Thursday, December 16, 2010

It's That Time of Year

You guys are doing a damn good job posting links to the news in the comments. I'm not going to post the same things here. I'm tired. From being a judge. Or being Joe's JEA. Or from mourning Joe. Or from being Joe's boss and firing him for finding out who he was so that he wouldn't find out who I was.

So let's talk about what people really want to know at this time of year.

Bonuses. How much did you get? Does the economy still suck or are the bonuses bouncing back?

And don't worry. I'm scheduling an open thread for tomorrow morning. You can talk about bonuses here and other stuff there.

(And for the person who said that we should stop paying for our servers and cancel everything - Blogger is free. That's how we keep it anonymous. Otherwise, don't you think Stokes would have sued our asses by now?)


  1. Bonus? What is this of which you speak?

  2. Very lucrative bonus...but I earned every penny of it. Plus, my base salary is marginal.

  3. How lucrative? Come on. Give us a range?

  4. I didn't get one so I'm going to rat out friends. 2nd year at smaller commercial litigation firm - $7,500. 4th Year at regional office got $15,000 - he works a lot.

  5. Anyone know what's going on over at Boyd's Career Services? Why are they looking for a new Director? What happened to every Boyd Alum's favorite hottie, Cynthia Asher?

  6. I've been at my current job for a bit doing PI and I've been told that if I want a bonus I need to make something happen. I get a percentage. It may or may not b fair but obviously people think I'm overpaid. At least I have some control over my own destiny.

  7. People are fleeing Boyd like rats running from a sinking ship. During the last three years, the school has lost most of its best faculty.

  8. No bonus for me - I work for the government. Right now, I'm just glad to have a job. It might not be there this time next year.

  9. No bonus.

    Pay is pretty good though.

  10. Big Firm, not doing well (but no one here will admit that). Christmas bonuses were the same as every year - structured. The real bonus we get once a year due to "work performace" (i.e. who's your favorite gets the most) is almost nothing when it used to be acceptable a couple years ago. Top dogs still get there super outrageous bonuses at every turn, but they are the only ones.

  11. Q: What is the difference between your bonus and your penis?

    A: Your wife will blow your bonus.

  12. My boss, Mr. Shirley was a real dick this year.. this was my bonus

    Jelly Of The Month

    ..looks like i can kiss that swimming pool goodbyE!!

  13. Bonus was 1/2 a month's salary.

  14. mid-size LV/LA firm. 5th year associate, $10k (just over 10% salary). seems fair to me.

  15. come on 907...which big firm is not doing well?

  16. mid-size firm, 2nd year associate. 15k bonus.

  17. Our firm does bonuses before New Years rather than Christmas so it is too early to tell.

  18. I bonused myself $30k.

  19. I don't even want to put my bonus...I need to get out on my own...large law firm vs. solo practice.

  20. $20K bonus, $25K raise after the first of the year plus an additional 10% ownership of the firm (10% already).
    Small firm practice FTW!

  21. $1...and I earned every penny of it.

  22. 8th year associate at large firm. $110,000 salary, $5,000 bonus.

    Happy to have a job. Wish I would have made a little more, but billable hours were down this year with the economy.

  23. 6 years out; large firm; $25k bonus

  24. second year lawyer, medium firm, $65K salary, $5K bonus

  25. 2 years at Half Ass Lawyers. No Fucking bonus because Adam and his ugly ass wife have to buy a multi million dollar home. Adam told all of us that we are not getting a bonus because we have to do a better job of collecting money from client's. WTF do you expect when you allow a client to put down $100 on a criminal case???

    Guess what Adam, your potential clients are getting referred elsewhere and we are getting our Christmas bonus elsewhere.

  26. In the spirit of bonuses, our firm happens to be hiring currently and was stunned by the number of applicants formerly from putatively prestigious firms who are agreeing to take less just to have a job in this market.

  27. Zentz works at Half Price, he got a bonus. They must really hate you.

  28. It's good that worthless associates are finally appreciating their jobs instead of walking out of law school not knowing anything and being delusioned by these international law firms that work them to death and pay them $40,000 to $50,000 more than they're worth to then basrely ever give them any raises after that. It mucks up their expectations.

  29. I billed 2140, 160 hrs over the minimum and got a whopping $4,000.00. I am going to try not to spend it all in one place.

  30. Paralegal: I got 50k salary; 50k bonus.

  31. 9:25 must be confusing Half Price Lawyers with Ticketbusters. Everyone at HPL got a bonus. Sucks to be you!

  32. Still no word on bonuses at my firm. Should I just give up hoping that I'll get one? Do firms ever give out bonuses after Christmas? I'm tired of saying, "At least I've got a job, it could be worse."

  33. I am an office manager, 120k Salary/ 25k bonus

  34. 2:02,

    You are lucky to have a job. I graduate this May and it is not certain that next Christmas I will be as fortunate as you are.

  35. one of our best years for paying bonuses, believe it or not. either we got a little lucky this year or the economy is bouncing back BIG TIME!!!!!!

  36. I personally know every single employee at Half Price Lawyers received a bonus this year (2nd year in a row) and that the bonuses awarded were in excess of $70,000.00. That amont is on top of the periodic bonuses the owners give throughout the year to thank valuable employees. You must be referring to Ticketbusters' employees at Harris' office who received nothing.

  37. Small firm. Paralegals got bigger bonuses than attorneys.

  38. 20k bonus quarterly. SR. Paralegal.

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