Monday, December 27, 2010

The Latest Headlines

A couple of headlines that I don't see mentioned in the comments yet today...

Someone started a fire at Family Court. Perhaps Judge Moss was purging her naughty and nice list? You know, if she had one.

Sandoval has pets. Steve Wynn has Monegasque citizenship. These are both news, but neither the Sun nor the RJ has yet to cover Vega's antics. Oh, wait, it was in the RJ's forums. That counts, right?

Thursday, December 23, 2010

2010 Wrap Up: Asshat of the Year

Who is your asshat of the year? Preferably a member of the legal community.

(I can't wait to see how many votes that Righthaven guy gets...)

2010 Wrap Up: Lawyer of the Year

Let's do something positive for once. Who is your lawyer of the year? Why? Let's try to be nice. The next post is negative, so you'll get your chance.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

2010 Wrap Up: Favorite or Most Annoying Comment Trend

Here's your chance to shine, Double Kickstands! Or, FIRST! What was your favorite trend, as the trolls slowly took over?

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

2010 Wrap Up: Best Legal Story

Unless you are trapped as a juror for 20 hours, the year is winding down and most of you are probably on vacation, so let's have some fun over the next couple of days and do a year-end wrap up.

What was your favorite legal story this year? Does one stand out? (There will never be another Halverson.)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday Open Thread: Have at it

Like a rainbow, it's the Friday open thread!

I'll start. Who is your favorite for the three finalists for Judge Wall's open seat? Peyton, Davidson or Tao.

Troy Peyton wins the coveted Elle Woods endorsement. He is in the top three opposing counsel that I've ever had. Davidson is second. I have no clue who Tao is.

Double cartwheels and round-off for Peyton! (No? It can only be a double kickstand? Fine.)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

It's That Time of Year

You guys are doing a damn good job posting links to the news in the comments. I'm not going to post the same things here. I'm tired. From being a judge. Or being Joe's JEA. Or from mourning Joe. Or from being Joe's boss and firing him for finding out who he was so that he wouldn't find out who I was.

So let's talk about what people really want to know at this time of year.

Bonuses. How much did you get? Does the economy still suck or are the bonuses bouncing back?

And don't worry. I'm scheduling an open thread for tomorrow morning. You can talk about bonuses here and other stuff there.

(And for the person who said that we should stop paying for our servers and cancel everything - Blogger is free. That's how we keep it anonymous. Otherwise, don't you think Stokes would have sued our asses by now?)