Wednesday, March 25, 2009

If you thought Noel Gage was bad before ...

Brace yourselves ... despite the grief we gave Noel Gage for his Medical Mafia antics, we never thought he would stoop this low.

That's right, in addition to being an (alleged) ethically corrupt attorney, Noel Gage is ... a water waster! Mr. Gage is ranked 73rd on the RJ's list of the 100 most prolific water wasters in the valley. Strangely, it seems to be a ranking of the 100 richest people in the valley as well ... go figure.

The list is a pretty interesting read, if not a bit Orwellian. The accompanying story even includes a map showing the location of all the water-wasters' homes, as well as satellite imagery of the top 10's palatial estates.

To be fair, George Bochanis beat Gage by a mile, coming in at number 43 and using 420,000 gallons more than Gage. Our friend Sheldon Adelson is also on there at number 79.

Lots-o-lawyers on that list, so let this be a lesson to all of you barrister millionaires: you can (allegedly) pay off all the doctors you want, but don't you dare water your acreage more than 3-days a week ... or the RJ will show your clients where you live!


  1. GT partner Mark Tratos is on there at number 88.

  2. I love how the Greenspuns make the list, yet the Sun website prominently features this gem:


  3. Generally economic pressure solves this problem. The top 100 users used over 2Million gallons. But if I owned 697k sqft of land, which is 21x the size of #88 Tratos' land, I should be able to use more water than someone with a 1200sqft house on 1/8 of an acre. The water company should determine the gallons per sqft used by their users, and when it hits over a certain amount, there should be a huge penalty.

    #1 Prince uses 24.91 gallons/sqft of property. #88 Tratos uses 63.73 gallons/sqft of property. Who should be penalized? The person with the largest plot of land, or the person with the more efficient use of water?

    My water bill is about $15-$20/month for a ~1400 sqft house, small patch of grass, mostly crushed rock yard. Damn...

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