What are your thoughts on the way the elections turned out? We've previously listed the candidates that most affect our legal community; the results can be found, here. What do you think ... did the voters get it right?
Also, there were two ballot measures that went down in flames, as ATL commented:
In Nevada, the people voted to protect their right to vote for state judges. That’s not surprising, people who have no understanding about what judges do want to pretend like their [sic] not horribly uninformed every two years.
Here's to (at least) two more years of a "horribly uninformed" voting public.
ReplyDeleteWord verification: really?
ReplyDeleteWord verification: WTF
I'm new to Las Vegas . . . what's wrong w/ Allf?
ReplyDeleteNothing's wrong with Allf...it was a great TV show.
ReplyDeleteNancy Allf! Love it. I hope all you whiny bitches suffer the indignity of losing before her. Three things:
ReplyDelete1)Fuck you!
2)Double kickstands.
3)In your face!
Oh yeah. Not an attorney. Don't know who she is. Just voted for her because of people like 8:50
ReplyDeleteWow! I'm not seeing much interest in the local judicial elections on this blog, or is everyone finally back to working.
ReplyDeleteAnd this whole "word verification" thing you guys do is pretty funny/cool.
ReplyDeleteWord verification: You're all faggots!
Allf is a perennial candidate. But she's always been nice to me.
ReplyDeleteAnyhoo, Las Vegas Legal News reported Ron Israel was censured for unfair election practices TWICE and still gets elected.In his 2002 race against Valerie Adair he was censured for misleading voters into thinking he already was a judge. He was a short trial "judge" with two cases under his belt but his campaign called him a judge and his campaign photos showed him wearing robes.
Thanks uninformed electorate for shooting down merit selection and the intermediate appellate court.
YOu wanted to retain the "power." In Iowa today, which has had merit selection for 48 years, got rid of three Supreme Court justices that would have kept their seats in a popular election.
But hey, at least Sharron Angle didn't win.
Nancy Allf is plenty nice, I suppose, she just isn't a good lawyer and doesn't care about technical things like procedural rules or legal precedent. Obviously she was going to win - her opponent didn't even campaign. But we don't need more judges on the bench who don't carefully examine facts and law. That is my only gripe about Judge Allf. I hope she proves me wrong. Kishner was the only judicial race I thought could have gone differently (I didn't vote for Scann, Allf, or Israel either, but the alternatives weren't great so who cares) we actually had a decent litigator to vote for, Dabney, and we voted for the woman. I will note that Rob Bare actually beat a woman candidate which is impressive. But given the spending disparity on the campaign, he was sure to win. I also think he was the better candidate - but that doesn't really matter in judicial elections. Really, voting for judges is insane.
ReplyDeleteI am surprised the ballot measure for an intermediate court failed. Seems like the general public would appreciate having an intermediate court (besides, its more judges for them to vote for).
ReplyDeletethey must have been scared of the costs.
ReplyDeleteI think the IAC measure failed because proponents did a piss-poor job of explaining it. People thought it was just going to be another layer of appeals, meaning more time, more money, and no real benefit except to the lawyers. And non-lawyers don't give a shit about things like precedent, judicial efficiency, and not waiting 3 damn years for a final resolution.
There is a petition at boyd law to attempt to get the school to hire more conservative con law professors under the guise of "increasing ideological diversity."
ReplyDeleteI'm saying they should hire Angle, thoughts?
word verification: whiny bitch-ass conservatives
Christine O'Donnell would be able to teach the first ammendment.
ReplyDelete@ 10:09...are you serious? So what are they supposed to do hire based on political beliefs? are you kidding me?
ReplyDeletePlease get a hold of that petition. Who is behind that petition....please don't say ruben clark or the other christian loving student org
i'm upset kephart and kishner got elected. I agree that Kishner isn't that bad, but Dabney would have been a far better choice.
ReplyDeleteOther than possibly Dabney and Eccles (who both lost) and Sturman (who won), I could not identify a judicial candidate on the ballot who was not a poor attorney, an idiot, a loser, a lazy govenment gravy train lawyer, or some combination of those four categories.
ReplyDeleteNancy Allf and Ron Isreal are District Court judges. That is just plain silly. God help us.
@ 10:38
ReplyDeleteDo you really think there is no political discussions in Con law at Boyd? That would be news to me, considering I had Professor Lazos drone on about Iraq, Bush's college grades, etc, etc, for a good portion of my time in her Con Law class.
ReplyDeleteUnbelievably it is a member of our fine church of latter day saints who started the petition. I would think arguing against a professor whose views you don't agree with would perhaps sharpen your own arguments for your viewpoint more than having a professor who(m?) agrees with you but what do I know.
ReplyDeleteYou obviously dont know Susan Scann. Who, while as old as the hills, is super smart, professional and will make a good addition to the local bench.
You likewise, dont know Janiece Marshall. A hard working litigator, with tons of trial experience. Personally, I think that JP is beneath her, and that she shouldve run for D.Ct., but I think she really had a hard on for Abbatangelo.
11:13 AM - Fuck you. Maybe some students at Boyd want at least one professor who isn't some dipshit pinko commie cocksucker drooling over ideas that have been disproven a million times over in real life.
ReplyDeleteFor the record, Lazos is def. not a cocksucker.
ReplyDelete10:38 here. I am a Boyd grad and yes, I know that the con law teachers tend to sway heavily on liberal pro abortion anti gun toting side. However, you missed my point. What is Boyd supposed to do? Ask during an interview with potential professors, do you believe in abortion, are you a lesbian?
ReplyDeleteEVERY school tends to have more liberal teachers, especially for con law. teachers in general tend to be more democrats. deal with it.
@ 12:59
ReplyDeleteI think you win.
As far as "dipshit pinko commie cocksucker"'s go, I don't recall marxist theory or fellatio coming up in my con law classes a bunch, although I was disappointed we didn't have a more robust discussion about the stripper mobile and its implications regarding commercial speech and obscenity.
I voted for the appellate court, but I definitely understand why it went down in flames in 2010. We simply can't hide from the fact that this state faces a $4 billion deficit. Adding another court, at least right now, doesn't make fiscal sense.
ReplyDeleteAs for Question 1, I feel like it wasn't presented to the public well enough. Perhaps around-the-clock commercials and more public discourse spotlighting the antics/incompetence of Halverson, Miley, Walsh, et al. would've helped voters see the importance of change in the status quo.
I voted for the appellate court, but I definitely understand why it went down in flames in 2010. We simply can't hide from the fact that this state faces a $4 billion+ deficit. Adding another court, at least right now, doesn't make fiscal sense.
ReplyDeleteAs for Question 1, I feel like it wasn't presented to the public well enough. Perhaps around-the-clock commercials and more public discourse spotlighting the antics/incompetence of Halverson, Miley, Walsh, et al. would've helped voters see the importance of change in the status quo.
As a pretty centrist democrat, I think there are certainly more liberals than conservatives in academia. There are many reasons for this, some more overt or intentional than others. Liberals seem to be driven more by idealism, which is nurtured in academia. Conservatives lean toward realism and prefer to "do" rather than teach.
ReplyDeleteLiberals are pussies, so they teach. Conservatives are dicks, so they go out and eff people. Tenure is basically socialism which liberals love. You can potentially make more more money practicing law than teaching (but there can be serious money in teaching too - not for you Boyd grads).
When law schools are primarily staffed by liberal professors, they will tend hire like-minded people. They will also be extremely concerned about "diversity." So, until we have a lesbian Eskimo on staff - NO MORE WHITE MALES. Regardless, I certainly think political beliefs factor in to hiring. And although I'm slightly critical of the liberal-bias in academia, who cares what the stupid Con Law prof says. YOU'RE NOT GOING TO PRACTICE CONSTITUTIONAL LAW! Just learn substantive due process, forget it, learn it again for the bar, and move on.
Complain if your corporations prof doesn't teach about shareholder derivative suits because s/he is ranting about how soulless corporations are and how they should be abolished. At the end of the day who cares if your professor is liberal or conservative? If the bias is strong enough, you'll be able to identify the bias and accept or deny the conclusions. Good luck with the petition - honestly, that is a stupid move.
ReplyDeleteWord Verification: "and balls"
@ 10:38 / 1:08
ReplyDeletePretty sure a professorial candidate's publications are a good way to figure out political ideology.
12:59 wins
Question 1 was well-presented. The effort began too late.
ReplyDeleteQuestion 2 passed in Clark County by 4,000 votes. It got killed everywhere else.
Apparently, mining companies don't get cases that to to the Supreme Court.
Or is it an overburdened supreme court those diabolical miners (not cole minors) are after?
Genius! Sheer genius!
Join re: 12:59 = winner and ROFLMAO!
ReplyDeleteWord verification: otherteam
Lefty profs are notorious for stamping out dissent. If your greatest enemy is truth, then truth must be supressed and lies elevated to sacred unquestionable dogma. (e.g., Of course Humans are evil and must be regulated and restrained by every means available! Why, even the air they exhale is full of carbon! A cute innocent polar bear pup dies every time you go for a run around the park!!!)
ReplyDeleteAt my old law school I saw smart old white guys steadily forced out for no reason other than to make room for young commie cocksuckers and carpetlickers who specialized in hot topics like latino lesbian immigration rights or desert tortoise sexual reproductive rights, ec.
I am happy that Boyd has some brave students who at least will make an issue of the complete absence of ideological diversity at Boyd People's School of Law and Oppression. Now that's diversity I can support!
November 4, 2010 2:04 PM
ReplyDelete"Now that's diversity I can support!"
So, whitey is in support of diversity hires when he is allegedly a minority? Let's get some damn consistency.
/whitey male
@ 2:04
ReplyDeleteWhatever the seminar on lesbian latino immigration rights next semester is gonna be HOT
Looking at the pictures of the faculty at Boyd, I'd say that white dudes are the clear majority.
ReplyDeleteAs for Questions 1 or 2 - it was selling it that killed. Tough year to buy political ads for cheap though.
ReplyDeleteAs for 1:29 - Adding the intermediate court would not have added significant cost. IIRC, the cost would be minimal, if not self supporting. Per the presentation at the state bar, the intermediate court would have used the SC facilities in the RJC, and staff costs would be defrayed by reduced demands on supreme court staff.
.. this just in..
ReplyDelete.. Lil' Wayne is free again ..
The local judicial elections and the issues facing Nevada are extremely important to me.
ReplyDeleteWhere do I sign up and when do I get to vote?
Lil' Wayne is free?
ReplyDeleteThe Revolution has begun!
Hope and prosperity will once again return to the United States of America!
"Lil' Wayne, Lil' Wayne"
@ 1:49 - 10:38 here - yes I agree but I think you're missing my point. The point is that I don't believe the law school, which is funded primarily by the state, can openly hire based on political affilitation. Sure they do that right now, just not out in the open.
ReplyDeleteIn sum, this petition is asking the school to do something that would be unconstitutional....which these right-wing petition freaks would know if they actually paid attention in con law instead of just bickering over how liberal their teacher is.
can I get some double kickstands?
Double kickstands in petitioners face, POW!
ReplyDeleteThey did a horrible job of explaining Question 2 to everyone. Even those writing on this waste of time blog don't seem to know that when the supreme court was expanded to 7 members, there was a provision put in the statute that if an intermediate appellate was ever put in place, the supreme court would go back to 5 members. (NRS 2.010) Therefore, the intermediate appellate court could be created at almost no cost, because of the savings in reducing the supreme court and staff back to old levels. I can't believe I am acknowleding the existence of this whatever it is, even anonymously. Obviously, I need to find more constructive things to do.
ReplyDeleteI went to Boyd. I had Lazos for con law I and II.
ReplyDeleteLazos is gay. She never acknowledged this fact. She taught about gay rights for 4 class periods.
I don't know if she is religious. I don't know anything about the free exercise clause or establishment clause because we never talked about them.
55% of my professors during my first year of law school were gay.
There are a lot of mormon students at Boyd.
word verification: sister wives
ReplyDeleteWhen I am frustrated, I smear my boogers on the wall.
ReplyDeleteOur firm is seeking a solo or small firm to create an Of-Counsel relationship in order to have the ability to perform pre-legal collection work on our Nevada accounts. You or your firm would then have the ability to sue on accounts that have been uncollected. Retainer fee and litigation fee to be part of our arrangement. Unique opportunity for right attorney. Please contact with questions. Ready to begin this relationship immediately.
For the record, Nancy Rapoport is not gay, and she is smokin' hot!
ReplyDeleteThat's nothing. Tony Liker wants to train a part-time "appearance" attorney. From the RJ classifieds:
ATTORNEY - Part Time No exp necessary. Will Train. $2000/mo. for court appearances. Fax resume to 702-399-7450
Note he doesn't actually come out and say who he is, but that's his fax. Tony Liker training a new atty. God help up all.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. She is a hot little person.
I am sure Ms. Rapoport is a nice lady.
ReplyDeleteBut “smokin' hot”??
What are you smokin'?
The only people who would think she is hot are the inbred and his friends in Deliverance.
Oh yeah, I forgot.
And their cousins, the rejects at Boyd.
My doctor informed me today he is thinking of going to law school. I am going to put together a package of materials and a short essay on why he should not.
ReplyDeleteAny recommendations for books or movies? Let's try to save one soul.
I worked at a midsized local business a long time ago. One day a fag shows up. In no time he's a manager. Shortly after that, we hire a bunch of fags. In almost no time they drove the straights out. It was like invasion of the body snatchers.
ReplyDeleteJust a sayin'.
ReplyDeleteHow long did it take you to realize that interior decorating was not for you?
Great. In addition to law school and hair design, they have now taken over interior design. Hello. Wake up call anyone? Anyone?
ReplyDeleteWhen should us non-passers start studying again? BarBri doesn't start until the end of December and I kinda feel like starting too soon will not be beneficial, but I didn't pass the first time so maybe I should've started yesterday.
ReplyDeleteAny real advice would help, thanks in advance
I loathe political correctness as a conservative, but I cannot sit by and say nothing with the nonsense being hurled here. Civility and basic human decency demand some minimal standards, right? Please stop the anti-gay, anti-lesbian, anti-Mormon slurs. It is really completely unwarranted and just plain mean. Let's raise the bar, not demean others because of their identity.
ReplyDelete@10:10 Your doctor wants to become a lawyer and you want him/her to read something to discourage it.
ReplyDeleteMight I suggest the entire case file of Al Capanna
Who is Al Capanna? What does this mean??
DeleteWhat law school will Boyd grads start making fun of when UCSD takes over Cal Western and Boyd gets jumped in the rankings?
ReplyDeleteKEN FRIZELL's (aka "Ticket Fixer) employee was caught on video camera soliciting passerbys at the court house. I wonder if Dave Clark (NV BAR COUNSEL) will get him out of this.
ReplyDeleteThis is not some bullshit, I watched the video. Frizell is also seen in the video.
U gonna go to bat for Frizell MR. CLARK? Some attorneys play by the rules and some are true bottom feeders.
Discourage your doctor from enrolling in law school? Instead, he should follow it with a CPA degree. We call that a "Hebrew Hat Trick."
ReplyDelete11:44 pm has a point, but I can't stop myself from posting this Video that addresses alternative lifestyles from a conservative african viewpoint.
ReplyDeleteHave you seen Nancy Rapoport dance the Samba in that next to nothing costume? Confidence is sexy and she's smoldering hot!
ReplyDeleteAnd 9:57pm is gay.
Cal Western has been talking about a potential relationship with UCSD for years, and nothing has come of it. We can still make fun of CW grads.
ReplyDeleteBoyd grad here. Loved going to Boyd and rarely cared what political leanings the prof had...well, except that nearly every one had to go on and on about their hate for BUSH and the evil right and the awful conservatives. So, as far as asking the political leanings of a candidate, it is clear they already do and they hire libs and gays. If you count the number of gay profs at Boyd, it CELARLY out paces the statistical norm. Lazos sucks, and pushes her agenda as a con law prof, but then there are countless others over the years in crim, torts, fill in the blank that also pushb their politics. Some also tend to beat down the conservatives who are willing to even reveal their right-side leanings in class.
ReplyDeleteARE YOU KIDDING? Lazos Never acknowledged? So....she never brought her kids in or her partner? She never spoke of them? You must have gone after me and she must have been shut down then because she was all about that then. AND the fact she was raised the daughter of a missionary. I knew far more about her than I ever wanted to know. She came to this school like a gay freight train and I have GOT to think Boyd only hired her because without her they would not have gotten her partner, Jean Sternlight. Boyd does that a lot...gets the awful spouse of the attorney they are looking to hire......Aldana ROCKED but Pindell sucked........just one more example of that.
@9:09 - I am not 4:24...but I am pretty sure you're missing the sarcastic undertone of his posting hence why he said she taught about gay rights for 4 class periods and never touched on religion.
ReplyDelete@9:00 - I am also a boyd grad. However, I believe that every law school has liberal professors teaching con law. Liberals are the only ones theoretical enough to teach such a mundane topic. (not because it's not important but because NO one practices con law today) Conservatives tend to be business oriented and realistic.
also as a side note. If my memory serves me correctly, people bitched left and right when (forgot his name, shaved head, civ pro teacher who left boyd) taught conlaw to the night students. He was morman, right winged, and conservative. people said he sucked at teaching con law
moral of the story....con law the subject sucks. no matter who you have, it is still going to suck
Just for the record, it was Lazos who approached the petition starter in the first place, because she was concerned that the hiring committee has only interviewed candidates who espouse a living constitution ideology. She felt that the admin needed to hear the concern from the students...
ReplyDeleteUnlike my liberal friends, I don't need to have my professors validate my beliefs on a daily basis, and that's I why I took Con law from Lazos. Like most of the conservatives signing this petition, I've enjoyed being ideologically opposed to the majority of our professors. It's made us better advocates, and besides, it's been kind of fun.
We're only looking out for our "open minded" friends. You see, we want them to have the benefit of actually having a professor make them work. You know, call them out, put them on the spot, and make them defend their point of view. Besides, our liberal friends on campus are a bit too sensitive. They need to grow some thicker skin. Case in point, they whine and take offense when Fed Soc uses the term "obamacare" in a flyer, instead of the "Patient Care and Affordability Act", or they can't believe that the petition starter would "dare" to answer a professor's open letter asking what the point of the petition was. They wonder "How could a student be so rude to a professor?" And by rude, I guess they mean "disagree with".
The hypocrisy on this issue is incredible. The same group that bitches and moans anytime a particular group (race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic, etc.) is underrepresented in any way, suddenly sees no problem in having a completely homogeneous group dominate the faculty at Boyd. Instead, they snicker and snark on facebook, spend who knows how many hours creating a lame movie attempting to ridicule conservatives, misstate facts and conflate issues, and spread lies and rumors about conservative student orgs on campus. It's kind of pathetic.
It's time for some intellectual honesty. (if liberals are capable of it) Do you think for one moment, were the tables reversed, that our liberal friends would be so complacent with the status quo? Or do you think that there would be megaphone rallies, picket lines, and "Yes We Can" marches through the library? I think we all know the answer to that one.
Just for the record, it was Lazos who approached the petition starter in the first place, because the hiring committee has only interviewed candidates who espouse a living constitution ideology. She felt that the admin needed to hear it from the students...
ReplyDeleteUnlike my liberal friends, I don't need to have my professors validate my beliefs on a daily basis, and that's I why I took Con law from Lazos. Like most of the conservatives signing this petition, we've enjoyed being ideologically opposed to the majority of our professors. It's made us better advocates, and besides, it's been fun.
We're only looking out for our "open minded" friends. You see, we want them to have the benefit of actually having a professor make them work. You know, call them out and make them defend their point of view. Besides, our liberal friends on campus are a bit too sensitive. They need to grow some thicker skin. Case in point, they whine and take offense when Fed Soc uses the term "obamacare" in a flyer, instead of the "Patient Care and Affordability Act", or they can't believe that the petition starter would "dare" to answer a professor's open letter asking what the point of the petition was. They wonder "How could a student be so rude to a professor?" And by rude, I guess they mean "disagree".
The hypocrisy on this issue is incredible. The same group that bitches and moans anytime a particular group (race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic, etc.) is underrepresented in any way, suddenly sees no problem in having a completely homogeneous group dominate the faculty at Boyd. Instead, they snicker and snark on facebook, spend who knows how many hours creating a lame movie attempting to ridicule conservatives, misstate facts and conflate issues, and spread lies about conservative student orgs on campus. It's kind of pathetic.
ReplyDeleteIt's time for some intellectual honesty. Do you think for one moment, were the tables reversed, that our liberal friends would be so complacent with the status quo? Or do you think that there would be megaphone rallies, picket lines, and "Yes We Can" marches through the library? I think we all know the answer to that one.
I know one thing...."us liberals" know how to post an entire comment into one comment space rather than repeating it and breaking it up.
ReplyDeleteoh an what movie are you talking about?
@ 11:55 am
ReplyDeleteGreat! At least you're competent at something useful.
I was hoping to get a grammar nazi remark or two as well- I know you guys have to have at least SOMETHING to validate your opinions as being at the top of the intellectual food chain, since addressing the real issues at hand presents such a challenge to you.
The video was posted to a facebook site, but has since been taken down. Hopefully she puts it back up- it was actually kind of funny.
haha 142 i am not going to get into a political debate with you ona gossip blog, I will, however, point out your inability to correctly post your comment on a gossip blog.
ReplyDeletewait who put up the video? was it made by boyd students or was it a youtube video they just linked to their facebook
ReplyDeleteMy first post resulted in an error message stating that the text was too long. Apparently it wasn't. If that's all you've got in this online pissing war, by all means, point away. Besides, I'm the first to admit that gossip is definitely not my forte.
The video was an xtranormal video, much like the "so you want to go to law school" video posted on Oct. 29th on WWL. I think it had the same characters/scene as well.
It was created by a current Boyd student and posted on her facebook page for a few days. She must have taken it down, although I'm not sure why. Her name shall remain anonymous for the time being.
@ 353 - i didn't realize we were engaging in an online pissing war. Damn I should've drank more beer.
ReplyDeleteI was simply pointing out that if you are going to represent one political subsection and poke fun at another, please make sure your deliverance doesn't carry glaring errors. You should know that in this world of law, delivery is unfortunately much more important than substance.
yeah I'll hit up all the little 3Ls that I know and find out who posted the video. I just kind of want to see it. that is all.
Yeah, I wonder why she took it down. I'm sure you'll find out who it was if you ask around, I just figured she might not want her name posted all over a gossip site if she took it down. I'll respect that.
ReplyDeleteAnd I guess I'll go ahead and apologize for my "glaring" error of experiencing a computer glitch that still posts my message after stating there was an error, and that I needed to limit my text and post again. I mean, I should have known there would be a double post, right?
I mean that's right on up there with the laundry list of double standards and blatant intellectual dishonesty going on on campus. But the message be damned! He posted it twice! Ha! Hell, that message needed to be stated twice anyways...
But I've had my fill of petty bickering for the day. Bring more beer next time. If this is the kind of professional interaction I have to look forward to upon graduation, I'm going to need to pick up one of those substance abuse problems they're always warning us about. :)
On a Different note... Kenneth Frizzell, a.k.a Ticket Fixer was caught having his employees soliciting traffic ticket customers outside the courthouse. This guy is a real asshole because he has sent several complaints to the state bar about another attorney (who shall remain anon at this time)because this attorney has girls outside the courthouse. Frizzell secretly employs the wedding people (probably who just got released from prison)who annoy the hell out of anyone wanting to obtain a marriage license. When a person approaches anon's employees with questions about Anon's services,Frizzell instructs his employees, a.k.a Wedding Stalkers, to swoop in for the solicitation. C'Mon Man. Frizell, stop calling ANON unethical and then try to capitalize off his business. That's a bottom feeder for yo azzzzz.
ReplyDeleteHey Wild Law, will you post the video of Frizell and his wedding stalkers/solicitors on this site???
Lastly, Anon will be getting a television show very shortly. Rumor has it that his first target is Ken Frizell and then Adam Stokes. In the first episode, Anon will park a Semi Truck in front Kenneth Frizell's office advertising FREE traffic tickets. In the next episode, Anon is going to.... Cant tell you this one, sworn to secrecy.
@ 9:48 - nah you don't have a substance abuse problem if it's just beer. Now, when you start brushing your teeth in the morning with jack, then yeah, seek help.
ReplyDeleteOn a side note, enjoy law school. the third year flies by
ReplyDeletethanks... it can't end soon enough.