Wednesday, December 22, 2010

2010 Wrap Up: Favorite or Most Annoying Comment Trend

Here's your chance to shine, Double Kickstands! Or, FIRST! What was your favorite trend, as the trolls slowly took over?


  1. FIRST double kickstands, this blog is being fed to the trolls blah blah blah

    word verification: you'reatroll

  2. I'm going to have to go with the BK hottie. no one ever officially ID'd her. Pissed me off

  3. Anything and everything having to do with that sweater-vest-wearing, bluetooth-sucking, mail-order bride-having asstard.

  4. My favorite comment trend is anything that has to do with Troy Fox. Those jokes just never get old!

  5. @11:30

    We will be the judge of that. Please post nude photos so we can vote.

    (Just kidding. Well, sort of ... )

  6. by far the WORST one was the new troll "anon said....anon said...." at least double kickstands guy was funny.

  7. Ok, fine, I'm not the BK hottie. I go to bk about twice a year. But she was there when I went and I think she is lovely.

    And I agree, with @11:54. I wanted to punch Anon Said in the throat and I am not the violent type.

  8. It's time to retire double kickstands.

    The mystery of the BK Hottie should live on.

    Bluetooth deserves to be continually mocked as long RIGHTHAVEN exists.

  9. Honestly though, H&S really does suck. No lie. For realzz.

  10. It is a little known truth that Troy Fox, aka "the Mormon BK Hottie," dropped his bike b/c it lacked double kickstands, and cursed loudly into his bluetool, previously tucked in his dapper vest so as not to soil it while dusting with Pledge around his lone law book on his bookshelf. Unfortunately, on the other end of Fox's line was a well-known new Judge who had a hearing impediment due to the increased volume of silicone in her body, and heard the name of the firm they were previously discussing along with the curse and started the vicious rumor that, "Hutchison Steffan ... suck it, mother-pus-buckets!!"

    We shall now sing our requiem of Half-Assed Lawyers, Four-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, to purge our memories of the dreary doldrums of 2010 in preparation for the luminous potential of 2011!

    P.S. There's much more Dickensesque intrigue where that came from, but I'm just limping through the rest of December waiting for a respite from the pain of gainful employment.

  11. [Hangs head and slowly walks away accompanied by The Vince Guaraldi Trio's "Christmas Time is Here."]

  12. I think it's interesting how often the creators of this fine Blog mention "Double Kickstand Guy". Sure, he was at times inappropriate, but he always made me laugh. I know that I'm not the only one. Maybe, he shouldn't go so quietly into the night,.... And, Elle: I too wanted to harm "Anon says". Don't feel bad.

  13. I've wanted to ask this for months. What does double kickstand mean?

  14. @ 3:59: Check
    I'm too much of a gentleman to explain it,....again.

  15. @4:47: Urban Dictionary says Double Kickstands "isn't defined yet."

  16. Check out the story on Judge Vega and the jurors deliberating at 3:00
    a.m. so she could go on vacation according to the story

  17. So I, as a newcomer, went to BK Court today on a random matter in front of Markell. Some things I noticed....Troy Fox earns a lot of fees..I don't think I saw any BK Hotties but I saw 1 BK Naughty who was law school/librarian hot. Markell reads everything. Holy shi!. Procedure is king in BK Court. Many old dudes. Very few hotties of either sex. Library chick was dirty. That's about it.

  18. @4:57 - Please? I really don't know. When I google it, it shows bike parts. When I consult friends, they don't know. It's pissing me off that I can't properly contribute to this community because I don't know what a damn double kickstand is.

    Thank you in advance for your help.

  19. 3:59, 6:06, 10:06:

    "Kickstand" is defined on Urban Dictionary.

    Can anyone shed some light on the rumour that Abbotangelo is going to work for Glen Lerner? Please, tell me it isn't so!

  20. we allmust know how the vega story hit right? there's an i-team reporter scouting WWL for the good stuff...may be have a Reporters blog for giving them stuff to look much a secretary at Boyd law school makes...much more than most attorneys...

  21. Former Judge Tony Abbatangelo is going to work for Glenn Lerner, not a rumor, it is fact. Wonder how long it will last. How long do you think former Judge David Wall will work for Eglet.

    Judge Tony should not have lost the election. Decent JP.

  22. We need a post about Judge Vega taking a vacation during a trial and making the jurors work through the night. This is not the first time that a Judge has used her schedule to attend to personal matters rather than doing their job.

  23. Judge Tony is way cool. I hope he makes a bunch of money with Lerner. Eschweiler is cool too, who also works for Lerner. Is it possible that Lerner's firm is turning into one of the cooler firms around?

  24. I think powerful belly bumps are very cool indeed.

  25. @6:16 No, not even remotely possible.

  26. What about the DA Dancers? That shit was funny.
