The RJ reports:
A man was shocked with a Taser in District Court after he tried to run away from officers . . .
Michael Gray was before District Judge Donald Mosley about 9 a.m. when he fled the courtroom through the front door, said Michael Sommermeyer, District Court spokesman.
Gray, who is facing a charge of possessing or selling a document to establish a false ID, was taken into custody, cuffed with his hands behind his back and returned to the courtroom.
He maneuvered the cuffs to his front and ran out of the courtroom through a back door, Sommermeyer said.Gray ran into District Judge Tim Williams' courtroom briefly before court marshals shocked him with a Taser and took him into custody.
See. You shouldn't run with scissors or away from a marshall with a taser. Bad things can happen!
I bet it was Judge Williams' baliff that got him. He's a real pro (and a bad-ass).