Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Roundup on a Tues

What the hell is this state coming to?  I thought it was a libertarian paradise, but apparently you can't leave your baby outside the casino for an hour while you go in and gamble.  wtf?!? (RJ)

Advice for young attorneys from former politician and longtime Vegas litigator: "As Brian Wilson says, 'Hold onto your ego.'  Whenever you see an attorney performing in court, it’s not helping the client. The client might like it, but he’s really losing the case."  (LV Sun)  [advice for Mr. Callister: choose a job and stick to it]

Congratulations to:
Joe Schrage, who was hired as an associate by McDonald Carano Wilson.  (LV Business Press)

Brin Gibson, Greg Carlson and Abigayle Dang, who were hired as associates by Lionel Sawyer & Collins. (LV Business Press)


  1. Here is Brin's bio:

