It's time once again for you guys & gals to report on the holiday shindigs your various firm will be throwing for their ungrateful attorneys and staff to under-appreciate this year!
Let us know where your firm will be holding its holiday party, along with any bonus perks that may be provided (open bar, limos, midget elves,
Charo, etc.). We will post the results in a few weeks.
Past holiday party survey results can be seen
here and
in my pants
ReplyDeleteHalf-day on a Friday - we all leave for a lunch party at a lame chain restaurant.
ReplyDeleteEmployees only - no guests. Gift Raffle
I heard the whole Clark County Bar Association is invited to the basement of ATMS for eggnog and pretzels at noon sharp on 12/24. ATMS associates will have to clock out for the event, so it will only last .4 hours. Happy Holidays!
ReplyDeleteNo mention of a holiday party yet. I hadn't even thought about it until this post went up. Now it's time for me to start feeling under-appreciated.
ReplyDeleteRhino! Each associate gets $1,000 in cash and a bottle of Dom.
ReplyDeleteI think we work together at the same sweat shop.
Party at one of the partner's house with catered food and unlimited alcohol. Everyone gets shit faced and hits on everyone and goes back to work like nothing ever happened. Awesome.
ReplyDeleteNot sure yet, but I'm hoping for VIP lanes at Red Rock again. Much better than some lousy open bar in a conference room.
ReplyDeleteOff topic, but it appears that the appeal from the first endoscopy case was dismissed by the supreme court. Anyone know the settlement amount? How much got shaved off the half billion?
ReplyDeleteThis is a video of 2 repairmen climbing up on top of a antenna to repair it.
Like they say "It's a rotten job, but someone has to do it"
I wonder what they pay this two guys ??
Private country club, dinner and drinks, spouse or significant other invited. Staff and staff member's spouse or significant other also invited.
ReplyDeleteThis is great. The government can't provide Awand as much incentive to talk as those who want him to stay mum can provide him to stay quiet. You go, Howard!
Will people please post their offices/firms when they say what your party is? Ditto to 9:17, and I need to know where I should envy the attorneys. And where to send my resume.
ReplyDeleteYou should all envy me. We don't have to go to any damn party, don't have to make small talk with stupid, ugly partners, don't have to imagine banging the hot 18 y/o file clerk, and don't have to worry about what might come out of my mouth after the 5th vodka/tonic.
ReplyDeleteinstead, a nice year end bonus check and a bottle of wine, and home to beat the wife and dog.
1:32---I never consider it a chore to imagine banging the hot 18 y/o file clerk.
ReplyDelete1:32 here: problem is, I'm already hitting the other file clerk. Now the party would be worth it if I could pull off the file clerk menage.
ReplyDeleteI just want to be able to sneak in to the HS party. It will be all ho and ho for sure.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the word on Wilson Elser? I was offered a job and I don't know much about the firm work environment. Obviously, in the interview, they made it sound amazing.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the point of being anonymous if you're going to annouce that WE made you a job offer. Obviously We knows who you are.
ReplyDeleteHS foregoes the Christmas party for Disneyland in October. No ho hos.
ReplyDeleteIf you are We then We should know that I would not make a decision to move firms unless I know how We operates.
ReplyDeleteI am going to host a party at my house. Free food, free booze and my lovely wife handing out treats while wearing a pretty dress.
ReplyDeleteWe are not amused.
Wilson Elser is full of lazy and stupid attorneys.
ReplyDeleteActually, only one of them. Just make sure you don't end up working for him, he's a complete tool. Go ahead, you figure out which one.
Re: Awand. Threatening jail for someone in jail? Who says waterboarding has no place in society.
ReplyDeleteOffice is closing and we're flying attorneys to L.A. for lunch at a downtown restaurant.
ReplyDeleteWE has some great attorneys.
ReplyDeleteHey potential WEMED associate. . . You're a douchebag and we revoke our offer.
ReplyDelete@ 4:09
ReplyDeleteYou neglected to include your address and the date/time for your party. Please let us all know so we don't miss the party.
I was going to have a holiday party but my retainer account was wiped out by a tricky Asian fraudster....
International Scam Targets Nevada Lawyers
An international scam, apparently based in Asia, is targeting Nevada attorneys and the money in their trust accounts.
The scam artists pose as legitimate corporations, pretending to hire attorneys to collect supposed debts in the United States and then forward the money to an Asian country. However, both the client and debtor are phony, as is the check which the debtor sends to the attorney. Upon receiving the fake check, the attorney is asked to deposit it into his or her trust account, deduct any legal fees, and immediately forward the balance to a bank in Asia. The client is usually very insistent on getting the money as quickly as possible.
The money is withdrawn from the Asian bank before the phony check bounces. The “client” then vanishes with funds that actually belong to the attorney’s other clients and had been held in his or her trust account.
Anyone with questions regarding this scam is urged to contact the State Bar of Nevada at (702) 382-2200 and ask to speak with the Office of Bar Counsel.
My office is closed today. I'm going to bill 10 hours playing Black Ops at my desk.
ReplyDelete" http://www.koreus.com/video/reparer-antenne-540m.html
ReplyDeleteThis is a video of 2 repairmen climbing up on top of a antenna to repair it.
Like they say "It's a rotten job, but someone has to do it"
I wonder what they pay this two guys ??"
Wow!! I was sweating while I watched this video and I am not afraid of heights.
No safety cord used because it slows you down.
I guess not checking every case that cites to your case is not really dangerous compared to these guys.
Thanks for posting.
ReplyDeleteUnnamed Las Vegas Lawyers
ReplyDeletePray that the party's not at Nancy Quon's crib...too soon?
ReplyDeleteThe Quon story is heartwarming. A bitter power hungry attorney who breaks all of the rules for the all mighty dollar winds up in this situation. Who would have guessed?
ReplyDeleteRemember this kids, you can make plenty of money and live comfortably without having to look over your shoulder. Or you can get really rich by breaking all of the rules and lose sight of everything.
I know that there will be plenty of immature responses here, so fire away about how I must make $35K a year and am just bitter…
How much did Attorney Brad Johnson charge, to pose for the Santa photo for this article?
ReplyDeletePoor Quon! She is like an American story wrapped in a Grisham plot. Rising from pretty secretary to successful lawyer, she falls on her face over some slickster tricks. Who drank her milkshake?