Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Halverson legacy?!?

Ah, absence makes the heart grow fonder.  Judge Halverson hasn't been off our radar for more than a week and the media is framing her legacy.

The Review-Journal editorial reads:

A hearty "thank you" must go out to the single individual who has done the most to improve the Nevada judiciary: Elizabeth Halverson.

It's true. The arguably worst judge in Nevada, who has brought national embarrassment to the state, has been a positive influence on the selection of Nevada judges by making newspapers and voters pay closer attention to down-ballot judicial races.

Finally, Halverson deserves the legacy she deserves: she reminded voters that apparently it matters who sits on the bench.  So voting blindly can lead to dark, dark places.  So let's rally the voters this year, get them to the polls and remind them not to "pull a Halverson" by actually researching the candidates before they vote. 


  1. As oddball as this sounds, I can confirm that non-attorney friends of mine actually knew which judges they were voting for, including their background, and why they should be elected. These same friends didn't know or care squat about judicial elections until the Halverson debacle. So yes, it did seem to have helped.

  2. Maryann Morrison, the writer for the Review Journal is a pudgy,second rate jounalist who could not find a real job. Her bias's are clear. Her hate for Halverson blatant.

    Have another drink Marianne...

  3. If it was not for Jane Morrison at the RJ, Halverson's foibles would not have seen the light of day outside the courthouse, and I am convinced that it was Jane Morrison's reporting that shamed the Nevada Commission on Judicial Performance into acting promptly to suspend Halverson before she could do more damage.

    Jane Morrison's writings were scrupulously faithful to the evidence that emerged during various proceedings, and I regard her as one of the first heroes of the Halverson saga.

    Thank you Jane for dragging this sordid mess into the light of day so the voters and officials could do something about it.

  4. So who are the future Halvorsons on this year's ballot?

  5. to Rudolph:

    William Kephart
    Ben Childs
    Robert Spretnak
    Bruce Gale
    both Jason Landess & Stefany Miley
