Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Layoff Watch, Part 2.5

Ok, maybe Jones Vargas' latest shenanigans don't officially count as "layoffs," but we thought the story deserved its own post. As mentioned in the previous post, Jones Vargas has recently rescinded offers made to all 2Ls for summer associates positions, completely scrapping their summer program.

We have also learned that Jones Vargas has reneged the offers extended to last year's summer associates.

This is a pretty slimy move this late in the game, made worse after considering JV partner Joe Brown's comments to the RJ less than two weeks ago where he said that "his firm hasn't had layoffs." They don't count if they never really worked for you, right?

Good luck to those of you now scrambling for work. Remember: trust no one.

(RJ; Various tipsters)


  1. Tough times, indeed. I'd imagine JV had to decide whether to cut associates, rescind 2L SA offers, or consider letting the 2L SA's come work for a summer only to not make them an offer at the end. Some combination of those options had to happen.

    None of them are happy options, all of them hurt recruiting. I think the option they chose hurt the most. But we are kind of irrational if we think being hired for 4 months, not having any work to do, and then being fired is that much more desirable than having an offer rescinded, IMO. On the other hand, I guess 4 months of work and severance beats nothing.

  2. I heard Judge Gonzalez mention in court yesterday that she is looking for summer externs. Obviously not the ideal way to spend your summer as a 2L - but you get credit for it, good experience, and something to put on the resume.

    Good luck!

  3. I was one of JV's summer clerks last year and know all of the guys affected by this decision. I have spoken to each of them in the last 24 hours and they are all scrambling to find suitable replacements for the experience and the expected income. I feel badly for Dan, Parker and Bob and hope that they have some unbelievable stroke of luck which helps them recover quickly.

    I know Rich Jost, the recruiting partner at JV and believe that he would not have been party to this decision had he been able to find any way to honor the commitments that the firm made. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at JV and have nothing but respect for the firm.

  4. At the top of the linked article about law firm layoffs:
    CORRECTION ON 03/04/09 -- In Jane Ann Morrison’s column Saturday about layoffs in legal firms, Jones Vargas attorney Joe Brown, while referring only to attorneys, mistakenly said there had been no layoffs. However, Brown later clarified that the law firm had laid off one attorney and nine staff members.

  5. I realize JV isn't Latham, but any word about stipends or severance?

  6. @ Anon 1:41,

    You're not from around here, are you?

  7. What a tasteless move. What are those 2L's going to do now? Jones Vargas should be ashamed.

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