After receiving a tip yesterday, we took a tour of the rants and raves by searching with the terms "lawyer" or "law" and here's a sample of what we found:
- Attorney Westley U. Villanueva of the Patenaude & Felix Law Firm is [allegedly] an asshole to his staff and [allegedly] treats them like crap (post available here and the numerous responses to the post available here);
- A legal secretary explains how she once went to an interview at a Vegas law firm specializing in collections and how the attorney [allegedly] told two early-20s blonde women in short skirts that they were both equally qualified for the job and they "needed to show him who was better suited for the position." The secretary explains that she instantly "dropped to my knees and sucked him off." Apparently that worked, she claims she got the job. (post available here);
- Another poster brags that he is a Disabled American Veteran who's checks are untouchable by attorney Westley U. Villanueva of the Patenaude & Felix Law Firm [who is apparently popular on craigslist]. The poster then brags about buying a computer to trash Mr. Villanueva (post available here);
- One poster claims to work in the Clark County Family Court system and claims that Family Court Judge Cheryl Moss "is a known lesbian, although she hates strippers!" Apparently being a stripper-hating lesbian isn't enough because the poster also [alleges] Judge Moss is corrupt and the he only way to win in Moss' court is to hire a law firm that gave her a large campaign contribution. Finally the poster claims Judge Moss has been known to "'throw a case' due to being intimidated by 'assholes for hire' AKA lawyers." (post available here);
- Another writer claims Adam Kutner (who has already reached Vegas infamy status from a Las Vegas City Life story discussed here) has a deal with tow truck companies so that Kutner's office can take pictures of the vehicle before the adjuster for the insurance firm shows up and recommends doubters visit the firm's parking lot on a Monday morning. The poster, who signs "Former Employee" [alleges] Kutner seeks spanish-only clients because they are "more easily intimidated and manipulated" and that Kutner has "the foulest mouth you've ever heard". Finally, the poster [alleges] Kutner "has a terrible reputation among other attorneys in this town" and a potential client "would probably be better off talking directly to [his/her] insurance company". (post available here);
- [Kutner is also popular on the R&R site] Another poster writes about Kutner that after signing a "contract agreement you will never hear from his office again" and the only way to speak to someone in the office is "to drive down there and sit in the waiting room". The poster then encourages accident victims to go to anyone else. (post available here);
- one poster asks if Bob Massi is "a good lawyer or is [] just Glen Lerner in a better suit?" (post available here);
- another suggests the "first rule in the legal world, is never use an attorney who has to advertise after 10 years in practice . . .You can work out a better deal with the insurance companies yourself, and save all the lawyer fees . . ." (post available here);
- and what would a gossipy page be without a post on the 4 ft 10" Heavy Hitter? A poster writes the following about Glen Lerner: "That money hungry son of a bitch only got me $2500.00 for my personal injuries when i was hit head on by a drunk driver who fell asleep behind the wheel. I was promised 4-5k and received 2500.00, Do not make the same mistake." (post available here)
Yikes. Those posters are even bitchier than this blog. And that's hard to do.
Fantastic post here.
ReplyDeleteWestley Villanueva is typically the 3rd or 4th entity to receive the case. By the time he contacts you, the Statute of Limitations has expired and he can no longer sue you to recover but he doesn't tell you that. The clock starts from the last payment or purchase on the account. Most states have a 4 year Statute of Limitations with some as high as six. Don't help him or fill out the questionnaire he sends to you. If he files, simply prepare an Order to Dismiss based on the expiration of the SOL.