Sunday, February 1, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

Nevada courts rank second in the nation (behind Oregon) in heaviest caseloads according to an annual report on the judiciary. From the RGJ:
Nevada's trial judges oversee an average of 1,964 cases each year, making it second in the nation in caseload, in front of California judges, at 1,676, Washington with 1,670 and Arizona at 1,038, the report said. ... In fiscal year 2008, which runs from July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008, the Supreme Court received 2,238 filings, the report said.
Think it may be time for us to get an intermediate appellate court? Naw, too easy. There is some good news in the report:
In district court, the number of civil cases filed jumped about 10 percent during the 2008 fiscal year, while criminal case filings dropped about 3 percent, the report said.
WooHoo! A ten percent increase in work for civil attorneys is great, so long as you are not one of the attorneys who were recently let go due to (apparently illusory) economic concerns.


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