Friday, June 6, 2008

Doctors threatening Ed Bernstein?

Ed Bernstein of Ed Berstein & Assoc. [you know, the lawyer in that super annoying "doors closed in your face" commercial] apparently received a threatening email related to his representation of Plaintiffs in the Hep-C/Endoscopy/Dr. Needles civil case. Best part is, police tracked the email back to a doctor's email account.

The Las Vegas Sun reports (scroll down under the Aryan Warrior report):

Personal injury lawyer Ed Bernstein received a threat that attracted the attention of law enforcement early in his involvement in the massive litigation over the hepatitis outbreak.

Bernstein received an e-mail from someone using a phony name in March telling him to “watch his back” in the litigation. The writer told Bernstein, “We will be following the events closely, and we will certainly be keeping an eye on you and your associates.”

The e-mail concluded, “It would be quite the tragedy if you or someone you cared for ... were to be diagnosed with hepatitis C, wouldn’t it?” That sentence included
Bernstein’s home address, which naturally caused him some concern.

Bernstein turned the message over to Metro Police which, with the help of subpoenaed records, traced the e-mail to an account belonging to a doctor. Police
determined the e-mail originated at a computer in the physicians break room at
Southern Hills Hospital and Medical Center, Bernstein said. The doctor denied
creating the e-mail, and police have not filed charges in the case.

Wow. In this round of the eternal war between lawyers and doctors, doctors appear to have taken the d-bag title.

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