Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday Roundup

This story's been all over the legal blogs, but it's worth repeating due to the inventiveness of federal government IP attorneys: the feds now hold the trademark on the Mongols Motorcycle gang's logo and are trying to prevent the gang from displaying the logo.  (LV Sun

Because people asked for links on the proposed new ethical rules: Appealing in Nevada offers links to the proposed amendments.  (Appealing in Nevada)

Congratulations to Jacqueline Gilbert, Joseph Goldman, Christopher Pastore, Quinton Singleton and Nikkya Williams, who were named as associates at the growing Vegas heavyweight Lewis and Roca.  (Jaffe Legal News Service)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, hearty congratulations to Mr. Singleton for joining the firm formerly known as Beckley Singleton. Capitalizing on family connections is a time-honored tradition in the valley. Well done, Quinton, well done.
