Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Judge proposes he be sent to ethics classes

The Review Journal is reporting that Judge Lee Gates has submitted a proposal to the Judicial Discipline Committee to settle the claims that he improperly donated $10,000 to two judicial campaigns. The two donations of $5,000 came from money leftover from Gates' 2002 election campaign.

According to the Review Journal:

The settlement, proposed by Thomas Pitaro, Gates' attorney, and Dorothy Nash Holmes, special prosecutor for the commission, would require Gates to acknowledge that the two $5,000 donations he made in 2004 from his unspent campaign funds were improper.

The contributions were made to Las Vegas Justice of the Peace Karen Bennett-Haron and Nevada Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglas. The donations used contributions left over from Gates' 2002 re-election, when he was unopposed.

Under the proposed settlement, Gates would be required to attend at his own expense a course on ethical issues in the law offered by the National Judicial College. He would have to accept full responsibility for the violation, issue a public apology, and receive and accept a public censure from the commission.

The commission has to approve the proposed settlement before it can take effect. No date for a vote has been set.

Gates could not be reached for comment. He announced earlier this month that he would not seek re-election to the court this year.

All in all, a rather dull ethics violation for Las Vegas, but it's nice to see the wall of silence protecting judicial ethical violations is starting to come down.

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