Sunday, January 27, 2008

In Vegas, even Salvation Comes with a Tight Black Sweater

Ok, nothing to do with the law (except maybe the law of a higher authority), but I couldn't resist:

Apprently in Vegas, even salvation is sexy.

From the UK Telegraph:
With their peroxide blond hair, contour-hugging outfits, and surgically-enhanced chests, they do not look so different from their former incarnations in the city’s notorious sex industry.

But the strategically-located message adorning their tight black T-shirts gives away their new mission - as born-again Christians.

Embossed in gaudy pink, the word "Hookers" appears above the Christian symbol of the fish across Ms Lobert’s chest, while Ms Veitch’s shirt bears the legend "Holy Hotties".
God, I love this town.

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