No word yet on what our local lawyer factory's passage rate was, but we'll let you know when we find out. Feel free to use the comments of this post to express exuberation/blow off steam.
We are delighted that the good work we are doing at the Boyd School of Law is recognized by this survey, however imperfect the survey is.
KKBRF is at it again! A large amount of the firms top lawyers are bailing and leaving the rest of the firm to fend for themselves. Top dog Michael Bonner along with several others will be going to Greenberg Traurig after all. There will only be like 12 attorneys left in the whole "mega firm" and who will suffer...the support staff who will be let go.That was followed up by a commenter who said that Tom Kummer may be leaving the firm as well. Good luck to all of you KKBRF associates if this is true.
Boyd School of Law Dean John Valery White acknowledged the challenging environment. He said with so many talented young faculty, some turnover is inevitable. He said the law school is committed to attracting and retaining top talent.
“One of the components of my job is to build a strong faculty, but not under the assumption that we wouldn’t have any turnover,” White said.
On the afternoon of March 24, 2009, just as a clerk walks away from the counter and into a backroom, a man is seen entering the front door. He quickly focuses his attention on a mannequin by the door.We still have a hard time believing this ... it just doesn't seem right. Guymon has to be at the top of the County's pay-scale by now, and his wife is the Guymon in Goldsmith and Guymon. It just doesn't seem possible that he is that hard up for cash.
With almost no hesitation, the man on the tape plucks a necklace from the mannequin. He checks around to see if anyone saw him. He then moves across the store toward the counter and as he walks he appears to slip the necklace into a bag he was carrying.
The man then proceeds to fill out three postcards at the counter, which is how the store was later able to get an idea of who he was. He filled out the postcards, sent one to his wife and one to his office secretary and signed his name -- Gary.
While I'm not part of the hiring process, I think a large part of the Boyd thing is that there is a lot of competition among firms for the top of the class and not a lot for everyone else. So if we interview the top 10 - 15 students, probably 5 - 10 of them are a good fit, and those 5 - 10 probably have multiple offers. So it's not unreasonable to think that we might not end up with any Boyd students. And why dip lower in to the Boyd class when there are other well qualified
candidates out there (like the ones mentioned above)?
From: [Secretary]Subject: Message From Bruce Alverson
As most of you already know, as a result of our country’s current economic times, virtually all of our clients have refused our requests for hourly rate increases. At least one client has filed bankruptcy and several more are rumored to be on that economic path. In short, our revenues are capped at least for the foreseeable future. Basic math tells us that if revenues are capped, we must make every effort to hold the line on expenses.
Salaries are the single largest expenditure in a law firm. Historically, we have given raises every six months. To our knowledge, we are the only firm in Las Vegas to review salaries and give raises that frequently. In an effort to control costs, we have considered various options that other law firms are using—ranging from layoffs to salary cuts to reduced work hours with a proportional salary reduction.
The partners have decided on a far less drastic measure. We are not giving salary increases at this time. We will re-examine this decision in six months.
From: [Same Secretary]
Effective 30 days from today, ATM&S is suspending the matching fund provision in our 401k plan. That is, the firm will not match future contributions. The 401k plan remains in effect–you can make personal contributions, but the firm will not contribute a matching amount. If you wish to stop contributing, contact [redacted] immediately and she will explain the process.
We will reconsider this issue in six months.
Given a choice between a potential female passenger and a couple of guys who might be strip club bound, drivers bypass the woman every single time. True, they only ran their experiment eight times, a small sample, but the results were pretty clear.
Firms looking to save money should hire more Mormon summer associates because they do not drink.