sounds nasty.
Who is Doug McMurdo and why should I care?
ReplyDeleteWho is Doug McMurdo and why should I care?
ReplyDeleteYou shouldn't care about me, at least not so much you have to ask the question twice.
ReplyDeleteVery truly yours,
Doug McMurdo
WAIT....so 9:29 is Willick...or 11:12...
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone even read the RJ anymore?
ReplyDeleteDoug, maybe you should take a lesson from Jason Whitlock and not out yourself on a blog, espeically one as stupid as this one. I mean, do you seriously want to be associated with the "double kickstands" guy?
ReplyDeleteBoth. 'Wag the dog' Marshal, wag that dog!
ReplyDeleteOn a sidenote, I'm thinking of taking my X back to court and fight for custody of my 15 year old daughter. I'm looking for a firm with a good "hands on" case manager. Any suggestions?
3:57: I agree. I should have just moved along but I never could resist an invitation to go to the gravel.
ReplyDeleteFor the record, I didn't post the comment @ 3:59.
Word verification: 11:12 is still a pussy.
Reading the LVRJ is like reading the printing on the cereal box while your having a bowl for breakfast.
ReplyDeleteYou read it because its sitting there in front of you, not because its interesting.
Come on, I'll cut and paste 3 of the funnier ones from Friday:
ReplyDelete1) Now that "Rick" is offically suspended, he should apply at TSA to work the express line for unaccompanied minors.
2) What's up? Richard's "Crane," he's sittin in the back row of the new Harry Potter film.
3) Try walking a mile in his shoes before you judge. His law school (Thomas Jefferson) was founded on the raping of slaves.
@4:10: Contractions aren't just a fancy name for labor pains. Learn how to write with basic third grade grammar and punctuation skills before you criticize what you read.
ReplyDeleteSo, to summarize:
ReplyDeleteDoug McMurdo may be a cunning linguist, but Rick Crane has a rapists wit.
Here's another one from Friday...
ReplyDeleteHe did not ask her if she had a little brother, or if she wanted any seaman to gather on the poop deck.
I wonder how many of Crane's clients knew about this...I would never hire a Pedo-Counsel.
ReplyDeleteThe level of discourse on this blog as sunk so low I have to go watch porn just to get back my sense of dignity.
ReplyDeleteWord verification: Not Doug McMurdo
Didn't Willick lose his job at the Supreme Court cause he got caught pounding his gavel in one of the Justices' chambers?
ReplyDeleteTo answer your question, all of his clients knew he was a child molester. Obviously, he was just such a good lawyer that they didn't care.
In case the above does not make sense to you, apparently Willick kept the PREDATOR on as a "case manager":
Didn't the Allman Brothers do a song with the line, "Lord, I was born a NAMBLA man . . ."
ReplyDeleteJust checked out the Willick web site. That Kari Molnar looks like the Joker. Jesus! Willick probably ought to take her picture off of there too.
ReplyDeleteCrane was taking the standard rule of thumb for choosing a mate: one-half your age, minus 10 years. That's 15. Is it his fault the law does not recognize his love for suitably aged women? In Saudi Arabia he'd have 10 brides that age.
ReplyDeleteThe real tragedy here is how shitty Willick's website is. Is that thing for real? Why even have a website if it looks like something out of the late 90s. Time to spend a little money so you can at least pretend your law "group" is legit.
ReplyDelete"Oh, get the ball gag out." Direct quote from Uncle Rick's esteemed bar article:
It's been almost 2 months since he pled, don't get why Sticky Ricky is not yet listed on the NV registered sex offender site.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the great picture of the box with candy and the bear. I needed a good laugh today.
ReplyDeleteI hope everyone has a great holiday.
This just in: Gordon & Silver associates can wear jeans tomorrow! No word on Hawaiian shirts however.
ReplyDeleteI'm in my underwear now.
ReplyDeleteI will be rocking jeans as well, and anticipate a "half-day." (regional mid. size firm)
ReplyDeleteLook what they found in Crane's car.
ReplyDeleteSWEET!!! Belly laugh..
ReplyDelete6:24 made the day!
Random question:
ReplyDeleteWhen the firm lets you have a "half day" do you somehow get credit for the 4 hours you could have billed or do you have to make them up on a different day? As a follow up, if you have your billed hours, couldn't every day be a "half day" or are you expected to bill the hours and put in the face time?
I've avoided the whole "law firm" experience (thank god for in house work!) and was curious how things like half-days and, correspondingly, vacations and holidays worked.
Re: Doug McMurdo:
ReplyDeleteWouldn't it be nice for once if attorneys on this site showed some respect to someone, anyone?
I have read Doug McMurdo's news pieces before - there's nothing wrong with what he does. He's factual and professional. What is wrong with people attacking this guy? I just don't get the personal animus and need to denigrate others. I must be in the wrong line of work.
ReplyDeleteIf you are expected to hit 2500 hours per year, your vacation and holidays are counted against that. Thus, if you have 13 firm holidays during the year, you only have to actually bill 2396, or 2500-(13*8).
N.B. The 2500 hours are for illustration only. No one bills that much in Las Vegas.
Different firms have different methods of counting hours, but at the end of the day, any time you are not billing is simply not billed to a client, so it shouldn't count toward a billable hour requirement.
ReplyDeleteMost firms with an 1800 requirement don't count vacation, holiday, sick leave, CLE, or any half days toward the 1800. Some don't count pro bono toward the billable requirement, or have a separate pro bono requirement.
On the other hand, firms with a high billable requirement are more likely to apply CLE and pro bono hours to the hourly requirement. But it is unlikely that vacation hours would be applied to any year end billable requirement.
Jeanne Winkler
Amazing nobody has said jack shit about Winkler until it was mentioned on this blog...
ReplyDeleteResolved Question: Are The Vampire Diaries better written than the Twilight saga?
ReplyDeleteI'm talking about the books here. Forget about the movies and series for now. I know in visual format, VD is way better. The Vampire Diaries series was written before Twilight and the ideas are kind of similar, but which is a better book series? I've read a few L.J. Smith books before and they seemed kind of childish to me. Okay, not childish, but not as sophisticated as Stephenie Meyer's writing. Do you think it's worth reading them?
Asked by Claire W 9 months ago Report Abuse
Best Answer
I'm a HUGE Twilight fan but even I have to admit that Stephenie Meyer is not a very good WRITER. Storyteller? YES. The story of the whole series is amazing. But remember, Stephenie Meyer was never a writer. She only made Twilight because she had a dream about it.
But LJ Smith's books are 1,000 times WORSE, story wise, and writing wise. They sound like they were written by a 12 year old.
The first 2 books in the Vampire Diaries Series (technically 4, but put into 2 books) were actually ok. The writing wasn't good, but the stories were nice.
Then you get to the 3rd book and it sounds like it was written while LJ Smith was on an acid trip. Many times you don't even know what's going on, and when you DO know what's going on, you're like, "Holy crap could this get any lamer?"
Stephenie Meyer is not fantastic writer but my goodness she's much better than LJ Smith!
Answer by granite G 9 months ago Report Abuse
Asker's Rating:
Hey thanks to everyone else for answering, but you're answer made me laugh! :D
To catch a predator comes to Henderson. Unfortunate the police have to resort to entrapment to enforce these laws.
ReplyDeleteVery nice Blog, I will tell my friends about it.
ReplyDeleteHe's part of my family....
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